• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Turtle Soup (Planescape 3.5e)

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Li Shenron said:
"They... slaughtered them all... all of them...".
Andarin takes a moment to come back from the song, then takes in Meenah's stance and her words and stands to lean close to her and say gently, "Who, Meenah? Who did they kill?"

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Andarin said:
"Who, Meenah? Who did they kill?"

"The people of whatever world she was likely visiting, most likely." says the ghale. He looks troubled by Meenah's pain.

Jurgen walks over to Meenah and lays a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry girl. Its all over now & crying about it won't help those who are already lost." He looks as though he'll say more but he snaps his mouth shut and and a single tear rolls down his cheek. He just nods to everyone and takes a few steps away.

"So... shall we stick around here a bit longer or head back to Sigil?" Turning to the gnome, "What about you Bi? You don't seem to trust the gith or the mercane. What's your opinion about all this?"

Li Shenron

Velmont said:
Traore sits down on the bed, beside Meenah, and tells her gently. "Meenah... tell we you see in dream."

"A dream! Yes Traore, it was just a dream... but how realistic! It was such a beautiful world, the beauty of nature was so overwhelming.", Meenah says as she finally seems to come back to her senses.

"I was like floating but I had no body. I was just there, almost everywhere and someone gave me two eggs, or sort of. I was told I could create two beings with those eggs to populate the untamed world. I could choose anything that I wanted to give birth to.
I thought... what is the most beautiful being that there could be? If I could choose just two of them, what would they be? Children was my first thought! What is there more spontaneous, natural and yet amazing than that? Infants have no fear, no hatred, no envy... a world with only children is just like a heaven!
But then I thought: there is indeed something even more wonderful. If instead of making two children with the eggs I could make two humans in love... then they themselves would fill the world with children, and far more than the two I could have made myself, an entire world with the most innocent and lovely souls to dwell it..."

She is still noticeably shocked and starts crying again as soon as she pronounces the word "innocent"... :(


First Post
"Love..." repeat Traore with an apparant inconfort and continue to listen up to the end. "If you not want talk, you can not talk. No pression."


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The now-drab ballroom begins to liven up after the last of the beds folds in on itself and the githzerai finish gathering their ether-weave. The party begins once more as food and drink are brought in from elsewhere within the world serpent. The willowy blue giants' offer seems to be universal to all dreamers; three wishes per dreamer in exchange for their sphere, but only if all dreamers per sphere agree to give it up. The rumor that no one will be allowed to return to Sigil without giving up their sphere spreads like wildfire, as does the rumor of godhood.

Bi is perplexed, and says nothing, concentrating instead on the sphere. Clareh is excitedly circulating about the room, talking to others about their experiences.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
The tall ghale gets to his feet and rubs his crystal hand over his shaven scalp. "Looks like they're asking for a concensus on the dreamstone. Personally, I've got no truck with voting about something I see as mine; but I don't see this stone as belonging to me so much as it belongs to Rhys." He turns to the fae-blooded sorceror and nods. "Whatever you decide, I'll abide by your decision. But don't wait too long to make that decision; Remember that indesicion is a descision in and of itself."

He pats down his fuzzy pink pajamas and looks around awkwardly. "Err... how long do you think these jammies will last?"

Catching the attention of a nearby elderly baurier and a pair of, what looks to be, goblin twins he asks them about what they'll be doing with thier stone. Continuing to make small-talk if they prove to be talkative.


First Post
The803 said:
The rumor that no one will be allowed to return to Sigil without giving up their sphere spreads like wildfire, as does the rumor of godhood.
As the rumors circulate, the little halfling stands and puts his hands on his hips. He addresses his friends (and anybody else who cares to listen).

"Won't be allowed to return to Sigil? Ha! I'd like to see who'd stop me - unless the Lady took a hand, of course. Hmm, that's not a nice thought."

"Nevertheless, I have no hankering to give up the dreamsphere. Our dreams are too precious to give up - and wouldn't selling our dreams be like selling our very selves? No, Rhys, my advice is to keep the sphere - if it stirs this much interest, then it's well worth having around."

"As to being gods, well, so far I'm not rapt! Let's see how this unfolds, shall we?"


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"Me not want wish, not being god. Me not care about Sigil. Rhys, you choose, me will follow." says Traore, completly indifferent to all the rumors and still confuse by the situation.


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Rhys patiently listens to the ruminations of his companions before finally speaking.
Having lived long among the Faerie, I have learned to distrust magic not possessed of my own hands. Wishes are amongst the most dangerous of magic’s especially when granted by a creature whose ultimate purpose is unknown.”

The sorceror watches as the last of the blue-skinned giants is escorted from the hall before continuing. “Irregardless, I agree with Andarin. I’m not inclined to part with it. I think that there is more to learn before such a decision can be made.”

Rhys lowers his voice and glances about nervously, “I just hope that we aren’t the only ones not interested in the offer. If so it could get ugly in here. Unless any of you are determined to change my mind I think we ought to try to find our way back up to the streets of Sigil.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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