THRILLING TALES - Cover Painting Poster


Do you love the stunning B.K. Hamilton painting used as the cover for Thrilling Tales 2nd Edition, which originally appeared in the 1980s as the cover to Hero Games' Justice, Inc.?

Adamant Entertainment is proud to offer an amazing 23 x 35 poster print of the painting, to promote the release of our Savage Worlds setting of two-fisted pulp action!

The promotional poster is available at our PULPWEAR cafepress merchandise shop, for $19.99.

The Thrilling Tales 2e cover painting promo poster will only be available for a limited time -- after the holidays, it's gone! Secret Squadron subscribers please note -- due to licensing requirements, this promotional item is not included in your subscription.

(On a personal note, I got mine framed, and have it in my living room!)

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