• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Turtle Soup (Planescape 3.5e)


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Rhys stands up groggily and accepts the water with a grateful expression. "Boy, these beds aren't nearly as comfortable as they look. I'm beat."

"That was a pretty wild experience. I can't wait to see your worlds. Whose next?"

The Fey-Touched runs a hand through his disheveled green hair in a futile attempt to tame it and he looks about in confusion. "Hey where did the party go? Where's Meenah?"

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"Next? Not sure that good. People dissapear. What if related to world creation." says Traore, standing up for the bed and following Andarin.

Lobo Lurker

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"Eh, I don't think she entered the bed with us. Clareh made some space for her but she looked a bit paniced and backed off a step or two. I think it might be likely that she just went somewhere else." The ghaele shrugs. "Not much we can do about it anyway."


First Post
The ballroom is still crowded, and as you glance about looking for Meenah, you see that some of the other beds have begun to lose their canopies. The canopies of other beds seem to be shrinking and retracting into themselves, slowly uncovering the sleeping "gods" beneath them. There are no sarphidians present any longer, and the room is somewhat drab. You see a group of githzerai moving through the beds, each carrying a wad-like bundle of what looks like fabric woven from flow-jetsam. They are fully retracted canopies, and they look something like cocoons or egg sacs.

Clareh is off like a shot, and she plunges into their midst, talking loudly, Morning bloods, where's our canopy? One of them leads her off by the hand, and she returns to the bed several moments later, carrying a large crystal sphere about the size of a pumpkin. Bi, who has been awake and quietly watching, sits up and gives her a puzzled look.

Hmm. They said just wanted the silk. This belongs to you, Rhys. She plunks it on the bed where everyone can get at it. You'll get a pretty decent price for it too. Wild stuff.

The surface of the sphere tingles as you touch it, and a vision flashes into your mind.

[SBLOCK]The trees grow and prosper. The races merge into a unified civilization dedicated to preserving freedom, striving against the limitations of the world, and to music and song. Great turtles the size of islands with flesh of stone and coral branch off from the center and explore the oceans. Whale-like creatures sprout from their backs and ply the skies, buoyed aloft by giant gas-bags. Cities of treehouses and reef-platforms rise against the outer shores, nomadic boat communities follow the turtle islands and airwhales, taming them and sharing wisdom. Civilization grows and prospers, and your names are sung and shouted and etched into monoliths. Temples are raised to you, wars are fought between your followers over trivial matters, but a loose, just freedom persists.

The ice responds. The alien voices that called you there unite against your world in hatred and fear. Alien armies of diseases and abominations attack and are driven back. Counterstrikes are mounted across the endless dark ice. As towers are contained and conquered by invasion and rebellion, all issue the same frantic call of defiance, calling you once again down upon them. More great trees sprout from the blast craters, and light creeps relentlessly into the world. Your peoples are unstoppable. The alien voices eventually go silent and stop resisting your peoples' retaliation, seeking instead only escape. Great psionic engines are put into motion, hurling ice-shrouded matter away from the world into the void beyond, escaping. Some of your people are taken with them, or follow them into the void. Trees and light blossom across the face of the world like wildfire, and the ice thins.

The very shell of the world begins to melt, and your peoples only realize that the world is hollow and fragile once the damage done is too great to repair. They call to you for guidance, and gather in your temples to be received by you. The shell of the world cracks and falls inward, revealing a white-hot point of light surrounded by an alien consciousness, long held within the ice, milked by trees and towers alike for its magic and power. It writhes free and devours the world. You and your people are powerless to stop it, and those who try to fight the end rather than accept your protection after death are utterly devoured, forever lost and uncountable.

As the world falls into the star it held within itself for so long, many of your peoples accept their fate, and their massed souls form an expanding bubble around the star as they rush out from it, bourne upon its light and pulled by the uncontained joy of the freed thing within. Its flame devours their bodies, their civilizations, and the sum of their accomplishments. The souls form a crystal shell around the void and the ice-covered matter fired from the towers toward the end, imprisoning them within the bubble your hand is now resting against. The ashes of the old world surround the star within, slowly cooling as they spin into a disc around it.

The trapped presence that was within the world had settled around this bubble, forming into great sheets and folds of space-time and starlight and background radiation, too distant to ever be touched or contained or explained from within again. This is the fabric being bundled up and whisked off by githzerai, who, according to Clareh, make use of it as sails for their plane-travelling vessels. The crystal shell, however, bears your mark, and is thus yours to do with as you will.
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Andarin returns as Clareh is explaining her find. Jauntily he steps forward and lays his hands on the surface of the sphere, eager to see the visions within. He is gripped by the panorama that unfolds and stands stock-still, taking it in.

Speechless, he looks wide-eyed around the group, noting the response of the others to the vision of the crystal sphere, recognising the awesome nature of the shared experience.

Then, finding his voice, he says huskily, "I don't know about you, cutters, but I have never experienced anything like that." He remains silent for a time, his hands softly stroking the surface of the sphere.

"Who would have thought that creating a world would be such an intimate event, and yet so insignificant? Is that what the worlds are to their creators? A night's sleep, a dreaming, and then to awaken to a life one day older than it was before the world began?"

"Insignificant, did I say? No, never that!"

"Who could have imagined that we would be so tied to a whole creation? That we are responsible, not just for the song, but for the singers as well. What do we do now? Laugh? Mourn? ... Forget? Move on?"

"Well, I for one will not forget. I will laugh and cry and stand in awe of what has happened here this night. And every song will be for our children ... and every sonnet will be for our world ... and every silence will be laced with remembering."

"Sell it? No, Clareh - unless Rhys insists on it. It's your world, blood, but it's our blood in your world - and there's the dark of it."

He pauses again, one eyebrow quirked, before asking in a plaintive voice, "But what do we do now? Lady's Grace! That's a hard act to follow."
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Jurgen removes a shaking hand from the crystal, lets loose bellow of rage and sorrow before collapsing heavily on the bed. He cradles his head in his hands and allows a single tear to fall to the floor.

"It was all for nothing then. "What's the use of being powers or having immortality if you can't do anything with it? I get the feeling that I've never really been on good footings with the powers that be... and now that I have a measure of that same power myself I wonder at the meaning of it all."

"Powers are bleedin' useless! The only ones a blood can depend on is himself!" A weak, yet harsh magenta glow issues forth from beneath his pajamas. I'll show them... show them all... if they can't help when they're needed then we don't NEED them... The ghaele wonders at the source of his inner rage. There seems to be something there, just out of touch. A source for his contained animosity that he can't quite reach. STOP, says the voice inside. CONTROL YOURSELF.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, seeming to find peace once again. The magenta glow subsides and Jugen absently scratchs at something beneath his clothes. When he finally opens his eyes again, they're filled with a grim determination.

His stride filled with weighty purpose, he approaches the githazeri slik gatherers. Laying his hand upon one of thier shoulders (assertively, not aggressively) he looks the gith in the eye and holds the stare for a moment before saying "I would speak with one who knows more about what happened here... what really happened here. Where may I find such a one?"


First Post
Traore approach the globe and after some hesitation, he touch the globe. A moment after, when all the image as passed, he came back to him, and looks sad.

"Ouédro Garaté. Compi déoula ziniaré lébobo."

Traducton: [SBLOCK]"By the ancestor, why worlds have to destroy themselves."[/SBLOCK]

He turns to Jurgen and speaks to him in Infernal

[SBLOCK]"Explain me, why the people of a world can only work for the destruction of there own world. I wanted to people the world with animals so they wouldn't progress in that direction. But my hope was useless."[/SBLOCK]

He pause for a moment, and start to looks at Jurgen's shell.

[SBLOCK]"What do you plan to do with your world. If you try to create one, it will end again like that. How useless it will be."[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Cleary exhausted by the endeavors of this evening, Rhys takes a seat on the bed to collect his thoughts and gather his strength. His hands gently cradle the crystal sphere as he seeks to gain control of his emotions. Finally he rises and sadly says, "I'm not sure that was worth the experience."

"I can't figure out which was worse, those in the towers of ice or that which they kept imprisoned. Jurden you have the right idea, I too would like to learn more."

"But at the same time I am eager to leave this place."

The sorceror sighs, "I never thought I'd miss the crowded and dangerous streets above but after tonight, I'm more than ready to return."

Glancing down again at the crystal sphere in his hands he asks, "Once we do go topside, any idea where I might be able to safely hide this thing? It is a bit cumbersome to be carrying around.


First Post
As you are milling about, you get a sense that everyone experienced a similar disappointment. As the githzerai collect the canopy silk and redistribute the crystal spheres, a number of willowy blue-skinned giants begin to filter into the room from somewhere.

(Jurgen and Andarin)
[SBLOCK]The giants are mercane, great wizards and merchants of the planes. They are known to avoid Sigil, and are said to have a planar metropolis of their own, known only as Union. It is said to be much larger, but also much harder to find without an invitation, and far more dangerous than Sigil, as the very gods walk the streets there. The mercane are shrewd business-beings, and have an unsavory reputation as having dealings with just about everyone.[/SBLOCK]

One of them strides over to you, bowing politely, and looking at Bi in particular. Greetings, godlings. I do apologize; I trust by your looks that you had an ill rest...

Bi is on her feet on the bed, her hands on her hips in a defiant stance. Siim! I should've known. Let me guess, you blue bean-counters want back in to Sigil. I'm surprised you haven't learned your lesson yet; the Cage is closed to your kind.

The mercane looks dismayed; Oh I'm afraid it's quite too late for that, Bi my dear. I will explain, but please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Oenic Siim, bean-counter, at your service He gives a smug smirk as he gives his title.

Bi rolls her eyes and turns to you. Yes of course. This is Blue (Jurgen) , Green (Rhys) , Orange (Andarin) , Gold (Traore) , and Red (Clareh) . A tip, friends, never give your real name to Merkhant; that's a mistake I'm still paying for.

The mercane's long blue face lengthens with faux dismay, but his amusement is obvious in his voice; That's ridiculous. I don't know where you get that preposterous notion, my dear. He addresses the rest of you And do you all approve of these pseudonyms? I'm flattered that you take me for a Merkhant, Bi, but I assure you that I am an honest merchant, as are all my kind. I'm merely here to make you an offer on this bauble of yours, which you won't have much luck pawning off under the Lady's nose. Let's dispense with the attitude and get down to business.

I know a great deal more about this thing than any of you do. I've been through that dream several times myself, and each time I have rejected the promise that the Githzerai are going to eventually make to you. They will tell you that you are now immortal gods, and that you can ascend to glory if only you will do them one little favor. I am here to offer you a very nice price for this world they've created from your hope and idealism, and to rescue you from a very foolish and seductive path.

Wonderful sales pitch. I've heard no such promise; these githzerai are just collecting ether-weave.

My dear, when you do as much business as I do, you learn how githzerai think. It's not their way to come up and announce what they've done to you. They'll give you some nonsense about how they're unselfishly stirring a little chaos into the multiverse. It's their little game; create some new immortals and turn them loose to see what kind of trouble they get themselves into.

Most mortals are happy for the opportunity until they realize that being a god subjects you to dangers and torments that mortals cannot begin to imagine. It catches up with you, believe me. Once you're running scared, some "sympathetic" githzerai will tumble to you that the only way to attain your true godhood is to find your stasis on the Astral Plane and clear it of their upstart brothers and sisters.

Or you skip all that and I can give each of you three wishes, to use as you see fit. That's my offer. You know where to find me, Bi.

Several stern-looking githzerai have gathered around and are giving Siim very nasty looks. One of them steps between the giant and the bed and puts a finger sharply in Siim's long face, which recoils in shock, obviously unused to such open defiance. Awright, stickyfingers, they've heard your noise. Be a good little peddler and move along; these bloods just woke up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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