Todd Lockwood has chosen the WINNER! And finished the drawing!!

Kai Lord

And that character is...

....Krail Stromquism.

Congratulations Krail! Todd Lockwood will be drawing your character this November, and the original will be mailed to you for you to keep!

Todd's extremely busy with commercial work until then, but when that day arrives your character will join the ranks of Lidda, Mialee, Regdar and the new dragons as icons whose visual conception was assisted by the fantastic work of Todd Lockwood!

What a fun contest this was, I had a great time getting to know so many wonderful characters, I can't wait to see Todd's rendition of Krail. Judging from the results of the poll, I won't be the only one either. :cool:

And for you purists out there, Krail was actually Todd's favorite of the top 30, but it was so close he thought it would be fun to have me post a poll. So I did, and Krail won anyway.

Congratulations Krail! We'll have to get in touch when it gets closer to the deadline to work out the details of you getting the piece. If there's anything else you want Todd to know about your character just let me know (do you want her with or without ram horns, etc.) Awesome!

UPDATE: Todd Lockwood's rendition of Krail can now be viewed in the Art Gallery at
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First Post
kao, this was so cool of you.

i know it has been said before, but it bears repeating, and repeatign and repeating.

3 cheers for kai lord!:)


First Post
Congrats to Krail Stromquism on winning and to Kai Lord for setting this up and doing this. Excellent job both of you!!

Dark Jezter

First Post
Congratulations to Krail, and don't forget to scan the picture when you recieve it so we can see Todd Lockwood's take on the character. :D

Krail Stromquism

First Post

I thought just winning the poll was cool.

Man this really has made my day.

Thanks so much to Kai Lord and to Mr. Lockwood for his time and awesome talent!

All the characters were great I was certainly in good company.

thanks again



And here is Krail!
(Told ya the winner would have tattoos. ;) )

Krail Stromquism

Krail is an attractive woman in her early 20s. Her eyes are piercing but open and expressive. They retain an attractive innocence yet harbor a knowing maturity. If you've ever met someone and felt they had an "old soul", Krail exudes that quality. Young beauty harboring aged maturity.

Shes young and attractive, beautiful some would say. She has a strong voluptuous body and dresses to show it off. She has no qualms exploiting the weakness of men to her advantage especially in combat.

Her arms and armor are always silvered with a heavy black patina worked into the recesses and designed to show off her form. I envision the impossible plate mail boustier, cut low for ample cleavage. (Krails starting to sound really slutty but I swear shes not, I am, but thats another story)

She has a few favorite accessories. One is a Collar of Domination and its your run of the mill studded black leather (dog) collar. Her Custom built Wings of Flying, a long cloak of darkest raven feathers, it trails on the ground. A flaming long sword, no doubt a personal affront to her father and his choice of weaponry. And a Silvered Shield to match her armor.

Early on in her career shes gets tainted by chaos along with most of the rest of the PCs and pics up an oddity or two. First, tattoos, sharp, abstract, angular, tribal tattoos appear in various places on her body. Later on, in a second tainting, they all connect and begin to shift and change and move around on her body. In a final taintfilled episode she grows rams horns. She likes to keep her hair long.
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