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TMP - Wiki


Foppish Technocrat
The information does not need to be "open source", however you cannot put information in the Wiki that you do not have permission to use. That's where it can get a little bit fuzzy as far working out who owns what and what permissions we have.

For instance, we were given full permission to keep all of the Crossroads Tavern and Fords Keep when we left Wizards. However that doesn't necessarily mean we're allow to include extensive information about Greyhawk. Working out exactly what can and can't be put in for a setting where Wizards is actively marketing it (such as the Forgotten Realms) can be particularly tricky.

Likewise, for the Meeting Place we could include as much setting information that we want, but there could be other information that is owned by people such as D20 rules information or even information and stories about New York.

So, no setting would be completely copyright proof. The Rotunda would be the one most limited by Intellectual Property rules since it is set in Waterdeep, which is very obviously a hot property for Wizards.

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Draggy said:
Someone more knowledgeable can correct me if I'm wrong, but considering such sites as www.mimir.net and www.planeswalker.com (as I believe Sigil would be of more concern than the tavern or the Rotunda), I believe most if not all of the material for the ISRP settings fall under and open gaming license of sorts.
Planeswalker.com is official material, to my knowledge, as WotC had no plans of reviving the Planescape line (and ultimately, made doing so needlessly difficult by suddenly retconning the cosmologies so that no two settings overlapped). Shortly after 3E was released, I believe the operators of the site approached the company, and got the go-ahead to start converting Planescape as a free product. One (or more) of their principal contributors has also been published in Dragon magazine, lending further credibility to the official nature of that site.

Mimir, I believe, falls under "fair usage" as a non-profit reference and resource site for an out of print setting, but might also have some measure of legal permission to go beyond that. Don't quote me, there.

And none of the setting material falls under the Open Game Liscence.

OGL applies strictly to the game mechanics presented in the three Core Rulebooks, Deities & Demigods, Epic Level Handbook, and (if I remember right) the variant rules presented in Unearthed Arcana (though it doesn't appear in the SRD as of my last check), stripped of all but minimal descriptive text and all flavor text. Anything else is deemed signature Intellectual Property, and thereby not included, which is the reason that mind flayers, beholders, and the slaad are not found in the System Reference Document collection, and why none of the gods carry over (naturally, the majority of monsters are based on real-world myth, which is why they fall into the OGL as they're just as derivitive as any 3rd party's material).


First Post
I believe the original point Nathan was making..

To create a reference base for the missing TMP history. As we are in 2007 now, and TMP is set ins 2032(ish) there is approximately 30 years that go unaccounted for.

It would be nice to know any major events/situations and have these available for players in TMP to use as an access point, and knowledge base.

This should only require player thought and cooperation, without a need for licenses and open game content, since we would be setting up a history.

After all TMP has no real "setting" to base it upon.

I think it would be a good idea, to work out the missing thirty years of history, as I think it would help those of us who are TMP fans, to better establish our characters and their backgrounds.

As for other Wikis.. It's a grand idea but the real topic at hand, is establishing a known and referencable TMP background.


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I'm in favour of making any Wiki, certainly including a TMP-only Wiki. It might be a good place to start, in any case. We could always potentially just add to it at a later date, should there be people willing to put in the necessary work.

Nathan Sane

First Post
See now Jeajea hit the nail on the head, I could easily do it, but if its going to be a core of four people editing and adding pages, its questionable if it will survive.

Nathan Sane

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Feeling a bet crazed today, I have decided to go ahead with the Wiki project, as even in our illustrious head magi's post there was no real "No you can't", if the project dies, at least there was the attempt at having a wiki for the meeting place.

To that end, for those who are interested in contributing we must decide where we want it hosted at, and thus we have:

The list!

This isn't meant to be exclusive, its al ist of the wikiservers I have looked over, and think will be compatible with our needs.

Thus far my list for our needs are as follows
1. Ease of editablity
2. Free
3. Unlimited members allowed to eidt et cetra on the pages
4. some subdomains to help with the organizing of files (and for potential expansion of the project beyond TMP)

this is pretty good listing of the diffrent ones, of them these I think can be considered our prime canidates
Wikia (most specifically the scratcpad area)
Wikisite User Set Liscenes (meaning for copyrights ansd such)
Wikispaces This one allows us to set the copy liscensing as we choose (including custom ones)
Commwikis This one has the advantages of having FTP access making image uploading easier.


First Post
I'm not really technically savvy enough to help much with a wiki - but, I have considerations about content. Or, suggestions.
Yeah, we want to establish what has happened in the intervening time. How far has technology gone (publicly? We all know there are secretly built cyborgs and androids and robots. . . ;p)? Is the Middle East still a boiling point? etc. . .

But, how about some local flavor? What resturants are there? One char I can think of works at a resturant and has to answer pms about what sort of place it is. (well, at least one pm, 'cause I know I asked. . .) General tourist stuff probably hasn't changed - Broadway is probably still *the* place to catch a show, the Statue of Liberty still holds her torch high (I assume). . .
The smaller stuff, though, that people who live in the area would know.
The only wiki I know anything about is wikipedia, so, I'm not really sure what sort of divisions there can be. But, a local flavor section could be fun, if that's possible. People can make up a resturant, a theater, an apartment complex, etc and post a little info about it.

Nathan Sane

First Post
We can do that, in fact I would encourage it, we need a lot of background information and some present information.

Wikipedia has groupings of things, I don't see why we couldn't as well.

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