• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Unusual Heroes Reborn


Wow! I had suspected Veerdra beign an evil Sorceress with Charm Person, but not a vampire :eek: :eek:

I want to read the epilogue! :)

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Hammerhead said:
When does Dr. Midnight enter? He rules!

Doc will be arriving very soon, along with a few other familiar faces. The party is about to enter the dreaded Rappan Athuk!
But, since tonight is game night, I won't be able to write the epilogue, so give me a day or so to work on that, then you'll see Doc & the gang emerge. :)

BTW, I thought the spleckle should have gotten a wish as well, but he didn't seem to want anything. In game, Korvish didn't know what the spleckle was saying, and the Spleckle didn't pay attention to what was happening, so he didn't get a wish. (I wonder what a spleckle would wish for...?)
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If I may be so bold as to add my 2 copper. As a personal background on myself, I am a fairly new D&D player. Venus is my third character ever and was by far the favorite that I had played.

Once I met up with Veerdra, I too knew that something was bad, though my character of course knew nothing (Horacio, I too thought I was under some sort of charm spell). But, I really didn’t think to much of it. My thoughts on my wish had changed several times from the beginning of the adventure. A powerful weapon, some magical armor, a great feat, these were several things that I had thought about. Then I received a deed of land, and that helped me decide what my wish, when and if we got out of the maze, would be; A Keep.

When I found out I had been bitten with a vampire it really threw a monkey wrench in a lot of things I had been thinking about. *poof* there goes my keep. The only choice I really had was to have the vampirism removed as my wish … but I got to thinking. The diety I chose to worship upon creation was Kassuth. After thinking very carefully about what I wanted my wish to be I talked to the DM about it.

Roughly, this was my wish.

I would like to be blessed by Lathander. He is a sun god, and as a vampire, I have lost my abilities to not only continue my adventure with the party, but I am doomed to darkness. With Lathander’s blessing, I will vow to become an undead hunter. With Lathander’s blessing, I will turn from Kassuth and worship Lathander instead.

So, from that day forward, I was a day walker.

Dr Midnight

Hey, Sandman, don't go giving anything away now, you wouldn't want to BETRAY any secrets, would you?


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