Turning my character into something much more...


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So I wanted to turn my character into something much more than he is. When I say this I'm talking about vampires, werewolf's, and such. But I can only find those two, is there anything else I can turn into? If so then what? Also where to find the information? If anyone was wondering I'm a Human Warmage lvl8/Fighter lvl3/Wizard lvl2

By the way this is for D&D 3.5 but I already talked with my DM about it and he is allowing varied rules/some home-brew.

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Don't forget you can become a Shadow, Wight, Ghoul, etc.

More seriously, here are some template/creatures I can remember:
*Assuming your DM allows you to ignore the requirement for being a 12th level caster, the Lich is an option. If I'm not mistaken there are rules for being a Good Lich in Monster of Faern.
*With the assistance of your DM you can explain gaining Half-Dragon/Fiend/Celestial as part of a hidden blood line awakening. There use to be rules on Wizards site to level into a half-dragon. No idea if they're still there.
*You could play a Doppleganger pretending to be you. The Ethereal variation from MM2 won't murder you and will even return you once it's gotten what it wants if you play nice.
*If you're willing to lose a limb, there's always the Half-Golems.
*If you're evil, there is the Death Knight.
*You played with something you shouldn't have... now you are a Spellwarped Creature
*Like the half-dragon awakening, or you only partially succumb to lycanthrope, you become a Shifter. I know that's not what a shifter really is, but gotta work with what we got.

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