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The Thayan Menace

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The Nature of Evil

KarinsDad said:
Evil PCs do not have to fit in this mold, but by default they basically do if the player is truly playing them as Evil. Sooner or later, the gains should outweigh the risks. Otherwise, the PC is probably not truly Evil.
Outright betrayal is one kind of evil, but it is not the only evil that exists.


The Thayan Menace

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Fun With Evil

In my Crimson Reckoning (Thayan) campaign, I allowed only non-good alignments. It worked out fine. The PCs spent more time worrying about their scheming NPC opponents than each other.



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Karinsdad said:
Btw, a closer analogy to a party of Evil PCs would not be the Mob, but rather would be Outlaw Gangs in the West in the mid to late 1800s. Many of them were flat out evil and killed their associates when convenient. Some of them killed their associates for the reward money.

This sounds much more like Chaotic Evil to me. Bands of roving lawless gangsters.

I have been very clear to distance myself from CE and Shield myself within the bounds of LE.

The mob, I submit, is very much LE. Sometimes they break the law, but they generally dont break their code. Sometimes they kill associates, but only certain associates, and only for certain reasons. If you kill a made man in the mob, you, yourself will be killed. Its the code.

I dont equate the mob to good people. Some do beat their wives. But many, many do not. Many love their wives and children very much, and lots of bad men have very close friends they would generally never kill.

My LE characters have ethics. They may be twisted, and they may not be your ethics, but they are ethics nonetheless.


Seeten said:
This sounds much more like Chaotic Evil to me. Bands of roving lawless gangsters.

I have been very clear to distance myself from CE and Shield myself within the bounds of LE.

A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises. This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains.

Some lawful evil people and creatures commit themselves to evil with a zeal like that of a crusader committed to good. Beyond being willing to hurt others for their own ends, they take pleasure in spreading evil as an end unto itself. They may also see doing evil as part of a duty to an evil deity or master.

None of this precludes killing fellow PCs.

You are trumping Lawful over Evil.

A Lawful Evil PC might be loyal to his fellow PCs, but since he is evil, he would have no compunction betraying them if it met his goals.

Lawful Evil always includes Evil. Not just Lawful.

Being part of a group is a convenience for a Lawful Evil creature. The moment the group is considerably more of a hinderance than a help, a Lawful Evil creature should drop them.


KarinsDad said:
You are trumping Lawful over Evil.

Which will be the case for some LE characters. Some will be more lawful. Some will be more evil. Some will be equally lawful and evil.

A Lawful Evil PC might be loyal to his fellow PCs, but since he is evil, he would have no compunction betraying them if it met his goals.

Depends on the character. It's quite easy to be evil and have a boatload of compunctions.

Lawful Evil always includes Evil. Not just Lawful.

Yes. And it always includes lawful.

Being part of a group is a convenience for a Lawful Evil creature. The moment the group is considerably more of a hinderance than a help, a Lawful Evil creature should drop them.

Again, depends on the particular character. You can have a dozen LE characters who are very different. You're making fairly simplistic "this is the way it must be" statements here, which, IMNSHO, significantly miss how varied characters of the same alignment may be.


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There was a really neat Paladin thread recently about a Paladin who was tasked by his God to root out and kill Evil by any means necessary. When asked if this Paladin, who was, in his heart, Good, and Noble, had been tainted by torturing people for info, the same people on here bemoaning how you must be an insane murderer on a rampage to be lawful evil, were in full agreement that this paladin, who considered himself Good, and Noble, and would sacrifice himself for his people without a moment's thought, was EVIL because he tortured the bad guys for info.

If he is in fact, LE based on this torture, it seems to me we have a mainly selfless character, capable of compassion, love, and virtue, who is EVIL based on some of his actions. Kamikaze Midget asserted the moment he tortured to get his info, he immediately became evil. If he had no intention to stop torturing, he will stay evil, but that doesnt mean he suddenly hates his friends and companions, thats a pretty 2 dimensional and shallow view of a person, or character, to consider once their alignment changes, they become an archetypal evil Fiend, ready for the pits of hell.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a guy who believes the ends justifies the means, wants to do good, and ends killing and torturing his way to the BBEG's death, while truly being as Evil as the bad guy, just with different intentions.

I submit that demeaning the players of evil characters, as though all the play is TPKing, rampaging evil lunatics capable of no rational thought, no compassion, and no depth is the reason we have so many people unwilling to do evil, and do it right. I play evil characters a lot, I believe in depth, and morality, and I do it, in my mind, the right way, playing a full character, with goals, and lines he or she will, and will not cross, and reasons for their actions, that justifies the actions to them. No one wants to be a bad person IN THEIR OWN mind, so to me, that makes a difference.


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I ran a Birthright game with one of my players playing an evil PC. Everyone knew that there was one evil PC but no one knew which one it was - the rest were mostly good.

The player ran his PC extremely well. I had no doubt that the PC was evil but the player never, never, let his "alignment" get in the way of the party's performance. He ran the PC true to alignment and yet keeping to our creed of not causing disruption to the game.

His PC made comments and did things "behind the scenes" but never drew a sword or backstabbed a PC during a session.

Now this was Birthright so that left the entire domain running system to play out.

I have one major credo in any game I run (or play in) and that is that the player's should not run a PC in a way that ruins the fun for the other players. It is possible to play a PC who is at odds with other PCs in a way that is true to the character and yet condicive to a fun-game for all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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