Thieves World


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At some point I'm going to be running a Thieves World Campaign. Over the next few weeks I plan on converting my notes from my fiorst and second edition campaigns to d20 and expand upon all this Sanctuary.

If you aren't familiar with Thieves world, it's a series of books written in the 80's.

That's the best fan site I know for it. It has pretty much everything THieves World, although it has been a little slow in updates. Not sure how it's doing now.

So, back to the topic. Would people be interested in seeing my stuff posted here?

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Dragongirl said:
I would, specially if you stat out Tempus :) And how would you deal with Niko's maat?

Tempus doesn't get stated out. Well, not untill I get a Demi God template or something like that. Mostly, it would be the races, changes to classes, a few alternate rules to fit the world, write ups for the gods (no stats, even though they do show up from time to time, but more along the lines of domains and churches). I'd also include some of the places both old and created, and some organizations like the guilds and such.


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Chrisling said:
Dood, I'm easier to please than Dragongirl. If you give me good stats for Jubal, I'll worship you along with Alexander the Great. :)

Jubal would be easier. A fighter/rogue/Gladiator. I think he might be Epic level, of course that has a completely different meaning in Sanctuary.


What? Me Worry?
The boxed set from around 1981-1982 stats out many of the characters, for multiple systems, no less - from D&D to AD&D to Runequest to Traveller (!) Plus, the maps of the cityare really nice.


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ColonelHardisson said:
The boxed set from around 1981-1982 stats out many of the characters, for multiple systems, no less - from D&D to AD&D to Runequest to Traveller (!) Plus, the maps of the cityare really nice.

Ya, I have it. It's very well done, and I'd like to find another. Has a booklet for players and a seperate booklet for DMs. My friend (and I hope I can borrow them from him) has all the modules that came out for it as well. I'm a pretty big fan, having many of the follow up books the authors wrote about their characters, as well as the orginal 12 TW novels and all the graphic novels they did.

Voidrunner's Codex

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