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Time For Another Round Of Iron Dm!!!

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Moderator Emeritus
Wow . . .

This was a hard one. . .

First of all in order to remain nemmerlesque (I friggin’ love that) :D, I have to say that I think neither of these entries are up to par with some of the ones that came before them in earlier rounds.

There I said it.

But still. . . There were some pretty amazing gems in both of them that made me stop and go “ahhhh” in satisfaction.

But let’s be mean. Let me list the bad stuff of each first:

Rune (the bad stuff)

The setting. While I personally like it, unlike the eastern flavored setting of his last entry, this one seemed a lot harder to fit into most existing campaign settings. Warring Greek-like city-states, with enough armies of rotting dead to offend the gods themselves is a great great thing – but where is it gonna go?

The Hook: Um, they are just traveling along and just happen to help the dying courier and just happen to follow him along and just happen to hang out in the Senate Building and happen to overhear the yelling inside, and etc. . etc. . If they needed to bring news themselves, or find someone in the city or consult the oracle for some other goal, all of these might have worked. I was disappointed.

The Silver Dragon: People thinking the vampire is a silver dragon? That is a very weak use of the ingredient – hell, a tavern called “The Silver Dragon” would have been a better use of it.

The Vampire: 1) Not foppish 2) His motivation was that he was bored? Um. . . I know you can do better. The necropolis idea is cool – but could have been handled better.

The Apparatus of Kwalish: A whole unit of them? You take the cool gritty Greek-feel of your setting and Faerunize it with a bunch of soldiers in tin-cans! I mean, I know it was an ingredient – but I think you ruined the uniqueness of the item by using it in such a way. And where were those guys all along? Just lying in wait? For what? For their army to get decimated?

The Angry Mob: While it was ambitious to try to handle the mob in the way you did. I don’t think it really works rules-mechanics-wise. Better to handle the individual encounters with the mob in a dramatic fashion, I think. Also, how was the vampire able to affect to many people and create such a violent and long-lasting reaction? Maybe I need to re-read the Enthrall spell, or something – but I think even some slight explanation might have been warranted.

Vaxalon (the bad stuff)

The Angry Mob: Why are they angry? Why did they choose this moment to rampage? Does this have something to do with the vampire’s plans?

The Silver Dragon The local constabulary has the means to recall a silver dragon at will to deal with crime and looting? Where the hell is this place? Would not the silver dragon’s frightful presence be pretty much enough to keep the majority of the low-level mobbing schmucks at bay?

The Alchemist Fire Bomb: A time bomb? Kind of anachronistic, don’t ya think? But putting that aside, some idea of how it worked might have been a good addition – and if it is so dangerous and is meant to kill everyone in the house, would not the vampire be afraid to be anywhere near it? I mean, fire is one of the few things they are vulnerable to.

Everyone Gets a Magic Item? – The costume ball was a GREAT friggin’ idea – but everyone there is given a magical item? I know the vampire thinks everyone is going to die, and so they will be destroyed – but that is a heck of a lot of effort and XP to just go up in smoke – he must of spent 100 years on that part of the plan alone (depending on how many guests there are). The alternate use of “costume jewelry” was clever, however.

Question: The bard and the majordomo are the same person? That was unclear. . .And what if the crowd at the party is alerted to the trap as a group?

The Apparatus of Kwalish: Feels stuck in there for the sake of being stuck in there. If he can assume gaseous form, or animal form, and has access to a variety of spells, what does he need the apparatus for? I think for an ingredient to really be used well, the reason for its presence needs to be clearer and more pertinent.

The Vampire: As in Rune’s entry – what is his motivation aside from mayhem? Why are the PCs invited? Was the dragon invited? Is it general knowledge that there is a dragon around? If so, the vampire was foolish to invite him.


Okay, okay.. enough of the mean stuff. . . here’s what I liked:

Vaxalon (the good stuff)

The Costume Party: Just a nice classic touch. It works not only with the classic horror Vincent Price-like vampire movie feel, but with the building of a mystery. It builds what should be the REAL question of the scenario for the PCs “Why were we invited?” The animal figures are also very creepy. While I did not like the use of the dragon, the placement of someone who sows the seeds of suspicion is great – as at a costume party you have no way of knowing who is really who, let alone their motivations. *

The Location of the Scenario: A big old spooky house has a lot of potential for creepy stuff to be discovered as the PCs snoop around/ It gave me a “The Shining” feel, esp. with the animal costumes – who knows what kind of depraved things might be discovered in those gloomy halls.

The Danger in House: While I was not all that fond of the time-bomb thing, the idea of a danger to the house and the guests is a great “cap” to the building of the mystery. I think it would have worked better when the “frightened party-goers” became an “angry mob” as they found their way out of the house blocked.

Rich vs. Poor Class politics is something too often ignored in D&D – again, while I did not like the use of the angry mob in the entry – if properly explained, it could have been a nice touch – as the party cannot get out to help anyone in the city as it is burned around them.

Rune (the good stuff)

The Setting: Okay, I know I listed it among “the bad stuff” (so consider this one as canceling itself out), but I am a sucker for the Greek City-State thing. The warring groups, the rotting dead, the heroes of yore, all these things work well – if the larger context of the campaign setting allows for it. I was reminded of Antigone by the whole set up.

The Manipulative Power: I like how the vampire manipulated the Senate and the People all Chancellor Palpatine style. While I thought there was not enough motivation provided. I am a sucker for political intrigue – unfortunately, the events of the adventure play out too quickly for the PCs to really get involved. :(

The Oracle The Oracle’s test was wonderful, but don’t you think there should have been more of a pay off for figuring it out?

The Trojan Horse Idea: Apparatus of Kwalish use = bad. The idea of enemy soldiers sneaking into the city = good!


So, anyway – I think it is obvious. . . The winner and still CHAMPEEN. . . . VAXALON!!!!


* One last thing: I had a great that goes along with Vax’s entry – What if everyone invited to the party had done some wrong to the vampire either knowingly or unknowingly and this was their punishment? This way you could have all sorts of a mix of nefarious and good NPCs at the party, and the PCs could have foiled some plan of the vampire in some earlier adventure without knowing it – and just earned themselves a nemesis?


First Post
Thank you very much, Nemmerle, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

To explain the Apparatus, Vampires can't handle being immersed in running water. Doesn't matter if he's a rat, he still can't go into the sewer-water if it's running. So that's what the apparatus is for... it's to evade his limitation. Otherwise he'd never be able to get to the shrine.

The reason I didn't explain why the mob was angry was to allow it to be customized to the setting. I strive to maintain that openness.

As for the dragon being called away, yeah, it was lame. I don't like powerful NPC's running around where they can steal the show on the PC's.

You're right, if the guests had been locked into the house, that would have been better... I considered it, but then couldn't figure a way to work in the angry mob.

Rune, you are an excellent Iron DM competitor, and if I had been up against any of your other entries, I would have lost.

Radiating Gnome

And the crowd goes wild

At least, the crowd in my head.

Congradulations, both of you.

This was WAY too much fun. So how long do we have to wait to get started again?



First Post
i just want to say that this was a blast. congrats to vaxalon and rune; vaxalon for staying on top and rune for winning 3 in a row! finally, thanks to nemmerle for starting this whole thing up and judging it (you never got back to me on holding the katana, nem). i got so many cool ideas from this thread it's unbelievable. anyhow, i can't wait for next time...

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