- The Plane Below A new 160-page hardcover called The Plane Below has been listed on the product schedule on the official website. There's no other information than the title and pagecount, and that it's slated for a December 2009 release.
- Ema's Character Sheets Closed "Right now, the site is in an "indetermined" state, as I've just received a Cease & Desist letter from Wizards of the Coast. I'm currently looking into the problem, and I hope I will be able to provide you with more details in the near future."
- Updated message: "I'm sorry to inform you that this site is no more. Wizards of the Coast asked me to take it down, and I complied. I'm sorry for all the fans who will miss it - I will miss it, too - but it was the right thing to do. Time to move on...Ema."
- Four Free 1E (AD&D) Adventure Modules The "middle four" of the WGH "World of Greyhawk", WGH2 through WGH5. WGH2 is a stand alone module, while WGH3 through WGH5 are a linked campaign.
- The Pact of Blood The latest 4E warlock pact from Adamant Entertainment has been released - The Pact of Blood.
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