The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


The four adventurers paid close attention to their surroundings in the wee hours of Ches 29 as they made their way back to the Gatereach Inn. Darrow pointed out a nearby sewer grate in the Temple District and later Dermot noted to the others where he had lost the trail of the two visitors to the Hidden House, in the Mulsantir’s Gate district. The ranger observed that they had just up and vanished, it seemed. Aerikoth confirmed that vampires were notoriously difficult to pin down at times, given their powers.

At the inn, Jandrico Swift greeted them as they entered the building, Shanni cursing the rain again and shaking off her cloak. Dermot inquired after the four people they had sent on ahead and the innkeeper confirmed that their refugees had arrived. Jandrico mentioned that it was hard to understand their tale, as they seemed quite disoriented and exhausted, so he was at first unsure if the adventurers had in fact been responsible for sending them. Nonetheless, they had been given a place to rest upstairs. (The innkeeper was right to be initially skeptical in such circumstances, whatever the appearances. Many a con or surprise attack has begun with a small group of people appearing to be in need. --R)

Dermot made sure to both refill his liquor flask and get a mulled wine from the innkeeper before retiring, while Darrow ordered a fine ale for his own thirst. Dermot wondered if they could face trouble that night as a result of their actions, but the dwarf thought it more likely to be the next night at the earliest, since it would take their foes some time to figure out who and where they were. The companions then called it a night, with Aerikoth departing to sleep at his own house.

As the night wore on, the rain and wind howled outside and those staying at the Gatereach heard the shutters flap loudly against the side of the inn. Darrow, despite his earlier nonchalance, decided to get up and take a walk around, but found nothing untoward. Separately, Shanni went to the room that their refugees had been given, discovering that the four of them could not sleep either. The woman Layla, who had lost her baby, had been whimpering non-stop in the corner, so Shanni brought her over to her own room, in order to better comfort her. Hearing the commotion in the hallway, Dermot checked in on them, then went back to the room he was sharing with Darrow. Eventually the winds relented and the rain turned into a light patter, allowing the inn’s inhabitants to finally sleep for the remainder of the night.

In the morning, Darrow got a head start and was down in the bar room having his second ale before Dermot and Shanni joined him. The petite rogue wondered if Goruna, who was preparing breakfast, could go upstairs and comfort the woman who had lost her baby, as she might be better at it. With a straight face, Jandrico said he wondered that too, as Dermot maintained a carefully neutral expression. The innkeeper indicated he would send Goruna up to see to the woman, after she was done with her task.

Aerikoth arrived and greeted them, brushing some of the light rain off his robes. Shanni expressed some concern about the refugee group’s safety at the inn, but Dermot told her that it was unlikely they would be attacked in the daytime. Goruna then came out with a tray of sausages and eggs for the group, managing to brush against Dermot’s leg as she put it down on the counter, grinning. Jandrico asked her to go upstairs to see to the woman staying with Shanni, which she was glad to do, with a final wink at Dermot as she walked off.

Over the meal, which was hastily consumed, the question of what to do with the refugees was broached again by Shanni. She thought it worth checking in with the Lathanderites to see if they could keep the group of four safe. Darrow was not sure if they had enough pull with the temple for that, while Dermot figured they could make a donation or something. They all agreed to first head to the Ascetic One’s house, in any event, to see what the monk had prepared for them.

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The party walked in without knocking and were intercepted by Student Than just inside the threshold. He calmly accepted Dermot’s belated apology/greeting, then invited the four inside to meet with the Ascetic One, saying they were expected. Than moved to the side to stand next to his fellow student as their monk teacher offered his greetings. He then looked at the adventurers thoughtfully, observing that they had not passed a quiet night. A few witticisms were offered in return, then a more sober account of the violent rescue of four vampire victims, along with the killing of their captors. The Ascetic One was pleased that the victims’ suffering had been lifted and he said he believed they had assisted the Crying God with their deeds.

The monk then offered what he called a gift and a warning to them, pulling out a sheet of rolled-up parchment. Shanni looked at the others and then stepped forward slowly. Their host waited until she and her companions had come closer, then spread the parchment out on a table, showing a map of the Dragon Coast. He gestured with a finger, tracing a path that diverged from the road to Starmantle, southeast of Reddansyr. He said it would be difficult to find and an ordinary traveler would never notice. Shanni remarked that the two skulls on the map were a bit ominous. The monk in reply explained that that once they left the Starmantle road and headed north, the beginning of the new path would be marked with two skulls. When he had traveled there, they appeared ancient - whether a warning or simply a marker, he knew not.

At the end of the path, the Ascetic One continued, was a remote area with what remained of a ruined tower; perhaps a small city once had existed there. The monk had traveled there many years ago, having heard it was a place of ancient suffering. Rumored, in fact, to have been where the original Night King came from. This last bit of information caught the attention of the adventurers, as Dermot and Shanni suddenly displayed more interest, the ranger looking at the map and trying to estimate the travel time required, perhaps two days out from Westgate. (This is a remarkable discovery and truly ancient indeed, as the Night King arrived in the city some centuries before Dalereckoning began. --C)

The monk, bowing his head, shared that he had not been successful in divining its secrets, but had indeed found suffering there. Darrow asked what he meant and was told that it was still a place of undeath. Aerikoth queried how long ago the Ascetic One had visited there, which caused the monk’s eyes to grow distant, after which he said that it had been in his youth, perhaps three decades ago. He cautioned that he did not know exactly what they might find there, but he had no doubt the ancient tower there still rose from its cursed ground.

The Ascetic One offered them the map, if they wished to journey to the tower, and the adventurers discussed the prospect. Darrow was more interested in focusing on the Hidden House vampires, believing that the best chance for catching the unknown visitors would be to lie in wait for them that evening. Aerikoth was of the opinion they should make their way to the tower, arguing that the vampires were entrenched in the city and could be found in time. Dermot, unsurprisingly given his ranger affinities, was eager to get his feet moving out of town, while Shanni remained undecided.

Shanni, with Aerikoth’s support, brought up the idea of sending a message to the Temple of Lathander, so they could watch the Hidden House. The Ascetic One offered to pass the message to the temple and, after Shanni brought up the folk they had rescued, also to make sure they were taken care of. The petite rogue in response placed a small pile of coins on the table, to be used for their needs, prompting Darrow to follow her example. The monk thanked them and as he turned to his students to begin instructing them on their tasks, the four adventurers departed, to go find death, one way or another, as a grim-looking Shanni put it.


Outside the Ascetic One’s house, the group briefly took stock of their situation. Aerikoth thought it might be in their best interest to depart the city for a time, as what they had done to the newly incarnated Shore Patrol and their removal of a feeding station, for lack of a better term, would not go unnoticed by the dark powers within the city. Dermot wanted to shift a couple of gems quickly, as the ranger put it, and Darrow said he could use some additional provisions, so they agreed to head to Shalush Myrkeer’s shop in the Market district before leaving the city.

Once that was done, outside the shop Dermot shared out the gold from the gem sales and proudly displayed a Bag of Holding, saying he had been saving for one of them for ages. Aerikoth dryly remarked that it was a prudent purchase, the wizard having a few himself. He also noted that it might be useful to store any of the considerable wealth they might run across in the city of the undead. Darrow announced that he had got himself some cheap, lighter armor, for walking about town in the future. Shanni said nothing, but slipped a glinting ring onto her finger then pulled on her gloves. Dermot shoved his prized greatsword into his new bag and started leading the way to the western city exit.

Outside Mulsantir’s Gate, the party was about to set foot on Trader’s Road when a merchant guard at the Westward Eye hailed them, warning of reports of trolls that had moved into the area. Dermot was surprised at this, while Shanni was somewhat nonplussed, saying that she had never seen a troll. She asked what was good to use against them and Aerikoth explained that fire and acid killed them. Other weapons would down them, but they would regenerate if not doused with acid or fire. Shanni in response muttered to herself about acid and switched out some of the arrows in her quiver.

As the group marched down the road, Dermot explained that they first needed to get to Reddansyr, then from there take the road heading south that eventually led to Starmantle. They were discussing how long the journey was expected to take, when Dermot looked up and issued a sudden warning to look out, as a large boulder arced through the air towards the group. They scattered, but Darrow was the slowest and took a hard hit. Now visible were a pair of large humanoids to the side of the road, along with a pile of boulders one was using for ammunition. Dermot charged the rock-hurler and hamstrung him as Shanni and Aerikoth targeted the other one. After their enemies were dispatched, Darrow sat down heavily, still a little dazed from the rock to the head.

Shanni asked if they were trolls, but Dermot confirmed that they were some type of ogre, the ranger scanning the ridgeline to the south in case any more appeared. Dermot commented that some day, a proper ranger lodge should be set up to help protect the road, although Shanni pointedly remarked that it would then become a target for boulder-tossing ogres. Dermot convinced his companions to check out the ridgeline, promising to be quick. Aerikoth then cast stoneskin spells to protect them, in the event of another encounter.

Off the road, the hills became maze-like, but Shanni spotted some very large footprints to guide their path. The trail was broken at one point, but Dermot was able to cast about and find the continuation. By this point the ranger’s promised quick excursion was turning out to be much longer than expected, but the group figured that they might as well continue to pursue it. After a short time, they saw a cave and decided to check it out. (Curiosity has killed many a cat, but for adventurers the sniff of potential treasure is difficult to resist, regardless of what business they are ostensibly about. --R)


Before creeping softly into the cave, Dermot warned the others to be ready to run. The ranger was gone for a sufficiently long time to get both Darrow and Shanni worried, so the petite rogue slipped inside after him. The dwarf was about to head in himself when Dermot reappeared and told them to wait, explaining that he had found a small pack of giant wolves – worgs – inside. Shanni said she had seen the eyes of at least three. Aerikoth speculated that they were perhaps pets of the ogres or a hill giant.

Darrow declared that he wasn’t afraid of no puppy dogs and was eager to clear out the cave. Dermot was less enthusiastic, but game enough, just cautioning his companions to be ready to run if they had to. The party moved inside, soon encountering a pack of worgs – more than just the three spotted earlier – and then were then surprised by a group of ogres who emerged from further back in the cave. After the tense fighting was over, Dermot apologized for spotting the wolves but missing the army, as he put it, panting along with a cursing Shanni from their combat exertions. The ranger also expressed his gratefulness for having Aerikoth’s stoneskin spell.

There were bits of gold lying around and a busted up wagon, making Dermot think the ogres had been part of an organized warband that had been raiding the road. Shanni found some old, empty barrels as well and the petite rogue observed it was unlikely the ogres had put them there. Darrow, who had been checking the stonework in the cave, concurred that the ogre band must have been newcomers. The dwarf found signs of a long-abandoned mining project and Aerikoth remarked that there had been several previous occupants of the cave. Despite the slim pickings for treasure, Dermot was satisfied that at least the ogres had been removed as a threat, thanking his companions for their efforts as they exited the cave.

The ranger’s magical protection had kept him in combat but not prevented him from being wounded, so Shanni passed over her ring of regeneration to him. He slipped it on next to a golden ring and looked at them both, somewhat pensively, as his wounds began slowly closing. In response to Shanni’s questioning, Dermot mentioned that the ring was a non-magical heirloom, also briefly laughing at the idea of it being a wedding band, pointing out that it was on the wrong finger. The ranger for a time watched an eagle swoop over a nearby hill and then pulled off Shanni’s magic ring, tossing it back to her.

Once they had almost reached Trader’s Road again, Darrow spotted something a short distance away, then bent down to pick up something shiny and green from the ground. This immediately drew Shanni’s attention, as the dwarf came back tossing an emerald into the air and catching it in his hand. Dermot ruefully questioned how he had missed that, to which Darrow replied with a smile that he was closer to the ground. The dwarf figured that one of their “friends” had dropped it during the earlier fight, noting that the grass had been trampled down around it. Shanni also was not happy that she had missed spotting it earlier, muttering to herself that she was slipping. The dwarf got in a few more friendly jibes at the ranger’s expense, as they reached the road and started the long walk west to the Reddansyr crossroads.


Fourteen hours later, Shanni wondered out loud if they were there yet, it having gotten dark ages ago, she pointed out. Even Dermot admitted it was getting late, but then he spotted the path leading south from Trader’s Road to the village of Reddansyr. They turned that way, the ranger gaining a little more spring in his step even as Shanni started to lag behind. After a short while, Dermot and Darrow reached the outer walls and were hailed by the militia guards.

Dermot responded, saying they were friends looking to rest before taking to the road in the morn. Back a ways on the path, Shanni - looking as if she could walk no further - eagerly accepted the idea being carried into the village by Aerikoth’s summoned huge water elemental, despite the wet. At the mage’s unspoken command, the elemental slung Shanni up with one arm and held her high, as Dermot and Darrow appeared, wondering what was going on. The ranger was bemused by the spectacle, but rallied and helped the party get past the dumfounded Reddansyr militia, who did not know what to make of Shanni’s chosen means of conveyance.

After being waved through the gate, the party headed for the Giant’s Folly inn. Once they had spotted its trademark ship-for-a-roof, Aerikoth ordered the elemental to set Shanni down, then dismissed it. By this point, it was very early morn on Ches 30, so they were glad to see the inside of the inn and receive a greeting from its proprietor, Ian Gryphonhawk. Despite the late hour, a bard was also playing for a group of customers, mainly mercenaries judging from their equipment.

Darrow immediately plunked down some gold in exchange for ale, as Ian remarked to Aerikoth that Helm’s Shadows seemed to have acquired a new recruit, meaning Dermot. The innkeeper was then even more surprised to see a grumpy, tired and wet Shanni enter in their company. Aerikoth drily remarked they had more than one recruit since their last encounter. Ian then solicitously arranged for food and drink for the group, as he went to check on the available rooms.


As Ian was leaving, Shanni wandered over to the common room’s brazier and stood there, shivering, as Aerikoth regarded the notice board. The elven bard continued singing softly in the background, strumming a tune on his lute with evident skill, which impressed even Darrow. The others seated themselves at an open table, listening to the music, while Shanni remained by the fire, trying to dry off and muttering to herself.

Erinetta, the barmaid at the Giant’s Folly, soon came by with several ales. She told them that Ian had said drinks were on the house for them, mentioning something about a "troll tab”. Darrow, pleased, took that as a challenge, while Dermot praised Ian’s character. Aerikoth however declined the offer, wishing just water, while Shanni continued glaring around and tried to pick a fight with a nearby female mercenary.

The bard finished strumming and cradled his instrument, as several mercenary patrons clapped. Darrow by this point had already polished off two ales in short order, but had slowed down with his third in hand. The elf acknowledged the applause and accepted a few coins tossed at him from the crowd. Erinetta returned with Aerikoth’s water and the wizard explained that the “troll tab” was due to the exploits of the previous incarnation of Helm’s Shadows, having cleared out a large group of trolls on the Starmantle road. Shanni, apparently having failed to start an incident, grumpily came over and sat down with the others.

Erinetta brought over a mulled wine for Dermot and looked at Shanni questioningly, wondering if she wanted something warm as well, then placed another down in front of her. Shanni muttered a brief thanks, picking up the drink and hugging it to her small body. Aerikoth remarked that Ian must be doing well, noting the size of the crowd and also the fact that the innkeeper had to be reminded of their special deal the last time they were in town.

Ian Gryphonhawk came by their table, mentioning that there were a lot of guests at the moment, but he did have one room available upstairs that should fit the party. Aerikoth brought up the fact that his new comrades had noticed the boat on the roof and had not heard the tale, which Ian was pleased to recount. He described how he had decided to retire from an adventuring life and was living in Teziir. He had visited the Giant's Run mountains a few times, including a trip to Darrow’s home, Clan Ironhelm. After Ironhelm won the giants' war, as they called it, there were still a few of them roaming around, but no longer much of a threat.

Ian had been drinking with one of these giants – which he called a story in itself – when he decided to make a wager. He needed help building the Reddansyr inn and had the rights to an old piece of salvage in Teziir harbor. To make a long story short, the giant lost the bet and he had to haul the boat there, as well as help build the inn. Ian had figured it would make it a destination for the curious as well as the thirsty. (Indeed, the Giant's Folly was well known up and down the Dragon Coast, although I am not sure how many people actually detoured to the village of Reddansyr to see it. --R)

Noticing Shanni’s exhaustion, the innkeeper then excused himself, saying they could talk more in the morning, wishing them a pleasant evening. Dermot and Darrow both agreed calling it a night would make sense, while all Shanni wanted to do was to get dry and go to bed. The petite rogue finished her drink then began marching upstairs, looking bedraggled and forlorn. Aerikoth noted the fact that only one room was available, so he thought he would make different accommodations for the evening. Dermot and Darrow wished him a good night, then followed Shanni upstairs to sort out the sleeping arrangements.


After a restful and long night’s sleep, the party gathered once more in the Giant’s Folly common room, nigh onto noon. The bard from the previous night was playing once more, singing softly to blend in with the tavern conversations. Dermot went over to tip the minstrel, as the others discussed Shanni’s dream of a big house with comfy beds and a bath. Once the song ended, the ranger wandered back to their table, as Erinetta carried over a rather large platter of food, including fresh boar meet and some stinky but tasty cheese.

As they were tucking into the meal, Ian Gryphonhawk approached and told them he had some news, mentioning several things that had occurred since they were there last, over a month ago. He first mentioned a troll scare near the Reddan River bridge, which had been troll country in the past. (It is a strange thing, the penchant trolls have for bridges, yet perhaps it is also understandable. If they are in the business of waylaying travelers, what better place? --C) Aerikoth then suggested that Dermot show the innkeeper the Ascetic’s map, in the event he had more knowledge about the area. The ranger produced the map and smoothed it out on the bar in front of Ian. He observed that it looked recently drawn and not by a professional scribe, points which Dermot acknowledged. However, he was able to recognize the area well enough, being further along the Starmantle road from Reddansyr.

After confirming that they planned to head that way, Ian asked them to bring back any word of his son Killian, if they could. The innkeeper’s face blanched as Aerikoth described their destination as a city full of undead, but continued on, describing how his son had set out on a foolish adventure, as he put it, some months prior when winter was coming. Killian had thought to explore the Starmantle road, to see what the dangers were. At the time, prior to its clearing by the Scarlet Company, the road had been closed due to the unusual presence of beasts, not to mention the harsh winter. Ian, hanging his head slightly, wonder if perhaps his son had heard one too many tales of his own past as an adventurer. Shanni and Darrow shared a grim look, evidently thinking about Killian’s potential fate. (It is unlikely that they accurately imagined what in fact ended up happening to the erstwhile adventurer, although it was certainly grim, as will be seen. --R)

Returning to the map, Ian examined its features more closely and queried if the skulls marked on it were real, which was confirmed by Dermot. Pointing to the area where the tower was marked, the innkeeper said that no one ever went there, largely because there was no reason to, observing that it would be several hours' travel in the wilderness north of the Starmantle road. When Ian mentioned the Scarlet Company was the last to fully traverse the road, so would have the most recent knowledge, Darrow told him that they had ended up at opposite ends of some bad business recently, so hadn’t really talked about the Starmantle contract.

Ian then brought up Old Hamish, a forest recluse whom Lady Rahnee – a former party member – had stopped by to talk to earlier in the month. She had been looking for information about his daughter Belle, who had traveled with Helm’s Shadows for a while, the innkeeper informed them. He also warned that Old Hamish wasn’t very social, living about two hours’ walk outside of town, in a hut with a small stead in the forest. (I too am curious about what happened with Belle, who stood with the party in their epic fight against the ancient lich Ashnakzeroth, but seemed to fade away afterwards. Perhaps there is more to the tale. --C)

At Dermot’s invitation, Ian marked the location of the hut on their map, taking his time to get the location as precise as he could. According to the innkeeper, Old Hamish was the most knowledgeable person about the countryside, having lived in the area longer than most anyone. Ian said that normally he would recommend asking the bard, given their profession’s penchant for travel, but this one had come from Cormyr. Dermot nonetheless thought this would be useful, so went to approach the bard, as Darrow headed back upstairs to put on his armor and Aerikoth watched Ian work on the map.


Darrow returned and found only Dermot remaining on the ground floor of the inn, in conversation with the bard. After some more ales for the dwarf and discussion of news from Cormyr, including the bard’s mention of encountering their former companion Dinendal, Dermot and Darrow went to find Ian, who had just finished his additions to their map. The innkeeper pointed out the route to Old Hamish’s place, which was in a remote part of the countryside, south of the Reddan River bridge and then requiring anyone visiting to traverse a marshy area into the deep forest to the east.

Despite the remoteness of the location, given no other immediate concerns, the ranger and the dwarf decided to make the journey, leaving word with Ian in case Aerikoth or Shanni inquired after there whereabouts. Dermot also made some purchases from Ian’s equipment stocks, including rations and some volatile clay flasks, which would be helpful if any trolls were encountered. The bard had resumed playing in the common room and strummed the final few chords of the ballad he was playing, ending on a high note, as he watched Dermot and Darrow leave.

The two passed the Reddansyr militia at the gates and, three hours later, arrived at the Reddan River crossing. At first everything appeared benign, but then a small group of trolls emerged from near the bridge and rushed the two. This was a mistake on their part, as Darrow’s axe and Dermot’s swords put them down quickly enough, followed by their applying fire to their opponents’ remaining wiggling limbs. Dermot took a look at their tracks, which led west, and found a spot near the treeline which apparently had been a favorite ambush spot for some time, judging by the signs left there.

Moving back to the bridge, Dermot eventually found a faint trail heading southeast, where the map indicated, and followed it. He and Darrow then spent the next two hours finding and losing the trail in the wild marshland, eventually ending up in a boggy forest area. It appeared to match Ian’s description of Old Hamish’s place, so they cast about and discovered a hut perched atop a hill, above the more waterlogged terrain.

Darrow went up and knocked on the door, which was soon answered by an older, grizzled-looking man, who asked what he wanted. Dermot introduced himself and Darrow asked who he was. Old Hamish, unsurprised at their appearance, having heard them coming half the forest away as he put it, acknowledged who he was and somewhat grudgingly invited them in.


Inside the cabin a hound greeted them with mixed enthusiasm and growling, but was calmed by the old ranger, who told “Runner” that his two guests weren’t trolls, although they smelled like it. Dermot whistled and held out a hand to the hound, but evidently his smell was still a turnoff, as Runner retreated. Dermot made introductions and explained that they had just fought some trolls, but was chided by Old Hamish for not washing themselves afterwards. (Bathing is an ever-practical matter which adventurers often neglect. --R.) Darrow then dug around in his pack and produced ales for everyone, as a sort of peace offering. Their host appreciated the drink, taking a long swig and recognizing it as better than what Ian sold at the Giant’s Folly.

After the dog had been ordered outside by his master to keep watch, the three talked and drank some more. Darrow then explained about their search and asked Dermot to show Old Hamish the map they had. Dermot pointed out the place with the skulls, about a half-day’s travel from where they were, as the old ranger scrutinized the drawing. He mentioned that he had been on the Starmantle road before, albeit not recently, but had no knowledge of the place that was marked, as no one he had heard of had gone into that part of the wilderness. Dermot admitted that there was only one person they knew of who had, and he didn’t have much good to tell. (Such is how the truly dangerous mysteries of the world are kept secret, being found in places with no reason to venture near - and then those who survive the experience are few in number. --C)

Shrewdly, Old Hamish thought that their quest had more to it than treasure, which Darrow confirmed, saying it was about undead. This prompted their host to recall that his daughter Belle had last come to visit a few months ago, but was at first reluctant to speak much of where she had been. Eventually she had told him the whole story, having gone with some adventurers to fight a lich in the Giant's Run mountains - blood magic, evil, everything you can think of was involved, he said. Darrow mentioned that Belle had traveled for a time with their group, before Dermot’s time, having later drifted apart.

Old Hamish stated that he hadn’t seen her since. However, a Lady Roaringhorn had come to visit him a few tendays prior, saying she was one of Belle’s companions. Darrow and Dermot confirmed they knew her and dwarf noted that she was now taking care of some family business. The old ranger informed her that Belle had left for Elversult, feeling she could not live with the villagers in Reddansyr; he also added gruffly that his home was no place for a woman, especially his daughter – who maybe was too much like her old man.

Eyes lingering again on the map, Old Hamish placed a finger on the spot the ruined tower of the undead was marked. He observed that it was not close to the road, but its location might explain some disappearances in the area, over the years. Dermot asked about Killian Gryphonhawk, whom Old Hamish had not seen, although Killian’s father Ian had come out to see him about a month after Killian had left, hoping the old ranger could help. Unfortunately, he had nothing to offer.

Returning to the map, Old Hamish pointed out the segment of the Starmantle road nearest the tower, which he said had its share of disappeared travelers over the last few decades, perhaps for much longer than that. Darrow concluded that it was worth investigating, at any rate. Their host cautioned that only small groups and individuals had become victims, no large caravans of the like, and there were no survivors around to say if it were trolls, raiders, or what. The old ranger said it was normal to have a wilderness road be a perilous place, but it was a bit different not to have a reason for it.


Old Hamish cocked an ear and said Runner was scratching at the door. Dermot immediately understood the implication of this, turning towards it with his hand falling to his sword. Loud barking noises were then heard and Old Hamish muttered that this was not good, as Dermot worked hurriedly to relight his torch. As the barking continued, Hamish told them to stay there as he took a quick look. Although Darrow volunteered to go instead, the old ranger told the dwarf that he would wake the dead, preferring to use his knowledge of the forest instead.

Returning quickly, Old Hamish told them that it looked like trolls all right, a pack of them. Darrow asked how many there were, saying they could handle four or five - perhaps more in a pinch, added Dermot, if they were smart about it. A pounding sound started up from the far wall of the cabin, evidently trolls attempting to batter down the structure. Old Hamish said he had taken a quick count and there were at least several around the house, as Dermot let out a mild curse.

Darrow and Dermot knew they had to get outside before the building collapsed and welcomed the old ranger’s assistance in the fight. Shouting “For Moradin!” the dwarf burst out of the door and began swinging his mighty axe at all of the trolls in range. Dermot was next out, working to backstab and apply his burning torch to those trolls hewn down by his companion. Old Hamish gamely brandished his sword as well, but by the end of the fight was leaning against a cabin wall, bleeding, as Dermot and Darrow surveyed the downed and burned troll bodies.

The dwarf immediately moved to bandage and tie a poultice to Old Hamish’s wound, as Dermot called out to see if he was all right. Drawing a few slow breaths, the old ranger mentioned his appreciation for both Darrow’s bandaging and fighting skills. The dwarf explained that he had a lot of practice in both, his mouth having got ahead of his fighting in his youth.

As they went back inside, Runner started barking again at the mound of burnt troll parts, but Old Hamish ordered him to guard the door again and the hound fell silent. The old ranger explained that normally the troll packs in the area didn’t bother him, so it must have been the scent of the troll spoor that drew them. He therefore advised that the two adventurers wash that off in the river before heading back to Reddansyr. Dermot said they would finish burning the troll corpses and wash up, apologizing for the incident and leaving a quiver full of arrows as a gift. They exchanged goodbyes and Dermot and Darrow departed the cabin.

The two adventurers worked out a way to use their cloaks to drag the troll parts away from the cabin for disposal on the way to the river. Despite the hour-long walk required, they decided it would be for the best, dragging their morbid load the entire distance. By the time they reached the Reddan River, Dermot was exhausted and Darrow grumbling about their smelly burden.

Darrow gladly heaved the troll parts into the river and then quickly stripped off his armor, going to wash himself while Dermot kept watch. Their roles were then reversed, Darrow declaring he was going to need another ale after this while Dermot rinsed off the troll blood and guck. Darrow reckoned, somewhat contentedly, that they had got an even dozen trolls that day. After another three hours, they made it back to Reddansyr and were applauded by the militia on guard, once they had told their story of defeating the troll bands.

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