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Turtle Soup (Planescape 3.5e)


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"I'm game." replies Rhys with a shrug. "Not so sure about the kip though..."
From the look on his face you can tell he isn't quite sure what you are getting at.

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Lobo Lurker

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Jurden claps Rhys on the back a little too hard. "Sorry, forgot you were..." he seems to be listening to an inner voice again "...clueless." He smiles.

"A kip is a place to stay. I've only recently arrived... or I'd offer you floorspace. You don't seem to be the sort to be engaged in the crosstrade at least." Perhaps we should find a cheap inn. What say you Andarin? Know of anyplace cheap and reasonably safe for a couple clueless?"

Jurden's jovial smile freezes on his face as he spies a passing pair of dabus. He quickly squats down and tries to hide behind the soup stand. When the dabus pass he sits up again looking a little gray and sweating profusely. "Word to the wise Rhys... Andarin should already know this. Don't mess with the dabus." He seems lost in thought for a few seconds and he adds "The consquences are just too dire..." No amount of prodding will get the ghaele to elaborate. The haunted look returns to his features.


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"Yeah, the dabus are ... a mystery and a law unto themselves. The ghaele here has obviously had a bad experience with them. The key thing is not to get in their way - or to plot against the good of Sigil. The Lady has a way of knowing - and the dabus are workers of her will."

"I would invite you two to share my kip - but you bashers are too tall for our tunnels! There is a tavern nearby, though, where you can stay for not too much jink. I know the cutter who calls the shots - I serenade his customers on occasion. I hate to tell you, though, Blue - the case is called 'The Kiss'. Still, keep away from the doxies and all should be well!"

"In fact, I might room there after the party myself. I'll sing for my supper - or at least for a bed."

"So, bloods, shall we go? Or is there something else to be done here? What about you, Bi - will we see you tonight at the bash?"

(OOC: The803, the World Serpent rings a bell with this RL clueless :confused: - but I can't remember if that's just because I've heard the mythological reference. Is there anything in character - maybe that Knowledge roll would be helpful - which Andarin should be responding to when he hears the reference?)
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Lobo Lurker

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Jurden-Quorr, Male Ghaele 1 (CG)

"Yeah, lets be going." Jurden stands and stretches his nearly seven-foot frame. That completed he throws on his cloak and tosses a massive double-bladed axe over his shoulder.

"What say you Rhys, will you be joining us or wandering around getting bobbed on your own." the ghaele's tone indicates that this may be an unwise decision.


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Bi bids the three of you farewell and leaves you with the bowls, which are actually hollowed out turtle shells marked with a symbol of a snake coiled into a figure-eight, eating its own tail.

(I will generally make all rolls in play; just concentrate on playing your characters well for now.)

As a born-and-bred cager, Andarin recognizes the World Serpent; it was once a maze for a group of Ysgardians who tried to turn the hive into one giant unending party. Their tavern became their maze, but their parties were so popular that the hive's bubbers eventually wormed their way in and filled the place.

Not one to miss a trick, the lady sent the dabus into the tavern-maze to make the owners an offer, which they accepted. Anytime a public celebration grows too large for the lady's taste, a door (or doors) to the world serpent will appear somewhere nearby, marked by the symbol on the bowls.

It's also said that the World Serpent potentially connects to anywhere in the multiverse where people eat and sleep with strangers, provided that said place isn't a private home or a power's temple. Some more agnostic halflings regard the World Serpent as heaven itself. The trick to getting into the World Serpent is finding (or starting) a party large enough (or rowdy enough) to attract the lady's attention.
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Looking up at the towering Ghaele the Fey-Touched nods and with a slight grin replies, “That’s an offer I don’t think I could refuse.”

Checking to make sure his belongings are all still in order, Rhys prepares to follow Jurden.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Jurden-Quorr, Male Ghaele 1

Jurden laughs. "You've got a lot to learn if you're going to let me intimidate you." He pauses, as if dredging up and focusing his thoughts is somehow difficult. "See, you're walking the planes now not walking about on the "real" world, what most here would refer to has the Prime Material Plane."

"Here, belief takes on more substance. Fear the lowly tiefer who knows exactly what it wants and is willing to do whatever it takes, WHATEVER IT TAKES, to get it."

"Me, yeah I come from a higher plane and it's my purpose to aid mortals in resting evil and all that garbage... and yeah you can bet that that six-armed snake bodied woman over there was spawned straight out of the abyss but... what was my point?" He pauses as if confused. "...Oh yeah, the point is that even the lowliest mortal is can be more effective than the most titanic demon-lord, if he believes enough. 'Course, it helps if he's got plane-load of primes who also believe in him." Jurden smiles and then the smile slowly turns into grim frown. "But now we're startin' to tread on the power's territory. And I'd just as soon forget them." He looks pained for a moment.

"Lets get a move on Andarin. Err... any notion as to how we get to the World Serpent?"


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"Sure, Blue - just follow me. Oh, and Rhys - try to keep your mouth closed a bit more. ;) Nothing marks a clueless as much as the look of a mobile fly-catcher! After all, I've got my cred to consider!"

"We'll just swing by my kip on the way - if we are embarking on the grand adventure, there's some gear I'd like to pick up."

Leading them through the crowded streets, Andarin matches his pace to the crowds, at times demanding passage of creatures much larger than himself, at other times slipping neatly through gaps in the press of bodies. Although his companions are sometimes hard pressed to keep up, they never actually lose sight of him for long. On one occasion when it seems that he has disappeared in the crowd, Jurden and Rhys hear sweet music above them - and there is Andarin leaning out through the railings of a stair twenty feet above them, playing on his recorder. He stops, smiles, and continues climbing the stair.

After a trip which takes them through crowded alleyways and broad avenues, as well as up and down across rooftops and through subways, Andarin stops outside a small, neat house in the midst of a street of such houses. The front door is about four feet tall, and it's immediately evident why the halfling had his doubts about offering accomodation to his taller companions.

"OK, cutters, I'll just nip in and grab my gear. Just wait here - and don't play with any of the passersby! ;)"

Andarin disappears through the door, which opens as he approaches it, then swings to behind him. He is gone just long enough for a small group of halfling children to gather to gawk at the strangers, then returns in animated conversation with a halfling woman dressed in leathers and with a dagger at her belt. She looks the other two over, raising an eyebrow in a manner identical to Andarin's own response upon meeting them, then turns back to Andarin. "Keep your eyes open," she says to him, and then, with a glint in her eye, "and be careful where you sheathe your blade!" Enjoying the brief look of confusion and embarassment on her son's face, she then turns again to the two in the street, smiles and nods and goes back into the house.

"Ah, yeah - she just loves doing that to me. OK, cutters - now for that party!"

Leading off again, quickly enough (he hopes) to forestall any comments, Andarin makes his way towards the World Serpent, eventually slowing enough to stroll more sedately (though still with purpose) with his newfound friends. Pointing out this and that landmark, and making typically edgey Cager comments on the high-ups of the factions, Andarin brings the group to the place where the party is happening.
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Jurden-Quorr, Male Ghaele 1 (CG)


"Oh, pardon me."

"'scuse me didn't mean to tread on your tentacle."

"Er... yeah sorry."

"Rhys! Stop gawking!"

"By the undying legions of Ysgard, where in the nine hells has that halfling gotten to?"

"Come ON Rhys! Who care's if it's got a tree growing out of it's back?"

"Oh! Up there, c'mon Rhys we can catch him!"

Jurden-Quorr slumps down outside of Andarin's kip and catches his breath. Remarking to Rhys, "I swear, I can run like the wind, but in the cage being that small is an asset when you need to maneuver. I cannot believe our diminuative friend outdistanced us like that."

As Andarin and his mother step out the ghaele straightens up and whistles appreciatively. "You didn't tell us that you lived with your girlfriend Andarin." He surruptisiously winks at the woman to show he's playing. "And my, you certainly have fine taste."

"Until we meet again mil'lady." That phrase seems to strike a chord and all the playfulness drains out of the ghaele as his gaze turns inward. After a few seconds he nods and mumbles something unintelligible... your keen ears pick out "...have to find... can't... bad... protect him..."

Jurden trails behind the both of you as we make our way to the World Serpent.

Voidrunner's Codex

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