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Three Tiered License

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Wolfspider said:
I don't like it.

Sure, a lot of crap came out at the start of the OGL. And the crap failed and was forgotten (or remembered with amusement and scorn).

The biggest producer of d20 crap is still in business and still churning out books month after month. If I were WotC, that would be a concern.

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Oldtimer said:
Don't wait for someone else to do it. The SRD and the OGL are out there - get to it!
I've translated AE into German. But with 4E looming, I simply don't have the energy to translate the 3.5 SRD as well (even if I have translated huge chunks of the SRD, due to the AE translation). But 4E SRD? I'll definitively do that. :)

@Scott: Thanks for the reply!

Cheers, LT.


First Post
Fifth Element said:
But...but...I was just getting ready to get worked up into a lather and suggest boycotting WotC for their clearly evil motives!

Since when have the facts ever stopped someone from calling WOTC evil? :confused:

Ranger REG

JVisgaitis said:
I don't see any other threads on this. What does everyone think of the whole three tiered license arrangement? Anyone have any idea what it means by getting help from some of the larger publishers to guarantee a product? I don't mind the whole 3 tiered thing, but I doubt that Erik or Chris want to bothered with my little company when they have their own things to worry about.
A three-tiered OGL structure? Bad Idea. I'm certain WotC is not going that route.

A three-tiered d20STL structure? Makes more sense since the d20 System logo isn't strong as a brand.


CaptainChaos said:
The biggest producer of d20 crap is still in business and still churning out books month after month. If I were WotC, that would be a concern.

I'm almost afraid to ask....


Although the point is moot given Scott's response, again I agree with everything Mouseferatu said. :)

Not that anyone cares what I think or anything.... :p


Scott_Rouse said:
There will not be tiers within the OGL.

There will be Wizards official D&D products (which will include licensed D&D products for foreign language translation) and OGL products made by third parties like Paizo, Expeditious Retreat, etc.

Thanks, Scott.

Any idea when publishers are going to see the SRD?

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