The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


After the meal, Dermot, Darrow and Shanni took the opportunity to question Red Ortho some more below decks about the slavers’ activities. He confirmed that they would normally take their “cargo” to Westgate once they had a full load on the island. In order to avoid attention, the slaves would be drugged and taken off the ship either in sacks or crates. Red Ortho claimed not to know anything about vampires or how Tuli was made, then observed it was time to get the ship moving again. Once back on the main deck, Red Ortho moved to the ship’s wheel and took charge like he still ran things, yelling at Barzog to go with Tomas to the rigging and telling the watchers to immediately advise of any obstacles they saw in the water. The skies cleared and Red Ortho gave a loud command to let out the sails, which started the ship moving with a jerk.

Shortly afterwards, Darrow spotted a boulder off the port side and called it out, prompting Red Ortho to adjust course and halt letting the sails out further. He gritted his teeth and put his shoulder into turning the ship’s wheel as Darrow observed the ship passing close by the granite rock. Shanni reported no obstacles at the bow, while Dermot was confused by Red Ortho’s request for a depth reading off the starboard side. Tomas went to check and after a moment called out four fathoms.

This appeared to satisfy Red Ortho, who announced they were clear of the island and asked if he should set a course for Westgate. Darrow confirmed this, although he said he was still interested in going to Turnton, where Baron Pahar would be able to take care of the former slaves. One of the armed former prisoners volunteered to keep watch on deck along with Tomas, while the adventurers went below again to discuss their plans.

By mid-morning, the ship was moving smartly across the sea and Red Ortho predicted that they would make Westgate harbor around nightfall. Darrow had his enthusiasm level raised by Red Ortho mentioning pirates in the waters, although it was dampened by a caveat that it would just be bad luck if a pirate ship found them. Kain found it surprising that the slavers did not have any business agreements with the pirate vessels, for example to purchase the surviving crews of captured vessels, an idea which got Red Ortho to thinking. Rahnee briefly stuck her head out of the cabin area while the pirate discussion was going on, then retreated back down to continue her convalescence.

Although earlier Red Ortho had ordered Barzog to let out the sails, to take advantage of the sunny skies and brisk winds, a storm started to blow and he had the half-orc pull the sails in again, cursing their luck. As wind and rain began to lash the deck, the adventurers decided to go below to the cabins, helped along by Red Ortho’s pointed suggestion that lubbers should vacate the area.

The five checked on their other slaver captive Pincer, who had recovered something of his sense of humor at his predicament. The group then turned to discuss their planned course of action after arriving in Westgate. Aerikoth pointed out that Turnton was eight hours of travel outside the city; the wizard did not want to detour there and delay their search for the Astorians’ lair, arguing that the Westgate authorities should be competent enough to take care of the freed slaves. A quick poll by Dermot showed that the ex-slaves were looking forward to returning to their families. As Aerikoth noted, the slaves had been taken from various places along the Dragon Coast.

After further discussion, the adventurers decided to ask Pincer some more questions, having decided to take him along to the forest lair. Shanni asked him if the slavers had any way of communicating with their base. Pincer denied having any magical communications and was startled when Shanni asked about any messenger birds. The former slaver gestured around him and asked if they saw any birds. Kain admitted having the idea earlier about the birds, self-deprecatingly. Although Shanni pressed Pincer further, he declared that he knew nothing about any birds.

Pincer was, however, more helpful in describing the Astorians’ base in the forest. He mentioned there were normally around two dozen members there. He described a maze of shrubbery in the forest, with a hidden entrance leading to tunnels beneath. He also mentioned there were various traps, as well as guards defending the entrance. Pincer said he had been escorted there once and he considered it a deadly place. The information extracted from Pincer gave the party plenty to discuss about their plans to assault the lair, as well as what they should do with Red Ortho once they reached Westgate.

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To Darrow’s disappointment, the remainder of the day passed without any pirate ship sightings. As the sun started going down on the horizon, land was sighted in the distance, presumably the port of Westgate. Since the party was unsure what kind of reception awaited the slaver ship, the former prisoners along with Barzog were sent to the hold, with Darrow and Kain to watch over and guard them as necessary. Aerikoth, Rahnee, Dermot and Shanni remained on deck with Red Ortho, Pincer and Tomas. Nina, who had been elected by the former slaves as their spokesperson, also stayed.

With the sun nearly down and in the dark, rain and fog, Red Ortho dropped anchor outside the harbor, explaining that there was too much traffic to sail in safely and they would need to wait for a pilot boat. He went and fetched two signal flags from the cabins, which he said would be needed to summon the boat in the morning. One was white and triangular with a black border, the other being rectangular and solid black. Red Ortho ran both of them up to the top of the rigging, with the rectangular black one on top. Unsure of their significance, Rahnee quietly asked Tomas if he recognized them. The sailor replied in the negative, noting that most sailing companies had their own private systems. Shanni also clearly distrusted Red Ortho’s motives, but observed that there was nothing they could do except take things at face value.

After Red Ortho remarked that they could see the outline of the East Gate promontory in the distance, Aerikoth glanced up at the rigging. His large raven familiar Zeluth, who had been perched there, instantly took wing and headed for the barely visible land mass. As Shanni and Dermot watched the raven fly off, Red Ortho said that he should take a sounding, bending down and lowering a sounding cord off the port side of the ship. The company meanwhile engaged in some idle conversation while watching the shore.

Suddenly, Red Ortho dived into the water and began swimming powerfully for land, staying under the surface as much as possible. Shanni immediately cursed and drew her bow for a shot at his swimming figure, getting hers off slightly before Rahnee did the same. Shanni’s shot went wide, while Rahnee’s skimmed the side of the slaver’s head, making him flinch momentarily. Aerikoth, urged on by Dermot, looked intently at the fleeing man to see if he could cast a spell, but Red Ortho was no longer visible above the waves.

A patch of turbulence then appeared off the port bow of the ship, in the area where they had last seen Red Ortho. He surfaced briefly and screamed as the adventurers saw something in the water was clinging to him. Shanni took the opportunity to line up another shot and let fly an arrow, but Red Ortho sunk beneath the waves and the arrow was lost in the churning of the sea. Confusion reigned on board the ship as to what had happened, as Shanni mentioned that she had seen something black and flapping around Red Ortho as she took her last shot. (Could this be one of the infamous Ixitxatchitl? It is difficult to verify the existence of these "demon rays" firsthand, for obvious reasons. It would be very unusual for them to inhabit the harbor of a city, however, unless some special arrangements had been made with harbor authorities. --C)

Dermot turned to Pincer and asked for an explanation of the signal flags. The former slaver said that he had never been up on deck during docking, so did not know about them. Pincer however could not repress a grin at the turn of events, commenting that it now looked like the party would have no choice but to keep him alive.

As Shanni was asking Aerikoth about his “crow’s” return, Zeluth appeared as if summoned by Shanni’s words and alighted in the rigging above Aerikoth. The wizard looked up for a moment and nodded. Turning to the others, he reported that they were indeed off the coast of Westgate, with the ship being northeast of the East Gate promontory. The docks were close past it, but the channel leading to them was narrow.

The group decided it would be best to take the ship’s boat and make for land, rather than wait around for morning. Rahnee escorted Pincer down to the hold and explained things to Darrow, who grumbled at having to remain at sea with no ale. The boat was then lowered into the sea and the four adventurers boarded, with Dermot and Shanni going first. Rahnee deftly slid down the rope with a daredevil maneuver and Aerikoth carefully climbed down last. Tomas yelled down directions to clear the promontory five boat lengths to the west, then head south.

Rahnee and Shanni manned one of the oars, while Dermot handled the other. With strong, smooth strokes they pushed away from the ship and made for the headland, moving over the swells of the waves. The going became rougher as they neared the promontory and they rested for a moment after they passed it, before turning south. Once round the promontory, the light from Aerikoth's staff revealed a set of docks close by, with other docks further south. There were no identifying marks visible by either docks. Rahnee said they might as well head for the first dock, since they did not know who either belonged to.


The boat was pulled up to the dock without mishap and the four adventurers – Rahnee, Aerikoth, Dermot and Shanni – exited. On the other side of the dock was a gate and they were immediately challenged by the guards, who turned out to be of House Athagdal. Shanni attempted to use her personal charms on the guards, smiling sweetly and explaining that they had come in from a ship where there had been a problem with the crew. She apologized, saying that it was dark and they had not known what they were doing. At the insistence of the guards, Shanni gave the name of the ship, The Blind Man, which apparently meant nothing to them. Dermot also pointed out – including a reference to Aerikoth’s glowing staff – that the group did not look like thieves or smugglers.

Apparently satisfied that the group had nothing to do with House Athagdal business, the guards agreed to unlock the gate and let them go on their way. Dermot sweetened the deal by passing the guards 30 gold in “docking fees” in order to watch over their boat. In response to a question from Shanni, the guards indicated that ship pilots could be found in the Westlight Harbor district.

Making their way across the city, the four entered the Watch Docks building. After attempting to explain their situation to a confused clerk, they were directed to speak to Lieutenant Doran, who was the senior officer on duty. Rahnee went straight to the point, telling him that they had a slave ship on their hands that they had liberated. She and Aerikoth also described what had happened to their former slaver guide in the harbor. This baffled the lieutenant, although he mentioned having heard rumors about some previous disappearances in the waters.

Shanni provide the lieutenant with the name of the ship, which did not ring any bells with him either, although he promised to have one of his clerks research it. He had just queried where the adventurers intended to dock the ship, which they did not yet have an answer to, when Captain Halfoy of the House Urdo vessel Sea Sprite walked into the room. The captain approached Lieutenant Doran and was informing him of a delay in his ship’s departure, when he suddenly recognized the four adventurers as having recently taken passage with him to Starmantle.

Once the situation had been explained to the captain, he offered to assist with the docking and disposition of the ship. Rahnee noted that Helm’s Shadows had previously done good service for House Urdo, which the captain said would be a point in their favor. Halfoy arranged with Lieutenant Doran to use one of the pilot boats to bring the captain out to The Blind Man, with Rahnee, Dermot and Shanni accompanying him on the small vessel; Aerikoth had decided to teleport on ahead, after a hushed conference with Rahnee.

Upon arriving at the ship, Halfoy moored the pilot boat alongside and clambered onto the deck, along with Rahnee, Dermot and Shanni. The captain introduced himself to Tomas, who was manning the wheel, and assumed command. The three adventurers then went down to the hold to check on the others. There they encountered a beagle puppy which had not previously been there; Aerikoth wryly suggested that the name “Pincer” would be a good one for it. (This must have been the business that Aerikoth and Rahnee had conferred about earlier. I understand that polymorphing the slaver made him more easily controllable, yet I admit I find unsettling the ways of wizards in matters such as these. --C) The transformation of the former slaver was a source of amusement to the group, but their mood turned to worry when Nina inquired the whereabouts of Kain and they realized the necromancer had not been seen for some time.


The group went back up to the main deck, with Nina hurrying in the lead, clearly concerned about Kain. Captain Halfoy and Tomas were slowly but expertly bringing the ship into the harbor, the captain confidently calling out orders despite the rain and dark of night. Barzog, somewhat grumpily, was also assisting with the ship handling. Tomas was periodically calling out the distance to obstacles in the channel, but was able to somewhat distractedly answer Nina’s questions about Kain.

The sailor related how around sunset, Kain had come up on deck with a scroll that he had mentioned finding in one of the cabins. The necromancer said that he thought he knew what it did. After he looked at it in the waning light of the sun, he then vanished. Tomas had assumed that, Kain being a mage and all, there was no cause for concern and he must have told the rest of the party about it. Darrow cursed under his breath and stated that Kain had not said a word to him, at least.

Nina, by now frantic, asked what the disappearance meant. Dermot helpfully asked if there was any sign of ash on the deck, which caused the woman to let out a small scream. Rahnee pointed out that it was raining and Dermot acknowledged it was unlikely any ash would remain. Aerikoth observed that Kain might have found a teleportation scroll amongst the slavers’ belongings, perhaps one that had even belonged to him, but at that point everything was just conjecture.

The ship finished its careful, slow approach into the Urdo docks and the captain let out the winch holding the ship’s anchor. A boat soon put out from the docks, in order to more easily shuttle off the people on board ship, and Captain Halfoy called for all hands to remember to take what they needed from the ship. He then ordered the former prisoners to begin queuing on the starboard side of the ship, to get them off first. Rahnee and Darrow expressed their gratitude to the captain, while Dermot praised the fact he would be finally back on land, to stay.

Dermot went and fetched the beagle puppy from the hold as the former slaves made their way to the dock. The company then turned their attention to the fate of their other companions. Captain Halfoy generously offered Tomas a position with his own crew, which the sailor gratefully accepted, although it meant he would have to stay on board The Blind Man as a watchman for the remainder of the night. Regarding Barzog, Darrow confirmed that they had promised him his freedom; the dwarf wondered if the half-orc might do well as a bouncer somewhere. Dermot and Shanni had no doubt that he would land on his feet in a town like Westgate.

As the group finally finished debarking, joining the former prisoners milling around the Urdo dock, a large group of men marched out of the night - Losifan Urdo, field commander of the Mercenaries Guild, accompanied by a squad of heavily armed Urdo guards. Losifan called out a greeting to Helm’s Shadows and recognized Rahnee, who had pushed her hood back upon seeing him approach. The two then clasped hands, leading Darrow, Shanni and Dermot to relax and move their hands away from their weapons.

Losifan observed that it had been nigh on two months since their last encounter on Traders Road. He explained that when he had heard it was Helm’s Shadows coming in with the ship, he thought he should greet them personally. He mentioned that he did not recognize everyone, although he recalled Aerikoth from before. Rahnee explained that some of their companions had fallen, with others taking their place. She then introduced Darrow as being from Clan Ironhelm, Dermot by name with no further explanation, and while pointing out Shanni, simply noted that she was Rahnee’s maid. Losifan commented wryly on Rahnee’s choice in maids as Shanni stiffened and Dermot raised an eyebrow. The Urdo lord then said he would not leave them standing in the rain any longer, but wanted to extend an invitation for them to come to Castle Urdo. The company indicated they had pressing business that night, so the hour of eight bells in the morning was settled on.

(So finishes the account of Helm's Shadows at Slaver Isle. As is often the case in these chronicles, perhaps more questions are raised than answered. The party seems to have stumbled upon a path forward, now having the puppy/slaver Pincer in its possession, to help guide them to the Astorians' forest lair. We also are left knowing relatively little about the isle itself, including how it was chosen by the slavers and if anything remained there of value. The matter of Tuli also begs further explanation, including how and why he was changed to vampire spawn. The implication of the chronicle is that the Westgate vampires were employing the slaving operation for their food supply, and that this "trade route" had been established for some time. The company has yet to focus on the vampire threat, however. --R)


To the Lair

Taking Barzog with them, the five adventurers tramped through the dark, wet streets of Westgate to the Gatereach Inn. Shanni was noticeably stiff and silent the entire way. Upon entering the inn, Darrow called out a loud greeting to Jandrico and Barzog exclaimed his appreciation of the inn, which apparently was of a higher class than his usual haunts.

Darrow immediately headed for the bar and was the first to get a drink, as the others came in after him. Rahnee had noticed there was something amiss with Shanni, so the two went off to discuss things, while the others filled Jandrico in on their situation. As Darrow and Dermot were talking with Jandrico about what to do with Barzog, Aerikoth declared that he would see them in the morning, meeting them at the Gatereach before they were due to head to Castle Urdo, and departed. Jandrico agreed to take Barzog on, at least for the time being, and expressed his appreciation for the adventurers’ search for Janatha, along with his disappointment that she had not yet been found. Returning from their talk, apparently satisfied by the outcome, Rahnee and Shanni then joined in the drinking session, with some tea provided by Jandrico. (It was very good of Jandrico to accommodate Barzog's employment at his establishment. I must conclude that it was done primarily as a gesture of appreciation towards the company, taking a problem off of their hands, as well as a way to avoid their being distracted from the search for Janatha. I cannot imagine the upstanding innkeeper having much of a real use for the half-orc thug from Starmantle. --C)

Following a dream-filled night, the five adventurers awoke on Ches 2 with the sun and the sounds of the city morning. Dermot and Darrow were the first up and were joined by Aerikoth at the Gatereach bar. A few minutes later, Shanni and Rahnee came down as well. After greetings were said, Dermot informed them that it appeared a hooded man in the common room was there to see them, along with the fact that breakfast would shortly be ready.

Questions about their unknown guest were temporarily forgotten as a hearty breakfast of venison sausage and black bread arrived, along with the usual tea for Rahnee. Goruna the serving woman was also especially pleased to see Dermot return. Shanni uncharacteristically served portions of food to the others, smiling and calling them “sirs”. Rahnee smiled and commended the job performed by her “maid” as Dermot wondered what had gotten into Shanni.

In between bites of food, Rahnee commented that they would need to hurry in order to make it to Castle Urdo on time. Darrow in response jerked a thumb back in the direction of the common room, saying quietly they would not need to go to the castle, as the castle had come to them. Aerikoth then further explained the unidentified man had rented a room upstairs, so they could meet discreetly. Darrow said that until Jandrico had informed them, he had not realized who the other man was.

As the companions finished their meal, Jandrico walked up and told them that the man who wished to meet with them was in an upstairs room, at the end of the hall on the right. This was the signal for the end of breakfast, although Dermot managed to filch some more sausages on the way out. The five then climbed the stairs to the level of the inn rooms, following Jandrico’s directions. One knock from Dermot and the door was opened, revealing Losifan Urdo, who motioned them inside.


After polite greetings were exchanged, including a demure curtsey by Shanni in her role as Rahnee’s maid, Losifan apologized for what he called the irregularity of the situation. Aerikoth arched an eyebrow at this, his hands resting on his wizard staff, but remained silent. Losifan explained that his own business, it turned out, could not wait either; he complained of the lack of sleep which came with preparations for Lord Scirkas Urdo to assume the position of Westgate’s elected leader as Croamarkh. (Westgate's periodic elections are an interesting experiment, if not truly representative of its citizens. A small group of those at the apex of city society are put forward as candidates, and no doubt the Night Masks and others have a large hand in determining the outcome. However, this form of governance seems no worse than the vagaries of hereditary lordship, with no choice at all involved. --R)

Losifan then turned to the subject of the Fire Knives, asking Rahnee directly what she knew of them. Rahnee observed that they were a well-known band of thieves and assassins, not from Westgate. Darrow, ignorant of the group, asked whether they were better or worse than the Astorians; Dermot advised him they were more the latter than the former. Losifan continued by saying that the Fire Knives appeared to have a relationship with House Cormaeril, one of the losing candidates in the election for Croamarkh. He also said that he understood that Rahnee’s group had been involved somehow in an investigation of the Fire Knives the previous year.

Most importantly from Losifan’s perspective, House Cormaeril were “sore losers” as he put it and apparently were seeking revenge for their electoral defeat. Durgar the Just, the outgoing Croamarkh, had shared many things with House Urdo, including information recently obtained that the Fire Knives were planning to send assassins against Urdo. Rahnee observed that if the Fire Knives were squashed hard enough, they would see the error of their ways. Losifan agreed with this view, proposing that once the group’s urgent business was done, they consider working with Urdo against the Fire Knives.

Losifan said he did not yet need to know the details about their history with the Fire Knives, but admitted he was curious about the group’s current business. Without naming names, Rahnee explained they were helping recover the kidnapped daughter of a friend and confirmed that it was related to their previous business in Teziir. At this point, they heard a scratching at the door. Shanni, playing the role of dutiful maid, told Rahnee that it sounded like her puppy and went to open the door. Pincer scampered in and was immediately scooped up by Shanni, who stood to one side and played with his ears.

Losifan, chuckling, asked where they had found the puppy and Dermot responded it had belonged to a former employer. Losifan indicated that his proposition could wait until after the party’s business was concluded; they should go see him at the Mercenaries Guild when they returned, where he would also give them the gold owed in compensation for turning in The Blind Man to House Urdo. Without further ado, the Urdo lord pulled up his hood and departed.

As the door clicked shut behind him, Pincer jumped from Shanni’s hands to the floor as she dropped him with a grimace. Aerikoth explained to the others that his and Rahnee’s earlier encounter with the Fire Knives had been on behalf of House Thalavar, and involved unwrapping some of the mystery surrounding the Knives’ activity in Westgate. Answering Darrow’s earlier question, Aerikoth said he also thought they were considerably more dangerous than the Astorians, hailing originally from the land of Cormyr. Rahnee followed up by mentioning that House Cormaeril was as well, so there was no surprise at the association; both groups were dangerous and neither bore any love for the adventurers.

After some further discussion of Losifan’s offer and their immediate plans, while Dermot fed some of his sausage to Pincer, both Rahnee and Aerikoth indicated they had errands to run in the city before departing. Dermot, Shanni and Darrow thought they should head to Shalush’s shop in the Market district, to stock up on provisions and sell a few items.


It was late morning by the time the company had reassembled at the Gatereach. Rahnee made sure to talk to Jandrico and say their goodbyes before departing in the direction of Traders Road. Darrow was having some trouble getting his armor fastened and said he would catch up with the others, also having to find a way to stuff Pincer into his pack.

On the outskirts of town, the party ran across a panicked merchant and his wagons. The man, panting for breath, warned them of having spotted two giants on the road ahead, alluding to a previous problem with giants from the year before. He and his guard had been fleeing for the past half hour, before making it to safety at the city boundary. Rahnee, Aerikoth, Shanni and Dermot carefully made their way west. Darrow caught up with them shortly, having also heard the merchant’s warning.

The group made their way to the crossroads with the trail to the Amee Pass and paused there to make further preparations. Darrow thought he heard something up ahead of them, but admitted he was unsure. Their battle strategy was laid out, with Darrow to take point with support from Rahnee, Shanni to stay back with Aerikoth at range, and Dermot to place himself where he saw the best opportunity. As Darrow was to take on the giants directly, Aerikoth cast a stoneskin spell on him, which would absorb many of their blows.

Further up the road, the party therefore was well prepared when two hill giants attacked. Darrow was able to charge forward and engage the one in front, shrugging off its blows due to his magical protection. Aerikoth used spells of force to strike at them while Shanni employed her bow by his side. Dermot moved to flank the giants, staying just within arrowshot of them. As Darrow’s protection disappeared, Rahnee moved in to assist the dwarf in close fighting and caught a blow from one of their enemy’s huge clubs, but the giants were quickly dispatched after that.

After taking a look at the giants’ possessions, it was agreed that Aerikoth would change Pincer back to his human form. The wizard focused on the beagle puppy, speaking a magic incantation and holding out what looked like a small cocoon. Pincer’s transformation was instantaneous and the man touched his torso with an exclamation of surprise and pleasure, confirming he was all there.

Pincer was duly impressed by how the party had handled the giants, although he had been somewhat apprehensive while in puppy form during the battle. He commented that he thought they might have a chance against the Astorians lair defenses, especially with Aerikoth’s magic. In response to a question from Aerikoth, Pincer indicated that the lair was about two hours outside of Teziir, but was not easy to find. Dermot asked about the defenses and Pincer said they consisted of layers of traps and guards, both above and below ground. He also mentioned that he had been led by a guide the one time he had visited, so he doubted he could remember the exact way to get to the lair and avoid the traps.

With the skies now raining on them, the party headed west along Traders Road, traveling for about fourteen hours to the Reddansyr Crossroads. Tired and wet, Pincer complained that he couldn’t believe it was still raining and asking about shelter, considering it was past midnight. Rahnee and Darrow conferred with Aerikoth and agreed that it would be best for the wizard to create the shelter there, which confused their other three traveling companions. They continued to be confused as they watched Aerikoth hold up various small pieces of material while uttering arcane words. After a short while, however, the wizard ceased speaking and a large hut sprang into being directly in front of him.


The party circled the hut and Aerikoth opened the door to let them in. Inside it was dry and comfortable, with ample space to rest. As the others made themselves comfortable, the wizard explained that the hut would last for a day, unless he dismissed it earlier. Rahnee, after shedding her wet cloak, pointedly observed that she would be sleeping near the door, looking at Pincer as she said this. Aerikoth stated that he was the only one who could magically unlock the door for them to exit, which satisfied Rahnee.

Although the group was tired from their travels, the conjuring of the hut had temporarily given them an adrenaline boost, so they decided to debate Pincer’s future. The former slaver observed that some people might simply use and then kill him, which did not seem much to look forward to. Aerikoth declared his indifference to Pincer’s fate, deferring to the Lady Roaringhorn. Dermot asked Pincer what he would do, assuming he walked out of the situation alive. In response, Pincer said that he had not thought that far ahead and besides had no family or anyone else to go to. Darrow pointed out that this would be an opportunity to turn his life around and suggested the Mercenaries Guild in Westgate, or better yet enter into the service of Baron Pahar in Turnton. The dwarf said he would at least promise not to personally kill Pincer - unless he turned on the party.

Sleep came quickly after their discussion was finished and the morning of Ches 3 seemed to arrive just as quickly. Aerikoth unlocked the door for the others, saying he would remain inside and study his spells for the time being. Rahnee was first outside, stealthily checking to see if anyone else was around, and was soon joined by Darrow. Pincer meanwhile exchanged verbal barbs with Shanni and Dermot, while Aerikoth obliviously pored over his spell book. Rahnee and Darrow returned to report that there were no threats in the vicinity and the party exited the shelter into the light of day.

Rahnee then recalled that she had forgotten to mention Jandrico’s offer to the company, namely that they could occupy a rebuilt guest house on the Gatereach property for only 300 gold per month, if they so chose. Aerikoth thought it would take a while to rebuild, but Rahnee said it was supposed to be completed by the end of the month. Aerikoth then turned and dismissed the hut, which disappeared with a wave of his hand, the wizard impressing Pincer once again with his magic.

Rahnee lingered at the Reddansyr Crossroads, while the others hiked west on Traders Road, in order to cover the party’s backtrail. She wanted to ensure that none of Pincer’s associates could trail or ambush them, if any were following. She asked that markers be left for her in case she could not track them later. (A person is only paranoid if no one is in fact out to get them. Considering that the company is isolated from any outside help and heading for a slaver lair in the deep forest, some extra prudence is warranted, although Rahnee's sword and bow might have been helpful with the others. --R)

After about a half-hour of travel for the main party, Pincer started slowing down and checking the environs for familiar signs. He told Aerikoth, Darrow, Shanni and Dermot to be on the lookout for a stone marker by the side of the road. Looking around uneasily, he also mentioned that the last time he was there, he had been told to be wary of the large spiders that nested in the woods. On a related note, Pincer asked if he could have a weapon; Darrow replied by telling him to stay close to Aerikoth.

Dermot was the first one to spot the stone marker. Pincer confirmed that it was the one he had seen and told them that they needed to head north from that point. Darrow was eager to get moving, but Dermot advised caution and moved ahead slowly to scout. He returned shortly and informed the others that at least six monstrous spiders were ahead and looked hungry. Dermot was just at the point of saying that the party could go around them, when several spiders appeared and raced towards them. Although the adventurers were able to dispose of them without serious harm, one of them bit Shanni in the arm and poisoned her.

Darrow looked over her wound as Shanni turned green and retched violently. They discovered that no one had any poison antidote with them, although Darrow applied a healing kit to provide some relief for the small woman‘s arm. She gamely struggled on, but it was clear that the poison had greatly affected her strength and balance.


Moving north from Traders Road, the group came to a forested area that Pincer said contained the lair. However, he was unsure exactly where it lay; during his previous trip there, he had been with a guide who had deliberately led him in circles to confuse the location. Dermot took the lead, concentrating his senses around him to reveal any hidden secrets or dangers. Some stray large spiders were destroyed easily, but the party had a real fight against several huge wolves, one of whom managed to lacerate Darrow’s shoulder. Shanni returned the dwarf’s earlier favor and bandaged him up afterwards.

Advancing ahead of the others, Dermot came upon a camouflaged snare and then waited for Shanni to come up and disarm it. In response to a question from Dermot, Pincer said he had been told to step only where his guide did, during his previous visit. Dermot took out a knife and made a mark in a nearby tree, for Rahnee to see later; the others noted that the dead spiders should also serve as a trail for her to follow. The group continued their careful progress through the forest, finding and disarming another snare. Monstrous spiders continued to plague them and in one instance Pincer had to kill one with a punch.

Emerging into a clearing, the group paused and drew their breaths as they saw a magnificent white stag on the other side. It looked directly at Dermot and slowly approached the fascinated ranger. Darrow was less impressed by it, however, declaring that he smelled a trap. As the stag approached even closer, Dermot reached out a hand, making an effort to keep it from shaking, and placed it on the animal’s snout. It paused for a brief moment, allowing the touch, then quickly turned away and ran to the north.

Shanni was nearly as fascinated by the stag as Dermot and mentioned to the others that the ranger had dreamed of one. He expressed his desire to follow the rare beast, but said it would be up to the rest of the company. Shanni wistfully supported the idea, while Darrow thought it would be best to press on to the lair in order to rescue Janatha sooner. The dwarf relented somewhat as Dermot discussed his dream, however, and he agreed with the others that they could follow the stag, as long as Dermot did not lose the trail back. (These types of decisions are difficult to make, balancing individual desires against one's mission. It would be easy to criticize such diversions, yet failing to pursue personal quests in one's life would leave it at least partly devoid of meaning, to my mind. --C)

The ranger tracked the stag’s hoofprints in a northerly direction, traveling for an hour. The forest had noticeably thinned and Dermot observed that they must be approaching the coast. Dermot cast around for the trail and found it leading west, towards a pool of water, where the group decided to rest. He estimated that the stag was outpacing them and was at least an hour ahead. They took the opportunity to refill their waterskins and marked the pool’s location, before Dermot urged them forward again. Despite the ranger’s best efforts over the next hour, however, the stag’s trail became no fresher, leading south and west into a thicket of dense wood.

As they debated what to do, Dermot heard some movement in the underbrush. He went forward and confronted a large grizzly bear, who evidently was hungry, as it quickly went for the group. It was dispatched before it could do any serious harm, although Darrow received another gash to add to his collection; despite its hostility, Dermot was disappointed in having to kill the bear.

At this point, Dermot reluctantly admitted defeat in his attempt to catch the stag and agreed to go back to the water hole and make camp. Aerikoth welcomed the chance to make additional preparations before entering the lair, in terms of the spells he would have at his command and in order to ameliorate Shanni’s poisoned condition. The wizard also observed it would be necessary for Rahnee to catch up with them first. As soon as they reached the pool, Shanni curled up on a nearby rock and started dozing, while Dermot quietly described his dream of the white stag in more detail to the others, still regretful.

Aerikoth conjured a hut by the pool as shelter and spent most of the afternoon inside, studying his spells, while Shanni slept to recover her health. Dermot kept watch outside, partly in hopes of once again seeing the white stag. Darrow inspected and repaired some of his equipment and as evening fell, joined Dermot outside to have an ale and look at the stars come out.


In the early evening, Rahnee came out of the woods to join them, looking somewhat haggard but otherwise in good spirits; she joked that she had found them by following the dead bodies. Dermot and Darrow explained to her about the white stag and how they had decided it would be best to rest and prepare by the forest pool, prior to making their effort against the Astorians’ lair. Darrow escorted Rahnee into the hut while Dermot stayed outside, ensuring that Pincer came back after going into the woods. After the former slaver returned, Dermot came in silently after him, closing the hut door and surprising him. The group took a few minutes to get caught up, then turned conversation towards their next objective, the lair, while Pincer snoozed.

The first part of the discussion revolved around the planned treatment of any Astorians at the lair and it was agreed that no prisoners would be taken. Rahnee then kicked Pincer’s foot to get him awake and answer some more questions. She first asked where prisoners were kept in the lair, but he claimed not to have seen any on his last trip there. She and Darrow then expressed concern about any prisoners being killed after the lair was assaulted, which only served to confuse Pincer, who failed to understand why valuable prisoners would be executed.

Rahnee then pressed Pincer on what the lair was like inside, past the entrance. He mentioned that it was pretty dark and he recalled being escorted past the entry chamber and down a corridor to the guards’ quarters. He thought there was only one corridor and said he had not gone any further into the lair past that point. He also reminded them that they would have to find the lair entrance first. Rahnee was still concerned with the need to move fast once inside the lair, which Pincer was skeptical about, mentioning that he had moved slowly and carefully in there while following his guide.

The adventurers turned to discussing their tactical plans, including the use of light while underground, the need to detect any traps inside, and which spells Aerikoth should cast when. As they were finishing up, Pincer interjected with the suggestion that maybe he could stay and guard the hut, clearly not relishing the idea of going with the others to the lair. He was pleased to hear that this was their plan as well, although his enthusiasm was dampened after Rahnee informed him that Aerikoth would be locking the door after he left. The wizard observed that the hut would disappear of its own accord in perhaps twelve hours.

The companions, having decided over Rahnee’s objections that it would be best to move against the lair then rather than wait until morning, collected their gear and exited the hut, Aerikoth magically locking the door once only Pincer was left inside. He had been told that if they failed to return before the structure vanished, he would be on his own. Dermot then lead the group through the woods for the next two hours, taking them back to the original area where the white stag had appeared. (This raises the question whether Pincer would disappear along with the magical hut - which I expect may have been a concern of the slaver - although it is implied above that only the structure would vanish after the expiration of the spell. I would not like to trust my life to such magical effects. Pincer obviously had no choice in the matter and it would not be a loss to the world to have one less slaver in it. --C)

Circling carefully along the natural forest paths, Dermot found another snare, which Shanni disarmed. Dermot moved confidently and silently through the woods, leading the others down what seemed to be a natural-looking corridor of trees past the snare. Moving ahead of the others, he spotted another trap, as well as a group of men in what appeared to be an ambush position. Dermot went back and informed the others of this and they readied themselves for battle.

The fight did not go quite as the adventurers expected. More Astorians appeared from another ambuscade that had been hidden from view and Darrow set off a tangle trap while charging forward to meet them. The dwarf however was able to ignore the vines, which magically moved aside when faced with his axe, and rushed several enemies who were flanking them with arrow fire. Rahnee fought furiously to hold off the other ambushers while Darrow attended to this task, supported by the arrows and spells of her comrades. Several Astorians nonetheless got through into the adventurers’ back ranks, gravely wounding Shanni in a confused melee. Darrow’s return to the main fight put their enemies on the defensive, however, in combination with a well-timed Slow spell from Aerikoth. After some further brutal combat, all of the Astorians were killed.

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