Whizbang Dustyboots
Gnometown Hero
Jamestown, 1635
Perhaps the Piagnoni would have found someone else, if they hadn't found me to be the spark of their war against the Florentine vampires. They certainly turned out to have enough enemies.
In the years after I gave the information to Alessandro, vampire hunters raided the lairs of Medici vampires around Tuscany. Other vampires from around Europe, having long suffered at the hands of Il Chiarissimo, seized the moment and attacked Medici vampire holdings around Europe.
Soon, vampires were in open war with one another and both Catholic and Protestant vampire hunters leapt at the chance to destroy the weakened monsters in their midst.
I decided it was time to leave Europe, before someone eventually decided to do the same to me.
I had been a ship-builder once and could be again.
Thousands of Englishmen and women were sailing each year to their colonies in Massachusetts and Virginia. It was a dangerous journey of weeks or months at sea, where passengers regularly fell ill and died and where one was unlikely to be surprised by visitors aboard another ship. No one was surprised if some passengers grew weak over time or fell overboard when no one was around, their bodies never to be seen again.
I paid my captains well to ignore my eccentricities, sailing with them back and forth across the Atlantic as we ferried colonists and goods. On each visit, I would scout out what the colonies were like. Although Massachusetts Bay was crawling with religious fanatics of one kind or another, the Virginia colonies were more focused on commerce and expanding into the New World. I began making investments there, preparing for the day I would leave my shipbound life in favor of a life thousands of miles away from vengeful Medicis.
Perhaps the Piagnoni would have found someone else, if they hadn't found me to be the spark of their war against the Florentine vampires. They certainly turned out to have enough enemies.
In the years after I gave the information to Alessandro, vampire hunters raided the lairs of Medici vampires around Tuscany. Other vampires from around Europe, having long suffered at the hands of Il Chiarissimo, seized the moment and attacked Medici vampire holdings around Europe.
Soon, vampires were in open war with one another and both Catholic and Protestant vampire hunters leapt at the chance to destroy the weakened monsters in their midst.
I decided it was time to leave Europe, before someone eventually decided to do the same to me.
I had been a ship-builder once and could be again.
Thousands of Englishmen and women were sailing each year to their colonies in Massachusetts and Virginia. It was a dangerous journey of weeks or months at sea, where passengers regularly fell ill and died and where one was unlikely to be surprised by visitors aboard another ship. No one was surprised if some passengers grew weak over time or fell overboard when no one was around, their bodies never to be seen again.
I paid my captains well to ignore my eccentricities, sailing with them back and forth across the Atlantic as we ferried colonists and goods. On each visit, I would scout out what the colonies were like. Although Massachusetts Bay was crawling with religious fanatics of one kind or another, the Virginia colonies were more focused on commerce and expanding into the New World. I began making investments there, preparing for the day I would leave my shipbound life in favor of a life thousands of miles away from vengeful Medicis.
Prompt 57 + 10 - 3 = Prompt 64
Prompt: Vast numbers of humans are migrating around the world. What group becomes easy to feed upon? How do you capitalize on their helplessness? Create a Resource.
William French
Bloodthirsty (checked);
Knows the secrets of killing vampires (checked);
I control the beast (checked);
Skilled merchant (checked);
Cook Portuguese seafood dishes;
Knowledgeable of medieval medicine;
Knowledge of vampire anatomy;
I can draw the shadows in around myself, creating supernatural hiding spaces (checked);
Diary: A leather-bound German-made ledger book
An ever-beating heart, which magically will not die
Allied with the Piagnoni, a 17th century group of Italian vampire hunters
An English shipping company, based in Southampton
Juião/Julian Black: a Portuguese orphan turned my servant turned vampire (Immortal);
Meresankh, an ancient Egyptian queen who has lived 3,000 years as of 1472, and whose still-living heart I have in my possession (immortal);
Marks: My eyes cannot stand bright light and I have to remain in shadows at all times; my touch is fatal to plants;
Memories (five, up to three Experiences each):
1: I am Wilhelm Black: Brought into the society of the Nachtvolk of Cologne, I watched their leader slowly dismember a vampire, leaving him alive for hours, just in agony; with the help of the mortal Itzig family, I become a rich merchant, with investments across Europe.
2. I am Wilhelm Black: Julian, now a violent enforcer of the Nachtvolk, gifts me an ever-beating heart; Meresankh, the immortal woman whose heart that is, confronts me in Florence, but allows me to keep it in my safe-keeping for now;
3. I am Guglielmo Nero: After Florentine banks collapse during the 100 Years War, I move my banking operations from Cologne to Florence; poisoned by Averardo de' Medici, I wake up in Florence 100 years later, the Itzigs dead, my banking empire dismantled in my absence; setting myself up in Florence, I come to own and operate out of a fencing school.
4. I am Guglielmo Nero: I awake in the rubble of my Florentine fencing school, war having destroyed the building; I traveled the Ottoman Empire, searching for the origins of vampires before being sent to Cyprus on a mysterious errand, and there I erected a magical structure atop Mt. Olympus; I ally with an Italian vampire hunter to kill Averardo de' Medici, the vampire ruler of Florence.
5. I am William French: Fleeing a vampire war in Europe, I run a shipping business ferrying colonists from England to the New World, preying upon them during our voyages.
Diary (four memories, up to three Experiences each)
1: I am Guilliame d'Orléans: The night the other (DAMAGED) were burned alive, Carnutes fed upon me as I screamed in pitch black darkness; I confront Carnutes about him making me a vampire and he confesses he did it out of loneliness and tells me I will suffer in the same way some day; Carnutes possessed Raum and led the Archbishop of Tours' men to try and killed me -- but I used the Spear of Aeolius and killed Raum and Carnutes instead.
2: I am Guilliame d'Orléans: I rescue a dark-haired girl from attack and Constansia pledges herself to me, believing me to be a servant of Satan, and we soon wed; Constansia conducts her Satanic rituals and summons a demon, Raum, to serve me in the form of a raven;
3: I am le Passeur or "the Frenchman": The Portuguese (DAMAGED) Juião helps me after I am burned by sunlight, unafraid of my supernatural nature, and I take him in as my servant; Juião teaches me to cook with the seafood I catch underwater; at his urging, I prey on (DAMAGED) as I tend to them.
Prompt: Vast numbers of humans are migrating around the world. What group becomes easy to feed upon? How do you capitalize on their helplessness? Create a Resource.
William French
Bloodthirsty (checked);
Knows the secrets of killing vampires (checked);
I control the beast (checked);
Skilled merchant (checked);
Cook Portuguese seafood dishes;
Knowledgeable of medieval medicine;
Knowledge of vampire anatomy;
I can draw the shadows in around myself, creating supernatural hiding spaces (checked);
Diary: A leather-bound German-made ledger book
An ever-beating heart, which magically will not die
Allied with the Piagnoni, a 17th century group of Italian vampire hunters
An English shipping company, based in Southampton
Juião/Julian Black: a Portuguese orphan turned my servant turned vampire (Immortal);
Meresankh, an ancient Egyptian queen who has lived 3,000 years as of 1472, and whose still-living heart I have in my possession (immortal);
Marks: My eyes cannot stand bright light and I have to remain in shadows at all times; my touch is fatal to plants;
Memories (five, up to three Experiences each):
1: I am Wilhelm Black: Brought into the society of the Nachtvolk of Cologne, I watched their leader slowly dismember a vampire, leaving him alive for hours, just in agony; with the help of the mortal Itzig family, I become a rich merchant, with investments across Europe.
2. I am Wilhelm Black: Julian, now a violent enforcer of the Nachtvolk, gifts me an ever-beating heart; Meresankh, the immortal woman whose heart that is, confronts me in Florence, but allows me to keep it in my safe-keeping for now;
3. I am Guglielmo Nero: After Florentine banks collapse during the 100 Years War, I move my banking operations from Cologne to Florence; poisoned by Averardo de' Medici, I wake up in Florence 100 years later, the Itzigs dead, my banking empire dismantled in my absence; setting myself up in Florence, I come to own and operate out of a fencing school.
4. I am Guglielmo Nero: I awake in the rubble of my Florentine fencing school, war having destroyed the building; I traveled the Ottoman Empire, searching for the origins of vampires before being sent to Cyprus on a mysterious errand, and there I erected a magical structure atop Mt. Olympus; I ally with an Italian vampire hunter to kill Averardo de' Medici, the vampire ruler of Florence.
5. I am William French: Fleeing a vampire war in Europe, I run a shipping business ferrying colonists from England to the New World, preying upon them during our voyages.
Diary (four memories, up to three Experiences each)
1: I am Guilliame d'Orléans: The night the other (DAMAGED) were burned alive, Carnutes fed upon me as I screamed in pitch black darkness; I confront Carnutes about him making me a vampire and he confesses he did it out of loneliness and tells me I will suffer in the same way some day; Carnutes possessed Raum and led the Archbishop of Tours' men to try and killed me -- but I used the Spear of Aeolius and killed Raum and Carnutes instead.
2: I am Guilliame d'Orléans: I rescue a dark-haired girl from attack and Constansia pledges herself to me, believing me to be a servant of Satan, and we soon wed; Constansia conducts her Satanic rituals and summons a demon, Raum, to serve me in the form of a raven;
3: I am le Passeur or "the Frenchman": The Portuguese (DAMAGED) Juião helps me after I am burned by sunlight, unafraid of my supernatural nature, and I take him in as my servant; Juião teaches me to cook with the seafood I catch underwater; at his urging, I prey on (DAMAGED) as I tend to them.