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The Unusual Heroes Reborn


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Mialee said:


You have to understand that the person who plays Lox is the same person who played Dartan in Doc Midnight's Knights of the Silver Quill campaign. (good reading! check it out if you haven't already) In that campaign, Dartan was a Paladin, who became a Fallen Paladin, thus Dartan The Godless. One incident that lead to Dartan's fall was the evil baker. Sensing her evil, he hacked her down! However, there was no proof that she was evil, and therefore Dartan was in quite a bit of trouble...but that's another story... :D

And speaking of trouble, Lox is a cool character, and certainly a lot of fun to write about! Now I know why Weis & Hickman kept their troublemaker in (practically) every book. :)

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Lessons of the Maze

The man the party coerced from the tiny closet was called Elmond. After a few tense moments, he began explaining to the group how he came to be in the maze.

Four years earlier, Elmond had been part of an adventuring group that tried to best the maze. However, it seemed that the maze got the best of his party. He was the only survivor of the entire group. He also explained that if it was not for the ring he wore, (the ring his group found upon entering), he would have died of starvation long ago.

“Four years,” repeated Dent.

“You musta seen some interesting monsters and adventurers here, huh, Elmond?” asked Lox.

“Certainly have,” he said, his eyes dark with memories. “Of course, not all have been as welcoming as your group.”

“Well, you are kinda strange,” said Lox.

Venus glared at Lox. “What the young fellow means is that you stand out in a crowd, dear Elmond. Nothing more. He does not think before he speaks about races he does not understand.”

“I take no offense,” said Elmond with a smirk. “I am used to being stared at for my horns and my fur. I just appreciate your lack of hostility towards me, especially in this place.”

“And what do you know of this place?” asked Belasco.

“Yes,” Prynne added, “if you have been here for four years, you must know some of it’s secrets. Perhaps they can be used to our advantage.”

Elmond sighed. “I wish I knew more of this place. If I did, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you…I’d be free of this dreaded maze. But I can tell you that every month the maze shifts and the halls change.”

“Wow! Did you hear that, Nuttin?”

“That must be some kind of magic, there,” said Nuttin with wonder in his eye.

“Magics above my rank or yours, halfling,” said Elmond.

“You know nothing of my rank, tiefling,” snapped Nuttin.

“Tell us more,” interrupted Lox. “How do the walls change? Do the colors change or do they always look this drab? Is the treasure replenished all the time? That would be wonderful! We got the same rings as you, except there was this court, and this crazy man, and skeletons, and I got angry and I through my ring…”

“Enough, Lox. Let Elmond have some peace,” said Dent, looking suspiciously at Elmond. “Come walk at the front of the line with me. You can help me scout and look for traps.”

“I’ll help you look for traps and doors and treasure,” shouted Lox with glee.

“Quiet yourself, fool,” snapped Prynne. “You’ll have the entire maze crawling out of their rooms in search of us. You must learn to calm yourself and stay out of the way like your old companion there.”

“Now listen here, baldy,” spat Nuttin. “I’ve had about all the lip I’m gonna take from a woman who walks around with hairless feet!”

“Hold your tongue, lest you lose it, old halfling,” hissed Prynne.

“Both of you back down. There is no need for fighting amongst ourselves,” said Venus angrily.

“We want to make it out of here,” said Dent. “All of us.”

The party walked in silence for long moments. Even Lox seemed to feel the tension in the air and kept quiet. They retraced their steps and went back the way they had come, feeling confident that they had thoroughly searched the area they were leaving. They came upon a door, which Lox checked and found safe.

“All set, Dent,” said Lox with a smile.

Dent opened the door, leading the party into the room. The group stood on a platform that dropped off into clear, fast-moving water. Dent asked everyone to be silent as he stood and listened.

“Sounds like it’s running below the ground,” he finally said.

“Look what I found!”

The box that Lox held had no lock, yet it could not be opened.

“This is tough,” frowned Lox. “There doesn’t seem to be a way to open it.”

“Perhaps it’s a device to drive your kind insane,” smirked Prynne.

“Actually, it has words carved into it,” said Belasco. “Lets have a closer look at that, Lox.”
Belasco reached down and took a peek at the box. There was a dial of sorts carved onto the box with single letters circling seven words.


“Come, Human, Die By Sword Or Spear,” read Belasco aloud.

“Sounds like a riddle to me,” said Dent.

“Who has time for such foolishness? I say we move along,” said Venus anxiously.

“And how do you propose we get across the swift water?” asked Nuttin.

“Some of us are agile enough to make it,” said Prynne. “Guess you’ll be left behind, Ol’ Timer!”

“I think not,” interrupted Dent. “We need to work on this riddle. It could have some effect on the maze, or maybe it can help us, give us a clue on the exit or something.”

“Or maybe treasure will pop out like last time,” said Lox excitedly.

And so they sat. Long moments passed and all that could be heard were mumblings and mutterings about the letters or the words. The party was becoming restless.

“I think I have it,” said Dent finally.

“Let’s see,” said Venus.

Most of the group had lost interest by now. Prynne had her swords out and was flaunting her graceful agility with the blades, while Nuttin and Elmond exchanged heated glances and mumbled ugly comments about one another. Lox was busy asking Belasco about his mask and whether or not he could touch it, or look under it, or have it.
Belasco was trying to help Venus and Dent, but with Lox buzzing about like a gnat, his concentration was shattered.

“Look here,” said Venus. “What if we ignore some of the letters.”

“But which ones…” said Dent. “What if we ignore the letters that are in the words but not around the words like this…”

Dent took one of his arrows and traced the dial in the dirt. He began crossing out certain letters in the words that were not in the dial.

“Com~, ~~man, D~~ ~~ ~word Or ~p~ar,” he wrote in the dirt.

“Come…man…command word…command word orpar!” shouted Dent.

At the sound of the command word, the box popped open into a ten-foot row bow.
“Nice work,” commented Belasco.

“We worked together and figured out the riddle,” said Venus.

“Just as we will work together and figure out this maze,” said Dent with a proud smile.

“Wow, a boat!” shouted Lox. “I wanna get in first…”

The Adventure Continues…
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I'm hoping that the campaign will rise above that of a classic dungeon crawl as the party gains some levels and hopefully survives the next challenge... Rappan Athuk!

- Xaltar


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Hairy Situations

After several trips across the water, the entire party had made it to the other side of the room without any trouble. The door leading out was not locked, and opened into an “L” shaped corridor. Lox dutifully checked the door at the end of the hall for traps, and found there were none. He did, however, get the chance to put his shining lock picks to use again.

“This door shouldn’t be too much trouble,” grinned Lox. It took him only a moment, and the door swung open.

"Taa-Daa!” sang Lox.

The room ahead appeared to be sparsely furnished with various furs lining the walls and floor. There was also a chain and collar hanging on pegs beside four keys. Below these pegs was a rickety table.

As Dent lead the party into the room, they noticed there were three sets of cages with different creatures contained inside. There was also a bed to the left of the door the party had just entered.

“Oh, Hullo,” said Lox, waving his small hand excitedly.

The party turned to see a man standing six-and-a-half-feet tall rising from his hiding place at the side of the bed. He was quite an ugly man, dressed in a heavy black fur suit with matching gloves. He grimaced angrily at the group.


“Is this your room? I would hate to sleep in a room with those creatures you have caged up. What if they got out and gobbled you up, or what if…”

“SILENCE!” bellowed the man. In his grasp was a hand axe that he looked all too ready to use. “How have you come to be here?”

“Well, we found a box, and Dent and Venus started scratching off letters, and…”

“How have you come to be here,” said Belasco pushing Lox out of the way.

“I am Lord Korvish’s assistant. I am the Keeper of The Caged,” he growled. “You should not be here. I will take you back to the court and have you charged with High Treason against Lord Korvish!”

“Now settle down,” said Venus. “We wish only to pass though.”

“I think you’ll find the way quite difficult,” grinned the man evilly. “Quite difficult indeed!”

The man’s fur suit seemed to grow out towards the group! The thick, black hair came at them in a ten-foot wave, entangling Dent, Lox, and Venus. Prynne managed to tumble back towards the door where Nuttin and Elmond stood, while Belasco tumbled behind the Keeper of the Caged.

“Now that’s interesting armor,” remarked Nuttin. “Wonder what sorts of magics are on that suit?”

“Don’t just stand there scratching your chin,” shouted Prynne. “Do something you dimwitted halfling!”

“Well, why aren’t you doing anything, baldy?”

“I intend to, old man,” she snarled.

Elmond just listened to the two bicker until Prynne whipped herself into a somersault, trying her best to tumble through the hair. In the process, she whipped Nuttin across the face with her long, thick braid.

“You sassy mouthed trollop!” shouted Nuttin.

But before Nuttin could curse Prynne any further, he saw that she, too was now entangled in the Keeper’s fur suit.

"Serves ya right, baldy,” he called.

“Is that anyway to help an ally,” remarked Elmond.

“Now this doesn’t concern you, so mind yer business,” argued Nuttin. From there, the argument between Elmond and Nuttin seemed to escalate, but none of their allies seemed to notice. They were far too busy trying to work their way out of the entanglement.

“You will be taken back to the court and be tried,” bellowed the man, “or I will execute you myself!”

Dent and Venus fired their bows repeatedly at the Hair-Armored man, but few found their mark. The man was attempting to use his hairy gloves to strangle Venus. Lox and Prynne continued to fight their way through the hair, while Nuttin and Elmond argued in the corridor.

Meanwhile, behind the Keeper of the Caged, Belasco took one of the keys from the wall and unlocked a cage containing a dire wolf. He believed that his years of handling such creatures would work to his advantage in the situation, but he found that the wolf was carnivorous and wanted only to feast on his flesh. Acting quickly, Belasco pulled the door of the cage far enough open to pin himself against the wall, and thus was safe (for the moment) from the jaws of the hungry wolf.

Dent continued to fire his bow at his opponent, but Venus soon tired of his bow. His anger got the best of him, and he forced his way forward, breaking free of the entangling hair and strangling hands. He bull rushed the Keeper into one of his own cages. As luck would have it, the Keeper tumbled into the cage, taking the dire wolf with him. Belasco quickly slammed the cage door shut and locked it without hesitation.

The rest of the party was freed from the feisty fur and watched in horror as the dire wolf devoured the Keeper of the Caged.

"I think I might be sick,” heaved Lox.

By that time, Nuttin and Elmond had realized that the threat was gone, and their argument was postponed for the time being. Nuttin hastily went into the room, cutting off Elmond on his way. Elmond shook his head in frustration, but held his tongue.

“Nice work,” said Prynne. “The Keeper gets devoured by those he keeps caged. How fitting.”

“It’s sick,” said Dent. “Can you imagine how starved that animal must have been to devour a man that large? The creature was mad.”

“Mad? It was evil. That was no ordinary creature, ranger,” said Belasco. “It was a dire wolf, and it would have devoured any of us given the chance…just as the dire ape in the next cage could.”

“I know what those animals are,” said Dent. “But what of this other creature? Have you ever seen anything like this?”

The creature in the middle cage stood seven-feet-tall and was completely covered in hair. It did not appear to have any arms or legs, but it moved quite freely about it’s cage. It’s shaggy hair was tan with the occasional purple-colored splotch, and it’s dark eyes were almost creepy to look at for too long.

“Wow! What in the world is that? Can we take him with us? Who are you? My name is Lox Lumley,” he called to the creature.

The fuzzy beast moved up to the door of the cage on unseen feet and murmured, “Ullgh…wwlllrrghhh…wwwuuullllhhhh…”


“It’s obvious it doesn’t speak the common tongue,” commented Prynne.

“I’ve never seen or heard of anything like it,” said Dent in wonder.

“We should continue on,” said Belasco. “The only thing of value in this room appears to be the hand axe the Keeper was carrying.”

Dent turned to face Belasco with sudden interest in the weapon. Belasco held the axe out to Dent, and if his face was not masked, Dent would have seen his smirk.

“I thought you might want to carry it,” he said.

As the party moved forward, Lox fell to the back of the line, and quietly crept over to the shaggy-haired creature’s cage with his lock picks.

What harm could it do… ?

The Adventure Continues…
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Lox will not be dying anytime soon if i can help it, enjoy playing him to much....but remember he is a hafling and a rogue and very curious and doesn't have much patience and gets bored really easily...but these attributes don't make for certain death...it may lead close but Lox has a whole party to protect and heal him....Oh and as always nice job on the story Ziona!!!


I love Dungeoncrawls. I love this story for that, and I hope it will remain a good Dungeoncrawl for a while ;)

And Lox is the archetypical kender rogue, I like him a lot.

This story has a true 1st edition feeling!


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Thanks again for the praise Horacio. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I think you'll find it's only going to get more interesting...

Besides that, Xaltar helped me add pictures to the last post, so now you can all see what the hair creature and the Keeper looked like.


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