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The Stepchildren of Fate (Updated 6/3)


First Post
The Chasm, Part II​

Emboldened by his numerous protections, Kyree flies invisibly into the chasm. His sharp eyes pick out the clear form of an evoker, ringed in mystic flames, and he does not hesitate in firing off a barrage of arrows.

Trella observes the minimal impact of her companion’s opening volley as she crawls by along the walls, charging straight at the fiendish arachnid. Aided by the magic of her armor, her first blow is a powerful one, shattering a portion of the spider’s exoskeleton. Roused from its torpor, its multifaceted eyes focus on the druid with ire.

Kai is the next arrival, flying in slowly since she lacks the ability of the two elves to see in the dim light Quid’s stone provides. The sorceress targets the nearest blurry blobs in a dispelling field, and hopes for the best.

Calla smirks as she watches the visible effects of Kai’s magic. Remaining within the entry post, she flicks her dagger at the nearest sentry. Though the wound it causes is minimal, the enjoyment she receives from causing a drow pain is not. Rhien spares a moment to ponder on her past as he streaks by to engage the spider alongside Trella. Dobi’s thoughts on the matter are different, and a little disturbing, which is perhaps why he fails to activate the wand of lightning that he clutches tightly in his hand.

Danek, hanging back, tries to maintain detached as she watches her comrade’s actions, focusing instead on the smooth feel of her longbow as she readies an arrow and prepares to fire. Her efforts are rewarded as she scores a hit on the injured mage, but her concentration is subsequently shattered by the overwhelming desire to gloat to the nearby Dobi. She gives in to the largely wasted gesture, and her thoughts return to their usual turmoil.

Not entirely surprised by the group’s arrival, the drow guards are quick to respond with a hail of projectiles both magical and mundane. Kai is their primary target, and she cannot suppress a grimace as her vision is temporarily obscured by the swarm of poison-tipped arrows flying at her. Thankfully her defensive measures hold, and only two draw blood. Her impressive constitution deals with the somnolescence these threaten.

Meanwhile, the spider backs away from its tormentors, attempting to ensnare Rhien in its webs. The nimble monk avoids these, but neither he nor his friends can do the same when the evokers mimic Kai’s trick. At their command, Trella, Rhien, and Kyree fall from their perches to end up stuck in the webbing many feet below. Kai, saved from that fate by luck, nevertheless curses the loss of her protective shield.

Quid, Khail, and a summoned air elemental arrive as the cavalry du jour. The latter’s whirlwind obscures a drow mage’s vision; Quid’s bladed version of the same rips through the webbing surrounding the structure’s spine like dry parchment, sending seven sentries—one in pieces—to join the fallen Stepchildren in the land of the entangled. Khail adds a mage’s body to the carnage with some well-placed arrows from his rarely-used bow.

Kyree harrumphs, frees his hands, and buries three arrows into second spellguard. The impressive feat goes largely unnoticed, thanks to his invisibility. He harrumphs again when Trella covers the region with frigid hail, obliterating any evidence of his arrows, along with a good bit of drow flesh.

Kai renews her magic, opting not to become an attractive pincushion. Calla continues to leave acid-filled wounds in various sentries while cackling near-insanely. Dobi, distressingly aroused by the display, gets the wand of lightning to work, and shoots Danek a look of his own as three of the drow sizzle and die. Flustered, the barbarian misses with a pair of arrows.

Angry drow target Kai with webs and arrows, but the sorceress proves elusive. She is less so to the unimaginative castings of the spellguards, who blister the Stepchildren with ice and lightning, much as their deceased comrades in the entry post did before them. The party’s collective scream makes the drow a bit giddy.

Kyree attempts to share a meaningful, “surface elves against the drow” sort of look with Trella, but is foiled by his continued invisibility. Trella is too far gone to have seen it anyway, nearly frothing in rage as she summons a column of flames down upon the spellguards. This, coupled with Kyree’s arrows, is sufficient to slay three outright.

Kai, dazed from the beating she recently took, half-heartedly wills the last into a fish. As he flops around, gasping for air, the sorceress removes herself to the rear of the battle with a single word. There she gets a firsthand glimpse of the brewing dementia that is Calla, watching as the halfling slays a sentry with her returning dagger, cackling the entire time.

She also becomes a spectator in the childish game Dobi and Danek are playing. The former extends his imaginary lead by getting the wand to fire again, but loses it to the barbarian when her arrow slays a sentry but the lightning does nothing to the resistant dark elves.

With the number of nearby visible enemies having decreased, the remaining drow focus on the pair of Trella and Rhien. The druid and monk suffer a spider bite and a barrage of arrows, but immunity to poison goes a long way to minimizing their impact. Nevertheless, Kyree continues to fight for “elf power,” taking two sentries right between their eyes with a pair of arrows.

The drow officer backs away from the mouth of the passage leading into the barracks, allowing Trella, Rhien, Kai, and Calla concentrate on the spider. A round of their combined attacks is enough to send the arachnid scurrying into a corner to lick its wounds.

The twang of many bows draws Rhien’s attention in time to flick away one arrow destined for his throat, but the monk cannot stop an additional five from embedding themselves into him and Trella. The druid, now looking a bit like a porcupine, snarls and warps the stone under the sentries’ feet into deadly—though hidden—spikes with a prayer.

The battle moves fully to the passage off of the web now, as Quid’s summoned elemental bursts into it flailing airy pseudopods, and Khail begins climbing the web’s spine to meet it. The Waukeenar nods, satisfied, while eliminating all of Kai’s wounds.

Kyree remains where he is and drops yet another sentry with more arrows; a healthy Kai flits down near him and triggers a wand twice to send lightning arcing across the passage.

Rhien frees Trella from the webbing entangling her so that she can join the mad rush out of the chasm. Noting this, the officer calls for a fighting retreat into a room deeper within Szith Morcane. Though he finds himself unharmed by virtue of his resistant nature, the rank and file is not so lucky. Two collapse to the earth, bleeding from their torn feet, and all but one of the rest are forced to halt before they join their unfortunate comrades. With violence in their eyes, the party goes to meet them.

To be continued…

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First Post
The Barracks​

Trella turns her head toward Rhien as she holds tightly to the wall. “Can you free Kyree?”


“Good; I’m tired of hanging out here.” The druid effects a startling transformation, suddenly inhabiting the mottled hide of a large spider as she makes her way to the passage, pausing only to dismiss the spike stones.

Kyree sighs as he waits, idly peppering the fiendish arachnid with arrows to pass the time. It hisses at him and retreats further.

Kai stares into the passageway with death in her emerald eyes. After firing off a charge from her wand of lightning to warm things up, she begins drawing on the essence of the weave to increase the potency of her magic. A second later a superheated pebble springs from her outstretched hands, flying outward to impact something in the darkness. Judging by the screams this elicits from the normally stoic drow, her fireball was right on target.

Calla’s breath quickens at the sound, and she frustratedly paws at the webbing near her, waiting for Khail to descend so she can have her chance at the dark elves before their voices grow hoarse. Am impatient flick of her wrist sends her dagger off to shatter an eye of the fiendish spider while doing so; Rhien is forced to dodge this as he scampers down the stone wall toward Kyree. Upon reaching the elf, the monk slips between spaces with the archer in tow. An instant later the pair is standing in front of Kai in the mouth of the passage before her. Arrows assail the two visible from further inside the city, but the minor injuries do not halt their approach.

The passage becomes crowded with the addition of more of the large band, a situation ameliorated a few seconds later as all visible sentries are sent to their deaths upon the cold stone via a combination of arrow, blade, and bite. For good measure, Kai finally slays the maker of the web with a volley of missiles, ending the threat from the rear.

Szith Morcane’s first line of defense is not yet beaten, however, and the drow manifest their superior vision in the darkness by peppering the massed group with ice and projectiles. Thanks to better luck than they are used to, only Dobi falls due to the combination.

Quid cries, “Dobster!” and is at his side in a flash, converting one curative spell into another on the fly to heal the majority of his wounds. Khail stops by her side only long enough to scoop up her daylight stone, and then he is off at a run down the passage. Expecting to meet only a few blinded drow, the paladin is dismayed to see four quth-maren standing before nearly a score of archers, their double-bladed-sword-wielding commanders, and a pair of mages assuredly protected by numerous pre-cast magics. All sport a thin layer of black cloth over their eyes, well-prepared for the party’s new favorite tactic.

Khail conveys this tactical data with the ever-popular “Drow! Charge!” and the party obeys. Out of the chaos of fired arrows and swung swords, Rhien tumbles through the line of sentries to stun a mage with a blow to the sternum. He is rewarded by the attention of the two officers, who close to melee with him. The leering black skulls on their white tabards stare balefully at the monk as their wearers twirl their exotic swords in displays of cocksure skill. Rhien ducks and weaves amongst the strikes, but he cannot prevent his blood from staining their blades.

Being further away, his friends primarily suffer the impact of ranged assaults, and Danek crumples to the ground after being struck by five arrows. Dobi snatches the party’s curing wand from Quid’s belt and bravely runs to Danek’s aid, closing a couple of the more prominent wounds on her body. The barbarian gasps back to consciousness, dimly aware through her rage-addled mind that she will not last long once her anger subsides.

Khail, dripping with spat acid yet again, lays about himself with great hacks of his longsword. Caustic blood spatters around him as one of the undead falls; standing invisibly behind him, Kyree calmly drops a mage with far less overt effort.

Trella takes in the party’s health—or lack thereof—grimly, and decides to do something about it. Invoking her staff, she summons a wall of thorns that blankets the entire area between the three remaining quth-maren and the sentries’ carefully formed double line of archers. With no opportunity to move, all twenty of the foes are captured within its tough brambles, and eight of the badly-burned sentries are instantly slain.

As his friends move to take potshots from around the wall, Rhien makes the difficult decision to back off. Luckily, the combination of a parting kick and five force missiles from Kai is enough to take down the final mage.

The two officers advance on said sorceress, but their blades are no more successful at hitting her than the twenty arrows that litter the floor around her previous position.

Khail—after being spat upon further—advances with his elven comrade, and the two manage nearly to end the undead threat. Trella steps forward as well, a cruel glint in her eyes. A moment’s gesture ignites a wall of fire directly on top of the thorns, and she watches with satisfaction as those sentries who cannot escape are both burned and torn unto death.

Incensed, the two officers respond, rounding the wall in a fury of whirling steel. One slices Rhien from neck to hip, nearly killing him; the other steps over the body to deliver similar punishment to Khail.

Their pleasure from this is short-lived. Dobi continues his tumbling act, restoring Rhien to consciousness, and Quid does the same for Khail, though in a more dignified manner. This marks the effective end of the officers’ resistance, as Khail’s arrows and Calla’s well-placed dagger ensure that neither survives to author another deadly strike. Once Quid fells the final quth-maren, the battle is over. Knowing that this is only the beginning, the group hurriedly gets to healing, while some split off to loot the fallen.

Calla looks around brusquely as the party begins its grisly search, pausing only for the priests and Dobi to heal. “I’m going to scout ahead to see if we’re alone on this floor, and maybe make sure we can avoid some of the traps that you all will likely step into otherwise.”

Trella looks up from her tasks. “Too dangerous. You shouldn’t go alone.”

Calla shrugs. “Okay, I’ll take the invisible elf. He should be sufficient backup.”

Kyree makes a face that goes completely unseen by the others. He accepts healing from Trella before moving off behind Calla out of the guardpost. Quid nods her appreciation before her mercenary nature reasserts itself. After expending her magic, she activates a granted power to vulture the most valuable items off of the bodies of those drow still caught in the webs outside.

Meanwhile, the stealthy duo pad down the hallway without making a sound. They return several minutes later, with Calla exhibiting several new puncture wounds. She holds a letter out before her, and looks decidedly displeased.

Trella looks up from her looting. “What happened to you? More drow?”

Calla grimaces. “No.”

Trella pauses, waiting for the strange halfling to elaborate, but grows impatient after Calla only picks at a wound. “So, what happened?” the druid asks more forcefully.

“There was a trap. Several, actually. I missed one. A salamander appeared. We killed it. It speared me a bunch first. Okay?”

Trella wisely chooses to let this go. “What did you find?”

“Empty cells, empty barracks, and officers’ quarters with some of the drow scum’s possessions.” Calla dumps a small pile of goods on the floor; Quid immediately rummages through them looking for items of interest.

“I also found this letter in the officers’ quarters. There doesn’t appear to be an exit from or entrance to this level other than the way we came in, and I couldn’t find any other drow either. Too bad.”

Trella takes the letter from Calla and reads it aloud, haltingly at times as she tries to understand the dialect:

Word has probably reached you about the fall of Maerimydra, and perhaps you have wondered about my safety. Obviously, I survived the sack of the city, although it was a close call indeed. The city fell at the hands of mere chattel—the priestesses of the Spider Queen had kept the city so cowed that, with their power gone, its defenders could not resist even a force of goblins, ogres, and giants. We held our strong places for a time without the clerics, but then House Chumavh was overthrown from within, and so we were undone.
I write to you now from Szith Morcane, the old outpost north and west of the city. Perhaps you will come visit me—though I must say if you still profess faith in Lolth you will not be welcomed by those who rule here now. The spider Queen’s priestesses have found a new role here, which I do not think you would enjoy very much.
I do not know if you still cling to the hope that the Spider Queen will restore you—will restore all of us—to her favor, but if you do, I urge you to reconsider. The Lady of the Dead will accept you still, just as she has taken me into her care. All Maerimydra is her temple now, and her emissaries rule here too. Abandon your empty allegiance to a silent goddess and come to Szith Morcane, but do not wear the emblem of the spider. I have need of allies of my own blood, and if Lolth still ignores your pleas, I suspect you do as well.

Raphael, who arrived earlier with the rest of the drow contingent per Kai’s orders, smiles at the note; the other three frown. Rhien offers, “I suggest we take anything else we want from this pile and decide quickly on our next move. Our healing and magic are all but exhausted for the day, and I doubt we could survive another such attack as we are now.”

A non-dominated drow that Kai has decided to call Michelangelo snarks, “What, you want to leave already?”


First Post
Jeremy said:
Enjoying the mass combat of this one. And the snide comments. :)

My first non-PC commentator! Thanks!

I'll try to keep up the comments, but I'm afraid the mass combat is going to get somewhat less mass in the near future, as half the party bites it in the next few installments. Can you guess who?

Anyway, my response to that is: Phew. Running those things took hours, and I think things run better when each person is running one character. Although, when the (smaller) party decides to take on Castle Maerimydra en masse, a few more PCs wouldn't make a difference. But that's a ways away.


First Post
Nocturnal Visitation​

Kai’s eyes narrow dangerously as the letter falls slowly to the ground. "Silent goddess? You all pissed off Lolth and that's the reason you've been kicked out of your home? You're not telling us everything. What's this Maerimydra place? Is Lolth not talking to anyone, or is it just you people?"

Michelangelo glares at Kai. "Watch yourself, female."

Raphael gleefully relates to the group that Maerimydra is a great drow city in the Underdark, only a few days’ travel from Szith Morcane, and that the latter is an outpost for the former. “The city used to be run by the rothe-like followers of ‘She who holds no more power here,’ but without her accursed influence the priests were unable to hold the city against ogre, giant, and goblin rabble.”

After the other dominated drow holds back Michelangelo, the angry fighter says coldly, "And demons, fool. Don't forget the demons. And the betrayal. It was not your foolish cult that felled the city."

"You weren't even there; you were high born only of a colony."

Michelangelo’s eyes shine coldly in the brightly lit room.

Snicker, relieved to be out of danger for the time being, breaks the tension by flying happily over to the pile of loot to curl up atop it, adopting the pose of a much larger dragon upon his hoard. Quickly growing bored with that, he burrows snout first through the pile, coins falling around him like fallen leaves. Eventually he emerges with a rapier in his mouth, feinting with it toward Rhien as best he can. Kai coos words of praise at every opportunity. Eyeing two pairs of slippers of spider climbing speculatively, she offers, “What do you think? Do these go with Steve’ coat? They’ll certainly help him descend the web.”

Quid chuckles. “I like it. Pink is very in on the surface. Maybe we could put some ribbon on one of the drow symbols to add to his ensemble.”

Khail is not amused. “I am not amused.”

Kai giggles. “Aw, you’re never any fun. Anyone up for going back to sell some of this stuff?”

Quid nods. “’Twould be a shame if something should happen and the loot weren't properly recapitalized.”

Trella harrumphs, “Good shopping. We’ll be here in a defensible room until you get back.”

Kai turns back to Raphael. “So, you have demons working for you?”

"That army was not allied with our forces. We do have demons in our service, as any self-respecting drow house would, but we cannot claim an army of demons. Undead, on the other hand, send our enemies fleeing in mindless terror!" Raphael seems truly proud of this. Michelangelo gags.

Kai agrees and pushes for more. "With such a potent force as the quth-maren, you could surely take over wherever you wish. What's your interest in this sorry outpost?" She cuts off Michelangelo’s retort with a hard look. "And why not also take the town of Daggerdale, rather than settling for harassing the outlying farms?"

Raphael looks confused; it seems that the questioning is reaching the end of his knowledge. Nevertheless, he makes an attempt to answer. "Eventually the White Banshee will hold sway over all your surface lands, and this outpost will be provide a path to do so. For now we are commanded only to spread fear and chaos, for these are pleasing to her."

"Does she have priests? We have not seen any."

Rhien coughs delicately. Kai snaps semi-playfully, "Okay, then, just the one."

Raphael adds, "Only the most holy drow females can aspire to such grace." Michelangelo mimes retching.

Reaching a dead-end, she asks him flat out (after praising his knowledge) what is in the inverted tower level of this city.

He responds, "Mages. The tower houses the center for the study and practice of magic in the outpost. It's changed little since the heathens held it. The archmage and his apprentices are too self-absorbed to come to the outpost’s aid."

Michelango adds, "For once I can't disagree with him."

Kai runs a hand through her hair. "If the mages were so self-absorbed as not to care when the city changed hands, I'm guessing they haven't had much to do with any petty raids."

Raphael shakes his head negatively. "I think I gave you an incorrect impression earlier. Despite their self-absorption, the mages do wield great power, and do take part in the affairs of the outpost, whenever it suits them. They defend the outpost only when they perceive a real threat, and give just enough help to the ruling group to keep it off their backs. I myself once aspired to be one, before realizing that I was too good a warrior to ignore my spiked chain for dusty old tomes. I and a few others like me—but lesser—got placed guarding the twins, Velasta and Velina—you met the latter briefly—while a few others stay to guard the inverted tower." In response to Kai's silent question, Raphael answers, "It's called that because it gets wider as it goes up."

Kai's eyes suddenly widen in horror as questioning Raphael telepathically appears to remind her something. "Um, so," she begins as casually as possible, trying to keep the drow in a loquacious mood, "Do hunter-killer teams come from the, um, the tower?"

Raphael responds happily, "They're gathered from all over the outpost."

"That sure must be something. It sounds like quite a force."

Raphael nods. Prompted telepathically, he looks disturbed for a moment, seemingly fighting Kai's hold over him. His shoulders slump after failing to get free. "It varies, but usually such teams are built from a high-ranking priest, a powerful warrior, and a strong mage, supported by whatever is available. I'm sure anyone left alive from the earlier raiding party will want another crack at you as well. We consider retribution to be a virtue."

Kai sighs deeply and turns to the others. "So, they'll send this hunter-killer team after us once we are 'weakened or sleeping,' I believe the terms were. If we plan on spending the night down here, we'll need to be ready for this attack. If we leave, we need to take our four friends off their door-guarding duty while we're gone, or they'll be sitting ducks. We may want to send them back to Dagger Falls even if we stay, to prevent their being targeted out of sheer cruelty. I guess I lean toward taking the risk of staying here, but we'll need to be prepared for an attack. Ideally we should set alarms far enough away that we could get up and cast preparatory magic before the attack."

Quid doesn’t like the plan, but agrees to it. She withdraws an enchanted stone from her pack, instructing the group to affix it to a door so as to provide at least some warning of an intrusion. Khail leaves with the slippers to retrieve Steve and instruct the four people above to withdraw and hide. Kyree and Rhien help Kai gather the goods together before she and Quid teleport away.

Khail returns walking Steve—who is forced to lower his head as he traverses the passageways—about thirty minutes later. Once he is back, he and Trella enter the kitchen, guide the rest of the group inside, and finish creating a workable construct of shattered table pieces and chairs to block the door. Then the group sits down to wait, napping whenever possible.


A figure indistinguishable from the deepest shadow slams his mailed fist upon the magically hardened mushroom he uses for a table. “They depopulated the barracks to the last drow!” he thunders. “Something must be done!”

“Do not forget your place, brother,” a pair of eyes hiss from an area darker still. The accent on the last word causes even the hardened warrior to recoil slightly.

“I have never,” the drow whispers, a hint of remembered pain coloring his tone.

“Good. They will be dealt with tonight. You will see to it personally. Take our cousins, and do not fail me.”

The blackened gauntlet grasps an evil-looking double-ended flail. “Have I ever?”

“See that you do not start now. I want no survivors. Mother’s work must not be interrupted.”

Boots echo across the level as the tall drow exits the chamber. He is not pleased.


The rest of the day passes slowly, though without any hint of a retaliatory attack. Whether this is because the outpost is too weak to respond or the drow are simply waiting for an optimal time is anyone’s guess. Near dinner, Kai and Quid return. Tired from a day’s worth of walking and bartering, the pair quickly takes up positions on the floor while others distribute the purchases.

Quid instructs Dobi to set the stone of alarm on the door, before she begins to pray. An hour later Trella takes over for her, offering her own thoughts to Silvanus. After this, and a small dinner, the party prepares to turn in.

As she unties her bedroll, Kai jerks to attention. “We’re being scried upon,” she declares.

Trella shrugs and sits down to her watch. “Let them come. We’re ready.” Not everyone shares her confidence.

Several hours pass, and Rhien takes over for the druid with a smile. When Kyree relieves him two hours later, the daylong quiet has become almost eerie.

Midnight comes, and the archer looks forward to communing with Solonor Thelandira, pleased at the progression of his own faith over the past year. Such introspection is insufficient to cloud the elf’s sharp senses, however, and he clearly picks out the clomp of boots on stone relatively close by. Waking the rest of the group as quickly as he can manage, Kyree estimates there could be a dozen enemies closing in on the party’s position, and conveys this worrisome news to his comrades.

As all wipe the sleep from their eyes, there is a sudden pounding on the door. The wood holds for the time being, but acid from the fists of the undead pounding on it is already eating through, and will render the barricade moot within seconds. Kyree draws his bow and says ominously, “It appears the hunter-killer team has arrived.”

To Be Continued....


First Post
The Hunter-Killer Team​

“My feet hurt,” Lenara whines for what must be the tenth time. “Are we almost to the surface?”

Cerridwin eyes him provocatively. “I could carry you.” Every expression the satyr makes comes out as a leer.

Lenara coughs delicately and demurs. It is clear he preferred the bard’s old form. Cerridwin sulks.

Buttercup offers, “I hope we can find some flowers in bloom. They’re pretty.”

Andy sashays her way up the final incline. “We’re almost out.” Left unsaid is her uncertainty over the rectitude of this course of action. She covers it up with a series of inane questions to the cleric as to the possibility of procuring a plant-based dye capable of painting her nails crimson.

“The sun is out. That’s good for the flowers.” Buttercup beams generally at the surroundings, while a more practical side of his personality takes charge of his body and sets up camp. Both aspects blissfully ignore the disgustingly graphic analysis of their new genders that occupy the next half-hour of his comrades’ time.

The discussion comes to a halt when Khail pokes his head out of the double-doors leading to the crypt. Lenara swoons as he passes on news of the victory in the barracks and the imminent arrival of the hunter-killer team, ending with the strong caution to leave for Dagger Falls immediately.

“But…” Andy interjects.

“No buts, Andy. You have to trust me.”

“Yours is magnificent,” Lenara mutters.

“What?” Khail asks, surprised.

“Nothing. We’ll go.” Lenara blushes and shuffles off; Buttercup and the others follow after breaking down their campsite.

They get halfway to Dagger Falls before Andy stops dead in her tracks. “Would you guys be totally upset if I, uh, wanted to go back?”

Buttercup exclaims, "You want to go back? Me too!"

Andy nods. "I do. I…I don't feel right abandoning them like that. I don't like feeling like a coward. I'd rather die down there than live on the surface with a bunch of strangers. Besides, I doubt these drow will just let us walk away without a fight, and we have a better chance of survival with those really powerful people than we do alone."

Lenara looks down at the ground with divided loyalties. "If Cerridwin does not want to go back, I'll have to accompany him. I won't let him go it alone. That's not right either."

Buttercup looks torn. "Want to stay, want to make sure friends make it out okay. My head hurts!"

Andy looks at Cerridwin for an answer.

For an answer, Cerridwin looks Andy up and down lasciviously.

Andy gulps inwardly and takes one for the team. Her awkward come on is met with enthusiasm, and soon halfling and satyr are coupled in a manner that sends Lenara and Buttercup fleeing headlong into a nearby grove, emerging only when they are absolutely sure that the mismatched pair is finished with their exertions. They repeat these actions during the extended dinner break that Cerridwin’s urges necessitate, and are almost relieved when they find themselves again descending into the drow stronghold.


Dobi slips behind Danek and whistles a six-second tune. Ignored by all else present, it slides smoothly into the barbarian’s subconscious, spurring on all that could be great within her. Smiling slightly, she quaffs a potion in a single gulp, glancing at the preparations of her companions through the lens of the empty flask. Rage begins to overtake her as she spies the four drow accompanying the group, thinking upon their predations, and her grip on her blade’s pommel tightens. Let them come. They will only meet their deaths.


“Break it down!” the stout priestess shrieks shrilly.

“Patience sister,” Velasta coos. “The quth-maren will be upon them soon enough.”

Velina spins on her twin, but stifles her reply as the door sunders, revealing a wooden barricade made from destroyed furniture. “Destroy them!” she cries.

A sphere of fire manifests atop the undead, and spikes arise below them, but they are unharmed. Zedarr takes this as a good sign, loosening his grip on the unholy dire flail he wields so expertly. Perhaps I will get my choice of playthings before they are all dead. The elves look to be screamers….

His dark musings are broken by the shattering of the barricade. Quid is ready for this, and she brandishes her holy symbol boldly while calling for the quth-maren to flee to the land of the paupers and the pound-foolish. One is apparently frightened by this tirade and obeys, leaving five more in the now-open doorway.

Khail and the four Renaissance drow take arms to these with force and finesse, and two fall under their determined assault. Leonardo’s shout of success, however, vanishes under the veil of silence that suddenly descends.

Zedarr’s expression is indeterminate, but the quickening whirling of his dire flail signals his growing excitement at the prospect of imminent violence. Beside him what appears to be a rust-red displacer beast paws the ground with four of its six legs. Rhien tumbles past both, as well as the undead in front of them, on his way to the well-shielded Velina, hoping to duplicate his earlier success against her, but the monk is unable to make contact.

Before anyone else can move, Zedarr pounces like the tiger his companion superficially resembles. Ignoring both the spike stones and the flaming sphere as if they were orisons cast by a neophyte druid, the drow traverses the five feet to Khail's position with fearsome intent. The quth-maren shy away at his approach. His first blow is aimed unerringly at Khail's blade, with the clear motive of sundering the weapon whose holiness hurts him worse than any knife. As the flail passes right through the sword without effect, Zedarr pauses, nonplussed. What manner of sorcery is this? Lacking some of his earlier confidence, the blackguard’s further swings manage only minimal damage to his opposite.

Kyree lifts off the ground, so as to be able to fire on Zedarr without giving him the benefit of Khail as cover. His first shot activates earlier cast magic, and the arrow finds a chink in the drow's heavy armor, driving deep into his chest. Two more arrows hit an instant later, though with substantially less effect. The blackguard swivels his gaze to face the flying ranger, thankful that the cursed elf cannot see the grimace he fails to stifle. The acid-laced dagger that exacerbates the grievous chest wound does not improve his mood.

The Abyss take these fools! snarls the drow internally as he watches Kai, Trella, and Quid extract themselves from the silence radius with merely a thought. Then, with less fervor: Who are they?

The teleporting spellcasters are greeted by a lightning bolt from a now-visible drow arrayed as Raphael is; Snicker points out a plumper robed figure standing invisibly on the opposite side of Kai. Trella activates the most powerful ability of her potent staff, and floods the room with five large elementals of purest earth. On her command, they fan out and pummel drow with rocky fists. Khail and Danek tussle with Zedarr’s pet.

The rotund invisible drow speaks words backed by the power of the Shadow Weave: “It’s late and you’re all tired. Wouldn’t a long nap be nice?” All in the hallway save Snicker and the elementals collapse gently to the ground, the druid’s snores audible before her head comes to rest. The brave pseudodragon takes wing, hovering over Kai in defense.

The mage’s second trick is not aimed at her, however; he summons shades of maurezhi to devour Danek from the inside. Only her potent constitution protects the paralyzed barbarian from a sudden demise. She shakes off the effect, but cannot so easily dismiss her gnawing fear that the collapse of half the group signals her own imminent demise.

In contrast, Zedarr’s confidence grows with the gentle thumps he hears behind him. His subsequent words, though, are lost to magical silence, and it is doubtful that the stoic Khail would be impressed even if he had been able to hear them. As the blackguard readies his flail to strike, the paladin raises his own weapon, and then brings it sweeping down towards his foe’s neck. The few seconds Zedarr maintains his sentience while his head bounces along the stone floor are spent wondering if his mother would recall him despite his failure, and if his sister would gloat in that case. I will have my vengeance on her as well, he thinks, and then he is dead.

The fiendish displacer beast unleashes a hideous scream at his master’s passing, and does not grow quieter while being scored by the blades of both paladin and drow subsequent to this. Spared from this but still furious over having her life imperiled, Danek opens new wounds across the beast’s blood-stained fur.

In disbelief at Zedarr’s sudden beheading, the twins resolve to deliver a retribution befitting such a crime. A storm of flames is invoked to envelop all enemies save Quid and Kai, and the nimble Kyree—who avoided all damage entirely from the fire with a smart tumble—barely avoids having his life snuffed out on the business end of a ray of destruction. For good measure, their servitor undead spit sticky globs of acid at Khail’s face.

Kyree wipes the blood from his mouth and coldly targets his would-be killer for his next volley. Four arrows thunk solidly into Velasta’s arms and chest despite her numerous protections. Slowly, so that she can read his lips, the elf mouths, “Can’t handle a little retribution?” in his native tongue. Velasta’s eyes go black. Calla, having no desire to get in the middle of this feud, tosses a dagger at the beast from her hiding place.

Snicker is a flurry of tooth and tail as he tries to wake up both Kai and Quid with minor violence, after seeing how the firestorm shocked Trella and Rhien out of their slumber. He manages to strike only the former, but she groans and begins to rise.

Thoughts of fleeing pass across the arcane guard's face, but one look at the dual priestesses banishes them with a shudder. Turning back to Trella, he unleashes a volley of three mystic missiles at the druid. She ignores him, shouts “Bite my staff!” and speaks brief words of magic while pointing in the general direction in which she expects the plump mage to be.

Suddenly limned in pale green, the mage likes his chances far less well. Rhien—who stands mere feet from him—becomes the target of a suggestion to “Go check on your friends up above.” When the monk fails to obey, the drow decides he’ll take his chances with the local powers-that-be and teleports away from the battle.

Khail presses his attack on the displacer beast, looking to clear a path to the priests. His first swings fell the fiendish creature despite its light-warping aura, allowing the paladin to cleave through its dying body and land additional blows on the nearest undead. The latter endeavor is aided by the continued assault of the Renaissance drow, who manage to poke numerous holes in the quth-maren with their rapiers.

Furious at both the party’s temerity and the desertion of their comrade, the twin priests react with blind fury. Velasta chugs a potion, and then unleashes another firestorm to match her sister's, this time including even the sleepers in its area of effect. Donatello and Raphael die instantly from the blaze. Kyree, Dobi, Rhien, and Calla avoid injury, but the others all are seriously burned by the conflagration. Poor Snicker crumples to the ground, his bright scales scorched into dullness.

Not to be outdone, Velina calls down unholy fire upon those in the room, looking to end their threat before it reaches her. Leonardo joins his comrades in instant death, while Michelangelo collapses with his life force ebbing away. Kyree and Calla again spin away, but Dobi finds his leg caught on a piece of broken chair and cannot escape. His final scream of anguish doesn’t register within the eerily quiet charnel house of a room, but the blackened husk of his body as it collapses upon striking the earth conveys the emotion well enough to the shocked onlookers.

Danek starts at the scene, nursing her own burns, but has little time to contemplate its emotional impact. Fists weeping acid rain down on her head, and she feels her mortality urgently just before consciousness leaves her. Steve whinnies and takes her place; the mighty warhorse’s hooves shatter a quth-maren’s ribcage and send it back to death.


The anguished sounds of combat reach the smaller band even as far as the main chasm, and its members pick up their pace. Moving slowly across a grisly carpet of drow corpses and spilt blood, the four ready their weapons for whatever lies ahead. Cerridwin spots its leading edge a moment later: a lone quth-maren, fleeing from whatever ghosts could scare the unliving. He gulps and begins speaking words of magic. I really hope I don’t turn into a cow. I’m so sick of cows.


Something in Calla snaps at Dobi’s death, and she rolls into the center of the scorched room, dagger flying toward Velasta. Unfortunately, this proves no more effective than Rhien’s fists, and only Kyree’s arrows connect with the stout drow priestess. Her answering glare makes it obvious who the next target of her magic will be.

Or rather, would have been, had she survived long enough to cast it. Trella’s elementals, which thus far have not had much of an impact, surround Velasta and pummel her with their club-like arms. Only one penetrates her defenses, but it is enough to crush her skull like a walnut.

Velina fights off two disintegration rays from Kai, as well as the other two elementals, while watching her sister’s now-headless body fall. If she feels any sorrow, it is well hidden. She begins yet another prayer, this one designed to slay its target.

Trella barely sees the blood dripping from Khail’s numerous wounds through a haze of fire. Realizing that the paladin is the best chance to stop Velina from casting another spell, and that the party—her party—cannot afford to risk another casting, Trella moves toward Khail, intent upon healing enough of his wounds so that he could survive contact with the priest’s fire shield. She dismisses spike stones and a flaming sphere as she moves, but realizes almost too late that not all such impediments to her movement are of her own making. Unwilling to risk losing her limited healing magic to the arcane guard’s spiked chain, the druid stops short, barks “Quid, heal Khail,” and smacks the guard repeatedly about the head with her staff. She can only hope the priestess can reach him in time.


Cerridwin’s song completes, conjuring a puddle of grease that sends the quth-maren sprawling. Though this only buys the foursome a few seconds, it is enough, and a concerted attack ends the undead’s existence.

Having dealt the killing blow with a siangham to its face, Andy recovers a bit more self-confidence. “Follow me, ‘aight, and don’t get killed.”

Cerridwin snorts. “I better get something for all of this.” The monk does not immediately answer.


Quid sees the wisdom in Trella’s order and moves to follow it. The end of a spiked chain digs into her lower back as she passes, but she grits her teeth and blocks out the distraction long enough to heal Khail of all wounds. Finally giving in to the pain with a groan, she points toward the priest. “Would you please kill her already?” the sorely injured Waukeenar says in an uncharacteristically plaintive manner.

Khail nods and strides forward boldly, raising his sword again to strike. Watching her cousin’s killer in the same pose in which he was just before taking Zedarr’s life gives her pause, but her faith in Kiaransalee is too strong for prolonged worry. Despite the threat she attempts to finish her spell while, inevitably, Khail’s blade falls. Though the paladin is burned for his efforts, the wound he deals is grievous, and few exist who could keep concentrating in the face of such an attack. Velina is not one of them, and her voice stutters and then stops.

The priestess coughs up blood and glares. At her silent order, the last of her commanded undead ignores Quid completely and pummels the dying Michelangelo instead. The final Renaissance drow expires with a silent sigh.

Though Rhien continues to exhibit an inability to strike Velina, Kyree has far less of a problem in that regard. Four precisely placed arrows leave her on the brink of death. Seeing this, Calla tumbles over to her swaying form and stabs her through the eyes. As acid eats into the priestess’ brain, the rogue snarls, “That was for the polite kid, drow scum.” Velina’s body crumples like so much stale bread.

Kai, however, is worried about another party member. “Someone help Snicker!” she cries, as ten missiles of force fly from her fingertips to slay the arcane guard. Trella obliges with a wand, while Quid works to save Danek before the barbarian calms down and expires.

Khail storms away from Velina’s corpse, leveling a blow that eliminates the final undead monstrosity as soon as the paladin reaches it. Finding no enemies, Steve wearily lowers his head and rests his body against a wall. Trella slumps, waving a hand vaguely at the elementals. “Guard us,” she orders.


“Whoa, it looks like a war zone in here,” Andy exclaims upon entering the area around the kitchen.

Khail, emerging from the room after dispelling the silence radii within, scowls at them. “I thought I told you to go to Dagger Falls,” he says.

Andy puffs out her chest, which has the unexpected effect of showcasing it to a suddenly embarrassed Khail. “You did, ‘aight, but we weren’t going to just leave you.” Cerridwin eyes Andy provocatively for the nth time that day.

Trella groans at the new development. She wisely chooses to change the subject. “Fine. Whatever. Do we stay or do we go?”

Kai looks up from petting her familiar. “Raphael was pretty sure that this was their big roaming force, and that if this didn’t succeed, they’d just fall back to their regular positions. So, I’d say here is as safe as anyplace else, if we can mind the smell. Anyway, I’m nearly tapped as far as spells go, and couldn’t get everyone out of here if I wanted to.”

Trella nods. “That’s it then; we stay. Everyone in the room.” Quid looks uncomfortable, but does not argue. She concentrates instead on healing Danek, and tries to avoid looking at Dobi’s corpse. For her part, the barbarian groans and coughs, regaining consciousness. She tries hard to maintain her rage long enough for Quid to do her work.

Trella gathers the elementals again and orders them to roam in a loose perimeter around the party, making sure to return in nine and nineteen minutes to instruct newcomers to do the same. She makes it clear that drow who give them trouble should be smashed, no questions asked, and that the party is not to be disturbed as all heal and sleep. Nodding, the mighty outsiders go off to do her bidding.

Inside the room the mood is somber, as Dobi’s death hangs over all like a cloud of soot. Quid finally gets up the resolve to bless the body, breaks down into tears for a moment, and then borrows the halfling’s boots, so as not to let good capital equipment go underutilized. Her odd combination of emotion and practicality does not go unnoticed, but her suggestion of carrying the bard until the group next visits Amn seems a good one nevertheless.

Once a small watch is set up and healing is completed, the exhausted party settles down to sleep. Sounds of battle drift up for the first few hours, but these do not trouble the repose of the physically drained group. Trella, however, has a slight smile on her face as she softly snores.


First Post
Jeremy said:
I love it when you get to see what the bad guys are up to. :)

Me too. Luckily, the next few episodes provide additional opportunities for this, as the Stepchildren (now at 14th level) take the fight to the rulers of Szith Morcane. Much death (on both sides) results, with many opportunities for the bbegs' personalities to get under the PCs skin. The archmage discussions are particularly amusing, I think. They really hate him.


Last night my party used a purchased scroll of seeming and a good bluff check to sneak in without sounding the alarm. Velina was sent to find out what they wanted, decided she didn't like them, and told them to get out before she animated their dead bones. Most of the party complied but for the darkhidden one who trailed her down to House Morcane. He messaged the others to head for the bottom of the web, and now I have a party that is about to meet the full strength of House Morcane while trapped in between them and the web team. And even if they survive, they are going to have to escape through the keeper of the web and the remainder of the barracks guards.

I love my group. They always try so hard to get TPK'd. This will make the third time they have attacked the leader of an outpost first and been attacked by everything in it while they are fighting that leader. You'd think they'd have figured out that taking out the underlings and retreating first is easier.


First Post
Jeremy said:
I love my group. They always try so hard to get TPK'd. This will make the third time they have attacked the leader of an outpost first and been attacked by everything in it while they are fighting that leader. You'd think they'd have figured out that taking out the underlings and retreating first is easier.

Ouch! Both for them and for you, having to run a battle with the entirety of Szith Morcane at once. Those types of battles are always fun, though. ;)

Not to give away too much, but this group (the surviving members, anyway) is moving in that direction as well. Let's just say that they decided to try the same tactics your group uses on Irae T'sarran herself. We're still resolving the battles. :D

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