Green Knight
First Post
Balin Cormaeril, Bard and Paladin of Helm
HOLY! I'd COMPLETELY forgotten about this. Can't believe I made it this far. WHOOHOO!
Though it appears the description is cut, which is understandable, considering the weird and long background I had given the character. He was about 40, and to explain why I was playing a 40 year old character, I came up with a background in which he was a much more powerful warrior, but through imprisonment (How he lost his magic equipment) and torment by the spirit of a dead elf who hated Cormyreans, he ended up a 5th-level character, which is at what level we were starting the campaign.
But before said imprisonment and torment, however, he was a 3rd-level Bard/8th-level Paladin/1st-level Purple Dragon Knight of Helm. He had the Learned Feat from The Quintessential Paladin, so he got to add Move Silently and Hide to his class skills, hence his "Shadow" and "Silent Moves" full plate, which allowed him to creep around (Which, along with the draconic theme of his full plate, his acidic bolt firing crossbow, and his whip, earned him the nickname "The Black Dragon" from his troops). He lead a unit of Purple Dragons (A unit which existed due to his Leadership Feat), which specialized in guerilla warfare. So Balin wasn't your standard run-of-the-mill Paladin. He was cunning and quiet and fast and he and his troops would melt away as soon as the damage was done to the enemy (Had I made the character using 3.5 Leadership, then his troops would've consisted almost entirely of Rangers and the like. Learned gives you 3 Class Skills, so the third was Wilderness Lore, and he had the Track Feat, as he was a good hunter. Ranger Followers would've worked well with him).
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