Spoilers TV Shows with Great Endings


Something in the Pineapple Express thread got me thinking about the endings of TV shows. (Sorry, I can’t remember exactly what was said that started this train of thought.)

I got thinking about TV shows that have endings that elevate the show above and beyond what it already was. Whether the show itself was good, bad or indifferent before the end, the ending went and changed it for the better.

I've been fondly remembering 3 shows that I think had amazing endings.

Black Adder Goes Forth. Look, it's a classic and mostly for the ending. Not that the rest of the show is weak. It isn't. It's a great show right up to the ending. Then the ending, where (almost) all the main characters go "over the top" and get gunned down before the shot fades to a WW1 cemetery, was just... a gut punch in the best way. I was not expecting such an emotional ending to what is basically a screwball comedy. I should mention all the seasons of Black Adder ended with some/most/all the central characters dying. But this season just hit home with the very real tragedy of the senseless losses of World War 1.

The Good Place. An amazing show all the way through. But the final episode is a perfect denouement, just so wonderfully moving. Among other things it asks the important question “how many Jeremy Bearimies is enough Jeremy Bearimies?” It takes an already great show to the next level. I admit I misted up.

Disenchantment. The show itself is fine. Not Matt Groenig’s best but it has more good bits than dud bits. But the final 5 minutes are just lovely: the magic kingdom shuts down, closes its doors, and fades away like a dream. It's a bittersweet fairy tale ending for a show that makes fun of fairy tales.

What about you? Any shows that you feel had endings that lifted them to a new level? I've marked the thread spoilers, so feel free to talk details. And while I talked TV shows, you do you: TV shows, radio shows, podcasts, book series, movie series.

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Futurama. Each time it was canceled, it had a great sendoff episode. I'm a little concerned for Season 8 on Hulu though, those episodes have been more miss than hit IMO.
I watched the first season of Disenchantment, but didn't fall in love with it- heard season 2 is better.

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