D&D General Turgenev's Friday Freebie Maps


Thank you for the kind words, Satyrn and Henry. It is always nice to hear one's work is appreciated. I just do my thing and hope others like it.


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First Post
So, your latest map is quickly becoming an important location in my megadungeon.

I have named it One Great Ol' Neutral Zone. Yes, a Star Trek/Lovecraft mashup. It is a place where cultists, monstrous and humanoid, come together in an indifferent, uneasy peace to worship the Great Old Ones (especially the One sleeping beneath the waters in the megadungeon). It can be a place of evil for the players to cleanse, a gathering place they can infiltrate as does to learn the plans of the enemy, or even a safe haven if the players are okay with rubbing elbows with monsters.

Interestingly, what inspired me was trying to decide who built those round buildings and why. (It was Vecna, the god, to make his own pact with the Sleeping One.)


I was going through by map folder again and came across an old map (from 2012) that I figured I would share. There are two variations of the same map. Click to enlarge.

The Basic Scroll:

Scroll with Blood Stains:

And here is the basic cityscape map without the scroll. Click to enlarge.



Here is the January 11, 2019 Friday Freebie map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
* The irregular shaped dots represent rubble/loose rocks.
* The grey area along the top of the map represents water.
* Areas 1, 18, and 23 have pillars.
* Areas 5a), 5b), and 22 have covered pit traps.
* Area 15 has an open pit.
* Area 18b) is a flight of stairs leading down.
* Area 18c) is a raised platform with statues and a throne.
* Area 21b) has bars/gate blocking its entrance.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/263854/Friday-Enhanced-Map-01112019

The January 11, 2019 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, and secret doors on or off) and a zip file with all relevant map files as individual jpg images. All for a $1 (US)!



First Post
I have no idea how much you'll understand these rough notes, but here's what your latest map inspired.

This was originally a dwarven temple dedicated to Ares. It is located in a remote passage of Moria because worship of Ares was never acceptable.

Quest ideas
-old artifacts of war that draw on the power of Ares rest here. The Mercenaries Guild will hire the PCs to retrieve these for Ares. Another Guild might hire the PCs to stop the Mercenaries Guild.
-Mindflayers lair here. One of their plans is to enslave the city's royalty. The Dragon's Guild wants them stopped. The Cult of Vecna wants to help them
-The mindflayers have also begun infiltrating the Library of Hephaestus. Aphrodite has noticed some odd behavior and asks the players to investigate.
- A unique beast has been spotted and might lair here. The Circle of Sobek is always eager to enlarge its zoo (or museum, if the players are lousy trappers).


The temple is flooded. Water flows from area 30 through the shattered door of area 17, with moderate current throughout main floor and open doors, with a strong current from the south end of area 18 through the hall to area 8, becoming a torrent through to area 9 and the pit traps in area 5 (and the ultimate danger of being swept in). It is knee high throughout except Areas 1-5 because the doors to those areas are sealed, the pit traps in area 5 magically destroy water (and people who fall in!) and area 5c is dammed.

The stairs in area 18 and the level below are permanently flooded.

Areas 1-5 (and up the stairs) is barricaded by mindflayers who use this as an isolated, remote base. The doors into this section have all been magically sealed, barred and magically locked and trapped. Area 5 is always well guarded, although the guards try to keep out of sight, so no one knows they are there.

Another monstrous faction uses Areas 23-27 as an outpost. They've built wooden platforms throughout to keep their beds and belongings dry, but slog through the water, living like Venice in a flood.

There is a 50% chance that areas 10-14 are occupied by another monstrous faction. This can result in the same faction as above, and thus this outpost is simply bigger. For different factions, roll 1d6: 1-2: factions are indifferent to each other; 3-4) they are foes; 5-6) they are allies.

Wandering monsters are mostly amphibious beasts.

The doors to areas 7, 9, 15 and 21 and 28 are sealed from water and have been left untouched by the mindflayers, various factions and wandering monsters, meaning ancient treasures might be found here. Area 9, close to the mindflayers' disintegration pits, should hold the most valuable. The secret door to area 21 suggests another valuable treasure ought to be there. The secret doors to 28 make for a path to the mindflayers' lair that they are unaware of, making ambushing them or sneaking in possible.


That's very cool, Satyrn. Your write-up reminded me that I've been meaning to create a flooded dungeon/building layout for some time now. I guess I know what the next Friday Freebie map will be. ;)



Here is the January 18, 2019 Friday Freebie map. It is a partially submerged dungeon. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
* The grey area represents water.
* Areas 1, 23, and 31 have stairs that lead into the water.
* Areas 13, 17, 18, and 28 have dry areas that are higher elevation than the water (or perhaps the same elevation but magic keeps the water from flooding the dry regions).
* The row of dots represent bars/gates.
* Areas 1, 31, and 33 have pillars.
* Areas 1 and 34 b) have statues.
* Area 5 has an altar.
* The corridor to the left of area 28 has collapsed and is filled with rubble/loose rocks.
* Area 34 has raised steps.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/264345/Friday-Enhanced-Map-01182019

The January 18, 2019 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, and secret doors on or off) and a zip file with all relevant map files as individual jpg images. All for a $1 (US)!



First Post
Ooh. I can use this as the basement to the previous map. My first thought was that, with the main floor being flooded to knee high, this means room #1 needs to be flooded, too, and the dry areas in the North are gonna have to be higher elevation than the map shows.

But then!

It just struck me that they can be magically dry.

I'm thinking a dome of force protects room #1 ( from both water and creatures) but by making the room cylindrical the players can swim over the dome to get to the rest of the dungeon. The area in the North will be keep dry by walls of force at the staticases. Dispelling these forcefield will flood the area, destroying stuff. So if the players want to loot effectively, they'll have to find some better way past.

Again, this is why I like getting these maps one at a time. Getting to figure out a way to use it is a great creativity spur.


I've always been fond of underwater adventures so it is only natural for me to draw aquatic dungeons. In the past I've used the magically dry rationale. My game worlds tend to have sites of ancient magic that has been lost to the passage of time. I once had a chamber that had a bubble of air in the centre of it. Inside the bubble was a golden statuette of Poseidon decorated with gems. The players were happy to reach the air bubble because their water breathing spells were about to expire. Unfortunately one of the characters grabbed the statuette (so he could put it into his backpack) causing the bubble of air to 'pop' and the water came rushing in.

Now I just have to figure out what to do for the next Friday Freebie map.


Voidrunner's Codex

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