TTRPGS that are Not DnD we'll be Highlighting in March

Join Jessica on Monday nights to hear about these games!

Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!

You can watch the live recording every Monday at 5pm ET / 10pm GMT on YouTube or Twitch, or catch up with the podcast platform of your choice by searching 'Not DnD'.

Here's what we have planned for March!

The Long Road Home - 11th March

The Long Road Home is a role-playing story game about friends returning from an epic fantasy quest, hoping they will find their loved ones safe back home.

The game was inspired the idea of the Hobbits travelling home after the events of their great quest. Reminiscing together about the friends they made and lost along the way, and wondering whether they will find their touchstone back home.

Join Jessica and creator Alex White from Plane Sailing Games to learn more about this upcoming game.

The Contract - 18th March

The Contract is a tabletop roleplaying game about ambitious people who go on deadly missions to earn fantastic powers.

The Contract is 100% free-to-play via the website. This website's online guidebook and extensive integrated tools can be found at The game is designed so that only the GM requires a full understanding of the game's rules. This allows brand new players to learn as they play.

Join Jessica and Spencer Stecko to learn more.

One Honk Before Midnight - 25th March

One HONK Before Midnight is a new adventure, set in the idyllic town of Stafford-On-Gander. It's built in its very own system - the H.O.N.K. system - perfectly suited to the brand of chaos that only a true goose can invoke.

H.O.N.K. is a rules-lite, chaos-heavy system that will be very comfortable for those familiar with D&D Fifth Edition, or with 2d6 systems such as Monster of the Week and Apocalypse World.

Find out more on from creator Jack Dixon on this weeks episode of Not DnD.


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Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!

You can watch the live recording every Monday at 5pm ET / 10pm GMT on YouTube or Twitch, or catch up with the podcast platform of your choice by searching 'Not DnD'.

Here's what we have planned for March!

The Long Road Home - 11th March

The Long Road Home is a role-playing story game about friends returning from an epic fantasy quest, hoping they will find their loved ones safe back home.

The game was inspired the idea of the Hobbits travelling home after the events of their great quest. Reminiscing together about the friends they made and lost along the way, and wondering whether they will find their touchstone back home.

Join Jessica and creator Alex White from Plane Sailing Games to learn more about this upcoming game.

The Contract - 18th March

The Contract is a tabletop roleplaying game about ambitious people who go on deadly missions to earn fantastic powers.

The Contract is 100% free-to-play via the website. This website's online guidebook and extensive integrated tools can be found at The game is designed so that only the GM requires a full understanding of the game's rules. This allows brand new players to learn as they play.

Join Jessica and Spencer Stecko to learn more.

One Honk Before Midnight - 25th March

One HONK Before Midnight is a new adventure, set in the idyllic town of Stafford-On-Gander. It's built in its very own system - the H.O.N.K. system - perfectly suited to the brand of chaos that only a true goose can invoke.

H.O.N.K. is a rules-lite, chaos-heavy system that will be very comfortable for those familiar with D&D Fifth Edition, or with 2d6 systems such as Monster of the Week and Apocalypse World.

Find out more on from creator Jack Dixon on this weeks episode of Not DnD.

Ooh, I’m looking forward to hearing about The Contract. I hope more games will provide digital toolsets to go along with a new release. But I can’t believe you are going to interview someone about a goose ttrpg without having a panic attack.

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