[Thread Game] D&D Monsters A-Z

intentionally deleted so it can still get used later!

living wall

living wall.jpg
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Well, I cannot see the name of the creature in post #602, so it isn't gonna get added to the list.
Well, it's [sblock]an Ifrit (although I don't know where's the difference to an Efreet?!)[/sblock].

Let me introduce the Lirr:

This cute critter from the Dark Sun setting is a warm-blooded reptile resembling a large lion.

So, that's where the Ya-Te-Veo originates, interesting! I only knew about it's Mythos incarnation in the Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game:

Anyway, here's the Quasi-Elemental of Lightning:

The eight Quasi-Elemental Planes define the borders between the Elemental Planes and the Energy Planes. In the case of Lightning, it's the border between the Elemental Plane of Air and the Positive Energy Plane.
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there is some interesting lore - proven to be a work of fiction - on wikipedia. My father had told my mother there were man eating plants in Indonesia, a thick leaf that lay on the ground for animals or small people to lie down and rest on. then it would slowly curl around the target and and paralyze the creature or person then break down through enzymes . . . .but there is no proof of this. Although I have never met my father to verify this story, I find it dubious of truth due to the lack of character of my father and my mother's nievate'.

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