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This week in my game – the Dungeon of Avalon, Nazi vampires, and hailing to the king

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Agent Oracle

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I hereby award this shiny trophy to RangerWickett, for exemplary game mastery and genuine fun at the table.



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Gaaah! The spoilers! The SPOILERS!

I like your Story Hour too much to read any of this, but maybe someday after you finish with updating the SH, I'll look back on this thread and plow into a parked car.

Doctor DM

First Post
This is unbelievable. I read this after reading the thread on your "end of the world" since that was so amazing, and I have to say, your games sound like the coolest things ever.

Not only do you appear to be a god of a DM with fantastical ideas, but you're players are just *@#&ing AWESOME! I'd love to hear more about your campaigns, do you have anything else like this posted?

If WotBS is anything like this or your other game, I might just have to buy it...


First Post
I played with some guys who did the same thing with the npc's and pc's....
We fought Kristen Kreuk as a necromancer,
Some bondage guys based on Kirk, Spock, and McCoy...the Kirk had a ring of regeneration....not on a finger....and kept coming back
And the DM always made this one characters' combat senseis based on Patrick Stewart's character in Dune.
I played Sam L. Jackson, The Big Red-Headed Angus guy from Braveheart, a wizard based on Gilbert Godfried, and another wizard based on Dolomite the human tornado; he had to make all his spells rhyme.


RangerWickett, I'm moving to wherever you live. It's about time I found a DM with the same ridiculously quirky sense of humour/DMing style as myself. :p

I ran a d20 Fantasy/Modern/Future campaign where I encouraged all the PCs (and designed my important NPCs) to describe their character with a movie star in mind. My whole gaming group was composed of a "Younger" Alan Rickman as a Tech Mage (who eventually ended up with a Mega-Man style arm cannon), Brad Pitt (as seen in "Seven") as a "cowboy" in the style of John Wayne, and Angelina Jolie as a half-vampire monster hunter/Buffy-type. (I swear, the pairing of "Brangelina" was pure coincindence and happened before the "Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie" and their actual relationship).

The "supporting cast" included a Sean Connery as the "DM mouthpiece" Aasimar father figure to the Jolie character, Vanessa Marcil as a "wild child" Wiccan priestess, Jeff Hardy (of WWE fame) as her boyfriend and 2nd-in-command of an NPC merc street gang, Gewn Stefani as Connery's estranged daughter-come-environmental "activist"...

... and my personal favourite: Religious Youth "Cult" Leader/Recruiter - Clay Aiken. I asked the group: "Could you see Clay Aiken as a sweet-talking Cult recruiter with a golden voice for singing hymns and his pleasant Southern accent?" Many cheers abounded, and I think one of my players actually applauded. Dan Devine and his Holy Rollers, they were called.

I would love to share the highlights of my story some day when I have the time. *LOL*

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