The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


Returning to the hold, Brok-Tul expressed his delight at the prospect of Gonzo accompanying them back to Westgate, while the others were less optimistic about the situation. Rahnee suggested that Aerikoth try and talk to the dragon once it overtook them, a course of action which Aerikoth indicated he had already raised with Captain Kelteel. The wizard, however, had let the captain remain ignorant of the fact that the party had previously encountered the dragon. Aerikoth agreed to go on deck and await the dragon's arrival.

Aerikoth came down the ladder a few minutes later, reporting that the dragon, who appeared tired but determined, had nearly overtaken the ship and the captain had requested everyone on deck, expecting the adventurers to fight if needed. On the windswept and rainy deck, the captain continued barking orders to his sailors as the party emerged from the hatch, the red dragon now visibly trailing behind the ship. Velduin and Brok-Tul told the captain that they should try and parley before fighting, a point with which the captain agreed, although he believed it unlikely to succeed and asked that they break out their weapons.

The sailor on aft watch called out that the dragon seemed to be struggling and was no longer gaining on the ship. Brok-Tul asked Captain Kelteel to slow down, so that the dragon wouldn't drown. This earned him a curt reprimand from the captain, who shook his head as if Brok-Tul was insane. The sailor cried out that the dragon was surging toward the ship, then a moment later screamed that the dragon was opening his mouth and breathing. A line of fire lanced from the still-distant dragon, the end of it impacting the ship and burning the sailor, who fell to the deck. Pointing his now-burning sleeve aft, the captain yelled that the dragon had fallen back and was retreating, then he helped douse the flames on himself and the ship deck.

Brok-Tul prayed to Helm to heal the wounded sailor, who after several tries was well enough to stagger to his feet and man his position. Captain Kelteel called out for the adventurers to get belowdecks while they sailed out the remainder of the storm, quietly thanking Brok-Tul before the half-orc went below for aiding the sailor. The captain also mentioned there had been relatively little damage to the ship from the dragon's breath, the storm having soaked the wood thoroughly. Before descending the ladder, Aerikoth pointed out to the captain that a dragon in the area would not bode well for House Urdo's plan to develop the island, something which the captain said he was sure to include in his own report.

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As the group talked about the encounter with Gonzo and speculated on many things related to dragons, the weather cleared and the ship no longer rolled to the sound of thunder. Captain Kelteel came down and let them know that the ship would be in port within the hour. This was welcome news for the adventurers, who took advantage of the calmer seas to rest. The captain awakened them once the ship was a few minutes outside of Westgate, inviting everyone on deck. One of the sailors pointed out the Westlight, as the glowing harbor tower was now in view. After pausing for a short while to let some larger merchantmen clear the port entrance, the captain ordered the "Mermaid's Lance" toward harbor.

At the Urdo docks, a cleric of Gond was waiting for the group, along with additional Urdo guards, in order to "truth-tell" them. All successfully passed the question, which addressed whether they had not previously declared anything they were carrying to Captian Kelteel, and exited the dock area onto the cobblestone streets of the Market. Velduin, who was invited to join the others at the Gatereach, departed to make his report to the Naturalists Guild. Rahnee then declared she had some family business to attend to and strode off, leaving the others to make their report at the Mercenaries Guild.

After being escorted upstairs to Varen Malavhan's office, Aerikoth took the lead in describing their exploration of the island. Aerikoth described the signs of previous habitation, including the shipwreck and the well, and the bones of a large creature in the center of the isle. Aerikoth commented that the island had appeared suitable for use by House Urdo, until their ship was attacked by a red dragon on the return voyage; apparently the dragon used the island's area as a hunting ground. (The wizard did not technically lie in describing events in this manner, yet managed to avoid all issue of their own interactions with Gonzo. Clever. --C). Varen expressed his astonishment at the tale, also complimenting the Urdo captain on his ability to outsail the pursuing dragon during the storm. He told the group he would recommend acceptance of the report by Urdo and would send word to the Gatereach when payment was received for the contract. As an aside, Varen recommended that the group bring someone on board with wilderness lore, to be more competitive for future contracts. Brok-Tul mentioned that Velduin would probably be joining them, an invitation having been made to him. Their report completed, the four returned to the Gatereach, late afternoon of Nightal 5.

The next morning, Aerikoth made his way over to the Gatereach for breakfast and was joined later by the others. Velduin found his way there from the Naturalists Guild and over their meal said that he would gratefully accept an offer from Rahnee to lodge at the guest house, which was comfortably outside the city; Jandrico indicated he would have an additional key made for him. Janatha, who served their food as usual, mentioned she was studying accounting for the inn, under the tutelage of Jandrico. Blushing at expressions of approval from the group, she retired to examine a ledger, while Jandrico also turned his attention to the inn’s accounts. (Janatha's education by Jandrico Swift is indeed commendable, and rather out of the ordinary, as shall be seen later. --R)

Rahnee was informed all had gone well with the report to the Mercenaries Guild, although Brok-Tul speculated that the Gondsman at the dock was a fake, since he apparently had not detected a wood carving Jokull had carried off the island. Velduin said he had filed a written report with the Naturalists Guild about the island, but had not yet heard any reaction to it. Aerikoth departed, after assuring Rahnee that he would be back for dinner, should the others wish to make plans in common. Rahnee commented that she would be doing her washing and oiling her leathers that day, so had no other plans. After some pointed words about Waterdhavian nobles accepting recent acquaintances into their homes, Aerikoth departed, and the companions went about their business for the remainder of the day.


Of Elections and Red Wizards

Rahnee, Aerikoth and Jokull breakfasted together the morning of Nightal 7, receiving a message during the meal that their fee from House Urdo was ready at the Mercenaries Guild. On the way to the Guild house, Jokull took a short detour and Rahnee overheard commoners talking about a Waterdeep noblewoman being found in a compromising position with a half-orc at the Lord's Water. (This seems to have been targeted at Rahnee, but who would seek to do such a thing? Unless there was another Waterdhavian noblewoman having an affair with a half-orc in Westgate. --R). At the Guild, Varen Malavhan presented them with the fee payment and asked if they would be interested in taking on election-related jobs. Varen explained that the candidates for Croamarkh, the titular leader of the city, would be announced on Hammer 2; the actual election was scheduled to occur in a little over two months, on Alturiak 15. Given the rough way politics normally played out in Westgate, Varen expected requests for experienced and "diplomatic" mercenary escorts to rise. Varen, noting that he considered the group to be neutral and not allied with any House, thought they would be ideal. Rahnee said that they would certainly be willing to listen to what was on offer.

After leaving the Guild, the three adventurers made their way to the Tower in Market District. There, Rahnee obtained from a city clerk the results of her title search on the burnt-out former temple of Leira, also known as the "Hidden House." Rahnee was told that the title for the property had reverted to the city, following the disappearance of Halautha Immerstar, High Mistmistress of Leira, and the destruction of Leira's clergy during the Time of Troubles. The deed would be available from the clerk for 1,000 gold, should Rahnee wish to purchase the property. Rahnee and Jokull took Aerikoth to the site of the Hidden House, which he had not seen before. The mage was less than impressed by the condition of the place and the others' plans to make it a shrine to Helm. Returning to the Gatereach guest house, the Urdo contract fee was divided up amongst the company, Veran and Brok-Tul appreciating the extra gold. Meanwhile Velduin apparently had traveled into the countryside, to attend to his druidic needs.

In the early afternoon, a boy messenger knocked on the door of the guest house and said he had a message from Gondeth for the adventurers with the mage "Aericough." Once invited inside, the boy introduced himself as Tabor and seemed impressed at being inside a real adventurers' headquarters. Once Aerikoth arrived and confirmed that the message was for their group, Tabor crinkled his face up in a serious expression and quoted Gondeth's message, which asked them to come by the mage's shop to discuss something related to an earlier conversation with Aerikoth. Pleased with himself, the boy gladly accepted a few silver and copper coins from Rahnee and Brok-Tul. He then asked if they had a message in return for Gondeth. Rahnee said that Tabor could tell him that they would visit him soon. The boy departed cheerfully and the adventurers made ready to depart for Gondeth's.

After marching through the cold and snowy streets of Westgate, the group arrived at Gondeth's Mageries. The old wizard expressed his surprise they had come so quickly, but was nevertheless glad to see them. Moving to a private corner of the shop, Gondeth gathered the adventurers around him and said he had a business proposition. Turning his attention to Aerikoth, he asked if anything further had been discovered about the Thayans since their last conversation, receiving an answer in the negative.

To the rest of the group, Gondeth explained that in the pages of their former companion Jamorin's notebook was a reference to a Thayan wizard named Orthalar. He had intended to work with Jamorin on a phylactery spell – one designed to assist a mage seeking lichdom, a prospect which drew an disgusted oath from Veran. (May all such seekers be purged from Toril! --C). Gondeth had continued to pursue the possibility that an ancient lich had its domain near Westgate, as Orthalar and Jamorin were clearly seeking one, perhaps even the legendary tomb of the first Netherese lich. However, Gondeth had found no further information, and was now more concerned about Thayan activity in Westgate. Gondeth explained that the Red Wizards had found a cold reception in Westgate, although many conducted trade with Thay and Thayan ships sometimes graced the city harbors. Gondeth said that he had heard rumblings of a Red Wizard establishing himself in Westgate, seeking to influence the coming elections and put a Croamarkh in power who would grant them their desired enclave and trading privileges. Gondeth, unfortunately, had no idea which House they would back, or who the preferred Thayan candidate would be.

Brok-Tul, with a glance at Rahnee, offered his guess that House Cormaeril was the likeliest. Gondeth found that a logical possibility, since the exiled Cormyrians could well be seeking magical support in order to retake their ancestral lands. Gondeth continued by stating that, since Aerikoth had previously shared with Gondeth his concern over the Thayans, and as the group had no ties to the noble houses, Gondeth proposed working together to identify which house was working with the Red Wizards. Gondeth commented that he could not offer the group untold wealth, but could share useful magic with each of them. (It appears that the party's affiliation with House Thalavar has been successfully concealed from both the Mercenaries Guild and Gondeth. But for how long? --C)

The group discussed what they knew of the Thayans, Rahnee mentioning their foothold in Waterdeep. At the end, they agreed to give Gondeth an answer the following day, once they had talked about the matter amongst themselves. Gondeth said that if they agreed to help, he would gather notes on what he knew and share it with them in a few days' time. The group pursued separate errands before reuniting at the guest house to discuss the Thayan problem and Gondeth's offer.


After a satisfying meal at the Gatereach, the companions were still deep in debate regarding their plans when they heard a rapping at the door. Rahnee answered it and let in Jamal, who thanked her for being able to come in out of the rain, brushing some from her hair. After making her greetings to the group, Jamal was introduced to Veran and wryly commented on his "cheery" demeanor. Jokull, whom Jamal called her "handsome knight," took and kissed her proffered hand while she whispered something to him. As they all took seats in the common area, Jokull commented that he was sorry he had not seen Jamal's latest performance, which word on the street said was "scandalous." Jamal clapped her hands merrily and expressed her happiness that the performance, about the Bleths and their castle perpetually under construction, was a hit. Rahnee commented that it sounded at least as entertaining as a song she had heard on the street about the "noble lady Ronny" and her half-orc lover. Jamal mentioned, to the sound of Brok-Tul's grumbling and knuckles cracking, that she had heard it as well, but did not take street rumors for the full truth. (I too am puzzled by the sudden appearance of the bawdy ballad. Who would take notice of their relationship and activities and go to the trouble of coming up with this song? Perhaps the Westgate bards were lacking other material in 1372 DR? But I doubt it.--C)

When asked by Rahnee the reason for her visit, Jamal smiled and said that she had wanted to see how the "merry band" had been doing, since she had heard about their adventures involving giant-slaying and escaping from a dragon. Brok-Tul raised his speculation about false Gondites, based on the truth-telling incident at the Urdo dock, which Jamal archly compared to Brok-Tul's previous tales of secret assassins following him. Jamal quieted and turned serious, however, when Brok-Tul mentioned the recent visit by "The Vulture." Jamal considered the group fortunate to have escaped with their skins, commenting that the Vulture must have felt that he profited somehow from keeping them alive. Jamal asked if the group would be in town for the elections, which Rahnee answered in the affirmative, mentioning that the Mercenaries Guild had already asked them about elections-related contracts.

Brok-Tul inquired about news of the Houses and their election plans, specifically House Cormaeril. Jamal said that Cormaeril seemed to be keeping a low profile, provoking some knowing comments from the group. Jamal thought that House Urdo would firmly back a candidate of their own, but she didn't believe that Cormaeril or Bleth could put forward a strong candidate, given their relative newness to Westgate; meanwhile, Lady Thistle was too young to be House Thalavar's candidate. Brok-Tul raised the possibility of outside backing for Cormaeril or Bleth, alluding indirectly to Thayan involvement. Jamal indicated she would be interested in knowing if any outside players were involved, while growing increasingly puzzled at Veran's opaque commentary on the situation. Aerikoth dryly complimented Jamal on her ability to get others to talk. Jamal offhandedly commented that she would not ask them what business they had with Gondeth, although she hoped they could compare notes as the election approached.

Rahnee continued by smoothly asking what the Thayans would want with a "backwater" town like Westgate, prompting an explanation from Jamal about Westgate's importance as a trading center on the Sea of Fallen Stars. Brok-Tul, showing off his newly-modified Helmite equipment, then announced that he would be dedicating a shrine to Helm in the burnt-out space of Leira's old temple. His plans received somewhat skeptical good wishes from Jamal.

Brok-Tul, quieter than usual, pulled up a chair and told Jamal of his struggles since childhood, promising to try to better the lives of those most in need in Westgate's streets. Jamal, moved by his words, said she was serious in her intention to send business Brok-Tul's way when the shrine was established. Turning to Jokull, Jamal expressed a desire to get a tour of the upstairs part of the house, and he escorted her up, spending the next hour alone with her before escorting her out. (Jamal, as a Harper and a street bard, was no doubt in her element with the coming elections and Thayan intrigue. Jokull, it is also now more clear, is becoming a player along with her in events. Yet the game is not so simple. --R)


A Departure and a Discovery

After a dream-filled night, Rahnee departed the guest house early on Nightal 8, leaving a note that she was off to inspect the Hidden House in order to see what repairs would be needed. Aerikoth also left in the early morning, while Brok-Tul and Veran departed later on their own errand. Meanwhile, Jokull remained behind at the guest house. In the early afternoon, all reunited at the Gatereach for lunch, where Jandrico Swift presented Rahnee with a message from Velduin. Retiring to the guest house, Rahnee opened it and read the elven druid's words, which spoke of his work at the Naturalists Guild being more than he could bear, prompting his return to Gulthmere Forest. Velduin warned the others to be wary of the Guild, as some of the members' goals were less than worthy. (Perhaps the elven druid could be more vague about his concerns, but then again perhaps not. --R). Along with regrets, some wry comments were made on the latest departure of a comrade, and Rahnee half-jokingly checked her trunk to make sure all of her dresses were still there.

Rahnee reported to the others on her inspection of the Hidden House - which she now termed the House of Helm - saying that between their hard work and some professional builders, it would take perhaps 150 gold to put the place in order. Brok-Tul said that it was at least a lot less than was being asked for the price of the house itself. The half-orc cursed the greediness of Westgate's lords and expressed hope that after a few more jobs, purchasing the place would be within their reach.

Veran raised the idea of further exploring the Seven Lost Gods Hills, believing that he would find something there related to what he was seeking, including perhaps a shrine to Jergal. (This would indeed be fascinating discovery. The vagaries of the past servants of the divine portfolio of Death are of historical interest and still may be relevant today. --C). Aerikoth, as expected, expressed his disinterest in exploring distant mounds, preferring to concentrate on tracking down the Thayan presence within the city. He said that he had visited Gondeth that morning to confirm the group's interest in working with him against the Red Wizards, as they had promised to do the previous day. Brok-Tul apologized for forgetting the appointment, as he had been distracted by a particularly wicked dream about Mask accusing him of abandoning Mask's temple. Aerikoth continued, mentioning that Gondeth said he would be able to furnish the group with some prepared notes in a few days on what he had learned about the Thayans.

While discussing what actions should be taken before Gondeth was finished with his notes, Brok raised the possibility of visiting Turnton again. Veran supported the idea, due to the connections with Amee Pass and the Sess goblin prophecy, which perhaps was related to Veran's regarding the rise of an ancient undead power. Aerikoth indicated that he preferred to use the time for scribing scrolls while the others made the journey to Baron Pahar's domain. The group promised to return on Nightal 10, the day of Jokull's gladiator match; Aerikoth said if they had not returned by then, he would journey to Turnton on the following day to see what had become of them. Jokull remained behind in order to prepare for his next duel. Brok-Tul, Rahnee, and Veran packed their equipment and headed for the road to Turnton, to take advantage of the waning daylight that remained.

The evening of Nightal 9, the three returned from Turnton and joined Aerikoth and Jokull at the Gatereach for dinner. Brok-Tul reported that all had gone well in Turnton with High Cleric Carlin. The three companions, however, had encountered on the way magical catlike beasts called "Krenshar" which had attacked them. Aerikoth had seen a mention of them in a tome once, but knew nothing more about them. The group then retired to the guest house for the night.


The morning of Nightal 10, Jokull traveled to Morningstar Haven in order to locate a paladin of Tyr who had recently arrived in town. Jokull explained to Rahnee that he had met with Garis while the others were in Turnton. Garis had given him word of the paladin's presence and his mission, which was to investigate possible necromantic activity in the Seven Lost Gods Hills. Meanwhile, the others had breakfast at the Gatereach, with Aerikoth displaying an unusually annoyed and frustrated mood. By the time Jokull returned with the paladin, Fuke Strongheart, Aerikoth was heading for the door, barely condescending to greet Jokull on the way out.

Around mid-afternoon, Brok-Tul, Rahnee, and Veran returned to the Gatereach and found a calmer-looking Aerikoth being served lunch in the back room with Jandrico. Janatha brought out additional food for the hungry adventurers, who had just returned from the Seven Hills; Veran still refused anything besides bread and water, despite being obviously tired. Jokull had split off from the others to go to the Market, while Fuke Strongheart had gone his own way as well.

Rahnee, after sitting down, asked Aerikoth if he knew how to read dwarven runes. The mage said no, but that he was in possession of a scroll which could be of assistance. In between bites of food, Rahnee took the lead in relating their adventure to Aerikoth. She along with Brok-Tul, Veran, Jokull and Fuke had explored the Seven Hills area, locating and entering a nearly airless underground cavern filled with undead dwarven skeletons. Inside the cavern they found an ancient throne and a dwarven statue covered with rune carvings. Rahnee after a period of time fainted from the lack of air and had to be carried outside by Brok-Tul.
After finishing the meal, they encountered Jokull outside and everyone headed to the guest house to discuss the Seven Hills expedition. Rahnee took out a scroll containing partial charcoal rubbings of the statue's runes and showed it to Aerikoth, who recognized them as ancient dwarven work, but could not understand their meaning. Aerikoth offered to use a scrolled spell to decipher them, but it was decided that it would be best to employ the scroll when they were actually in the presence of the statue.

Brok-Tul also showed Aerikoth several gems that he had picked up in the cavern, including a diamond, a sapphire, and an Ioun stone with a strength rune on it. Rahnee then asked Aerikoth if he had heard of the name "Ashnakzeroth," which was inscribed on the throne. Frowning and looking distant, Aerikoth pondered for a while before taking a deep breath and telling Rahnee and Veran that he knew it, and they did too. Rahnee, brow creased, eventually recalled that the goblins they had encountered fleeing Amee Pass had said that name was connected to what they feared was “rising.”

Aerikoth then described to the others a hypothesis regarding the necromantic activity in Westgate they had been investigating. Acknowledging that at first he had not taken Veran's prophecy seriously, Aerikoth stated he believed that it, the goblins of Amee Pass, Jamorin's search for a lich, and the rise of the necromancer Zagath were all connected. The tome originally in Jamorin's possession, now with Gondeth, had been a treatise on the creation of the first lich. It was possible that the dead creature that was returning - Ashnakzeroth - was in fact this lich, which had reportedly inhabited the Westgate area in ancient times. (I must admit that the wizard's exposition of the situation was clear and masterful, even at this early stage of their investigation of the abomination. --R). Veran commented that what some called coincidence, others called fate. (A point to ponder, indeed. --C). Rahnee speculated, and Jokull agreed, that the Thayans might also be interested in the creature. Aerikoth was dubious of Thayan involvement, as the only connection mentioned in Jamorin's journal was that the Thayan wizard had something Jamorin needed for a transaction.

In light of the most recent developments, Aerikoth said that he was now very interested in visiting the Seven Hills to see the underground cavern. It was agreed that the group would return there to examine the dwarven statue and see what further discoveries could be made the following day, after Jokull's match at the Quivering Thumb. The group spent additional time discussing possibilities for how the lich was originally destroyed, whether it had perhaps returned already, and if it could have been worshipped as one of the Seven Lost Gods.


A Night at the Arena

The evening of Nightal 10, the group gathered in the Gatereach guest house common room to see a confident Jokull off to that night's match at the Quivering Thumb. After making the trek through the cold and rain to the arena themselves, they found the crowd there sparser than usual; perhaps because of the weather, as Rahnee speculated. Brok-Tul arrived a bit late, but still in time to join Rahnee and Veran in placing bets with the gnomish oddsmaker Drugo. The bettors then joined Aerikoth in seats next to the gladiator pit.

The first match featured the gladiator Jusuf, sponsored by House Urdo, taking on a captive owlbear. The monster, a large specimen of its kind, at first seemed out of sorts at being under the lights of the arena, but then found its opponent and rushed him. Although Jusuf managed to land several solid blows with his sword, which dazed the owlbear for a time, the creature's ferocity was too much and the gladiator went down under its slashing claws. Stanslav, the arena owner and announcer, saluted the bravery of Jusuf and the honor of House Urdo as sponsors. He then directed two of the Thumb's guards to feed a potion to the creature to keep it quiet, then drag it below to the animal pits. During the break between matches, a woman bumped Aerikoth slightly and apologized, afterwards departing the arena.

The second match saw Jokull (using his "Josurr" alias) square off against the barbarian gladiator Ru'allah, who had fought several times before in the arena. As Ru'allah clashed hammer to shield and Jokull quietly acknowledged his readiness, Stanslav explained to the energized crowd that this match would be fought until one of the warriors was knocked unconscious. Demonstrating both his steady nerves and showmanship, Jokull produced a set of wooden pipes and played a gentle melody, features still concealed under his hood. After Stanslav's introduction was complete, Ru'allah saluted "Josurr" as a worthy opponent. Jokull in response threw his pipes aside and drew his sword and shield, saying, "Did you hear that, Ru'allah? That was the sound of your defeat. I am sorry."

Letting out a fearsome cry, Ru'allah charged into battle. Although both opponents showed skill with their weapons, Ru'allah managed only some glancing blows with his hammer, as Jokull's sword and shield combined to frustrate the barbarian's attack. Seizing an opening, Jokull brought his sword around in a swift and powerful blow down on Ru'allah's exposed body, felling his opponent to the ground in a bloody shower. Although a healer was called to Ru'allah's side, the barbarian had already departed for Kelemvor's realm. Retrieving his pipes, Jokull silently departed the arena to the cheers of the crowd. (It seems that no penalty was assessed by the arena master for Jokull striking a mortal blow - although technically speaking, his opponent was indeed unconscious at the end, meeting the letter of the match's rules. I wonder if that was the intent all along, to provide an even bloodier spectacle to the crowd? --R)

The last match, as always, featured the half-orc gladiator Gagh, this time in a fight to the death against two convicts dressed in rags and armed with short swords. During Stanslav's introduction, the two could be seen muttering to each other on the far side of the pit from Gagh, evidently discussing their strategy. As soon as the introduction was over, Gagh moved to the center of the arena and taunted the two to come fight. Gagh never lost his toothy grin as the convicts moved to flank him and then rushed in with their swords. The half-orc let one score a bloody but not serious wound while quickly dispatching the other. Without even looking at his remaining foe, Gagh brought his sword around in a vicious arc, shearing through his opponent's midsection and ending the fight. The half-orc then paraded around the arena to loud cheers and boos from the crowd, pausing on the way out only to spit blood on the bodies of the dead convicts.

On the way out, the bettors collected their winnings, while Veran spoke with the arena employees to ensure that the dead gladiators would receive the final blessings due them as they entered Kelemvor's realm. (I salute Brother Veran's dedication to the cause, under any and all circumstances. --C). Jokull rejoined the group on the way back to the Gatereach guest house, stoically receiving their congratulations and expressions of concern. Jokull informed the others that he was scheduled to fight Gagh next, vowing to kill the half-orc gladiator in ten days. Before the companions went off to bed, Jokull indicated he thought he would be well enough to accompany the group to the Seven Hills the next day.


Ancient Dreams

Very early in the morning of Nightal 11, Aerikoth re-entered the guest house with a bottle of wine and tray of food, making enough noise to wake Brok-Tul, Veran, and Jokull. Aerikoth made a half-apology, stating that balancing everything he was carrying while closing doors quietly was obviously not something he was skilled at. The others grunted their agreement and headed back to bed, while Aerikoth took his food and drink to his room.

In the morning, Jokull went to see Stanslav at the Quivering Thumb, promising to join the others at breakfast once he returned. Rahnee was feeling poorly, so Brok-Tul made sure to get some tea and breakfast cakes for her from Jandrico. Once Jokull arrived, they finished breakfast and equipped themselves for the trip to the Seven Hills outside Westgate, leaving Rahnee to recover at the guest house.

After arriving in the Seven Hills, the group showed Aerikoth the entrance to the underground chamber they had found, then descended into its dark, still nearly airless interior. A torch lit by Jokull sputtered and went out quickly, due to the lack of oxygen, prompting Brok-Tul to cast a light spell. After carefully examining the ancient throne, Aerikoth followed the others into the rear chamber containing the statue covered with dwarven runes. The mage read a spell from a scroll, then took several minutes to pore over the runes, now able to divine their meaning.

Aerikoth stated that the statue was a symbol raised in tribute to Moradin, after a victory won by the dwarves that had been enslaved by the throne's occupant. The runes, in an ancient dwarven dialect, stated that in their last efforts, although they knew they would die here, the dwarves raised this statue in honor of the lead god of their pantheon. In Aerikoth's estimation, when the ancient Netherese mage Karsus' actions caused the absence of magic in the Realms, it destroyed the dwarves' "master" as they referred to him, and they believed it was Moradin who did away with their oppressor. (A fascinating historical insight. --C). The wizard continued, saying that the dwarves knew they were going to die away from home, but in their last actions they erected this statue. Aerikoth commented that the runes stated how they had despaired of Moradin until their deliverance; despite the previous rejection of their gods, they still gave Moradin credit in their final hours, even though such pleas had fallen upon deaf ears.

After Aerikoth's explanation of the runes' meaning, there was some debate over how the dwarves could possibly have become reanimated – the party having encountered dwarven skeletons previously – and if Ashnakzeroth, called an "un-god" in the runic script, might have been responsible. The group exited the cavern, satisfied they had examined everything of interest and glad to get out of the oppressively stifling atmosphere. Brok-Tul, commenting that he wanted to ask a dwarf-clan about the fate of the slaves, was told by Aerikoth that the runes indicated the dwarves had been of Clan Ironhelm. The wizard then summarily dismissed the idea offered by Brok-Tul of speaking with a nearby treant, saying that such creatures were not overly fond of socializing.


As the sun set over Westgate, the party returned to the Gatereach guest house to inform Rahnee of their discoveries. After the tale was told, all decided to rest for the remainder of the night. Once asleep, however, each was transported in their dreams to what appeared to be the underground chamber in the Seven Hills. Following some confusion, the group slowly realized that they were sharing the same dream, and began exploring the cavern anew. Some changes were evident, as Ashnakzeroth's throne gleamed like new, but now had a pile of bones upon it. (This marks the first shared dream the party experiences in their quest. It will not be the last. --R)

Approaching the throne, several party members felt an evil presence pressing at them. (This must be an indication of the abomination's continued existence. --C). Moving to the rear chamber, the party saw a group of dwarves desperately working to finish a statue, with one of their clan elders urging them on. The elder, whose fingers kept touching a small figure of a hammer tied to his neck with a rag, prayed to Moradin, asking that their fate be a warning and a revelation, that their deaths should not be in vain. After crying that the statue was completed and for Moradin to save their souls, the elder and the other dwarves sank to the cavern floor, as the dream faded out.

Once all were awake in the morning, the companions discussed the fantastic happenings in the shared dream. Brok-Tul thought that the dwarven elder must have been a priest of Moradin, since he had possessed the hammer symbol, and felt strongly that the party needed to find some Clan Ironhelm dwarves - if the clan was still in existence - and ask them about what had happened. Although Aerikoth felt this would be of dubious utility, he commented that he knew that Clan Ironhelm was extant, having previously met a member. Durendin Ironhelm, the wizard explained, had been part of Aerikoth's adventuring group when they defeated the necromancer Zagath. Afterwards, Durendin had returned to his clan home in the Giant's Run mountains. Aerikoth confirmed, in response to a question from Veran, that Zagath had his lair near the Amee Pass. Veran speculated that Zagath had unleashed something which had scared away the nearby goblin tribe.

After breakfast, the group headed for the Market to sell some gems and other items, with the idea of going to the Tower afterwards to purchase the Hidden House deed. Rahnee collared a dwarf in one of the outdoor stalls and was able to confirm that Clan Ironhelm was based in the Giant's Run mountains, although the dwarf pleaded ignorance about knowing any clan members in Westgate. After the division of gold, during which Aerikoth insisted on only taking the cost of the Comprehend Languages scroll, Brok-Tul and the others' contributions totaled above the 1,000 gold they had been told was required for the deed.


Pirates and a Funeral

Once they entered the Tower, the clerk inside informed them that another bidder for the Hidden House property had appeared, promising to pay 2,000 gold and leaving 100 gold as a good-faith deposit. The clerk explained that the property was not yet sold, however, so he offered to let the group match the 2,000 gold price and take the deed. Despite various arguments advanced by Rahnee, the clerk refused to budge from his position. In a side conference, Brok-Tul offered to sell the ioun stone, but was counseled by Aerikoth against it, given the non-monetary value of the stone's powers. Aerikoth also counseled seeking out additional work, rather than depleting all of the group's funds, which the others felt was a worthwhile idea. After some further dickering with the clerk, Rahnee agreed to make a bid of 2,100 gold on the Hidden House and put down 100 gold as a deposit. The group then departed for the Gatereach guest house, with Aerikoth breaking off to attend to personal business.

Later on Nightal 12, Janatha stopped by the guest house to drop off two messages that had been received at the Gatereach for Veran; the monk of Kelemvor immediately retired to his room to digest their contents. A short while later, after he had finished, the companions gathered in the common area as Brok-Tul finished picking up his armor polishing supplies. The first topic of discussion was how to raise the extra gold needed for the Hidden House. Rahnee, who found it peculiar that another bidder had appeared just as they had demonstrated interest in purchasing the property, mentioned she had seen the name of their competitor entered on the clerk's deposit record as "Seriawan of Teziir." Veran speculated that someone may have simply wished to push the price higher, or alternatively might be interested in blocking the establishment of a shrine to Helm. After rejecting the ideas of going to a moneylender or trying to earn gold in the gladiatorial games, the group agreed to seek out another contract at the Mercenaries Guild. (The matter of the Hidden House is a puzzling one indeed. I do not give much credence to the idea of cursed houses in cities, which it seems are often an invention of innkeepers or tale-tellers, who may often benefit from creating such a reputation. Research shows that such types of magics are usually limited to particular cursed items, or truly evil sites normally far away from densely inhabited locations. But I must admit that the story of this particular place in Westgate is remarkably tainted and unlucky, as will be seen again further on. --R)

At the Guild's office in East Gate, they were informed by the clerk of two available contracts. The first was open to all Guild members and sponsored by the proprietor of the Quivering Thumb, who was willing to pay 100 gold apiece for rare or magical beasts brought in alive. The other contract, whose sponsor's name was protected, was to locate and defeat a group of coastal pirates, who had begun to make their presence known a tenday previously. The clerk explained that a group, estimated to be no more than ten strong, had been raiding ships at anchor along the coast. It appeared that they possessed a small boat they used to slip in and out, infiltrating ships at night to steal items from their cargo. They were suspected of having a hideout to the east of Westgate on the coast, perhaps near a ruined watchtower. The group agreed to take the contract, which had been on offer since the previous day and had no deadline for completion, confident that they knew the area in question and could handle the pirate threat.

On the walk back to the Gatereach, Jokull noticed a new sign out in front of the Quivering Thumb advertising the next series of matches, including Jokull's fight to the death against Gagh in the last round. Dinner was held at the inn, where Veran asked directions to the Shore district, mentioning that he planned to attend a ceremony there involving the giving of last rites in the evening. Brok-Tul, who had grown up in the district, insisted on accompanying Veran, as did Rahnee and Jokull, since the area was known as the roughest in Westgate. As the sun began to set, the four set out for the Shore.

Once in the district, it took only a short time to find the funeral service, which was being given by Oravan, a priest of Lathander. Oravan welcomed Veran, telling the small crowd that had assembled that it was Veran's generosity that had made the rite possible. The subjects of the rite were Benny and Joanna, two Shore inhabitants who had been known as good people and kind to others. At the priest's invitation, Veran began speaking the words of Kelemvor, in order to speed the subjects on to their rightful judgment. (Brother Veran's behavior in Westgate is a true inspiration for the Order. --C)

As Veran was finishing his speech, some people on the edge of the crowd began to melt away, sensing trouble. A group of thugs arrived on the scene, their leader saying he was looking for a priest, while taking stock of the presence of Veran and his companions. After telling Veran that he had better bring all of his friends again if he ever came back to the Shore - and noting Brok-Tul's drawn weapon - the leader departed, his crew in tow. Brok-Tul identified them as members of the Shore Patrol, a local gang that was now under the Night Masks' control. Oravan expressed his gratitude for the companions' intervention and thanked Veran again for his generous sponsorship, quickly departing the area as the sun set. The four companions decided that it was time for them to go as well, since a hearty meal awaited them at the Gatereach.

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