I'm sorry, people get things wrong. People get burned by sources. Good people write things that end up looking untrue all the time. I'm sure you read the Gizmodo article, right? From Linda Codega?
Oh, not the one you're thinking of, but this one.
Responding quickly to widespread public concerns, Wizards of the Coast announced that the OGL will continue with One D&D .
Hey, that looks really bad in retrospect, right? Just like she didn't go to any sources, but simply did a press release for Wizards. Could have gone to a bunch of people and found out that the headline there was simply naughty word, right? So I guess we just can't believe her because, well, she just didn't live up to being an exemplary reporter this one time.
I get being careful. At the same time, I think you are far too dismissive. You could have dismissed the breaking Gizmodo article for the same exact reason. You talk about axes to grind, and you're right: it's fully possible. I do think we should have some skepticism. But beyond Cao, what is being talked about is stuff that has largely been going around for a while from a multitude of sources. If you want to say that people are heaping the blame on Cao unfairly, sure. But I when it comes to the strategy itself, that seems to be pretty accurate.