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The Test of Time



Looking up from his search Rurrahr says, "I think we are all experienced at digging now. I for one would be willing to help you make a grave in the interests of staying together. I think having us all together is worth the delay and the labor."

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Checking the bodies you discover that the 2 humans each had a very nice looking longsword, a leather coat, a light wooden shield, 3 daggers, a small round gem, and 8 gp.

The body of the Dracha has another letter written in Draconic. Translated it reads the same as K'Dare's revealing the location of the Test of Time and the mission to recoved the crystals of foreboding. It would appear that this dracha's name is T'lokren given who the letter is addressed to. In addition the dracha was carrying a nice looking warhammer, a shortspear, a chain shirt, a heavy shield, a small vial of oil, 6 small round gems, 3 smooth triangular pieces of a mirror perhaps an inch to a side.

Given how much practice everyone has had over the past three days of digging, creating 4 graves takes the rest of the afternoon. By nightfall the bodies are interred and any prayers or ministrations have been completed. Ou Rathlin helps with the digging waiting for the group's answer on what they intend to do with the crystals.



Rurrahr guestures to the assorted goods taken from the fallen. "The weapons and the armor I know, but can someone make an estimate of the value of the gems or guess the purpose of the little mirrors and the oil?" He shrugs, "I think we have stayed here as long as it wise. What do we do next? Back to the city."


Returning to Navael you find that the celebrations of Remembrance have been over for a number of days. Actually it is now the 23th of Secondmonth, a whole 6 days have passed since you left the city behind. Returning with Ou Rathlin you are invited to the Family of the Diamond Throne's estate, this time you meet her outside the front gate and are ushered into the front entrance for the first time.

Inside you are greeted by the elderly woman, Rianneth. She relieved you of the crystals, thanking you for your service to the Diamond Throne. All will be safe from the despotic dragons that have returned with the crystals in hand. You are paid the total of 4000 gold coins as indicated by Ou Rathlin.


OOC: well thats about it. I am not planning on making this a long term campaign, only to run the short module. This has been a learning experience for me as it is only the second adventure as a DM that I have completed. Three others were abandoned, having had too large a scope for me to keep interest in.

So I know that I have had fun, how about everyone else?

Being highly critical of my own gaming style I was hoping that some of you might have some pointers for me going forward.

Thanks All!


Lurker (sort of)
I had alot of fun with my character (even though my spell selection at first was crap) and I think you did a wonderful job. You actually taught me a few things about DMing a PbP game and hopefully what you taught me my players are enjoying.

Thank you for including me in this and I think you did a great job. The only thing I coudl suggest is that you include maps during the battles as it would make planning things out a little easier to do.


The End

Very nicely done. I had a good time and became quite attached to Rurrahr in the time I played him. I appreciate the chance to get some exposure to Arcana Unearthed and the Diamond throne. I had the books, but this is only time I've really used them. You had a good group of players as well. Your lack of experience did not show. You demonstrated a grasp of the rules as well as making it fun. I'll toss in a few suggestions only because you ask and not because you did anything wrong. They are based on my own ideas about gaming and may not be better than what you are doing now. First, as Elocin said maps are good during fights. To really take advantage of the feats and actions one can use you need a good idea of where everybody on a grid of 5' squares. It is less interesting than descriptive text and usually a pain in the posterior to do, but it lets the player use their abilities. Second, the fights while well done generally started with "you are under attack roll initiative. That was okay for a short adventure, but will start to get old really fast. Some players enjoy a change to size up the opponents and the environment where the fight will take place, so they can use those feat and some tactical thinking. Stalking and being stalked also adds tension to a game. Anyway those are my thoughts. Keep up the good work and I hope you'll run more games in the future. I enjoyed it everyone, thanks!


Thanks for the kind words guys. Yeah I know maps help visualize, but they are a pain to make. Elocin what do you use for your maps?
Re: encounter setup, yeah those were the encounters in the adventure. I will remember that in the future though and perhaps modify the ones that in a module.

I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed your characters, I appologize that I did not try to work their backgrounds into the story more, but as you can see I was trying to keep the scope really small.

Moving forward I will be sticking to DMing only one at a time. I am contemplating one of three options at the moment.
1. running something I write for Living ENWorld.
2. running Hyperconscious.
3. running something I write for Iron Heroes.

All three are appealing and require more work in that order. I am torn on which one I want to do though. Any preferences from people who want to stick with me as players?


Lurker (sort of)
Below is a link to another post on what programs I am using. I am still looking for one that fits as sometimes the maps are a pain in my ass to do, mainly the ones in a cave setting. These are all pretty easy to use and would only take you maybe a day to master them. Mind you I have yet to master them but I got a pretty good hang of it. What is nice is that you use one and then import it to jpeg and then use the other one and when you are done it is all nice and small and compact to post on here.


Let me know if you have any questions or need any pointers on how to work these.

Voidrunner's Codex

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