Tomb of Horrors 3.5

nick012000 said:
Fine, I'm out.

Half my enjoyment comes from generating characters to begin with, and being forced to take a dead level kills that.

Hey sorry it didn't work out for you. I'd be happy to have you submit another concept. The group really needs a Rogue.

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Walking Dad said:
Ok, I can see the reason in this. What about reserve feats (complete mage). If no, I will go with the dwarf fighter ;)

I would like to take some shield feats from PH2 and some other non-core feats (But nothing obscure)

BTW: I will have no Internet access at eastern (3-4 days)

Ok, dwarf fighter:

Name: Garagos Stoneshield

stats link

rolled with 3d6, in the spirit of The Game Master

Str: 18 (+2 level)
Dex: 15
Con: 18 (+2 racial)
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 6 (-2 racial)

1 Endurance
3 Steadfast Determination (PH2)
6 Iron Will
9 Indomitable Soul (PH2)

1 Shield Specialization (PH2)
2 Shield Ward (PH2)
4 Heavy Armor Optimization (Races of Stone)
6 Parrying Shield (Lords of Madness, allows shield bonus vs touch attacks)
8 Undermountain Tactics (Dungeonscape)

I like where you are going with Garagos. You went a little far afield for some of the feats, but they work together nicely and I won't complain. I look forward to seeing the complete character. Don't forget to add in a plus one to an ability score for 4th and 8th levels.

I'm going to be away from my computer until Saturday night to take the kids on a little Spring Break trip. Work on your characters and I'll address any questions that arise when I return. Have fun with it!

I'll take a stab (forgive the pun) at a rogue-build if you want. I'll try to get up by this afternoon (next couple of hours)

lol I tried rolling 3d6x6 ........... had 2-12's, 2-10's, 1-9, 1-6. Not very good at all, so I'm gonna go with the point buy.

Can we purchase Magic Item Sets? Such as the Fleet Warrior's Array, or Garb of the Hunting Cat, etc. It's in the MIC, but figured I would ask before I started buying the world lol
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Fin Darktracker - Dwarf Rogue - Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire

Well... here's my take on the rogue:

[sblock=Fin Darkstalker]
[B]Name:[/B] Fin Darktracker
[]STR 14, DEX 17, CON 15, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 8[/url]
[url=]HP (1d6.minroll(3)=4, 1d6.minroll(3)=6, 1d6.minroll(3)=6, 1d6.minroll(3)=3, 1d6.minroll(3)=4, 1d6.minroll(3)=5, 1d6.minroll(3)=3, 1d6.minroll(3)=6)[/url] 
[url=]XP (1d100=61)[/url] 
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 9	[b]Starting Level[/b]: 9
[B]Race:[/B] Dwarf
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] 
[B]Size:[/B] M
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN
[B]Deity:[/B] Olidarmma

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 9	[B]XP[/B]: 36061
[B]Dex:[/B] 18 +4 (13p.+1)	[B]BAB:[/B] +6/+1	[B]HP:[/B] 79 
[B]Con:[/B] 18 +4 (08p.+2r+1)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +8/+3	
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +1 (06p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b]2 (Con & Dex)
[B]Wis:[/B] 8 -1 (00p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +4	[B]Spell Save:[/B] +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 6 -2 (0-2r)	[B]ACP:[/B] -1		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+6	+2	+4	+X	+X	+X	22
[B]Touch:[/B]	14	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 22

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	      Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]          +7	 +3	+4	
[B]Ref:[/B]           +10	+6	+4	
[B]Will:[/B]           +2	 +3 	-1	

[B]Weapon				Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
+1 Rapier				+9/+4	1d6+3	18-20/x2
+1 Holy Composite Shortbow [+2 Str]	+11/+6	1d6+3    X3		70ft.
(If Evil,+2d6 damage)
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon

+2 constitution / -2 Charisma (already included)
Can move 20 feet even if in heavy armor
Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark)
Stonecunning (+2 on searching stone, intuit depth)
+4 to avoid being bullrushed while standing on ground
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. spells / spell-like abilities
+1 racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus on AC against giants
+4 stability bonus to avoid being tripped/bull rushed standing on ground
+2 racial bonus on appraise checks if stone/metal

Sneak Attack +5d6
Evasion (level 2)
Trap Sense (level 3)
Uncanny Dodge (level 4)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)

[B]Feats: [/B] 
Point Blank Shot  
Precise Shot 

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 120 [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 12/6
                           Skill     Ability             Misc. 
Skill Name 	          Modifier   Modifier   Ranks    Modifier
Appraise                     +4         +2        2      
Balance			     +6         +4               +2 [tumble]    
Decipher Script              +8         +2        6      
Disable Device               +14        +2        12      
Hide*                        +15        +4        12 	 -1 (ACP)      
Knowledge (arcana)           +3		+2	  1
Knowledge (architecture)     +3		+2	  1
Knowledge (dungeoneering)    +5		+2        3
Knowledge (history)          +3		+2	  1
Knowledge (religion)         +3		+2	  1
Listen			     +11	-1	  12
Move Silently*               +15        +4        12 	 -1 (ACP)
Open Lock                    +16        +4        12 
Search                       +14        +2        12 
Tumble                       +16        +4        12
Use Rope                     +6         +4        2

Equipment: 					Cost	Weight
+1 Death Ward Darkwood Buckler 			4,205gp	 2.5lbs
(MIC10, 1/day ignore a death or negative energy effect, +1 market price) 		
+2 Chain Shirt 	              			4,250	25 lbs.
Samman (+1 Holy Composite Shortbow [+2 Str])	18,525gp 2lbs.
(DMG225, +2d6 dmg against evil creatures, +2 market price)
(Samman means trusted friend, shield-brother (battle companion) in Dwarvish)
+1 Rapier					2,320gp  2lbs.
60 Arrows					6gp      9lbs.
10 Adamantine Arrows				600gp	 1.5lbs
20 Cold Iron Arrows				4gp	 3lbs
20 Silver Arrows                         	40gp	 3lbs
Boots of the Unending Journey		        4,000gp  1lb
(MIC97, +10 to movement)							
Ring of the Darkhidden				2,000gp  -lbs.
(MIC122, Invisible to Darkvision)
Potion of CLW (1d8+1 Heal)			50gp     -lbs.

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 49lb	[B]Money:[/B] 0gp 0sp 0cp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	58	116	175	350	875

[B]Age:[/B] 95
[B]Height:[/B] 4' 5" 
[B]Weight:[/B] 185lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Grey
[B]Hair:[/B] Grey, Long
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale

Fin is a bit of a daredevil, he loves dungeon delving and considers himself a ghost when he travels underground. Fin'll take almost any job if it pays well and it challenges him. He's worked with Ambrose before, procuring for him many artifacts from various tombs, even travelling with him on one occasion. Fin prides himself on getting in and getting out without much trouble and avoids confrontations when possible. He talks to himself & Samman often when not on a mission, which many find disconcerting, and when he is adventuring Fin doesn't say too much, except to provide guidance on the situation at hand. During the times he's travelled with groups, Fin is always the pointman, leaving markings for others to follow. Fin has often traded with the creatures below the earth, spending more time there than above ground. This has caused his skin to become very pale, while also leaving his beard and hair a stark white, making him look much older than he is. Fin wears black clothing to help blend into the darkness and carries as little as possible to avoid making noise. Fin has a strong hatred for the undead, having fallen victim to their effects in the past, which is why he carries the buckler. [/sblock]
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Scotley said:
I like where you are going with Garagos. You went a little far afield for some of the feats, but they work together nicely and I won't complain. I look forward to seeing the complete character. Don't forget to add in a plus one to an ability score for 4th and 8th levels.

The level-ups are already added to strength. What is the maximum amount we can spend on one item? 1/4 = 9.000 gp?

OnlytheStrong said:
lol I tried rolling 3d6x6 ........... had 2-12's, 2-10's, 1-9, 1-6. Not very good at all, so I'm gonna go with the point buy.

Can we purchase Magic Item Sets? Such as the Fleet Warrior's Array, or Garb of the Hunting Cat, etc. It's in the MIC, but figured I would ask before I started buying the world lol

Yeah, I remember the old days of rolling 3d6 x6. Those were pretty typical numbers. Hench the option of point buy. We progressed to 4d6 keep the best three x8 keeping the best 6 pretty rapidly, but I thought it might be fun and it worked out for Walking Dad.

Magic Item sets are cool with me. In a normal extended campaign they are sort of like crack. Give the player one and you have a repeating adventure hook. :D

Walking Dad said:
The level-ups are already added to strength. What is the maximum amount we can spend on one item? 1/4 = 9.000 gp?

Heh, yeah, +2 str. to a dwarf. Missed that. You see why I normally attain a proper level of caffiene in my bloodstream before I post.

No max. on the items. You can blow the whole 36,000 on a dwarven war axe if you want to adventure naked. Well okay you get an outfit for free as per the ph. But you get the point. Its Garagos' money. Spend it however you want.

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