TSR TSR’s Brian Blume Has Passed

Brian Blume passed away at a the age of 70 on Friday. He was a business partner of Gary Gygax back in the early days of TSR, and co-founder of the company. He played the wizard Rary, and created Vecna. https://www.haaselockwoodfhs.com/obituary/Brian-Blume While the fallout between Gygax and the Blume family - and its effects on the company - are well documented, Blume's investment is what...

Brian Blume passed away at a the age of 70 on Friday. He was a business partner of Gary Gygax back in the early days of TSR, and co-founder of the company. He played the wizard Rary, and created Vecna.


While the fallout between Gygax and the Blume family - and its effects on the company - are well documented, Blume's investment is what got D&D started with its first print run of 1,000 copies. He left the company in 1985.

He passed away on Friday March 27, 2020 at the Lakeland Nursing Home in Elkhorn WI from Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson's disease.

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Von Ether

Maybe this is why a lot of older people seem fascinated with history. They end up realizing all the things (that they now find relevant) that was happening when they were blissfully unaware of as children.

For example, Blue left the company the second year I was really getting into TSR products.

Cute digression: When I was a city hall reporter, I had a woman call me up to complain about a local post office being declared a national landmark.

"That's not a historical landmark!" she said. "I remember when it was being built!"

The woman was like in her late 90s and the post office was 80 years old at the time.
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