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D&D 5E To own 5E books or not to own 5E books that is the Question


I agree that if you play the game you should buy the book. But the issue is that you dont really need the PhB to play 5E. Only spell casters in my group really use it in play. If you play a fighter you only really need to check the PhB when you level up.

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Ok I DM two groups, in both groups, only one player in each group owns an actual copy of the 5E books, the other players either use the SRD or pirated PDF's copies for their respective games. I understand people have financial difficulties and what not, but I think they can least support WoTC a tiny bit and buy the PHB. Do you other guys find the same problem of owner the actual books prevalent in your groups?

As far as I remember, there was really only one known (non-new) player where I'm from that lacked a PHB, but that may not currently be true. Most new players that show up either don't continue playing (at least, at the store I frequent) or generally pick up a copy of the PHB at least.

I've bought multiple (2-3) copies of the core three books and a copy or two each of everything I've used, and would love to buy pdf versions of the same were they available, but have absolutely no shame for using the pdf version most of the time (because I already have too much stuff to carry as it is- minis, tiles, markers, laptop, notebooks, other DM materials).

Personally, I think players should have an actual copy of the books, not just pirated pdf's or the SRD, support your game companies, if not they will go away without it.


I'm cool with the SRD, Basic, and the Player's Companion, but have offer on at least two occasions to actually buy books for people that didn't have them, wanted them, yet couldn't (at the time, anyway) pay for them.


I told my players they won't be playing at my table if they use pirated copies of material they don't own. I ensure that when I access material on my phone I mention that I've either purchased it at DMsGuild or that I own the paper copy.

Yes, it's illegal to download a pirated copy but I don't expect my players to have every book at every session. I don't expect that of myself. It'd be too much stuff to drag to a game since they aren't hosted at my house.


I have seen issues with web-versions of the rules not being completely accurate or misinterpreted due to abbreviated or re-worded descriptions. This has even occurred in my Adventurer's League games with a player claiming his spell would do one thing but the Player's Handbook overruling the web interpretation. For this reason alone, I think anyone who plays should have the official published books. If you are a regular player you really should own the Player's Handbook at a minimum. A campaign party should absolutely have one at the table for any such conflict resolution.


We can't really get the books locally at least at a reasonable price ($50 USD each) that is assuming they have not sold out even at that price.

The pirated PDFs get used to look at books our group owns 5 or 6 PHB, 3 MM/DMG and we have bought a lot of 3pp via the PDFs.

So yeah we end up buying them anyway, and I buy a lot of PDF's and we own in dead tree format everything WoTC has made except Storm Kings Thunder and Yawning Portal book.


Blistering Barnacles!
A player doesn't need a PHB to play the game.

Simply put, some people are not 'readers' and don't care, they just want to roll dice and have fun.


I agree that if you play the game you should buy the book. But the issue is that you dont really need the PhB to play 5E. Only spell casters in my group really use it in play. If you play a fighter you only really need to check the PhB when you level up.

This is definitely true. I'd say for 5E you only need one copy of the PHB for the table.

I have long been a loud and obnoxious supporter of these books. Me and my buddy pooled our resources and bought god-knows-how-many 3.5 books. The stack was taller than a toddler.

I will say this: For the past 3 years I've been living abroad and in areas where these books are not easily accessible. I've been playing with friends through Roll20 and the like. I would love to have real copies, but right now, living in China, I'd pay a horrible price, would have to use someone else's card to order it, and then trust in the Chinese postal service to have it get to my apartment (which has been about a 50-50 shot for me). Of course, PDFs are my best options - Pirated or otherwise.

The only significant thing I've noticed switching from real book to PDF is that I am way more likely to flip around in PDFs. I read the 4E (hardcover) handbook cover to cover when I borrowed it from a friend. I never even played 4E! When we started 5E (in PDFs), I skipped around a lot, looking at my favorite classes, spells here, equipment there, and only settled into reading it in detail when I agreed to DM.

Because I put less attention and effort into it, I'm way more likely to make mistakes and mis-remember stuff from PDFs. I still remember obscure rules from Mouseguard, but have to reference the PHB on what Frightened means in 5E all the time.
Maybe it's age, but I prefer to blame it on not having the book in print in front of me.

Joe Burkhart

First Post
I believe that the DM should keep a copy of the PHB handy for his table. I don't think that every single player needs to keep one with them. There are plenty of other resources for players when creating a character and leveling up, etc. that they don't all need their own book. But, as I said, if you plan to DM you should always have the PHB.


I have 2 PHB because the first one fell apart so I had to buy a new one (before I knew you could just send it in; plus second printing had come out with the errata). I have one vopy of all the other books. I am currently looking for pdfs (pirated, because the only ones available) so I don't havr to keep lugging an extra bag to work every night. I feel it's okay since I have bought everything they have put out so far.

SRD and Basic Rules are official products, so I have no problem with those.

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The weird thing I’ve noticed is that in print vs. pdf, I’ve yet to see the PDFs come up with an answer to a rules question faster than someone with a physical copy of the book. I may be a bit of a Luddite, but that still surprises me.

While I wouldn’t censure anyone at a table for using a pirated PDF, I do think that if you are a fan of the game and want to see it grow and succeed, it behooves you to actually pay for the PHB at least.

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