To the Noble Born. (finished)


Fenris - yes magic items are practically a necessity.

Zaset - PbP is a bad medium to try for a prestige class, IME gaining more than 1 level is unusual. (although ill try for 2+ this time.) If you think you will enjoy playing a rogue/wizard than go ahead, I can see how that would fit well in noble society as well as being an adventurer. I suggest you invest in an attack wand like magic missle (@3rd lvl).

12 skills is right. Although I have been considering droppping 2 from rogue, and 1 from bard and ranger, to account skill consolidation. No trading 2 for 1, however in character you can retrain from one skill to another over several months, so even if you don't start with a skill you need, you can change to it later. (There will be downtime if the game goes for several levels) You have been too busy to do this before the game starts.
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First Post
Couple more questions, and then I should be set.

Nobles are supposed (at least in the context of meetings with other nobles) to wear Noble's Outfits, which are 75 gp in cost, with at least 100 gp of jewelry with it and a signet ring besides.

I'm assuming the cost of that is supposed to be deducted from our equipment assuming we bring such an outfit with us?

Also: how specific should I be as far as bringing mundane items with me goes? Examples: chalk, rations, ink, inkpen, paper, sealing wax, bedroll, winter blanket, lantern (bullseye!), candles...

And finally: which bit of code is it to get those things into show/hide mode?

I think after that I'll be ready to post the character, and then make any changes needed/suggested.


yes the outfit should be deducted from your funds, if you bring it along.
be as specific as you like with gear, you can even give some servant 15gp and tell him to back a bag for you, he will probably get most of that. (ie light source, bedding, rope, waterskin) you will need to calculate food/foder - or blithely assume you can buy/hunt what you need later. (which may very well be true)
the code is <sblock> only use [ ] instead of <>, </sblock>


First Post
Evilhalfling said:
Zaset - be happy to have you, and welcome to the boards.


Hit points are average rolls (2.5-6.5) by class and rounded down.

I think that sums it up, Fenris. ONly thing I'd like to know is if you still get max HP from first HD. That's how it's supposed to be, I think, right?


It typically is max HP for the first HD, at least it has been in every game I've been in. It says as much on p.6 of the player handbook.


First Post
You didn't list: Profession, Sense Motive & Speak Language in your skill list.
What's XPH?
You included the Complete Adventurer, do you also include the Complete Warrior?


(added to HR post as well )
Common Language : Reintish.
Other languages: Crickish, elven, halfling, dwarfish, goblin, Gnoll, Ratman, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial.

Everyone knows Reintish, and their racial tongue, +1 per Int modifier.
Clerics know celestial, wizards know either elvish, ratman or draconic.
Sorcerers know either celestial or infernal.
Since getting rid of skill ranks - not sure how to handle learning extra ones.

yes, Hit Points are max at first lvl, average there after.
No, to complete warrior, I don't have the book.
XPH - Expanded Psionics Handbook. Halflings and goblins are the chief users of psionics, although it does occur in other races as well.

Dekana- is lilly a Hairfoot or Stout? [sblock]
It sounds like she was born a hairfoot, then settled into a soutish community.
did you convert - and if so was it a change of heart, or lip service?
The Stouts believe that the chosen one has shown them how to live with other races, and was the prophesied leader of the halfling people. His most important rule was to treat all civilized races as you would treat a halfling. They follow the lawful government of whatever area they settle into.
Stouts tend to be considered more trustworthy and must keep their heads and feet covered.

Hairfeet are more connected to a racial underground network and more willing to ignore human obsessions, like property laws. Hairfeet are loosely led by their oldest women (known as seers, but who can either be clerics or psions)
Both worship Yondolla, although the the hairfeet put more emphasis on her role as a guardian of halflings, and her totem animal (the dog)
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ObiAndy said:
It sounds like she was born a hairfoot, then settled into a soutish community.
That would be a fair assessment. Lily was certainly born a Hairfoot, since I pictured her family as wandering gypsies. I'll say that her parents converted, and that's the reason they've settled down, but Lily herself isn't a 'stout' believer in the halfling messiah. Respecting the local laws and other people's person are all well and good, but her family has to come first. (she's neutral anyway, not lawful)

Lily's faith in Yondalla is based on her "guardian of halflings" aspect, despite the stout halfling church's position of law. You could say her faith in the Goddess is sincere, but she pays lip service toward to the teachings of the halfling leader (so she can be accepted in the church). Lily doesn't cover her face or feet; another source of annoyance for the priests.
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