D&D General Turgenev's Friday Freebie Maps


Here's the Monday Blues #116 map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1261x1610 px
  • Area 1 has stairs leading up.
  • Areas 1, 22, 42, 45 a), 45 c), 53, and 60 b) have columns/pillars.
  • Area 4 has a pool/fountain.
  • Areas 9, 12, 25, 30, 37, and 42 have statues.
  • Areas 16, 31, 45 b), 49, and 55 have hidden pits. The hidden pit in area 49 drops the unlucky into the adjacent open pit.
  • Areas 12 and 19 have tapestries.
  • Areas 12, 20 a), 46 a), and 60 a) have teleporters. Teleporter 1 connects to 1 [area 20 a) to 46 a)], 2 connects to 2 [20 a) to 60 a)], and 3 connects to 3 (area 12).
  • The row of dots at areas 20 b) and 55 have bars/gates.
  • Area 22 has a magic circle.
  • Area 37 has a thaumaturgic circle.
  • Area 42 has an altar.
  • Areas 46 b), 47, and 48 are at a slightly higher elevation than the surrounding dungeon (note the steps at area 46 a).
  • The white triangles surrounding areas 46 to 48 have arrowslits. These arrowslits are at a slightly higher elevation than area 45.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #116 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3220. All for $2 (US).


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This map is a redraw of another map that I did some time ago that I’ve tweaked a bit. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 42x62 10’ Squares or 84x124 5’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1471x2171
  • This map is a redraw of another map that I did some time ago that I’ve tweaked a bit.
  • Area 1 has stairs leading up.
  • Areas 3, 8, 16, 20, 22, 37, 79, and 84 have columns/pillars.
  • Areas 10, 32, 67, and 77 have hidden pits.
  • Areas 12, 20, and 81 have tapestries.
  • Areas 13, 25, 65 b), 65 c), 65 e), 65 g), 67, 72 b), 82 a), and 82 c) have statues.
  • Areas 47 and 74 have open pits.
  • Areas 47 and 74 have altars.
  • Area 58 has a pool/fountain.
  • Area 65 b) has a dais.
  • Area 83 has stairs leading down.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The May 3rd, 2024 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16 + 1 bonus map) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 48x56 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 3400x4050. All for $2 (US).



Here's the Monday Blues #117 map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1261x1610 px
  • Areas 1 a) and 23 have daises.
  • Areas 1 b), 5, 11, 17 b), 17 c), 22 b), 23, and 35 have statues.
  • Area 4 has bars/gate blocking access to this corridor.
  • Area 5 has an altar.
  • Areas 5 and 21 have tapestries.
  • Areas 5, 17 a), 28, 33, and 35 have columns/pillars.
  • Areas 8, 10, and 12 have open pits.
  • Areas 17 a), 20, 31, and 33 have hidden pits.
  • Area 20 has a sarcophagus.
  • Areas 23 and 24 have rubble. The walls in area 23 have been slashed by something large and with sharp claws.
  • Area 24 b) has a large hole in the ceiling.
  • Area 25 has a large movable boulder blocking access to this cave. There is a peephole in the south cavern wall looking into area 22 b).
  • Area 35 has a fountain/pool.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #117 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3220. All for $2 (US).



I haven't done a maze-like dungeon in some time so here goes. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 42x62 10’ Squares or 84x124 5’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1261x1611
  • The stairs at area 1 lead up.
  • Area 2 has columns/pillars.
  • Areas 2, 12, and 23 have open pits.
  • Areas 3, 8 b), 9, 21, 30, and 31 have statues. The statue at area 9 blocks the corridor.
  • Areas 6, 8 a), 11, 14, 17, and 18 have hidden pits.
  • Areas 7, 13, 16, and 20 have falling block traps.
  • Area 10 has a chute trap.
  • The row of dots at areas 15, 19, and 22 represent bars/gates.
  • Areas 15, 19, and 24 have large stone coffers.
  • Areas 25 and 26 have tapestries.
  • Areas 29 and 30 have daises.
  • Area 31 has an altar.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The May 10th, 2024 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16 + 1 bonus map) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 48x56 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 3400x4050. All for $2 (US).



Here's the Monday Blues #118 map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1263x1611 px
  • Area 1 has stairs leading up.
  • Areas 1, 5, 25, and 26 has columns/pillars.
  • Areas 1, 4, 10, and 27 b) have hidden pits.
  • Area 5 has open pits.
  • Areas 6, 24, and 31 have tapestries.
  • The shaded section at area 7 a) is at a lower elevation and is covered with swirling mists. The lower elevation could be a few feet to 10 feet or more. I lean towards a few feet with low level swirling mists. As for the mists, they may be magical in nature (random polymorph?) or they could be caustic (damaging characters and equipment alike).
  • Areas 7 b), 20, 25, and 35 have statues.
  • Area 8 b) has a lightning bolt trap.
  • Area 14 b) has a fireball trap.
  • Area 21 has a pool/fountain set in a niche in the wall.
  • Area 25 has a dais.
  • Area 26 has a magic circle.
  • The row of dots at area 28 represent bars/gates.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #118 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3220. All for $2 (US).



Here's the May 17th 2024 Friday Freebie map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 42x62 10’ Squares or 84x124 5’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1261x1611
  • Area 1 has stairs leading up.
  • Areas 1, 11, 20, and 28 have hidden pits. The hidden pit at area 28 is counter balanced so it isn't triggered until the party is halfway across it.
  • Area 2 has tapestries.
  • Area 2 has an altar.
  • Areas 2, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, and 33 have columns/pillars.
  • Areas 2 and 18 have daises.
  • Areas 6, 15 b), 18, and 22 have statues.
  • The corridors flanking area 6 and at area 34 have collapsed and are strewn with rubble. Area 13 also has rubble.
  • Area 12 has a fountain/pool.
  • Areas 12, 26, and 34 have open pits.
  • Area 13 has a black pudding/some type of ooze that came from the south-eastern crack in the wall.
  • Area 14 has false doors and false double doors.
  • Area 14 has stairs leading down.
  • Area 20 has a patch of charcoal scribbled on the floor with an arrow pointing westwards (towards the hidden pit).
  • Area 29 has a fireball/flame trap.
  • Area 36 a) has bars/gates.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The May 17th, 2024 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16 + 1 bonus map) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 42x62 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3222. All for $2 (US).



Here's the Monday Blues #119 map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1263x1611 px
  • The stairs at area 1 lead up.
  • Areas 1 and 21 have tapestries.
  • Areas 5, 9, and 35 have open pits.
  • Areas 7 a) and 7 b) are niches in the corridor.
  • Areas 7 a), 22, 27, and 45 a) have hidden pits.
  • The double white lines at areas 14, 23, 25, 42, 43, 44, and 48 are windows.
  • Areas 16, 20, 27, 37, 40, 41, 43, and 46 have statues.
  • Areas 19, 21, 39, and 45 have columns/pillars. The column at area 45 is both a natural one and much larger than the crafted columns.
  • The stairs to the right of area 34 lead down.
  • Area 43 has a pool/fountain.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #119 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3220. All for $2 (US).



Here's the May 24th 2024 Friday Freebie map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 42x62 10’ Squares or 84x124 5’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1261x1611
  • Area 1 has stairs leading up.
  • Areas 1 and 43 have tapestries.
  • The straight line of dots represent bars/gates.
  • The three arrows at areas 4, 22, and 34 represent a spear trap (a series of spears spring out of the wall).
  • Areas 5, 9 a), 46 a), 46 f), and 48 a) have columns/pillars.
  • Area 7 has a pool/fountain.
  • Areas 9 b), 11 c), and 46 e) are open pits. The pit at area 11 c) has a small tunnel at the bottom of the pit (area 11 b) that connects to area 46 e) and then goes off the map (at area 46 h).
  • Areas 9 c), 13, 15, 17, 20, 32, and 46 c) have hidden pits.
  • Areas 10 and 39 have lightning bolt traps.
  • Area 11 a) has steps that lead down (arrows show the downward slope).
  • Areas 11 a), 27, 37, 46 b), 46 c), 46 d), 46 g), and 48 have statues.
  • The irregular dotted lines represent a tunnel at a lower elevation.
  • Area 14 has a chute trap.
  • Areas 18 and 31 have falling block traps.
  • Areas 19, 24, and 38 have fire ball traps.
  • The grey section of area 46 e) represents a weaken ledge that will crumble under any significant weight.
  • Area 46 g) has an altar.
  • Areas 46 g) and 48 b) have daises.
  • Area 47 has stairs leading down.
  • Area 48 a) has a blinding flash trap.
  • Area 48 b) has a throne.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The May 24th, 2024 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16 + 1 bonus map) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 42x62 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3222. All for $2 (US).



Here's the Monday Blues #120 map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1263x1611 px
  • Area 1 has stairs leading up.
  • Areas 6, 12, 21 a), 33, and 59 have hidden pits.
  • Area 7 has a fireball trap.
  • Areas 8, 21 b), and 60 have statues.
  • Areas 9 and 29 have false doors.
  • Areas 9, 16 a), 19a), 21 a), and area 53 have columns/pillars.
  • Areas 13, 16 c), and 31 are corridors that have collapsed and are strewn with rubble.
  • Areas 16 b) and 53 have open pits.
  • Area 19 b) is a pool/fountain.
  • Area 20 b) is a dais.
  • Area 25 has a tapestry.
  • The row of dots in areas 30 and 34 are bars/gates.
  • Area 55 has a lightning bolt trap.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Monday Blues map for sale here: DriveThruRPG

The Old School Blue Map #120 product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant ( 8 ) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2523x3220. All for $2 (US).


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