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Ties that Bind - Silverymoon - Chapter 1 "Diplomats?"


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Corund clears his throat. "Jonas, the color of my language was merely to apply the needle of inquiry to each of you. The same can be said of my earlier performance as auburn-haired Phinneas. I find that it is easier to test the mettle of an individual when they are under some duress. We have reached the point where continued application of of that tactic is no longer effacious. My opinions remain the same, however"

The wizard unfolds his hands and stands up. "I prefer" he continues, pacing the length of the room, "to go by night, but am not limited to it. If, as Jonas suggests, you can find a way to do so, that would be most excellent. I would also prefer to leave this very instant. I do not prefer to argue about whether imploring Adbar to return to the fold is the right thing to do. We have been asked to do so; accordingly, we need only accept or reject the proposal as we are individually inclined."

He stops and looks each of the other two in the eye. "You would, as my traveling companions, benefit from my ability to protect you as we make our way, but I would leave diplomatic duties to either of you. My inclinations lie along other routes, which may continue to be employed upon reaching Citadel Adbar, if need be. Please respond so as to be unequivocal about your intentions as of this moment."

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Rystil Arden

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"Well, especially considering that two of the main threats here are orcs and drow, I would say that you'd be better off trying to find a means for him to travel during the day in the shade. Besides, if we have to walk, daylight is just so much more beautiful."


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Jonas taps his lip, just below his nose, his face is a study in deep thought.

"Perhaps a compromise? Half in day, half in night? Everyone equally miserable?"
He chuckles, and looks over at Corund. "Or maybe there's a way to mitigate your...condition. An object ensorcelled to radiate magical darkness, perhaps?"

He rises to his feet. "In any event, I agree we should leave as soon as possible. I've only a few matters to see to here in the city. I suggest we meet at the north gate in...about fifteen minutes, say?"


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Once again the High Mage has relaxed himself to hear what the three of you have to say, but he eventually adds to the conversation.

"Well there’s no doubt this group has its fair share of spirit! I feel ashamed that I can not provide a better explanation of what Harbromm wants. The gods alone know how much time I've spent trying to figure out the way that dwarf thinks, but I'm afraid we'll have to make due with what we have. He wants an envoy to physically travel from Silverymoon to his Citadel and beyond that things are unclear.

One thing that does seem obvious to me is that Harbromm is looking for reasons to ignore our delegations, and we will be best served by erring on the side of caution in this situation.

Turning his attention directly to Cassandra he continues and for the first time, a hint of frustration appears in his voice.

"And I must say that I'm surprised by your attitude in this situation. A follower of Sune is what I was told by my friends in Waterdeep, and a champion of freedom by those in Sundabar who you freed from enslavement by the drow. Yet here you stand in Silverymoon, a city most recognized for these two things: our culture and love of the arts, and our relatively enlightened view of society that promotes personal freedom and fights against oppression.

Now this city, and the Silver Marches altogether, risk losing these virtues because a dwarven king, angry that he was not given absolute power over the confederation upon Alustriel's death, decided to leave us in a fit of rage. Old enemies rise up to face the north, and if the League does not survive, war will no doubt return this land to it's former state. Tell me, what freedom will the people of this land have then? What prayer will you make to Sune then to explain that the gem of the north has become nothing more than a pale stone, and partly because you weren't wiling to help it survive? If you truly cannot see the good of restoring our common defenses and promoting the welfare of the Silver Marches, then perhaps I did a poor job of judging you. Just to show you how strongly I believe in freedom, I will remind you that you are under no compulsion to listen to me further and if you don't think this task is worthwhile, you need not undertake it.

Since it does seem that you're taking part in the planing, I'll hope that you are on board with the others and I'll move forward."

The High Mage visibly calms himself and its clear that he was more aggressive in his speech than he originally planed. When he is calm again he pulls out a map and begins to speak again, but his words are clearly meant only for those who are willing to undertake his task.

"Before you leave, there are two more things I can tell you about this trip. First is the simple fact that several paths lead to the Citadel, and you can choose which one you prefer. The most simple would be to follow the trade roads east through Silverymoon Pass to Sundabar. From there you can head east till you reach the fork, as it is called, where the Adbar road will lead you north to the Citadel. This path would probably be the least dangerous, but would take the greatest amount of time.

A second option would be to take this same route, but to head straight north after reaching Sundabar, following the dead orc pass through the Rauvin Mountains. This path will be more dangerous, but would most likely be the fastest way to reach the Citadel.

The most dangerous option, but one that would favor you if you do wish to travel in the dark, would be to head north to Felbar and use the underground caravan route to reach the Citadel. Traveling this path would be faster than the normal roads, but not as fast as dead orc pass. Truly though, the underground has been especially dangerous since the patrols from Adbar stopped going much further than their own gates, and I'm afraid of what troubles might lie that way."

Taern rolls up the map, which has all three possible routes outlined, and sets it on the table in front of the three of you.

"The second thing I wanted to tell you before we part company regards the bandits that have been attacking of late. Several reports from merchants who have survived or guards who have tried to chase the bandits, have given suspiciously similar descriptions of them. We don't know enough at the moment, but it may be the case that part of an organized group, something rare for the north indeed if it is very large in scope.

If you are attacked by bandits and have the good fortune of capturing one of them without killing him, it would be good to try to find out any information on the situation. There may be nothing to this after all, but if you have the chance, it wouldn't hurt to into it. Now, have you any more questions?"
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Shayuri said:
Jonas taps his lip, just below his nose, his face is a study in deep thought.

"Perhaps a compromise? Half in day, half in night? Everyone equally miserable?"
He chuckles, and looks over at Corund. "Or maybe there's a way to mitigate your...condition. An object ensorcelled to radiate magical darkness, perhaps?"

Corund raises his hand. "Thank you for your consideration, Jonas, but I shall be capable of making the trip, even in daylight. If Cassandra can manage night travel, fine, but otherwise do not give it another thought."

Shayuri said:
He rises to his feet. "In any event, I agree we should leave as soon as possible. I've only a few matters to see to here in the city. I suggest we meet at the north gate in...about fifteen minutes, say?"

The wizard, already on his feet, offers his hand to the shapeshifter.


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After the High Mage has spoken, Corund bows to Cassandra. "You will forgive my rudeness, as I have already explained. I hope that you consider what the needs of Silverymoon are, and how you can find yourself meeting them. I suspect that Jonas and I will not need to wait long for you at the North Gate." As he speaks, the shadows loom out of the walls, creep from under the table and chairs, and wrap themselves around him. It becomes harder and harder to see the wizard, until in a brief moment, he disappears completely. His voice echoes around the room.

"We can discuss the route as we walk."


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Jonas gives Corund's hand a shake, then scoops the rolled up map up with a nod to the High Mage.

"Thank you for your patience, High Mage. We won't let you down."

With that, he starts to leave, heading for the northern gate of the city.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Hmm...well, in that case, I shall decline appointment as your emissary. Good day."

*And she walks out of the chambre slowly, waiting to see what will happen to her on the way out.*

*Assuming the High Mage doesn't try anything, she is soon lost in the crowd...*

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Shortly thereafter, by the time the others reach the northern gate, they find that Cassandra is already there.*

"Beautiful day for a journey, don't you think?" she asks wryly, "You know, I think that a trip to Citadel Adbar would be just wonderful this time of year. You two headed that way too?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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