Todd Lockwood has chosen the WINNER! And finished the drawing!!

heh. thanks =)
oh well. Lockwood will do a great job with your character, and i can't wait to see it =)

course, i may just dig into my pocket and have him draw shadeslayn anyway :p ;)

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I thought it would be cool to see Zanatose rendered by Todd. Well, they all would be cool to see. But I particularly thought Zanatose would be cooler to see. :D

But congrats to the creator of Krail.

Actually, if none of the creators of these characters mind, I might try to take a shot at drawing one of the characters that weren't chosen in Todd's final top ten. Although I'm no Todd Lockwood, I still think it would be kind of fun to try one or two of them out. That's if no one minds that is.
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go ahead, man. its always fun to see how well your character's image transfers from you to description and into someone else's head =)

Verdigris said:

If you mean what he hopes you mean, Jacc enjoys being yoinked very much and frequently indulges in said behavior himself. As for moving about from place to place (including between campaign worlds) he prefers to ride on a golden palanquin, held aloft by his fellow PCs. However, due to financial hardship (i.e. he has frittered away his fortunes on games and drink) he has difficulty making payments on said palanquin and, sadly, his fellow adventurers rarely appreciate the efficacy of this particular mode of transportation.

Have fun with him but don't let him put his guard down or the Formion's will get him...

LOL ok, he'll be in good hands. Probably female ones. ;)

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Congratulations to Krail! You are who I would have voted for had I not made it into the final 10. But hey, I'm just happy that not only did I make it into the final 10, I was voted 2nd in the ENworld poll! Thanks, everyone! Krail, enjoy your picture!

I too also have to say a bit THANK YOU to Kai Lord for setting this up and to Todd Lockwood for agreeing to do it.

You Two Rock!

:) :) :)

Chain Lightning said:
Actually, if none of the creators of these characters mind, I might try to take a shot at drawing one of the characters that weren't chosen in Todd's final top ten. Although I'm no Todd Lockwood, I still think it would be kind of fun to try one or two of them out. That's if no one minds that is.

I wouldn't mind, if you were thinking about drawing T'aria. :)

Aw heck. Not like I really expected to be victorious, but I am not a bit surprised at the char Todd chose to draw. Congrats to her, since I think her poster actually saw how to win the contest. Incredibly detailed, epic, Shakespearian stories don't win contests like this; sexy ladies wearing leather dominatrix outfits and sporting tattoos win them. :p

For those who don't recall my first post announcing this contest back in April, I will indeed post a scan of Todd's rendition of Krail in the Art Gallery when he's finished. I'll wait till Krail (the person) receives the original itself so she can see it first.

And A'koss, I don't know what to say man, both of your characters were in my Top 3 picks, and I made a special mention of them when I sent the list to Todd. I was just as surprised as you when they didn't make the Top 10.

All the characters were awesome, and as many have said, any of them would have been great to see drawn by Todd. I also was a fan of Talinthas, cool concept and DL all the way baby! :D

And if there's ever a Jacc Swinn movie call Johnny Depp cause damn, we'd have a winner. :cool:

To those who got really excited about the possibility of winning but weren't chosen I want to let you know that Todd, while extremely busy, is accessible for those who want to hire him for private commissions. This contest was a lot of fun, but by no means the end all be all opportunity to get your hands on some great personalized art.

I thought about doing this again next year, possibly with a different artist, but I think I'll leave that open for anyone else who wants to pick up the torch and run with it. A lot of you will still have the same characters near and dear to your heart, and if we go by my tastes to select the top 20/30 we'd get largely the same characters being chosen. And if someone else does this I'd certainly participate! :D Someone mentioned Tony D....sounds good to me. ;)

Once again, congratulations to Krail and thanks to all who participated for such enthusiasm and creativity, not to mention all the kind words. They were much appreciated. And with that, the countdown to November begins.... :cool:
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