D&D General There's A Big D&D Summer Sale On Right Now!


If you head over to D&D Beyond or Roll20 [edit--and Fantasy Grounds], you'll find that one 5th next week or so you can get a big discount on digital Dungeons & Dragons books, with some of them offering up to 40% off.


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It was a really nice thing to see when I saw the announcement... but it turns out my biggest issue is that I see this and think that while it'd be good to fill out some of my collection on D&D Beyond (I don't have the DMG or MM for example)... I realize that in probably about 12 months a whole new trio of books are going to be released that I'll end up getting, thus rendering the 5E14 DMG and MM obsolete. So if I've gone this long without needing the DMG or MM on DDB... will the next 12 months really make a purchase of them worthwhile? Ultimately I don't think so.

I mean I assume this is why they are being offered on sale right now-- them trying to get at least some cash into the coffers on these books before everyone really realizes buying them is throwing money away (if they intend on picking up the 5E24 books)-- but I know for me it's not worth it.

You can still use them after the updated books come out - the MM in particular will not likely see big changes, so you won't feel pressured to buy the update immediately, anyway. And at $18 Canadian (so about, what, 12 bucks American?), it's a pretty incredible deal.

If you're a DnDBeyond user I particularly recommend the MM, because that will make the Encounter Builder much more powerful. And the Encounter Builder is a massively useful tool both in prepping games and during games; it saves me hours sometimes.

Edit: also, I like having the different versions of monsters available from the older and newer editions. I have Volo's and Tome of Foes toggled on as well as Monster of the Multiverse, so when I am building an encounter I can easily compare differences and choose the version of the creature I like for that specific encounter (usually they are the same but sometimes the spells are different, for example).

And Fantasy Grounds!
Ooh, maybe I will get the updated mechanics of Monsters of the Multiverse. Oh wait, that one is only 10% off. Nevermind. I will stick with what I've got.

For those who unlike me, who got the unlimited license a month ago at full price, now is a good time if you are considering getting into an online system.

K just saw that right now you could get the core 3 books for $54 Canadian...if there was ever a time to try DnDBeyond, this is it.

I'm a book guy. I teach literature. And I'm not great with tech. But even I found DnDBeyond intuitive and was able to use it instantly. It is amazing for teaching new players on, because it completely walks them through character creation and then everything links through their character sheet. If you get a master subscription, or whatever it is called, then you can share all your books with all your players, and centralize the campaign so that as a DM their sheets are a click away. And, as I mention above, the encounter builder is transformative - it lets me build and balance encounters so much faster than pen and paper, and when running combat it tracks everything while letting me check in on a creature's abilities, etc. with just a click.

I juggle a bunch of campaigns during the school year and it would be brutal without DDB.

Unfortunately, I already have the ones discounted on D&D Beyond (except the Dragonlance one, which I don't care about).

You can still use them after the updated books come out - the MM in particular will not likely see big changes, so you won't feel pressured to buy the update immediately, anyway. And at $18 Canadian (so about, what, 12 bucks American?), it's a pretty incredible deal.


Edit: also, I like having the different versions of monsters available from the older and newer editions. I have Volo's and Tome of Foes toggled on as well as Monster of the Multiverse, so when I am building an encounter I can easily compare differences and choose the version of the creature I like for that specific encounter (usually they are the same but sometimes the spells are different, for example).
There are some great deals. But the MM will see change, some of those numbers are so off. As for options, yes, we also now all the MM 2024 spellcasters will change. It could be good to have choices!

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