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The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


Death of a Thayan

By early evening, Rahnee, Aerikoth and Darrow had gathered again at the Gatereach inn for dinner, deciding to take a corner table in the common room. Dinendal previously had informed Rahnee that he wished to visit a temple in hopes of decoding the Hallton cipher, whereas Jokull had not been seen since that morning.

When Jandrico and Goruna brought out their meal, the innkeeper in a low voice mentioned that he understood this might be a special night for the adventurers, so he had prepared wyvern steak, a rarity, for them. After Jandrico departed, Rahnee softly questioned what he had meant by his statement, prompting Aerikoth to comment that the innkeeper had probably overheard their conversations at some point. Darrow for his part was oblivious to anything except the juicy meat.

The three thoroughly enjoyed their meal and the complimentary bottle of Westgate Ruby that Jandrico had provided. As they compared notes about their last two days, it came out that they had independently tried to visit Gondeth’s shop, which had been closed since at least the previous day. In part to walk off their meal, the three decided to determine if that were still the case and headed for the Market district. There, they were able to confirm that the magic shop was still closed; a passing commoner informed them that Castle Thalavar and Audara Imryth’s tower had also been shut to the public for the past two days. The three pondered the information and after some discussion, decided not to try to enter Gondeth’s locked shop. Instead, they turned back toward the Gatereach, intent on preparing for their upcoming confrontation with the Red Wizard.

Late that evening, the five companions reunited by the smoking ruin of the Gatereach guest house. Rahnee confirmed they were all ready, then the company set out for the area outside South Gate in order to pick up the path into the Seven Hills. They arrived about an hour before midnight, which was intended to give them enough time to scout the area a final time and set up for the arrival of the Red Wizard. Rahnee took off to scout, moving slowly and stealthily around their designated ambush site.

Meanwhile, the others made final preparations for combat, as both Aerikoth and Dinendal cast spells of protection and support for their comrades. Just as Jokull was impatiently complaining about the length of time Rahnee had been scouting, she returned to report that all was clear. Dinendal then moved off to take an overwatch position on the likely route of approach of the Red Wizard, while the others finished placing themselves in ambush positions and casting spells.

As the companions settled down to wait, the night sounds seemingly grew louder, as all of their senses were on edge. After what seemed like an eternity, the Red Wizard and two accompanying dark shapes suddenly appeared. The mage began to cast offensive spells while his undead guard moved to engage the adventurers. Full-on battle was joined, with Dinendal returning from his position to assist. The two undead servants fell relatively quickly, in part thanks to a dire wolf conjured by Aerikoth, leaving just the wizard to be dealt with. A timely knockdown from Jokull interrupted one spell and then Darrow moved in with his axe, temporarily enchanted by a spell from Dinendal, to cleave the Thayan’s throat.

Once the battle was over, the group took stock of their condition. All of their wounds were treatable, although Dinendal complained, teeth chattering, of having felt part of his life force drain away after being touched by one of the undead. Aerikoth took possession of the Red Wizard’s things, leaving only the trademark red robes. After this was done, Jokull produced a small packet and placed it into one of the deceased wizard’s inner pockets. At this point the companions decided that it would be better to vacate the area and headed back to the Gatereach.

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At the inn, Jandrico welcomed their return, noting the late hour and that Darrow had magical sparkles emanating from his body. The dwarf in a taciturn manner joked that they had been to a costume party, having attended as a band of adventurers. As the innkeeper went to gather some leftovers for them, the adventurers discussed how the battle had gone. Jandrico returned with the food and the group dug into it, also sharing out some drinks hoarded by Dinendal for the occasion; the elf still shivered from the undead touch he had received during battle. Jokull observed that he had been unable to hit the creatures accompanying the Red Wizard with his un-enchanted sword, acknowledging that Dinendal’s weapon - a gift from Rahnee – had, however, been effective when necessary.

Jokull asked Aerikoth if the Red Wizard had possessed anything interesting or incriminating on him. Aerikoth noted that he had been carrying a staff, some scrolls, assorted jewelry for magical enhancements, and healing potions, in addition to a bracer which Aerikoth had given to Rahnee. In response to a question from Rahnee, Aerikoth indicated that he would be able to use both the staff and the scrolls.

Rahnee then turned to Jokull and informed him of what they had recently learned about the closure of Gondeth’s shop, Castle Thalavar, and Audara Imryth’s tower. Jokull mentioned that he planned to see his “friend” soon, referring to Jamal the Harper bard, and that hopefully everything would work out according to plan. By this point, the companions had eaten and drank their fill, and the effort they had put forth that night caught up with them, causing them to retire to their beds.

The next morning, Alturiak 9, was bright and sunny. Aerikoth joined Rahnee, Jokull, and Darrow at the Gatereach for breakfast; Dinendal continued resting in a room upstairs, still not fully recovered from the previous night. While Rahnee and Jokull were debating whether to try and contact Thalavar or to find Jamal that day, a messenger boy arrived with a note for Jokull from his “lady friend.” The warrior took the note silently and the boy cheerily ran off. Jokull, after perusing the note, commented that it looked like they were going to see Jamal after all.

Jokull led the others to the East Gate district, once there asking the others for directions to the Old Beard tavern. After they found the place, they entered and briefly pretended to be patrons, then Jokull noted to the bartender that he was there to see a friend, heading for the corridor past the common room. The warrior knocked three times on the door and was let in by Jamal, along with the others.

Jamal, who as Jokull observed was for once not in disguise, greeted them warmly but tiredly. She was introduced to Darrow, whom she had not met, and recognized his clan name, which made the dwarf brighten. The Harper then quickly turned to business, asking Jokull what had happened the night before. He informed her that the Red Wizard had been dispatched and the evidence left in his robe, as had been agreed. Jokull’s companions were taken somewhat aback by his mention of evidence, but Jamal ignored them as she questioned the warrior closely about exactly what had occurred, apologizing for her directness, but saying it was necessary.

She then explained that The City Watch had been informed of a possible altercation in the Seven Hills and went to check it out around dawn that morning. The Harper organization had been the one who informed them, she mentioned, and one of their "friends" had gone along with the Watch detail, to ensure they found the Thayan’s body. The wizard's body was there, robes intact, but with everything else looted. The evidence was there as well, she continued, but it implicated House Cormaeril and Thalavar in dealings with the wizard, rather than Cormaeril and Urdo as had been planned.

Rahnee asked Jamal how this had occurred, while Darrow looked lost. Jamal explained that there were sealed letters on the body showing that both Cormaeril and Thalavar had been doing business with the Thayan - and would do more, if they gained the Croamarkh's palace after the election. According to Jamal, the Cormaeril evidence was exactly as the Harpers had crafted, but the evidence they had concocted against House Urdo had somehow been replaced by false House Thalavar documents. (Finally Jokull's actions at the site of the Red Wizard ambush have been illuminated. The warrior evidently had been asked by the Harpers to place this evidence on the body of the Thayan, with the objective of influencing the upcoming Westgate election. Just as evidently, the end results did not go according to plan. --C)


Evidently feeling slighted by Jamal’s words, Jokull angrily stepped forward and told Jamal that she should know exactly what had been in the planted evidence, since her friend had given it to him. Jamal heatedly replied that this was the case, stating that the original documents must have been switched. Darrow commented that it sounded like things had not worked out the way they had wanted. Jokull, growling, said that he had understood that Jamal and the Harpers were to have prevented any interference, causing her to retort that the adventurers were the only ones outside the Harpers that had known about the meeting with the Red Wizard. She said that the evidence must have been tampered with following their departure, since the Watch could not have done it, according to her agent there.

Rahnee observed that someone could have followed either them or the wizard to the meeting in the Seven Hills. In response to a question from Jamal, both Rahnee and Darrow told her that it was unlikely they were followed, the dwarf noting that they had waited a good hour there and not seen anyone besides the wizard. Jamal said that she had her own doubts regarding whether someone could have followed the Thayan, but acknowledged that it was not outside the realm of possibility. Darrow and Aerikoth also commented that Jandrico had apparently known ahead of time, the mage citing their wyvern steak dinner as proof. Aerikoth further noted that Gondeth was aware of the meeting, prompting Jamal to dryly comment that she doubted he would have switched the evidence.

In response to a question from Jokull, Jamal said that there was little they could do for the moment about the situation, while Darrow observed that it was likely they had a traitor in their ranks. (The dwarf has a refreshing way of getting right to the point with his common-sense observations. --R) Softening, Jamal thanked the group for taking care of the Red Wizard, saying that her primary concern had been to find out exactly what had happened the previous night. Aerikoth dryly observed that the others seemed to be fine with planting false evidence, but were now upset that someone else had tampered with it. After some pointed words with Aerikoth, Jamal asked the others to contact Garis, the Thalavar agent, if they learned anything; she commented that Garis had been shocked to find out what had happened with the evidence. Aerikoth and Rahnee observed that Castle Thalavar and Gondeth’s mage shop had been shut recently, something which Jamal said had been done for reasons of security, and the situation would likely continue.

Jamal then said she would have to depart soon, putting a hand on Jokull’s shoulder and asking him to forgive her if she had seemed frustrated. She promised to keep them informed of any developments and asked them to think of anyone who might have known or figured out what they were planning with the Red Wizard. Jokull took her hand and declared that it was his decision alone to plant the evidence. Aerikoth made the point that only he and she in that room had known about it beforehand. After some final goodbyes, the adventurers left the room, Jamal planning to depart herself shortly thereafter.

The four went first to the Hidden House to confirm it was still standing. Rahnee, Jokull and Darrow then returned to the Gatereach to fetch Dinendal, finding him revived and in the back room with Jandrico, breaking his fast. The elf was noticeably in a more celebratory mood than the others, not yet having heard the bad news from Jamal about the false Thalavar documents. After finishing his meal he agreed to go with the others to the dilapidated building, a former shrine to Leira. Rahnee pulled aside Jandrico for a private conversation before leaving.


Reunited with the others at the Hidden House, Dinendal and Darrow commented on its poor condition, this being their first time there. Rahnee cautiously requested the others to clear the main floor before speaking, then calmly asked Jokull to explain his actions and if they should expect little surprises like this from him in the future. (I had been wondering if the chronicles had simply not mentioned any discussion between the party members about the incident. I do not understand why they had waited so long to ask Jokull what he was doing with the Red Wizard’s body after the ambush, but it seems consistent with their unquestioning attitude about many things. I suppose they may simply have been distracted and unobservant, which Jokull took advantage of. –C). The warrior stood firm, showing no regrets as he explained that he had not told them anything about the planted evidence because it was his decision and his crime alone; they would not have known anything about it, had events turned out as planned. He also noted that he had said that the Harpers would find a way to make sure they got the results they were looking for. As an aside, Rahnee quickly explained to Dinendal what had happened to the evidence planted by Jokull.

Jokull then folded his arms over his chest and declared that he was tired of explaining himself and preferred to focus on what they should do now. Rahnee then brought up her earlier conversation with Jandrico, telling the others that his “insurance brokers” had apparently informed him that the adventurers were about to do something important. Rahnee noted that Jandrico appeared uncomfortable discussing the topic and had no wish to introduce her to the “insurance brokers.” Darrow suggested that they be found and the information beaten out of them, while Jokull stated that the group should go force the information from Jandrico.

Conversation then turned on whether they might expect a visit from the City Watch in the near future, which Rahnee thought a possibility. Darrow said that now might be a good time to get out of town, perhaps to either the newly-christened “Barony of Veranbrok” or his clan halls. Rahnee pointed out that they could now stay at the Hidden House instead of the Gatereach. Jokull returned to the idea of confronting Jandrico, with which Rahnee reluctantly agreed, after Jokull promised not to hurt the innkeeper. (Again, the dwarf shows a common-sense grasp of the situation. Their guest house was just burned down and an unknown traitor in Westgate caused the Harper evidence planted on the Red Wizard to be switched out. The other ideas on offer are to relocate the company to a burnt-out, infested building or to harass the innkeeper whose guest house was just destroyed. --R)

Rahnee declared her intent to go find out what the Watch knew about the death of the Red Wizard and she departed the Hidden House. The others, after briefly continuing their discussion, were interrupted by several dire rats coming up from the basement. After disposing of the vermin, the four adventurers descended under the house, searching the underground area for any additional threats. Several slimes and oozes were also encountered and dispatched, with only relatively minor wounds sustained in the process.

At the end of the underground passages, they encountered what appeared to be a ritual chamber, with coins arranged in a pattern around a broken stone altar. Aerikoth observed that it looked to be the work of the woman Marise, the former resident of the Hidden House. The wizard explained to Darrow and Dinendal that she had been thought to be a madwoman, when Brok-Tul had first found the place and she had fled from them using a now-collapsed passage. Later on, they had encountered her in Teziir and discovered that she was a priestess of Leira, the dead goddess of illusion. She had promised to get in touch with them at the Gatereach afterwards, but had failed to, despite saying she was interested in developing an alliance with Brok-Tul against the Thayan presence in Westgate.

Jokull speculated that with Brok-Tul gone, perhaps she had simply decided to move back in again. Before departing, Dinendal took the initiative to leave a note at the broken altar, without naming names, asking her to get in contact with them at the Gatereach. Once the four had returned to the upstairs, burnt-out portion of the Hidden House, they decided to return to the inn. Aerikoth made his way there separately, in order to check on Gondeth’s shop, which was still locked.


Later that evening, a snow-encrusted Rahnee returned to the Gatereach inn at dinnertime, encountering Aerikoth and Dinendal at the bar; meanwhile, Jokull and Darrow had apparently headed into the city in order to find out what the word on the street was about the Thayan incident. While sitting down to a tasty meal of chicken marinade, Rahnee filled her two companions in on the results of her investigations.

The City Watch had been informed the previous day of a brutal confrontation out in the Seven Hills. When they arrived at the scene, they found the dead Red Wizard, still wearing his robes. There was a bag underneath the body containing letters from House Cormaeril and House Thalavar to the wizard. The Watch had informed the Croamarkh, Rahnee said. She had the feeling that the Watch was not sure of what to do next and was waiting for orders. Rahnee observed that the situation seemed to benefit House Urdo, which implied that they had a hand in it, or perhaps someone else was setting it up to appear that way.

Following Rahnee’s commentary, Aerikoth and Dinendal made their own observations about the political situation and possible next steps for the adventuring company. As the three were talking, a blue-robed man walked up to them, placed his hands on his hips, and addressed Rahnee, asking what a Roaringhorn like her was doing in a place like this. She froze and, without turning, asked Aerikoth to tell her if there was not a man bearing a resemblance to her and wearing blue robes, standing behind her. The wizard in response arched an eyebrow and stared at the newcomer.

Rahnee quickly got over her surprise and shouted “Maddie!” for it was indeed her brother Madrigal, who then had to suffer a sudden, fierce embrace from his sister. Rahnee commented on his new mustaches, which he declared made him look more distinguished, twirling one for emphasis. In response to a question from Rahnee, Madrigal admitted that he had someone from Aurora’s Emporium teleport him to Westgate, rather than doing it himself. Rahnee then introduced her “fifth brother” to Aerikoth and Darrow; Dinendal apparently had slipped out of the inn just prior to Madrigal’s arrival.

After pleasantries were exchanged and Darrow offered to buy them an ale, as he approved of family reunions, Madrigal produced a letter from Rahnee and inquired if he might meet Brok-Tul. Rahnee’s face fell as he asked the question and after a few moments of stuttering, she finally managed to tell Madrigal that she was a widow, after having lost Brok-Tul and another companion, Veran, while over-matched in battle. A fierce glint in her eye, she informed him that the murderer no longer walked the world, although it remained to them to find out who had controlled him. Madrigal expressed his condolences at the sad tale and also his approval of her Roaringhorn spirit, saying that he had originally come to deliver a scolding from their elder brothers, Vastarr and Kuldos, but under the circumstances would refrain.

Rahnee continued on and informed her brother of Brok-Tul’s “half-breed” status, explaining that his father’s heritage was orcish, as Aerikoth intently looked on and Darrow tried to lose himself in his ale. After initially spitting up part of his drink, Madrigal managed to recover, declaring that Brok-Tul must have been an excellent priest of Helm. He also agreed with Rahnee that it was probably best that his heritage had not been mentioned in the letter sent to the family.


After some further banter, Madrigal explained that he had located Rahnee in Westgate by checking with the Mercenaries Guild, who had her name listed under the “Helm’s Shadows” entry. Rahnee told her brother about their recent acquisition of Hallton’s lands, while Madrigal counted out the 700 gold he owed her for previously sending him a Bloodback Spider carcass via Aurora’s Emporium. Rahnee then asked how long he would be staying, to which Madrigal replied that it seemed he was not needed, as there were no nuptials to discuss. Rahnee said he was always needed and welcome, but in any case they could not offer him hospitality for the night, as their place had recently been burnt down. Madrigal wryly observed that her company did not seem popular with the locals. Rahnee qualified that by saying it was only a particular group of locals and Darrow helpfully clarified that whoever had done it would get an axe to the face; meanwhile, Aerikoth silently sipped his water. Rahnee, in response to a question from Madrigal, said that it was not the Night Masks who had done it, but she still needed to confirm her suspicions.

Aerikoth at this point interjected a question about Rahnee coming to Westgate at the behest of her elder brothers. She confirmed that this was so, as something of a test for the Roaringhorn clan, to deliver a shipment of horses from Waterdeep to House Thalavar. Darrow with a straight face expressed his surprise that she did not get lost along the way, which earned him a raspberry and an explanation that this was what the scouts were for. Rahnee explained that if she had failed in her charge, she would have agreed to return to the City of Splendors and be wed to someone to be chosen for her. Aerikoth noted the irony of her leaving to avoid matrimony, only to find that in Westgate. (A pithy philosophical observation from the wizard. How many times in life do we mistakenly seek to escape something, only for it to find us in the end, and to our benefit. --C)

Madrigal said that, as he was not going to remain in Westgate, he had best be moving on; he could always return at will, now that he was familiar with the location. He exchanged farewells with Darrow and Aerikoth, then went with Rahnee outside the inn for a private discussion. After a while, Rahnee returned alone, talking with her companions for a while before they decided to retire for the evening.

The next morning, Rahnee, Darrow and Aerikoth had just settled in at the Gatereach bar when Jokull and Dinendal arrived, looking the worse for the wear. The serving woman Goruna accurately diagnosed their condition, pantomiming drinking a jug while grinning a gap-toothed grin. The companions attempted to eat their oatmeal, but the rank smell wafting off of Jokull and Dinendal battled for their senses’ attention. In response to questions about where they had been, Dinendal indicated they had been at the Rising Raven. Jokull called brusquely for a glass of Westgate Ruby, apparently looking to cure his hangover with more of the same, while Jandrico Swift regretfully informed Rahnee that the Gatereach’s tea supply had not been restocked, having burned down with the outbuilding.

As Jokull and Dinendal battled to get fully awake and understand what was going on around them, Rahnee told them of Madrigal’s visit, also mentioning that her brother had offered to “sweeten the kitty” if they took the Mercenaries Guild contract to explore the road to Starmantle. The group then discussed their plans, deciding that they had little reason to stay in Westgate and wait for the elections. Rahnee raised the fact that Darrow could use their help back at his clan home. The dwarf offered two reasons to return: the first being that the lich Ashnakzeroth, according to legend, had established a laboratory in the clan’s deeper delves; the second, a quest for the lost axe Haelgrim, wielded in the past by the clan’s heroes and a symbol of strength and leadership. Darrow related the legend of how Relan Ironhelm had died while using it to fight off a horde of creatures threatening a mining party in the lower delves, although the exact nature of the battle was not fully known. Darrow admitted that he wanted to find the axe for himself, when asked by Jokull. The others agreed to travel to Clan Ironhelm and assist Darrow, Rahnee adding that they might also be able to recruit fighters for their lands in “Veranbrok.”


Detour to Teziir

Their path decided, the companions made preparations to depart, with Jokull and Dinendal going off to bathe. Rahnee settled up accounts with Jandrico and informed the innkeeper that they would be gone for at least several days. The group then headed out, initially thinking that they would go to the clan lands via Turnton, but this was nixed by Darrow, who pointed out that Turnton was south and they needed to head west, along Traders Road. After a number of hours of traveling in the cold, the party arrived at the Reddansyr crossroads and decided to head for the village rather than camp outdoors.

It was very early on the morning of Alturiak 11 when the companions entered the Giant’s Folly in Reddansyr. Jokull, for some reason not as awake as the others, paid Ian Gryphonhawk a gold and immediately went upstairs to one of the common rooms to sleep. Darrow was more thirsty than tired, immediately downing an ale as Ian welcomed the others. Rahnee formally introduced Darrow and Dinendal to Ian, who was the proprietor of the festhall and also the town leader. In response to a question from Rahnee, Ian said that he had still heard nothing from his son Killian, but asked them to keep an ear out for any news if they were heading out toward Starmantle. Dinendal and Darrow both drank some of the available stout before Ian showed the group upstairs to their rooms for the night; Aerikoth took the one suite available, while the others shared a common room.

By late morning, everyone except Jokull was up, gathering in the inn’s common area for breakfast. Aerikoth told the others that he intended to stay for the day, in order to scribe a spell he acquired into his spell book. The wizard indicated that he could catch up with them in Teziir, if they decided to move on. Rahnee shrugged, saying that the day was already half gone and that they were in no rush, so would not mind staying themselves. Rahnee inquired after their former companion Belle, but was told by Ian that she had not been seen in Reddansyr for some time. Her father was still alive and had apparently recovered from the illness that had prompted Belle to return to the village and care for him.

Over breakfast, Dinendal was reminded of tales of Waterdeep’s underworld, bantering with Rahnee about rumors regarding the activities of “The Serpent”, an infamous elven exile and crime lord. Aerikoth excused himself and went up to his suite, to pursue his wizardly studies, while the others continued their conversation. Jokull finally roused himself and joined the others, gladly wolfing down the oatmeal and bread on offer.

By early evening, Jokull had again retired to his room. Aerikoth, having just finished scribing his spell, rejoined the others in the common area, desiring food and drink. Dinner was brought out, consisting of lamb and potatoes; as usual, Dinendal made a show of praying for forgiveness for eating the “slaughtered baby meat”, enjoying it nonetheless. An offhand comment from the elf about belching a prayer prompted a comment from Darrow and led to a friendly wager on a burping contest between the dwarf and the elf. Dinendal set the terms as a flask of ale to the one who could belch "Her Majesty's Last Girdle", a common Cormyrian round.

As the two began to drink and warm up for the contest, Ian came over and, after inquiring about the quality of the dinner, asked if he could bring up a proposal. Rahnee agreed and asked Ian to join them. The innkeeper sat down, mentioning that he actually had two things to bring up, the second of which he would save for morning. The first involved the Scarlet Company, a mercenary group who had recently taken the contract to explore the Starmantle road. Ian asked Rahnee and the others if they would talk with the Scarlet Company, since “Helm’s Shadows” were actually the last ones to have traveled down that way, when the company had taken on a group of trolls by the Reddan River bridge. After a bit of discussion, they agreed to share their experiences with the mercenaries.


Rahnee led the others over, although she had trouble finding the back room for a minute. Mutual introductions were made between Helm’s Shadows and the Scarlet Company, which consisted of its leader, a warrior named Juril; Ayllan, a sorcerer; Firewine, who wore cleric’s robes; Elebril, a ranger; and a halfling rogue called Slipster. Juril explained that his company had taken the Mercenaries Guild contract and had promised Ian to keep a look out for his son; however, they had not previously traveled south of Reddansyr and could use experienced counsel. (On some occasions, listening too closely to adventurers' tales can spell trouble, or simply be a waste of time, if one is not interested in gathering stories for tavern talk. When dealing with a reasonably experienced company that has no hidden agenda, as was the case with Helm's Shadows, it can be profitable to learn from others' efforts. The Scarlet Company indeed ends up benefiting from this, as will be seen. --R)

Rahnee mentioned the encounter she and her companions had with trolls and manticores on the road south, by the river bridge, describing what she considered the best tactics to employ against these monsters. Dinendal was very interested in the tale and took copious notes, also interrupting periodically with questions. Rahnee’s recounting was also interrupted by an outburst from Ayllan, who after a whispered exchange with Slipster shouted at the halfling that he had cheated at dice and owed the sorcerer money. Juril restored order and had Rahnee continue with her story, Darrow also offering some tactical tips. Once Rahnee had finished, Juril thanked them for their information and willingness to assist. In response to a question from Rahnee, he indicated that his company had no fixed abode, but roamed the Dragon Coast.

The discussion done, Aerikoth silently left the inn, while the others gathered back in the common area. The wizard was gone for a while and upon his return was informed by Dinendal that he had been “blown away” in the belching contest by Darrow. Aerikoth confirmed with the others that the group would be leaving in the morning, then went up to his suite for the night.

The morning of Alturiak 12, Rahnee arrived in the Giant’s Folly common area and was disappointed to learn that no hot tea was available. Darrow in the meantime appeared to be quite satisfied with the ale that he ordered and quickly knocked back. As the hour was relatively early, the rest of their group had not yet come down when Ian Gryphonhawk asked the two of them if they would meet with one of Ian’s other guest, a young woman named Khalen. Ian briefly explained that she had been attacked by bandits and had found refuge in Reddansyr, but wished to travel on to Teziir. After confirming with Rahnee and Darrow that their group planned to pass through Teziir, and that they would consent to speak with Khalen, Ian went and fetched her.

Khalen, who appeared to be a blonde woman in her late teens, was initially somewhat shy while making introductions, but after Erinetta brought breakfast for the three, she soon warmed to Rahnee and Darrow. Somewhat haltingly, she explained to them that she had been traveling from Marsember with a male wizard companion named Brindan when they had encountered a gang of bandits led by someone called Nemar. Brindan had managed to save her by casting an invisibility spell on her after she fell in combat, but was not able to save himself. The two had originally been headed for Westgate, to start a new life together, but now Khalen was more interested in revenge. She had heard from Ian that a diviner lived in Teziir who might be able to assist her in finding Nemar, one of whose companions had been observed as having a strange-looking tattoo.

Rahnee expressed her sympathy for Khalen’s desire for revenge, as did Darrow, although the dwarf was skeptical of a diviner’s abilities to solve her problem. After some additional questions and discussion of Khalen’s situation, Rahnee and Darrow provisionally agreed to help her get to Teziir, pending the agreement of their other companions. As Rahnee idly strummed the lute she had earlier “borrowed” from Dinendal while he was drowsing, the elf came downstairs and inquired with Ian regarding the missing instrument. The innkeeper merely pointed over to Rahnee in response, whereupon Dinendal’s expression brightened and he went over to retrieve it. At about the same time, Aerikoth put in his appearance, wizard staff in hand. Khalen looked wide-eyed at the staff as Rahnee made introductions and Erinetta fetched breakfast for the latecomers.


Rahnee explained about Khalen’s situation, as Khalen re-told her story for Aerikoth and Dinendal. Jokull’s absence was also discussed; Dinendal believed it better to leave him alone with his hangover and personal demons. Talk then turned to how Khalen could best approach Isyio, the diviner in Teziir. Her mission of vengeance also prompted comments of both support and concern from her new comrades. Dinendal took the opportunity to copy out a sketch of the tattoo, as described by Khalen, possessed by the bandit.

The group decided to waste no more time in Reddansyr and set out for Teziir. Rahnee confirmed with Ian that they were all set and left a message with him for Jokull about their destination, as the warrior could catch up with them either on the road or in the city. Although the day was bright and sunny when they started out, it soon turned to rain for the remainder of the several-hour journey along Traders Road to the outskirts of Teziir.

Once inside the city, Dinendal and Darrow urged Khalen to report the bandit attack to the City Watch. She was reluctant to do so, however, fearing that this might tip off the bandits to her survival. Rahnee and Aerikoth advised visiting the Temple of Azuth, if Khalen wished to find the diviner, as that was his last known location. The group decided to head for the temple, as it was relatively close to them.

Inside the temple, the priest recognized Rahnee after she greeted him, also noting that she had some new companions. She explained that they sought Isyio again, on Khalen’s behalf. The priest asked Khalen to explain her troubles, which she described, despite turning red at an initial wisecrack from Dinendal about her impatience. The priest also noticed her impatience, but expressed his sympathies over her traumatic experience.

Having obtained Khalen’s story, and a copy of the tattoo sketch from Dinendal, the priest then asked Khalen for something of value to leave temporarily in bond, to demonstrate her seriousness. Considering her closely, the priest asked that she leave her ring behind; Khalen appeared shocked by the suggestion. Despite her vehement refusal to consider leaving the ring, the priest indicated that she could return the following evening at sunset for an answer to her petition. Rahnee and Dinendal thanked the priest for his consideration, while Aerikoth made some pointed comments about the priest’s behavior, including in an unknown language, before departing. (The wizard has serious issues with priests, of whatever god, and his unrelenting rudeness in temples is seemingly tolerated by his companions. I must wonder, did they expect to simply show up off the street and ask for an important favor at no cost to them? One would think that the hard life of an adventurer would lessen a sense of entitlement, rather than foster it. More charitably, Khalen has just suffered a traumatic experience and is no doubt still shaken and on edge. The normally imperturbable wizard's display of emotion, though, appears less justified - although perhaps some similar trauma in his personal history is the source of his behavior. --C)

Once outside the temple, Khalen apologized for her temper, prompting chuckles and understanding from Rahnee. Darrow told Khalen not to worry, as she would fit right in with them – excepting Aerikoth, who rarely showed emotion. Rahnee then suggested that they find a place for the night and get a warm meal under their belts. Dinendal informed the others that he would check the city entrance for Jokull, in case the warrior had managed to catch up with them.
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Before they moved on to the Two Swords inn, where the company had stayed the previous time in Teziir, Rahnee asked Khalen if she were still opposed to notifying the Teziir authorities about the bandit attack. Khalen said that she preferred to wait and see if first the diviner would help. Darrow for his part thought that their “friend” in Westgate, Khair, might be able to shed some light on the tattooed men, given his connections and the likelihood that they were fencing at least some of their stolen goods in that city. Aerikoth, who had remained silent, then drew Rahnee aside for a private conversation.

After all were ready, they wandered through the city to the Bayside district, where the Two Swords was located, continuing to discuss Khalen’s situation and how best to handle it. The innkeeper welcomed them back and mentioned that there were three rooms available, although he was somewhat taken aback when all of the adventurers said they wanted private lodging. After some negotiation, the group took the available rooms, Khalen uneasily agreeing to share one with Rahnee. As the others worked out their needs for the evening, to include bathing and laundry, Aerikoth decided to take a walk. Shortly after the wizard had departed, Dinendal made his way to the inn, reporting that he had seen no sign of their companion Jokull.

As evening rolled around on Alturiak 12, Rahnee retired to her room with a cramped leg, suffered no doubt as a result of all the walking done over the previous days. Khalen for her part was eager to visit the flophouse in the Point district, where she believed she might pick up information on Nemar’s bandit gang. Dinendal expressed some doubts over leaving Rahnee behind in the inn, but Darrow and the others allayed his concerns.

Aerikoth led them to the Point, where they were able to locate the flophouse, a building in none-too-good condition. A few thuggish types loitered in the large, dark common room, along with the man in charge of the place. Taking the direct approach, Khalen went right up to the man and asked if he had seen a man she was supposed to meet here called Nemar, describing his tattoo. When one of the thugs began making crude remarks about her, Darrow started returning the insults, clearly spoiling for a fight.

As Dinendal covered his eyes, the “innkeeper” rebuked the thug, whom he called Corvey, for insulting possible paying guests. Khalen tried calming Darrow down, as the dwarf wanted to use his axe on either the patrons or the flophouse itself, then she reminded the innkeeper about her question. He made a show of pondering, glancing over to one of the thugs briefly before saying that he did not know the person nor recognized the tattoo. Khalen promised him a gold coin - nothing more personal, as he wanted - if he remembered more information. As he declined the offer, a thug departed the place. The four adventurers then took their leave, following the thug but then losing track of him outside of the flophouse.

A stubbornly determined Khalen then re-entered the flophouse, with Dinendal trailing behind. The innkeeper again refused to take her gold, although she offered it to him with no strings attached, telling him she would be at the Two Swords if he remembered anything. The two adventurers then left, as the man glared daggers at their backs. The group moved off a short distance from the flophouse, by the water, to discuss what had happened. Dinendal expressed his suspicion that the flophouse keeper was on the take from the local underworld and/or scared of being seen as a snitch. The elf also worried that the local thugs now knew where they and Rahnee were staying. Khalen for her part seemed lost in thought, exchanging a few words with Aerikoth about her past.

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