The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


By early morning the following day, Hammer 22, they had arrived back at the Gatereach guest house in Westgate, cold and tired from their journey. Belle and Melissa preferred to rest immediately, while the others got some oatmeal from the inn before retiring. Early afternoon, the party regrouped at the inn for lunch, catching up with Jandrico Swift. Aerikoth finished early and indicated he would go see the wizard Gondeth, in case he wished to accompany them to Turnton.

Later, Aerikoth returned from visiting Gondeth and encountered Rahnee and Belle in the main guest house room. Aerikoth informed them that Gondeth would not be accompanying them to Turnton. Although the mage had interrupted a somewhat intense conversation between Belle and Rahnee regarding recent events in Reddansyr, he was invited to stay; Rahnee promised that a “cat fight” would not break out. Rahnee turned back toward Belle and reassured her that she and Brok-Tul were not angry at Belle. Rather, Rahnee was annoyed at herself for being taken as easily as a newborn puppy.

The companions turned toward discussing the aftermath of the incident at the well. In response to a question from Rahnee, Aerikoth said he thought he had seen at least one person escape, although he was not sure. Rahnee reviewed with Belle what was known of the bandit leader Jonas, who apparently was still in the Westgate prison, and Jonas’ brother, who may have been Rahnee’s captor. Belle said that his brother Marcus had departed Reddansyr some time ago, taking ship from Teziir for parts unknown. Their family, the Mynolts, had a reputation as minor, albeit crooked, traders.

Belle explained that she had originally become involved in tracking down Jonas because of a bounty put on his head for killing another Reddansyr merchant. She had found him holed up at the Spitting Cockatrice in Westgate and turned him over to the Reddansyr merchant representative in the city. When she returned to Reddansyr, Belle was warned by Ian Gryphonhawk that she was being talked about in relation to Jonas’ capture. He'd heard that the last anyone had seen of him, he had been with a blonde haired wench, that Old Tam's palomino horse was missing its mane and tail, and Belle had been seen near old Tam's farm. Belle assured a laughing Rahnee that she had not cut the horse’s tail off, just the hair, for her disguise. The three then discussed possibilities for approaching Jonas in prison, in order to gather more information from him.

Veran at this point entered the guest house, prompting Aerikoth to say that he had to check on his familiar Zeluth, but first had other information to impart to his companions. The wizard said he had heard a few things that might be of interest. First was that Jamal, the Harper bard, had not been seen in a tenday and there were whispers that she was either in hiding or deceased. Aerikoth noted that he had previously warned of this possibility. Next and perhaps not as surprising, the mage continued, House Thalavar had declared itself behind Audara Imryth in the election for the position of Croamarkh, while House Bleth intended to back their ex-Cormyrian counterparts, House Cormaeril.

Veran then mentioned he had news as well, saying that he had received a return missive from his monastery. He set a small amulet down on the table, along with the letter, explaining that the amulet was a gift sent in the hope that it would reach him in time to help combat the evil they had faced. In response to concerns expressed by Belle and Rahnee, Veran said that the letter indeed contained instructions for him to report back to the monastery once his task was completed. However, the monk continued, it would be necessary to define “completed” before complying; he did not feel that his task was done. (It is interesting to observe Brother Veran's interpretation of the Order's message. This is again an illustration of how outside the monastery walls, members must be able to think for themselves and take initiative when necessary. Veran, being on the scene and not many miles away in Archendale, was in the best position to judge the import of his own actions. --C)

Belle expressed regret that the amulet had not arrived in time for their battle with the lich, but Veran said stoically that such was the way of things sometimes, and that he did not believe it would go wholly without use. With that, Aerikoth took his leave. Brok-Tul arrived a short time later and caught up with Belle, Rahnee, and Veran.

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The Ritual of the Hand

The night of Hammer 22, the companions rested in the guest house, drifting off to sleep one by one. Aerikoth was the last to fall asleep and once he did, joined the others in a shared dream - one shared also with the lich Ashnakzeroth. As Aerikoth appeared in the bluish-tinged dream chamber, an apparently pleased Ashnakzeroth stated that they were finally all together. Rahnee wryly asked Aerikoth if he had had trouble getting to sleep. Belle was not present; Ashnakzeroth said that he had no interest in the “weakling” that accompanied them. The lich also observed that his former servant – meaning Melissa – had resisted his call. Brok-Tul’s prayers to Helm and the invocation of a protective spell were ignored by Ashnakzeroth, who said “cast your spells and pray to your foolish gods. It matters not, here in my home.”

The lich announced that he had brought them into the dream to demand they break its soul gem – the one they apparently were inside, in the dream – once they returned to the waking world. Aerikoth folded his hands into his sleeves and declared that Ashnakzeroth was not in a position to demand anything, as Brok-Tul’s fists clenched around his magical maul. The lich and the party traded verbal barbs for a short period until Ashnakzeroth, tiring of talking, said that he had been patient with them, but would now demonstrate his displeasure. The lich gestured toward Veran and the monk erupted in a fountain of blood, dropped to the floor and then slowly pulled himself up on one knee. Ashnakzeroth warned them that this would happen, night after night, until they did what he asked and broke the gem.

The companions awoke from their dream, finding themselves back in their beds at the guest house. Rahnee and Brok-Tul immediately hurried up the stairs in order to check on Veran and found Melissa in the hallway. She asked them what had happened, as she had felt the touch of the Master that night. Brok-Tul was explaining that they had dreamed together, when the door to Veran’s room opened and the monk staggered out, leaning on the doorframe for support and clutching his side. It appeared that the damage done to him in the dream chamber had not disappeared once the dream was over. (What a nightmare situation - literally - for Brother Veran! My flesh chills just thinking of the fate the abomination wished to inflict upon him. Yet I expect this will serve more as a spur for the company to find a permanent solution to defeating the lich. --C)

Veran, gritting his teeth with the pain, said that he had suffered a minor setback, while Brok-Tul quickly called to Helm for healing prayers. The monk confirmed that he had shared the same dream as the others, while Melissa went to check on Aerikoth. Aerikoth told her that he had shared the dream as well, commenting that Ashnakzeroth must be growing desperate. Melissa said that she had been able to resist his call this time, which elicited a supportive comment from Rahnee. They discussed for a short while the circumstances of the dream; Melissa believed that Ashnakzeroth had regained sufficient strength to be able to reach out from the gem that contained his soul. Aerikoth observed that the longer they were delayed in going to Turnton, the stronger the ancient lich’s essence would likely become, and in time he would be able to reconstitute a corporeal form.

After some further discussion regarding possible ways to destroy the gem, and an argument about whether it would be best to leave immediately for Turnton (Rahnee’s preference) or wait until it was light out (Melissa’s point), the companions agreed to wait until dawn, although Rahnee declared she would not be sleeping. Veran said that for his part, he would compose a note for Brother Millerjoi, the head of his Archendale monastery, to inform him of the latest.

(A search of the Order's archives revealed such a note from Brother Veran, dated Hammer 23, 1373, which lends further credence to the validity of these chronicles. It read:
"Brother Millerjoi,
It is with great hope that I write you. We have partially succeeded. The soul of the Lich is imprisoned inside a soul gem. It has been defeated, but not destroyed. We leave at once for Turnton, to meet with Arch Cleric Carlin of Helm, to seek assistance in destroying the creature once and for all. If Carlin fails, we will be out of contacts for further assistance in how to destroy the gem without releasing the remnants of the lich. It would be of great assistance if you could search through whatever documents you might think relevant. Lastly, I write to thank you for the amulet. I am sure it will come of use. Hopefully not too soon. With regard to my presence in Westgate, I believe that there is some potential here for showing the common folk the light of our faith.
Yours in Judgement,
Veran Bron"
-- R


In the morning, Aerikoth greeted Rahnee before telling her that he would be back shortly, then departed the guest house. Since Belle could not be found, Rahnee left a note in her room saying that the others were leaving for Turnton. Aerikoth returned to the Gatereach, catching up with the others, who were enjoying a breakfast of bacon and eggs served up by Goruna. Veran had passed his letter to the monastery to Jandrico, along with enough gold for him to pay the messenger fee.

Once breakfast was finished, the party gathered their possessions and headed south for the road to Turnton. The trip was uneventful, although Brok-Tul – for once – carefully scouted the area of the road where it forked off to Glees. Melissa reassured him that this time she had not planned an ambush, harkening back to their previous encounters. When they arrived outside the Turnton walls, Melissa noted the presence of the statue of the hand and asked Brok-Tul what was so special about it. The half-orc priest replied that to him, it was a reminder of Helm.

The group was challenged and recognized by the gate guards, who informed them that High Cleric Carlin was at the temple. Once inside the temple, they asked the priest on duty to inform Carlin of their arrival. While he was off doing that, Belle arrived, looking somewhat embarrassed as Rahnee and Brok-Tul expressed their happiness that she had made it.

Carlin strode into the chamber, the priest behind him, his face beaming. He declared that it pleased him greatly to see everyone present, as he had prayed to Helm since their departure for victory. The others then looked to Brok-Tul, who informed Carlin that they brought news and hope, asking for his aid now that Ashnakzeroth’s spirit was trapped in the cold spirit gem. Carlin’s pleased expression morphed into a frown, as he said that he could sense great evil now, albeit contained.

Brok-Tul brought out the magic pouch containing the gem, wincing and leaning back from the intense cold as he opened it, warning Carlin not to touch the gem. Brok-Tul confirmed that it was Ashnakzeroth’s phylactery and the half-orc related to Carlin what had occurred during the battle and its aftermath: the fall of Rahnee and Veran, the spirit dwarves that had come to their aid, and the party’s welcome at Clan Ironhelm. Rahnee commented, as Carlin’s gaze fell on Melissa, that she had assisted them greatly, to which Carlin replied, “Then she has earned the right to stand with us.” Veran further acknowledged her aid, saying that she had many opportunities to slip out and seek her old life again, but that she took advantage of none of them. (The bond as described between Brother Veran and Melissa continues to impress and surprise me. I am, however, forced to ask myself what other alternatives she has truly had since being defeated at the Glees crossroads by the party and then raised by Carlin. While it is noble to think she has turned her back on her former life as a servant of the abomination, she may simply be going along with the company due to lack of other opportunities for profit. Perhaps Carlin can help in this respect, by offering her a new life in Turnton. --C)

The High Cleric then asked why they had not destroyed the phylactery themselves. Aerikoth, who had remained silent until then, cleared his throat and said that the gem had a rather unique dweomer placed upon it, wherein if it were destroyed, the creature would reconstitute completely and fully at the spot of the gem being shattered. Brok-Tul told Carlin that Ashnakzeroth had entered their dreams and demanded that they crush the gem, also mentioning that the Ironhelm dwarves had refused to take it. Carlin commented that the abomination was clever and had yet to be fully defeated. The High Cleric then smiled victoriously as he declared that he knew what could be done with such a thing, saying it would be destroyed utterly. Belle asked how he could destroy it without releasing the lich; Carlin responded by saying that all would be explained in time, she having earned the explanation by fighting Ashnakzeroth.


Brok-Tul placed the pouch with the lich's soul gem on the floor and Carlin took it, gasping with the shock of the cold that the gem delivered to his skin. He waved off an offer of assistance from Brok-Tul, saying that he would heal himself. Carlin then asked the companions to meet him by the statue of the Hand at midnight, if they would see the final destruction of their foe. In the meantime, he suggested that they call on the Baron. Brok-Tul uneasily declared that he did not want to let the gem out of his sight. Veran warned of its power over dreams and Rahnee urged Carlin not to underestimate what the gem held. Carlin listened to them, saying that he understood their concern, but that they all were under Helm’s hand, in this place. With that, he departed for his chamber, where he said he would seclude himself until the ritual took place.

As the others watched Carlin go, Melissa said that she could hardly believe it was almost over, with only a few hours left before midnight. Aerikoth declared that he had little intention of keeping a vigil in the temple in the meantime and instead would head for the inn. Melissa said she would accompany him and the others agreed as well, Rahnee commenting that it would be too late to call on the Baron.

At the Traveler’s Cheer, innkeeper Karl greeted “Deedee” with surprise, flushing a bit after she explained that she preferred the name “Melissa” these days. The others greeted Karl, confirming that he had rooms available and ordering drinks in order to celebrate the imminent destruction of the phylactery. Even Veran indulged in a glass of red wine, smiling as he savored it. (If the legendary Brother Veran can loosen up and have a glass of wine, there is no reason this should not be acceptable for the rest of us. --R). At a table in the corner, the companions relaxed as they reminisced about their accomplishments, speculated on how the gem could be destroyed, and uncertainly discussed their future for hours. Shortly before the ritual was to begin, Brok-Tul rose and excused himself to go to the temple and pray at Helm’s altar.

Around midnight, they all made their way outside the town gates to the large statue of the hand. They could barely see Carlin in the moonlight, standing close by the statue. The High Cleric greeted them and said that he had dismissed the guards. Carlin told them that this would be the first time he had enacted the ritual with witnesses, but that they had all earned the right. He continued, “As you have protected Turnton and the Dragon Coast from Ashnakzeroth, so shall you witness his final destruction. The Hand of Helm has stood for millennia upon this spot. Indeed, before the worship of Helm was known in this land. It is an ancient power, dedicated to the destruction of evil. I have consecrated it to Helm, and he has seen fit to bless us with its power.” (This raises a number of theological and practical questions. Apparently High Cleric Carlin has solved - somehow - the method of utilizing this ancient artifact to destroy evil magic. It also seems that its re-dedication to Helm has not affected its efficacy, nor Carlin's ability to commune with Helm to receive spells. The gods must therefore approve of this arrangement. Yet the origin of the Hand's power - unknown to the party - remains a question of import. --C)

Looking up at the sky, he said that midnight approached, and reached up to place the box containing Ashnakzeroth’s gem in the palm of the statue. Carlin then called out to Helm, declaring that tonight they placed a great evil in his Hand. Dropping to his knees, the priest cried out, “As I pray for vigilance, for strength, for courage, reach out your power and destroy this thing, forever!”

A long moment passed, then a rumbling began, rolling outward from the Hand and shaking all of the companions. Blue and white fire fell from the sky, striking the Hand as the earth continued to shake. After the fire cleared, a thin beam of white light could be seen connecting Carlin to the statue, while a similar red-colored beam ran from Melissa to it. As the earth stopped shaking, both Carlin and Melissa pitched forward onto the ground, unconscious.


After the initial shock wore off, Brok-Tul ran over to check on their health, while Rahnee said she would go and tell Baron Pahar what had occurred, heading rapidly toward town. Veran calmly took Melissa’s pulse while Brok-Tul looked over Carlin. Brok-Tul unsuccessfully attempted to wake Carlin by flicking droplets of wine from a flask on him. Belle meanwhile questioned Aerikoth if it was over. The wizard folded his hands into his sleeves and, with his usual precision of language, stated that he was not entirely sure, but that there was no remaining sign of the phylactery’s existence.

Brok-Tul took it upon himself to carry Carlin alone towards town, while Veran and Belle worked together to pick Melissa up and carry her. Just past the gate, they encountered a baronial guard captain and a squad of soliders. The guard captain said that he had been informed something had occurred requiring their attention. Brok-Tul told him that they had had a visit from Helm, and Carlin and Melissa had been knocked unconscious. The captain and his men then took the two unconscious forms with them to Baron Pahar’s manor, followed by Brok-Tul, Aerikoth, Belle, and Veran.

At the manor, Pahar directed his soldiers to place Carlin and Melissa in the guest quarters adjoining his chamber. Brok-Tul and Aerikoth explained briefly what had occurred during the ritual. The Baron sent for the underpriest at the temple to watch over Carlin and Melissa during the night. Pahar said that he did not believe soldiers were also needed to guard them, as Aerikoth had suggested, although the priest was welcome to have extra hands as needed. The companions then joined Rahnee and turned in for the evening, selecting guest rooms at the manor.

The morning of Hammer 24, all of the companions, save for an exhausted Rahnee, met in the corridor outside the guest chambers and compared notes on their sleep; all were relieved not to have had any dreams that night. Meeting the Baron in his audience chamber, they walked together over to the guest quarters holding Carlin and Melissa. The priest there informed them that there had been no change during the night to their condition. While they were discussing what to do next, Baron Pahar noticed Carlin’s form stirring and Brok-Tul told the others to give the High Cleric some room. Carlin swung his arms from side to side and then slowly lifted himself up, moving next to the underpriest. His eyes still appeared unfocused as he placed a hand on the priest’s shoulder and faintly told Pahar that he was all right.

As Carlin shook his head clear and looked over to Melissa, Brok-Tul informed him that the ritual appeared to have worked, there being no sign of Ashnakzeroth. Carlin said there had been no doubt it would work, but was confused regarding what had happened to him and Melissa; he remembered completing the ritual, then nothing more. Brok-Tul related how the two of them had collapsed, unconscious, and had been brought to the manor after the ground had stopped shaking. Carlin commented that earthquakes had never accompanied the ritual before, but they were likely a consequence of the power contained within the gem. In response to a question from Aerikoth, the High Cleric indicated that he had never encountered an item of such power before, but that the Hand had been more than equal to the task of destroying it.

Appearing to regain his strength, Carlin ordered the priest to bring Melissa to her chamber in the temple and asked the others to accompany him in order to give thanks to Helm. Baron Pahar mentioned that he would like to see the companions afterwards in his audience chamber, since he had something to discuss with them. Before taking his leave, Brok-Tul placed a large hand on the Baron’s shoulder and thanked him for his aid that night. Pahar said that it was they who had done a great deed for the land, so thanked them for it.

The companions followed Carlin back to the statue of the Hand, where the High Cleric kneeled to pray and gave thanks for the destruction of Ashnakzeroth, Brok-Tul joining him. When Carlin rose, he declared himself free of any aftereffects of the ritual, indeed feeling better than he could recall for many years. In response to Aerikoth’s queries regarding the nature of the ritual and how it had been discovered, Carlin said he was grateful for all the companions had done to protect Turnton and for that reason had shared the secret of the Hand with them, but would go no further in describing its mysteries; perhaps he would one day for Brok-Tul, should he take Carlin’s place. When Aerikoth commented that he hoped such knowledge would not be lost due to Carlin’s discretion, the High Cleric serenely declared that it was something that should be known only to Helm’s defender of Turnton. (Despite the wizard's efforts to probe the source of power of the Hand, Carlin evidently considers this a matter for Helm's priesthood and none other. Aerikoth has shown little interest - contempt, even - for religious practices, but his attention has been drawn by the strong magic of the artifact, naturally for his own purposes. --R)

Following some inspirational words from Brok-Tul, who had continued praying to Helm, Carlin suggested that the adventurers go see what the Baron had to say to them, asking them to stop by the temple afterwards. In response to a request from Brok-Tul, Carlin promised he would see to Melissa’s recovery at the temple.


A Head in a Box

Back at the Baron’s manor house, they encountered Rahnee, who had recently awoken and still appeared a little shaky, although she had managed to finish her breakfast. Brok-Tul explained to her what had happened with Carlin and Melissa. Veran was about to excuse himself to go to his room and meditate, but then decided to join the others to see the Baron. In Pahar’s audience chamber, Brok-Tul updated the Baron on Melissa’s condition. Pahar assured Brok-Tul, who had expressed concern about Melissa’s future, that she would not come to harm in Turnton. Veran said that, while he did not believe she should go unobserved, she had won some measure of redemption.

Turning then to business, Pahar reached behind his high-backed chair and brought out a large box, telling the others that it had been left outside the town gates the previous day, shortly before nightfall, by unknown persons. Somewhat grimly, he set it down before the adventurers and said that at least some of them should recognize its contents. Brok-Tul, peering into it, exclaimed in disbelief “WHAT the... A ... HEAD?!” The Baron asked them if they recalled their companion from the battle of Glees, indicating the head. A shaken Brok-Tul indeed recognized it as that of their former companion, Aratae. Veran, who had not been present at the battle of Glees, nonetheless was affected and sympathetically laid a hand on Brok-Tul’s shoulder. (A grim reminder of the bestial nature of man, I would be affected as well. --C)

Pahar said that there was a note included along with the head, one which should be of concern to them. Brok-Tul picked it up and read it aloud: "Be warned that the traitor's companions will soon suffer the same fate, if they do not leave Westgate." In shock, Rahnee asked the Baron about the circumstances of the delivery, which Pahar reiterated. Aerikoth queried the Baron regarding the exact time the box was discovered. Pahar indicated that it had been found approximately an hour after sunset, so before the midnight ritual at the Hand.

Rahnee made the observation that the note said “traitor’s” companions. Brok-Tul said that the note must have been from Pahar’s rival and the Baron agreed, commenting that from the perspective of self-styled “Duke” Hallton, Aratae had been a traitor. Pahar mentioned that last he had heard, Aratae had been heading to his home village of Tallwell, in Hallton’s lands, to take care of some business; apparently he never made it to Westgate, as intended. Brok-Tul got a far look in his eyes, as if replaying the past, then stated that Aratae had shown them the movements of Hallton’s forces. Brok-Tul also commented that Hallton must be watching the roads.

Pahar, addressing Brok-Tul’s thought, said that it was possible, but that he did not believe the timing of the delivery was necessarily related to the adventurers’ arrival in Turnton. The Baron noted that it was apparently known that Aratae had assisted his forces, along with the adventuring company. Rahnee speculated that the note may have been designed to draw the company to Turnton, assuming its author did not know they were already there. Brok-Tul thought it would have been more to the point to send it to their house in Westgate.

Veran excused himself to think upon the matter in private, as the others continued to discuss the possibilities. Pahar pointed out that it seemed to be a direct threat against the company, in Westgate, rather than having to do with Pahar. He asked if they had ever discovered which of the noble Houses in Westgate had been supporting Hallton. Aerikoth said that they had not, never having captured any of Hallton’s forces that they had faced. Pahar noted that the companions had two apparent avenues to attack the problem, either investigate the Westgate end, or investigate what happened in Tallwell after Aratae returned. He noted that Tallwell was a several hours’ walk east of Glees and recommended that they stop at Glees for the latest news if they chose to go there.


Rahnee commented that it would do no harm to see what they might learn in Glees, since apparently their activities were still of concern to some people. Pahar stated that he had not had any trouble with Hallton since the self-styled duke’s last defeat on the battlefield; however, Hallton apparently harbored resentment against the adventurers for their role in it. Aerikoth concurred, also observing that if Hallton wished to occupy Pahar’s lands, he probably realized he would have to deal with them first. Rahnee and Brok-Tul agreed with that assessment, Brok-Tul also guessing that they might be running into a trap. Veran by this time had returned from his meditations to join the others.

Pahar ended the audience by offering them his hospitality for as long as the company needed it. Brok-Tul asked him if he had heard about a wedding being held in Turnton soon. When Pahar replied that he had not, the half-orc grinned and said that he had: the bride was a dashing rogue with a reputation as a beautiful warrior, marrying some half-breed who thought he was a paladin half the time. Brok-Tul said he would be honored if Pahar would be willing to attend the wedding. The Baron indicated it would be his honor as well; Rahnee, smiling, said they would be pleased indeed to have him there.

Aerikoth examined the box and head further and queried the Baron regarding his relationship with the Westgate Houses. Pahar replied by saying that he was vassal to no one, although he received assistance from House Thalavar out of friendship. Pahar commented that he had thought his domain too poor to attract outside attention. That is, until Hallton grew over-greedy and attempted to seize his lands, clearly with outside help. While Brok-Tul was offering some further speculation on Hallton’s motives, one of Pahar’s guards arrived and announced that the Baron’s audience for the day was waiting. The Baron recognized and then dismissed him, saying that he would be a moment longer. Rahnee said that they would leave Pahar to his duties, promising to keep him advised of whatever they learned.

As they took their leave, Aerikoth observed that all of Hallton’s forces had possessed enchanted arms and armor, which implied assistance from a Westgate House with access to a lot of magic. Brok-Tul then questioningly raised the idea of the Mercenaries Guild being involved, as Rahnee hustled them away from the audience chamber, saying they could talk about this later. Brok-Tul picked up the box with the head and followed the others down the corridor to the manor entrance.

Once outside, Brok-Tul asked Rahnee if she had received her package yet, referring to her wedding dress. Rahnee stated that she no longer cared about that, saying she would get married in Aerikoth’s underwear, if that was what it took. Walking up the path towards the temple, the group encountered High Cleric Carlin and several guards loading up a wagon. Carlin was directing the guards, who were busy moving Melissa’s unconscious form to the wagon, to be careful with her. The companions approached Carlin and Rahnee asked him where he was taking Melissa. He informed them that he had to take her immediately to see Thyxlys Jon, the head of Helm’s church in Teziir, because of certain concerns he had regarding what had occurred. Brok-Tul, sputtering, started to ask Carlin if he had time to perform a marriage, but then stopped speaking.


Rahnee asked Carlin if he needed company, to which he replied in the negative, indicating that he would have two temple guards and Helm’s protection. Brok-Tul told the High Cleric about Aratae’s fate, showing him the head, and asked him if he would be able to speak with Aratae’s ghost. Carlin said that he generally preferred not to do such things and in any case had to leave immediately. Brok-Tul said that he understood and asked that Carlin give their regards to Thyxlys Jon, who had been very helpful to them when they had visited.

Prompted by Brok-Tul, Rahnee asked Carlin to also pass along word that the diviner’s words had been correct. Carlin then turned to finish his preparations, saying that he regretted not being able to spend more time with them following their triumph over Ashnakzeroth. Rahnee replied that it was all right, he just needed to come back in order to marry her and Brok-Tul in a timely manner. That earned a small smile from the High Cleric before he started giving orders again to the temple guards. (Carlin is not one to rush into premature action, so it is significant that he is now seized with urgency in the matter of Melissa's condition, after she was rendered unconscious during the ritual of the Hand. It is also telling that he is rather closed-mouthed about the situation. --R)

As the companions walked away, Brok-Tul was unable to control his frustration at having to postpone his marriage again, shaking the box over his head and bellowing in order to release his emotions. Rahnee yelled at him to stop it and the half-orc grumblingly complied, while Veran looked around to see if all the yelling would attract attention from the Turnton guards. Rahnee quickly walked back over to Carlin and asked him if there was a leatherworker in the town, receiving a negative response and a suggestion to inquire at the general store.

Rahnee returned to the others and they discussed their next steps, eventually agreeing to head for Tallwell, rather than return to Westgate. They stopped at the Turnton general store to resupply and headed north, receiving salutes from the gate guards as they departed town. Belle, who had decided to go off on her own that morning, finally caught up with the others at the Glees crossroads and was given an update on their situation as they walked to the village. There, they encountered a friendly local who directed them to the village inn.

Once inside, they passed two baronial soldiers who were evidently worried about something and Brok-Tul paused to speak with them. Meanwhile, Rahnee greeted the innkeeper, Undt, and with a flourish introduced Belle and Veran. Undt was glad to see his old acquaintances Rahnee, Brok-Tul, and Aerikoth, as well as welcoming the newcomers to his establishment.

As Brok-Tul came over to join the others, Undt commented that they had arrived at a good time for the village’s needs, as there was a problem in the fields. He said that a bunch of giant bugs seemed to have taking a liking to the village crops. The two soldiers in the local patrol had not been able to do anything about them, being outnumbered and outsized. Undt called the soldiers over and introduced them to the “heroes of Glees” who had saved the village during war with Hallton, asking them to describe the bug problem in more detail.

The soldiers explained that one of the farmers had reported seeing giant bugs, so they went to take a look. They encountered a lot of giant beetles with large pincers in the crops, too many for them to handle. Rahnee asked them how many they had seen, and one of the soldiers said that he had spotted at least three before getting away, and that there were probably more. In response to her queries, he said that they had been eating the crops with their pincers, but did not appear to be drooling acid or setting the field on fire.

Brok-Tul made a few quips to Undt about recipes for bug stew and bug juice beer, producing a guffaw from the innkeeper. Aerikoth asked Undt if there had been a history of such problems, the innkeeper replying that he had not seen bugs around before, although in recent months a number of strange creatures had been spotted in the area.


Brok-Tul then explained to Undt why they had come, pulling out the box with Aratae’s head. Undt, shocked at what had happened to Aratae, recalled that he had helped them out during the war with Hallton, scouting out the Hallton soldier camp in the fields. Brok-Tul said that sending the head in the box might have been a lure, commenting that it perhaps was not a coincidence that giant bugs had recently attacked Glees. Belle, running her fingers through her hair, asked if any hedge wizards or disgruntled wandering druids had been through recently. Undt said that there hadn’t been any strangers around recently, also commenting that the path to Tallwell had become overgrown due to the lack of contact with Hallton’s lands after the war. Belle still thought it a coincidence that the bugs had appeared so recently, possibly due to magic.

The companions said they would dispatch the vermin and Undt gave them directions on how to get to the fields to the northeast of the village. Rahnee asked the two baronial soldiers to come along and watch their backs, which they agreed to do. Undt wished them well as they departed, saying that he had no doubt the heroes of Glees would prevail.

Once outside, Aerikoth cast a stoneskin spell on Veran, saying he would need it more than the wizard, and also stated that he would not be using any fireball spells on the creatures, given the presence of the crops. (I must admit this to being an intelligent and thoughtful gesture by the wizard, as often adventurers instead destroy much of what they are supposed to be protecting. --R.) As they neared the fields, the soldiers pointed out in the distance a stream coming from a forest on the eastern side, where they thought the bugs might have come from. Veran volunteered to scout ahead, moving slowly away from the group and keeping low to avoid notice.

After some time had passed, Veran returned and reported what he had seen. There were two beetles with large pincers, perhaps the size of small ponies, in the nearest field. The monk apologized for not having a more precise evaluation of them, saying that his expertise ran more to the undead. He noted that there might be more in the area, burrowing underground.

The companions made ready to assault the creatures, Rahnee putting her bow away and drawing her sword as Brok-Tul cast protective spells. They advanced forward towards the fields and drew the attention of the two beetles Veran had seen. However, four other beetles soon appeared and joined the first two in attacking the group, causing a short, violent battle from which the adventurers emerged victorious. The soldiers, who had stayed a safe distance away, came up and congratulated them on their victory, saying that they never could have handled the bugs themselves.

Belle and Rahnee scouted the area by the stream while Brok-Tul decided to scout the remainder of the fields. The fields were evidently more damaged closer to the stream, where bug tracks were found. The soldiers asked if they were needed any longer and in reply were dismissed by Aerikoth, who told them to report to Undt that the beetles had been dealt with. After some more searching near the forest, the group decided they had done all they could to ensure no more beetles would bother the crops, so headed for the village.

Back at the inn, Undt excitedly congratulated them on their victory, saying that they had now saved the village twice. He offered them the pick of his rooms for the night and pointed out the washroom upstairs, which most of them evidently needed to use after getting bug parts on them. The companions each took turns using the washroom and then spent the remainder of the evening resting, talking with Undt, and discussing their situation and their history with Glees.


In the morning, Undt provided them with a farm-style breakfast on the house and the companions agreed to stick to their plan of traveling to Tallwell. First, however, they made a public show of heading back to the Westgate-Turnton road, ostensibly to throw anyone off their track. However, after Belle scouted the nearby woods and found them lacking suitable trails, the group headed back through Glees to follow the now-faint trail leading from there to Tallwell.

After walking the trail for two hours, the group came to a large clearing. Rahnee was slightly ahead of the group and warned them to stay sharp; however, none of them scouted very far ahead and thus were surprised when several manticores emerged from the eastern treeline and began peppering the party with spikes. Brok-Tul and Belle were down and bleeding before the creatures were defeated.

While the two critically injured companions were being looked after, Veran made a point of thanking Aerikoth for using a stoneskin spell on him, which had protected him from the manticores’ natural weapons. Brok-Tul, while pulling spikes out of his body, said a short prayer to Helm lamenting his lack of wisdom, in that he had led with his pride rather than his experience, and asked for the power to learn from his mistake. (The gods help those who help themselves. --C)

The companions then debated whether they should make camp there and rest, return to Glees, or continue on to Tallwell. Aerikoth argued for pressing on to Tallwell, which was supposed to be only another hour away. They eventually decided it made more sense to head for Tallwell and once again picked up the faint trail east, in the process avoiding a bear that had approached to munch on the manticore carcasses.

Moving at a measured pace, the group arrived at the outskirts of Tallwell an hour and a half later. A farm house was seen off of the northern side of the road, which continued on to the village proper. Belle carefully scouted the area, finding nothing threatening beyond the cattle in a nearby pen. The group then continued down the road, arriving at the village.

A man of the village a short distance down the road approached them and asked them their business. When told they were passing through, he curtly told them to pass, then, and left. Somewhat taken aback by the cold greeting, the companions decided to see if a warmer reception could be had at the village inn, which was next to the road.

Inside the inn, the proprietor Kablin greeted them and indicated that they could use the rooms upstairs, as long as they each bought a drink. He was therefore suspicious of Veran’s request for bread and water, but agreed to the monk’s compromise of paying for an ale but receiving water. For the rest, the innkeeper provided cuts of venison, which the hungry companions downed rapidly.

The group made some small talk with Kablin, Rahnee ingenuously referring to a spot of trouble with the manticores on the road. Kablin confirmed that they were relatively common in the area, but generally kept to the forest, not liking the company of people. In response to a question from Belle about patrols, Kablin informed them that Hallton’s guards had a barracks in town, where they stayed when not out patrolling. Belle slipped out the door once she had finished her food. After a short time, once Kablin had gone into the back room, Belle returned and informed the others of what she had seen. The village contained a smith, a herbalist, a general store, and the garrison. Belle also commented that the locals she saw seemed dour and suspicious. (Given the repressive practices of their feudal lord, along with the fact that he had recently lost a war with his neighbor, Baron Pahar, this should not have been news to the company. --R)

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