• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Thursday, 17 March, 2010


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Trouble Afoot at Catalyst Games Labs

Catalyst Games Labs has released the following announcement; CGL currently produces the Shadowrun game amongst other things:
Catalyst Game Labs recently completed a detailed financial review of the company. We learned that over the past several years the company has achieved dramatic growth in terms of demand, increased total revenues and strong sales with an increasing market share in the gaming industry, despite a lackluster economy. We are thrilled by that news and are eager to move forward with our upcoming original game Leviathans, along with our other new casual games. We also remain committed to plans for our beloved licensed games: Shadowrun, BattleTech, Eclipse Phase, and CthuluTech.

While we wish the review had only uncovered positive news, we also discovered our accounting procedures had not been updated as the company continued to grow. The result was that business funds had been co-mingled with the personal funds of one of the owners. We believe the missing funds were the result of bad habits that began alongside the creation of the company, which was initially a small hobby group. Upon further investigation, in which the owner has willingly participated, the owner in question now owes the company a significant balance and is working to help rectify the situation.

The current group of owners was presented with this information on Monday. Administrative organization for the company is under review, and accounting procedures have been restructured, to correct the situation and provide more stringent oversight. We feel the management team at Catalyst did the responsible thing by seeking this financial review and we will continue to restructure as needed. We are in discussions with our partners and freelancers to remedy any back payments that may also be due as a result of this review.
We are embarrassed that this situation did occur but we hope our eagerness to make these changes, along with our reputation for making great games, will encourage you to stand by us. We understand that for a few employees the news was too stressful and we wish them all the best in their new endeavors. However, the majority of the team remains and will continue to bring great entertainment to you all. We appreciate the support our friends, freelancers, and fans have provided us in the past and look forward to a successful future.

This announcement follows speculation and rumours about alleged financial misconduct within the company. Adam Jury is no longer with the company. In addition, Jennfer Harding (Office Manager) has resigned due to "a conflict involving my personal ethics", and has indicated that the company's Operations Manager has done likewise. Those involved with the company are not confirming or denying the rumours of embezzlement and the like.

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  • AICN TABLETOP: D&D Players Handbook 3 Massawyrm at AICN on PHB3. "All in all, it’s a book worth checking out. While I’m not thrilled with the Psionics, three new classes, a new power tree based on skills and an awesome multi—classing system make this more than worthy to sit on your shelf. This is available in stores now."
  • Review of Rituals from the Other Side: Spirit Magic Zombie Sky Press has translated three ancient magical traditions from our own world and into your D&D 4E campaign. Check out this review of their new supplement, Rituals from the Other Side: Spirit Magic!
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Other News
[imager]http://www.enworld.org/newsimages/dd6-3.jpg[/imager]Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition Designer Diaries

The sixth of the official design diaries for Alderac Entertainment Group's 4th edition of Legend of the Five Rings has been posted here on EN World. The diaries highlight the development process, preview art, and more! This installment is titled "Designing Skills".

Here's the schedule for the full series:
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