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Turtle Soup (Planescape 3.5e)


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“How about IT, or Thing or Enigma?”

“No? Ok let’s see…Blob, Slob or Bob?"

Rhys doles out a few more drinks from his shell and winks at the pretty elf in the form fitting red leather before returning to the task at hand. Addressing the mountain of a creature, “Hey big fella, whatcha think about ‘Goliath’?”

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The party is really thumping along now, with bubbers stumbling from house to house along the border between Hive and the Clerk's Ward. As more and more people drift to the house where you're at, the reaction to the nethling is universally the same:


It seems that there are nethlings at every party house, and some houses have more than one. Folks report that every one is vastly different in shape and seem smarter than those who know have come to expect from nethlings, although they still have very little by way of actual personality.

Andarin's scout-or-baby theory circulates rapidly among partygoers, and Tselze makes it one of her get-a-drink gimmicks, leading to all sorts of bub-addled theorizing. The apparently uniform impressionability of the things puts the "fresh litter" theory way out in front, but the "they're just playing dumb" theory is running a strong second. Nethlings are essentially fact-finders, so Neth must be mighty curious about something.

Being fellow shell-carriers, you spend a great deal of time by the nethling as it is barraged by possible names. Bubbers from other parties describe the outlandish forms of the other nethlings from elsewhere, and make a detailed (but very polite) examination of this one:

It resembles a 3-armed starfish with three moonlike oval "eyes" in the center, which also seem to work like membranous frog-ears and vibrating drum-mouths according to need. Each of its 3 tentacles can serve as a snake- or slug-like "leg-foot" or as a crude tenticle arm, and the thing ambles about like a clumsy puppy, despite being apparently immune to the effects of liquor, which it can drink through a straw-like pore at the end of each arm (and secrete later, apparently undigested and unchanged). There is no apparent skeleton, and the semisolid interior mass of the creature seems to shift within its tough skin, sometimes according to its whims, but sometimes also at random. The whole mess, except for the eyes (which are like mother-of-pearl), is the color of fresh pumpkin-flesh, which is also as close as anyone can come to describing the humid smell of the thing. Berks from this party suggest endless variations of "Pumpkin" names in a variety of languages, but the bloods wandering in from elsewhere bar that quick; all of the new nethlings look and smell vaguely of pumpkin-flesh, so the name doesn't fit this particular one.

The Ghaele there's got the right idea; it'll settle on the name what fits it.

The pretty elf in form-fitting red leather has been hovering near the nethling, but not saying much. After catching Rhys' attention breifly, she melts back into the crowd and appears several minutes later with a blue-grey cat in her arms, which she carefully presents to the creature, which hands her its full shell of ale in exchange. It cradles the cat in a tenticle-coil with great curiousity for a minute, cautiously petting and playing with the other free arm. The elf gestures for (relative) quiet as the cat and the creature regard one another; the three ovals of the nethling's "face" rotate into a new configuration in their circular sockets, which you could swear was an attempt at a smile.

There is a long pause before the nethling speaks, as if suddenly remembering.

Gibbous. Yes. That is my name. I am Gibbous; the moon that is not quite full.

As it makes this announcement, it sets the cat down, and it slinks away to Rhys' feet, where it arcs affectionately against his shins. The elf woman gestures for everyone to stand back as she pours the shell's contents onto the ground in a wide circle and then places the empty shell rim-side down in the center.

Everyone, step back, please. Her voice is very soft, but strangely commanding. Following her cat, she slips next to Rhys at the edge of the crowd, which washes back to leave Gibbous alone at the edge of her spill-circle.

One of Gibbous' suddenly-massive tenticles arcs into the circle. Instead of shattering, the shell flattens like pancake batter beneath the blow, spreading into a perfect radial pattern of black lines and jade-green segments, filling the spill-circle. As it stops spreading out and settles into this new shape, there is a strange crackling sound as the segments drop swiftly and unevenly into the ground, forming a downward-spriraling stairway that Gibbous, still standing on the very edge, falls haplessly into, flopping and tumbling in great flailing somersaults down towards a warm golden glow now radiating from the base of the stairs.

The bariaur keg-bearer's voice booms above the crowd's laughter and astonishment.
The door has opened! Everyone down who's going down. The Githzerai muscle their way through the crowd to the top of the stairs and the circle's edge, overseeing the formation of a guarding circle and an orderly line at the top of the spiral. Sods who rushed into the pit after Gibbous confirm that the golden glow is that of a portal, and the smell of foods both strange and familiar wafts up from the bottom of the stairs.

He turns to the elf woman. How'd you know to do that?

She smiles broadly as she pulls a small brooch on a chain around her neck. I didn't. The brooch bears the symbol of the Transcendent Order, the faction of correct action without forethought. Score one for the Ciphers.

The bariaur shrugs and gives a fat laugh before turning again to the gathering crowd. Keep it civil, sods! Shell-carriers first if you got any manners at all! There is a brief surge in the crowd, which is quite drunk already, as the more confident and impatient bashers ignore their manners and rush to get ahead of the guards before they can form their safety circle around the portal stairs.

There's time enough for any of you to attempt to do so if you're so inclined.

The elf woman elbows Rhys lightly in the ribs as the crowd surges around them You coming? The blue-grey cat at their feet pads off, rapidly trotting away from the portal and the party, back into Sigil. The woman follows quickly behind, the crowd parting like long grass around her as it crushes in the opposite direction, in and around and down towards the promise of the world serpent below.
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First Post
What an intriguing woman, Rhys thought to himself. Watching the raucous crowd surge into the World Serpent, he sighed softly. The party looked to be unlike none other…but then again so did the elf.

Ciphers? Indeps? The names of the factions meant nothing to him. What little he had learned from his companions so far had taught him that lacking knowledge in the Cage was dangerous.

Catching Andarin’s attention, Rhys nods in the direction of the now retreating elfish woman and holds his hands out questioningly, “The lady invited me to come along and I must confess that it is a tempting offer. What do you know of the Ciphers?”


First Post
Lobo Lurker said:
May I change the Command spell I currently have prepared to a Cure Light Wounds spell? We haven't had any combat encounters yet, so it wouldn't affect continuity.

No problem. See the OOC thread for details.

Lobo Lurker said:
OOC 2: Also, I just realized when re-reading this that I stated that my character was shaven-skulled instead of dreadlocked. I prefer the shaven skull so I'll update my pc entry to reflect that.

Wait a minute; I think that's a change better done in-game, so explain and describe the how and why of the head-shaving. It's a big crazy party at the edge of the Hive, so I trust that you'll have no trouble coming up with something rather interesting. Also, to everyone else, Jurgen is very suddenly very bald; react accordingly...

Lobo Lurker

First Post
OOC: Hope I didn't take too many liberties.

"Lhowar-Dhim!" A voice growled, resonant with echoes... and the distinct impression of the color blue. "I'd given up searching for you a month ago and what do I find at my very next turn but the Gaurdian himself." Jurden turns, a tall reed-thin attractive woman with golden eyes and a mane of short blue hair that danced like flame addressed him.

"Sorry?" The ghaele was confused. He didn't remember her... "I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are." he said cautiously. "...and I'm not Lhowar-Dhim. Not anymore."

He eyes narrowed and the hivers in the immediate vicinity edged away. "I've had bashers dump me before, all kinds of excuses. But I've never met one that tried to deny that they remembered my attentions." She seems personally affronted.

Jurden grips his head in pain as he feels her entering his mind, casting aside his mental defenses like so much chaff before the sycthe. After a moment, the mental assault retreats. He looks up. The genasi is obviously furious. Small gouts of flame erupt and die out spontaneously around her. "It seems that you are not Lhowar-Dhim... but not..." She doesn't continue and, in fact, begins walking away. She pauses though, and a slow smile finds purchase on her grim countenance.

Turning back to him she says, "These changes you have wrought upon yourself, there will be a price to be paid." Returning to him she kisses Jurden on the cheeck; the ghaele is very uncomfortable.

"...changes. I did this? To myself?"

"...shhhh..." she silences his questioning with a finger placed on his lips. She moves her hands to run them through his thick net of dreadlocks. Suddenly her fist tightens. "Lhowar was always very vain. He used to spend hours in front of my mirror, washing his hair, scenting it with oils, weaving my flowers into it." She sighs.

This woman is addle-coved, he thinks. How am I going to get out of this?

"I always loved his hair." She snarles and her eyes harden. "IF YOU ARE NOT HE, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T LOOK LIKE HIM!" Her eyes ignite with an inner fire and Jurden feels a burning sensation before doubleing over in pain again.

When he looks up again, he sees a few smoldering dreadlocks lying on the ground. The little tiefling that won several of his improptu wrestling matches runs over. "Whoa, by the Lad. - <gulp> Err... by whatever power keeps us all safe. That blood just walked out of here with all your hair, basher." She smiles and produces a straight razor as Jugen feels his butchered hair. "Shave your skull? My razor's clean... two jink?"


First Post
LordAspen said:
Catching Andarin’s attention, Rhys nods in the direction of the now retreating elfish woman and holds his hands out questioningly, “The lady invited me to come along and I must confess that it is a tempting offer. What do you know of the Ciphers?”
"The Ciphers, eh? 'If it's worth a thought, it's worth an action - but don't waste your time with the thought!'"

"Ciphers train themselves to act without thinking, cutter - because that way they circumvent the uncertainty of thought. If a body's one with the multiverse, then it figures that a body knows the right action to take. The knack is in knowing yourself so well that there's no hesitation between action and reaction."

"So if it's a Cipher's way you seek, don't ask me which way to go. Go with the flow. Do what your do, berk - and be ready to respond to the consequences!"

"As for me, though, cutter - I'm for the party. I can see a Cipher any day - but the chance to sing the Serpent Song is another matter altogether! Besides, if there is something going on with globular Gibbous, then the World Serpent is where he's gone, and where we can find some answers. Of course, there's probably more right here in the City - so maybe I'm Ciphering, myself."

"Still, that's my plan - particularly as I see sweet Tselze tripping down the stairs. She is a bit tall - but still what a honey. So what will it be, Rhys? There's sure to be plenty of talent tonight."

Turning around, Andarin looks for his other companion. "What about you, Blue?" He stops short, eyes widening at the sight of a bald-headed Jurgen. "Blistering Baator's Barmies! What happened to your hair? That bub must be rougher than I thought!"

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Jurden eyes the retreating Cipher warily. [Action with out thought... She opened the portal but she didn't go through it. She's retreating in fact... The ghaele had seen too many things on the planes to put this down to coincidence. He paused for a moment and made a desision. Loosening his axe and filling his shell, he pushed his way through the crowd to the portal.

Shouting to Andarin and Rhys he says, "Follow the elf-girl or stay;That's up to you. Free will, remember? But I have to go through that portal, I think. Something doesn't feel right about this and I can't be me and not try to do something about it."

"Hey now, Hey now! Give a basher some room!" He stops short and eyes the grey expanse of flesh before him. He smiles charmingly, "Of course, slaadi ladies first..."

"...But I'm next you bashers!"


First Post
With his friends both fully intent on entering the portal to the Great Serpent, Rhys comes to the difficult decision that leaving their company might not be the best course of action. They have proven to be valuable companions in this unfamiliar place. Cursing silently to himself for the missed opportunity with the intriguing elf, the Fey-Touched turns himself about and attempts to raise his voice above the din, “The sorrow of your departure bringeth misery upon this lost soul. How shall I call upon thee fair maiden?”
{OOC: If she responds, Rhys flashes her a smile and bows gracefully.}

Turning back to the halfling who is clearly enjoying himself, Rhys says “You are right my friend Andarin, it must be the blasted ale addling my mind. The woman can wait, the Serpent calls.”

Giving the halfling a friendly push to the side he calls out to the Ghaele Last one in the Serpent is a Nethling’s bottom! Though I dare say your head is as smooth as one already you crazy berk!”.

The nimble Fey-Touched then dons his goggles and launches himself into the crowd of party goers descending into the Portal.
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The elf in red leather disappears into the city without a second glance as the three of you crowd into the line down the stairs. Tselze plunks the shell she's holding on Andarin's wee head and then puts him on her shoulders and carries him into the line.

A song, Andy, give us another song! She clasps a hand around both his ankles, swaying a little, but giving him enough support to play his instrument with both hands. With the bub no longer flowing and the line growing longer by the second, Andarin's music helps quiet the crowd.

The githzerai are excellent managers of chaos, and there's no charge at either end of the spiral stair. The portal at the bottom opens into a vast dark space. Sunflies (a sort of celestial dragonfly) sing playfully through the orange-red mist, and the ground is soft underfoot. The crowd from Sigil is milling about in confusion, and the air is close and heavy with spicy odors. The portal itself shambles through the crowd, depositing partiers from Sigil as it moves along.

It takes a moment to get your bearings, but you suddenly recognize the portal as Gibbous; it has his same clumsy-puppy walk, and the nethling is nowhere to be seen. The fog is thickest near the portal, and as it moves off, the mist thins and parts and the air is fresh once more. You are standing in a great spherical space, buzzing and whirring with sunflies, and also with larger dragonfly-like beings that seem to be inspecting the crowd with great interest. One of them hovers above you momentarily.

Welcome, seeds of Sigil...

There is no light in the darkness other than the sunflies, and you gradually discern that you are standing on the inside surface of a huge, squishy sphere, and that above you floats another sphere, visible only by the distant sunflies disappearing behind it. Gravity's pull is away from the center, but as your eyes adjust, you see another ambling portal surrounded by the same orange-red mist on the surface of the interior ball, depositing people for whom gravity pulls towards the center of the smaller central sphere. The distance between the spheres' surfaces is not more than 50 feet, and voices, clearly those of cagers from similar parties elsewhere in Sigil, begin echoing back and forth between the inner sphere and the outer. The outer sphere's diameter is about a hundred yards, and it is apparent that the floor beneath your feet is somewhat flexible, being very much like the tissues of the nethling that deposited you here.

Tselze's voice echos the growing concern in the crowd calling up (from their perspective) to you from above (from yours); What is this place? Where are we? Those who claim to have been to the World Serpent before are as puzzled as anyone.

A voice from a large dragonfly answers Tselze as it hovers to address you all. Fear not. You are within what is to be an egg of the World Serpent.

More gas-shrouded nethling-portals begin popping up on both surfaces, leaving trails of unwitting passengers and slowly increasing the density of the orange-red gas within the space between two sphere surfaces. As the clouds thin into fog, the gas takes on a luminous quality, and you feel a clear-headed euphoria as it passes in and out of your lungs.
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First Post
The803 said:
Tselze plunks the shell she's holding on Andarin's wee head and then puts him on her shoulders and carries him into the line.

A song, Andy, give us another song!
Although briefly irritated by Tselze's cheek in picking him up like a child, Andarin soon smiles wryly and complies with her request, playing something sweet and soothing. Swaying to his own tune, Andarin looks down - and discovers an unexpected perk to his privileged position!

As they pass through the portal, however, the smile is wiped from his lips, and the tune falters and falls silent. "Oh my," he thinks, "this is not what I expected!"

Looking around, peering into the darkness, he wracks his brain to recall the thread of lore which the hovering sunflies bring to mind. Something about those larger dragonfly-like beings ...

The803 said:
Welcome, seeds of Sigil...
"Seeds of Sigil? Seeds? Seeds ...?"

"What are these spheres? What is this place? Where are we, indeed, and what are these sods up to?"

The803 said:
It takes a moment to get your bearings, but you suddenly recognize the portal as Gibbous; it has his same clumsy-puppy walk, and the nethling is nowhere to be seen.
"Gibbous? Of course - 'the moon that is not quite full'. And does he become a sphere as well? Well, we'll see in due course."

The803 said:
A voice from a large dragonfly answers Tselze as it hovers to address you all. Fear not. You are within what is to be an egg of the World Serpent.
"An egg of the World Serpent to be? Well, if this is an egg, what does that make us? Yes, well, perhaps I won't swim up that stream!"

The803 said:
Tselze's voice echos the growing concern in the crowd calling up (from their perspective) to you from above (from yours); What is this place? Where are we?
"Calm down, you berks! Can't you see it's like Sigil - the city above and below!" With that, Andarin launches into a raunchy tavern song about a young cutter's lust for his sweetheart, and the lengths to which he is forced to go to outwit an overprotective father. The chorus has a line - "And he raises a tower as tall as the Spire, and succours his darling within!" - which has most of the bubbers in earshot roaring with laughter, and Tselze blushing bright scarlet.

Flushed with success, enjoying Tselze's response, and definitely on a high from the happy gas, Andarin belts out verse after verse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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