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The Whisperers in Darkness

A soft rain fell into the mud streets of Greenblade, obscuring the lights poking out of various buildings with a soft, muted curtain of dark gray. Flashes of lightning far off in the night sky showed the plaza in sharper relief for a moment, followed by the loud rumbling of thunder, but the storm's greatest fury had already past. Now, only the steady fall of rain was left, pounding a staccato rhythm on the slate roofs of the buildings. A chill autumn wind gusted momentarily through the sqaure, turning the rain momentarily--driving it sideways into the buildings, and driving away momentarily the rotted and polluted smell of the lake nearby. Then the gust passed.

As the thunder in the sky rescinded, the thunder in the square flared again--the thunder of a crowd. The entire muddy block was ringed with buildings, some with raised decks to keep their front doors away from the mud, and around each of the buildings people were out in force, raucous calls, shouts and insults--what could be heard over the rain--drowning any intelligible conversation. In the center of the square, two men stood with bared knives. On closer examination, only one is a man--a dark surly fellow, broad and blocky, with a face that looked like it had served as an anvil at some point in the past. The other fellow, hunched low and growling deep in his throat, is a shifter--with dark brown skin and hirsute almost to the point of being furry. As an indication of his anger, the hair that wasn't matted with rainwater and slicked mud seemed to stand nearly erect on his arms and head. Callers from inside some of the establishments were already calling out their odds, and coins--usually small coppers or silvers, very occasionally gold--changed hands in anticipation of the fight that was brewing.

Each of you is in the square with the crowd. Who you are with, and what you hoped to accomplish on this rain-soaked night are your own business, but you will be gradually pulled together inexorably. You can choose to stay and watch the fight, try and meet people in the crowd, or go on to whatever destination you desire. Several suggest themselves right here in the square itself, including such possibilities as:
  • The Emporium: A large building covered in flaking paint, the Emporium is entertainment for every taste. Gambling, opium (and other drug) lounge, changeling prostitutes that can appear as whatever your heart desires, and a freak-show unlike any you've ever seen are just part of what the Emporium offers.
  • Lazare's House: A more subdued and stylish locale, Lazare's House offers fine smoking rooms and classier games--especially dragonchess. It also offers a chance to potentially rub shoulders with the wealthy and powerful of Greenblade.
  • The Wild Dog: A cheap tavern and dog race track and fight pit, the Wild Dog is perhaps the sleaziest place in Greenblade. It's also the cheapest, and hence, the most crowded. For the price of some extremely cheap whiskey or ale, you can get tongues wagging freely in the Wild Dog.
  • The Church of the Silver Flame: Moans of ecstasy and pain ooze from the church, audible even over the near-riotous crowd in the square, which must mean that Jierian Wierus, local friar, is preaching again. Jierian is notorous as a firebrand, screaming from the pulpit while floggin his own bared back with a cat o' nine tails. Oddly enough in a town like this, he preaches to a full house.
  • Tidwoad's: Local jeweler and banking agent of House Kundarak, technically Tidwoad's is probably closed. But, knowing the shrunken and crotchety old white-whiskered dwarf, he's probably there anyway.
  • The Sherrif's Office: Sherrif Cubbin, or one of his deputies, is almost certainly in the office, if you dare to approach them. Without evidence of murder or worse, you're better off not bothering. Sherriff Cubbin is well-known to be on the private payroll (of the "other" books, of course) of the Governer-Mayor of Greenblade. Almost always drunk, his constabulary is mostly made up of former watchmen from other major cities, even Sharn, who were all drummed out dishonorably for corruption from their former jobs. But, if you come with ale, you might get some good information out of the Sherrif--if you're lucky.
  • The General Store: Probably will be closing soon--but lights are still on for now. Merchant Taggin, the proprietor, is notoriously tight-lipped about anything he sees. But maybe there's something you want to buy?
  • The Hungry Gar: A restaurant, if you're hungry.
There are other locations as well -- if you have access to Dungeon #124, including the map and description of the town of Diamond Lake, then that town is standing in for Greenblade. It would only take a day or two to get the lay of the land, and I'm assuming that most of you have been here long enough to know what's what. You can use the map and keyed location guide in the magazine to pick up on any other place you may with to visit. Keep in mind, though, that I've slightly "Eberronized" the town, so a few things are slightly different. And although I'm using that location, I am not in any way basing this adventure off of "The Whispering Cairn" so don't worry about spoilers.

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First Post
Arlanen stands in the rain - cloak wrapped around her, watching the fight with a macarbre fascination.
She has been here a short while and has no idea what she's looking for or how to find it - her lip curls in disgust at the spectacle before her, but she can't look away... She considers trying to extend her consciousness into those around here, feel what they are feeling, but the thought disturbs her even as it takes form in her mind.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Forge watches the fight out of curiosity, wondering how the others know who to bet on. She needed that knowledge because she needed money. Money was necessary to buy the parts she needed for further research, and honest labor hadn't gotten her too far. What she wanted was to make money quickly. Well, hanging around to see who won and why might not be a bad idea. And if that didn't yield anything, the Emporium or Wild Dog might have games or races she could bet profitably on. If only she could see better in the pouring rain...


First Post
Ceres d'Deneith, Human Hexblade

Ceres was enjoying a mug of ale at the Wild Dog when he heard the ruckus. What now? He thought to himself. Curiosity finally getting the better of him, he decided to head out and see for himself what all the commotion was about.

Bundling up and heading out of the bar, Ceres found he wasn't the only one... a few of his fellow patrons joined him, coming outside to see two combatants squaring off in the town square. Ah, a fight... what I wouldn't give for a bit of action myself...

From beside him, he hears a halfling he recognized from the Wild Dog trill out "5 copper on the human!"

What, is he insane? thought Ceres. There's no way that human has a chance once a shifter sets his eyes on you.

"Make it 10 and you have a deal, my little friend." Ceres responds back.

A smirk appears on the halfling's face. "You've got a bet, my new friend..." he says with a knowing look. The two turn to watch the end of the fight.

Cursed Quinn

First Post
Feral starts to watch the fight with interest, but as more people gather she backs away, discomforted by the crowd. She turns and looks for a vantage point higher up that she could watch the fight from, her initial plan to stay in town only long enough to resupply now forgotten.

Arlanen: (easily passing a Spot check -- ) You feel a slight brush against you in the crowd that doesn't feel like merely casual crowding and whirl to catch a handsome young man reaching for your purse (or beltpouch, or wherever you keep your coin.) When you look at him, he freezes, smiles and shrugs apologetically, and turns away from you.

Forge: You get a few rather nasty crowd jolts, and a few grimaces from the crowd. A few mutter about not needing "your kind" around here, taking jobs from hard-working, honest folk. One red-faced and leathery old dwarf in particular seems to give you the most hateful glare of them all, and keeps his eyes more on you than on the fight.

Ceres: (Extremely lucky Spot check for you, especially considering your modifier!) After your exchange with the halfling, you catch a glimpse with the corner of your eye of him giving a slight nod to someone behind you. Surreptitiously glancing back, you see three grimy and scarred thugs moving discretely closer to stand not far behind you. Their attention also seems to be only halfway --if that-- on the fight.

Feral: Glancing about, you see another shifter squatting leisurely on the roof of an overhang, where he can see easily without feeling crowded. He gives you a tight, mirthless smile and waves for you to join him if you care to.

All: The taunting and trash-talk in the center of the square looks like it's coming to a head. The crowd is getting noisier, and the shifter lifts up his head and bellows like some kind of beast to the sky. His bare chest seems to swell somehow, as if muscles were literally forming under his skin as you watch. His teeth grow into long fangs, and his yellow wolf-like eyes burn with a predatory gleam. But the surly human is working himself into a rage as well -- throwing back a huge tankard of ale, which spills over his chin as he slams it down his throat as fast as he can. With a snarl, he throws the tankard down to the mud, his face red and his eyes bloodshot with fury. Both are now fingering their dangers and spinning them slowly in their spread hands as they circle each other warily, looking for an opportunity to make the first strike.


First Post
Shard, noticing Forge's interest in the spectacle of the fight, ignoring the jostling and muttered remarks from the crowd, Shard briefly takes his eyes from scanning the crowd for potential threats to glance briefly at the two strange fighters.

Shaking his head at the strange ways of the weak fleshed, his eyes alight on a red faced dwarf, who seems to be eyeing the two warforged with particular malice. Holding the dwarfs gaze Shard's left hand falls to the hilt of the scimitar on his right hip, while his right hand tightens reflexively it's grip upon his spiked wooden shield.

Without taking his eyes from the dwarf Shard speaks a single word to Forge "Trouble".

//While continuing to stare at the red faced dwarf, Shard attepts to gain his Psionic Focus DC 20, Concentration Check: +7. I tried the dice roller and it doesn't work for me.:( //
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Cursed Quinn

First Post
Glancing about, you see another shifter squatting leisurely on the roof of an overhang, where he can see easily without feeling crowded. He gives you a tight, mirthless smile and waves for you to join him if you care to.

Feral frowns for a moment, then with a look around at the increasing crowd, moves to the overhang, and climbs up. She gives the other shifter a tense nod, then turns her attention back to the fight.


First Post
Ceres d'Deneith, Human Hexblade

Ceres turns to the halfling and looks him straight in the eye. "Nice to know fair play is alive and well in Greenblade." He stares at the halfling menacingly as he grabs the hilt of his sword. "Now, tell your three grimy friends to leave quietly, or else the Wild Dog will be selling halfling on their menu tonight. This pigeon's got teeth."

OOC: Intimidate check 1d20+1 = 21. Dice roller didn't work for me either, so I went with Invisible Castle, which worked spectacularly! Natural 20!

Isida Kep'Tukari

Lord_Raven88 said:
Shard, noticing Forge's interest in the spectacle of the fight, ignoring the jostling and muttered remarks from the crowd, Shard briefly takes his eyes from scanning the crowd for potential threats to glance briefly at the two strange fighters.

Shaking his head at the strange ways of the weak fleshed, his eyes alight on a red faced dwarf, who seems to be eyeing the two warforged with particular malice. Holding the dwarfs gaze Shard's left hand falls to the hilt of the scimitar on his right hip, while his right hand tightens reflexively it's grip upon his spiked wooden shield.

Without taking his eyes from the dwarf Shard speaks a single word to Forge "Trouble".
Forge looks sideways at the newcomver, but doesn't disagree with his words. "Fighter? Let me give you an edge," Forge murmurs. Her hand touches his scimitar, and there's a brief, nearly invisible glow that outlines the blade briefly. "Shall we move to better-lit quarters?" Forge jerks her head towards the Emporium.

Voidrunner's Codex

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