• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

"Try Castles & Crusades", they say. But no one's playing it!


Philotomy Jurament said:
That's a 1E module with word-of-mouth "advertising."

That's also by Rob Kuntz, a demi/lesser/intermediate god of the industry (depending on point of view). That alone may have driven some of it; Joe Smith producing "Cairn of the Skeleton King" might have sold 40 copies, if that.

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Well, I found if one can't change their group from playing D&D 3.5/3e because their group refuses to do so...abandon them nerds (yep, I've noticed that most of the most die hard 3e/3.5 groups in the area seem to be of that type. I don't mean to offend any here, but truthfully, can't stand many of the groups that play for that specific reason these days. Many of them really gross me out with some of thier creepiness, and mathematical crunches of numbers and rules).

Most of my players, and most normal players seem to be ready to try most other games (sigh...inclusive of monopoly, Risk, Axis & Allies, Scrabble, Rumikub, and other games that peak their interests on game night beyond D&D). They just like games in general. Most of them were also recruited by yours truly at some point too, soooooo. I DO have one group with the creepy guys, I admit (I suppose that makes me one of them friggen nerds at that point too), but everyone else was more than happy to try C&C, and other systems.

Heck, even the 3.5 group I'm playing with currently I finally convinced that the skills in 3.5 were too cumbersome and I didn't like the time it was taking to pick skills out. SOOOO, we are using the siege system instead of the skills system (all other 3.5 rules apply however with the exception of the skills...oh and saves, which we are also using the siege system for now) even in my 3.5 game.


As I have said before, we switched after 6 years of 3rd edition....

I told them we where switching, most said ok. The ones that complained.....I said "You can DM then...." .

We had C&C going within a week. :) :D


Philotomy Jurament said:
We have their gaming tables surrounded! We will meet them with d20s and shoes! I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying...that they have begun to commit suicide around their battlemats! We are outselling them at the Baghdad Airport! There are no 3E sales at the airport! None! Never! Do not believe their lies.


(I don't want to get dragged into the niche/popularity/anecdote tangent, but that Baghdad Bob thing was too good to pass up. The Iraqi Info Minister just kills me -- he's hilarious.)


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Liquid Awesome
GreyLord said:
Well, I found if one can't change their group from playing D&D 3.5/3e because their group refuses to do so...abandon them nerds (yep, I've noticed that most of the most die hard 3e/3.5 groups in the area seem to be of that type. I don't mean to offend any here, but truthfully, can't stand many of the groups that play for that specific reason these days. Many of them really gross me out with some of thier creepiness, and mathematical crunches of numbers and rules).

GreyLord, I note that though this is your first post, you joined over four years ago. As such perhaps it has been a long time since you read the rules. One of the rules here is that we try to avoid blanket insults like calling those who choose to play 3.X D&D to the exclusion of other games, "nerds". I'll point out that being creepy and being a person who likes numbers and rules have nothing to do with one another.


Rel said:
GreyLord, I note that though this is your first post, you joined over four years ago. As such perhaps it has been a long time since you read the rules. One of the rules here is that we try to avoid blanket insults like calling those who choose to play 3.X D&D to the exclusion of other games, "nerds". I'll point out that being creepy and being a person who likes numbers and rules have nothing to do with one another.

You consider being a nerd an insult? A sure sign you might not be one! Those who might actually qualify, but object to that terminology normally aren't nerds (and don't have the capacity to earn billions like B.Gates)...they're more of those cast offs that one avoids...

Nerds memorize and get in depth because they get so involved with it, it becomes almost like breathing to them...those others who aren't quite as smart...they're just creepy, like Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street Creepy!!!

In otherwords, if you consider being called a nerd an insult...well the real insult was the creepiness and other items (which really DO creep me out, they're the types that I really wouldn't have my kids, relatives, or even the people I associate with play with!!!). However, I can actually stand nerds and on occasion would even call myself one...

Being smart enough to earn a lot of money is actually pretty good.

However, with your statement...I must reconsider...


You are correct, normally the nerds aren't quite the ones that are creepy. They are the ones that are so involved with the mathematical processes that it jives me the wrong way (and if telling the truth is wrong...then there's no wonder why a LOT of the 3e/3.5 players are more like this now...my brother in law and people like him being the exceptions of course). I DON'T like playing with them, they really do creep me out.

However, I think it's great for those types as they normally make muchos money. It's better than the other two types of 3e/3.5 players I've noticed, and these I DO avoid with a passion and keep my kids away from.

You have the druggees, the punks, and the flunk out college students...all of which have moral fibers which are detestable, and I wouldn't game with at ALL since much of their gaming centers around adults subjects...but not only adult subjects, but subjects that are approached in such a way as to be reprehensible to normal society.

I tend to avoid those. Perhaps it's the type of people playing, but for some reason those playing many of the other RPGs (and ironically that includes other D20 games, for example Star Wars D20 doesn't seem to exhibit those traits amongst players...nerds certainly, but normally not the detestable ones) don't have as many of the druggees, punks, and flunkouts as D&D 3e/3.5 edition does. At least reprehensible to what I would game with.

You know it's bad when one of the local hobby shops, you go in on a game day and all you can see is smoke, the alcohol is already heavy on people (at 2 PM mind you), and some of them smell like certain illegal substances. After that I started avoiding that place, and of course it shut down a few months ago (not because I stopped going, but I have this idea that this type of atmosphere doesn't attract others to play). The other hobby shop is more a comics shop which also caters to miniature players. That one has a pretty good atmosphere actually.

Your right, I don't post much.

I normally lurk...so sue me.

However, I've noticed that there IS a rather hostile mood towards the common man (not towards the gamer of 3e/3.5, but others) overall on these boards sometimes, so when I post I post at other locales. However this IS one of the key places for the D20 guys, so I visit occasionally, but haven't posted. This is actually the first time I figured I'd post as getting NORMAL people to play C&C actually isn't hard at all and I wanted to help out with showing that.

Of course, many of those that I play with are those that I've introduced to RPGs myself on game nights, getting together with friends and all. Normally most people are game to try a game once, and if they like it they'll try it some more. Those types of people normally aren't going to be so dedicated to one single solitary game system that they'll refuse to play anything else (and as I said, sometimes they choose to play something than RPGs all together).

However, I can see that my statements will be objected too.

Noting a certain aspect of society which a parent with kids, OR on people who might respect, but not want to hang out with on Friday nights I suppose is now banned, as is truth.

Noted. I'll try to return to my non-posting ways here on these forums.


dcas said:
With respect to HERO and the current version of D&D, both strike me as games that are difficult to master. So I can see why a group that has been playing one or the other might balk at the notion of learning yet another game. I wonder if the same thing happens with Rolemaster groups? :p

I dunno. The group I was in during the mid-1990s went from Gurps to Rolemaster to Hârnmaster to Fantasy Hero. We even tried a little Mythus & Rifts.

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