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Tweaking the ranger instead of rebuilding from the ground up.


Ok first of all not sure if this belongs in this section or the main 5e forum but we're going with this.

At my table after having had a ranger in consistently in every party in some cases two we've found them to be largely in a good spot especially the Hunter archetype and generally flavorful enough that a massive re fluff isn't necessary but we are looking to make some tweaks so this is going to be kind of a spitball thread for the changes being considered. The basic goal is to keep as much of the current chassis as possible while making it just a little bit better.

First off for a class that has things fighting for use of the bonus action already pigeonholing them into dual wield for melee seems odd especially given he original; genesis of the class is an Aragorn rip off and he used longsword generally with both hands. So giving access to all fighting styles a fighter gets seems reasonable. Frankly no reason not to do the same for Paladins.

On to core class abilities.
Given how vital hunters mark is for the vast majority of rangers making it considered always known and not counting against selected spells seems reasonable. Also possibly removing concentration from it so it doesn't screw over melee rangers as bad might be appropriate. Especially as given the current version it can simply be canceled out by the marked target running away and never actually being killed so you have to recast next fight.

Primeval Awareness for no more than it does should really not be burning the rangers very limited spell slots so knock it to one use per wisdom mod with a minimum of 1 use and coming back on a long rest.

Favored enemy is one we've come up with a few ideas on as the idea of Rangers being truly fearsome to their chosen prey appeals to us and buffing it a this point doesn't make them any less effective than they already are against everything else. So the extreme end being considered is adding proficiency damage to each attack against a favored enemy at the start and then at each point where you pick an additional enemy it increases your crit range against them with the capstone being advantage on attacks against them. Probably not balanced but then it does you no good if you're fighting the wrong things and at level 20 you should be ridiculous.
For a balanced take probably either the crit range or the proficiency damage would be appropriate but not both.

For spells we'd like to see a little more support for melee rangers so the current solution has been to take the big ranged damage spells they get and make close range equivalents or in Conjure Barrages case just straight up make it usable with your melee weapon instead of throwing or shooting something. The current alternates being Windfury Weapon as a swift quiver close range analog and Lightning Rod being lightning arrow except dropped right on top of the enemy you hit up close and the ranger being immune to their own lightning.

On to the beastmaster.
This ones looking fairly simple. Adding the ability for the beast to attack as a bonus action and either ranger times 5 or times 6 HP to it. Also possibly a revival ritual specific to the pet that the ranger can do over a long rest as opposed to outright replacement. Really just keeping your faithful beast alive seems to be the real rub here. Also maybe allowing a few large creatures so it's not just halflings and gnomes that get to play the cavalry ranger. Right off the top of my head I don't know what CR 1/4 large creatures there are.

Also considering throwing Cities in as a favored terrain type but that might be better suited to some sort of full on urban ranger archetype.

Any feedback on that mess would be awesome.

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Elk, Camel, Draft Horse, Riding Horse, Giant Lizard, Giant Bat, Giant Owl, - lots of large mounts with limited combat attacks - although might need a no flyers limit.

Most of your suggestions make each individual feature better, which if they were separate might not be a big improvement but if they were all tweaked I think the balance flips the other way and it is too good.

Expanded Crit is a big deal and would pretty much steal the Champions shtick.


Aye I'm trying to find where the balance lies on all this. Really don't want to pull the "this is my pet build and I'm gonna homebrew til it's godlike" card.

I had put into consideration if buffing favored enemy that it might be necessary to either cut down how many you get or make the categories more specific. Being as good or better than a fighter at killing specific types of targets is in fact the whole point of favored enemies shtick correct?

As far as I can tell everything except the beastmaster, hunters mark and favoured enemy tweaks go more towards quality of life improvements unless I'm missing something about boosting melee potential too much?


"So giving access to all fighting styles a fighter gets seems reasonable. Frankly no reason not to do the same for Paladins."
Increased options can very much be an increase in power. Great Weapon fighting would be a strong option if you fix both Hunter's Mark (concentration aspect as melee) and allow Companions to attack as a bonus action. Giving Two Weapon to Paladins gives them extra damage in an already strong Nova build (smite early, smite often).

"Given how vital hunters mark is for the vast majority of rangers making it considered always known and not counting against selected spells seems reasonable. Also possibly removing concentration from it so it doesn't screw over melee rangers as bad might be appropriate."
I agree. Hunter's Mark could use some help. For myself, I house rule concentration which helps all the spellcasters.

"Especially as given the current version it can simply be canceled out by the marked target running away and never actually being killed so you have to recast next fight."
Do DMs do this? I've never considered doing this to a ranger (although I would consider a foe running away as a win anyway.)

"Primeval Awareness for no more than it does should really not be burning the rangers very limited spell slots so knock it to one use per wisdom mod with a minimum of 1 use and coming back on a long rest."
Saving spell slots adds to combat power.

"Favored enemy is one we've come up with a few ideas on as the idea of Rangers being truly fearsome to their chosen prey appeals to us and buffing it a this point doesn't make them any less effective than they already are against everything else."
My preference would be to make a Slayer archetype. 'Hunter plus' would be too much especially if Hunter's Mark is more useful.

"For spells ..."
Wouldn't mind seeing a few more spells for all casters.

"Adding the ability for the beast to attack as a bonus action"
Too strong for my tastes. Much better than the Hunter's an extra 'sometimes' +1d8 or extra 'sometimes' attack as a Reaction. Letting them access Hunter's Mark would do it for me.

However many groups do this and are fine with it. I suspect they aren't buffing all the other stuff too (or allowing Companions to use Hunters Mark).

"ranger times 5 or times 6 HP to it."
Ranger times 5 would be fine I think, but it still doesn't help with the short rest healing. They just need more healing without a long rest. 6 per level is too much.
Merely increasing the Companion hit points doesn't ultimately help with the HP recovery issue. Giving HD = equal to Ranger level would increase hit points (except for the weakest companions) and increase short rest healing - it just makes the math more complicated (and people might be tempted to treat this like 3.x HD increases - ASIs, double dipping on Proficiency, trying to add commensurate abilities to match new Challenge ratings, size increases).

"Also possibly a revival ritual specific to the pet that the ranger can do over a long rest as opposed to outright replacement."
Spell or ritual like Revivify for Beasts would be fine.

"Really just keeping your faithful beast alive seems to be the real rub here."
This is a DM thing. We always use Death Saves and HD healing on a short rest for all party members. This is RAW (as far as RAW allows the DM to grant NPCs character-healing rules). If your DM wants to always do 'Zero is Dead' for non-PCs than I think you're out of luck no matter the pet buffs.

"Also maybe allowing a few large creatures so it's not just halflings and gnomes that get to play the cavalry ranger. Right off the top of my head I don't know what CR 1/4 large creatures there are."
See above. There are a bunch of CR 1/8 and 1/4 mounts. The flying ones would concern me, but this is still DM limited. I would use this.

"Also considering throwing Cities in as a favored terrain type but that might be better suited to some sort of full on urban ranger archetype."
Not sure how many of the favored terrain abilities would be of use in the city. Lack of difficult terrain, lost?-ask for directions, dumpster diving (foraging), pace is a long term activity not as applicable in urban areas.


I like your hunter's mark changes a lot. I think for projects like this, it's better if you can make just 2-3 small but meaningful changes than a big list of house rules.

For Favored Enemy -- the problem I always have balancing things like this is, if the enemy never shows up, the ability is weak; if they show up too often, it's strong. So I'd tie any Favored Enemy damage to spell slot expenditure. So fighting your favored enemy allows you to spend spell slots, but you don't have to; in fights without your Favored Enemy, you spend spell slots on other stuff. Maybe just straight up smite like a paladin? That may be OP, if it stacks with the hunter ranger's damage increase options. But it may also solve your spell dilemma, as a melee ranger with TWF has an extra chance to hit and deliver smite damage.


How about making Hunter's Mark a mundane ability for all rangers, that activates not with spell slots but by studying an enemy for 1 full combat round? This gives rangers an incentive to scout ahead of the party--they can get that round of studying in before the combat starts. And to give a boost to favored enemies, allow it to apply to all enemies of the same type and not just a single target.

For example, if the ranger's favored enemy is dragons, and the PC scouts a band of ogres, they can activate Hunter's Mark on one ogre. But if they scout out a pair of dragons, they get the Mark on both dragons.


I've done a similar project myself, but it mostly involves just fixing what I see as the major problem points. The following features are either useless or way too situational to be conducive to making a Ranger that has the right feel, in my personal opinion:

Primeval Awareness
Hide in Plain Sight
Foe Slayer

Now, I know Foe Slayer is late in the game, but still. Reading into the "possibility" of a 20th level character in a given class is part of the fun, and this isn't fun. Not when it's tied to such a heavily limiting feature. I think Favored Enemies is fine as is: The designer's intentionally made it to be a flavor feature, it is NOT intended to give you a direct edge in combat, and I think that is a smart move. The problem with it is how variable it is, as discussed millions of times. Making it a flavor feature is fun and interesting. The issue came with tying the capstone feature to it.

Primeval Awareness provides not tangible benefit and I honestly see no reason for it. I LOVE the Poultices feature from the UA: Modifying Classes Variant that had no spells. I personally replaces Primeval Awareness with Poultices and removed Goodberry from the spell list of the Ranger. Cure Wounds seems fine, because Poultices provides no real in-combat healing due to the 1 minute application time.

I'd love to see a feature like Hunter's Mark that scales, is unique to the ranger, and is "mundane". Concentration seems fair to me, for what it does, and for what I think most people would like it to do. Perhaps granting advantage on the concentration save when taking melee damage? That could be a part of the scaling.

Bonus actions: The problem is less so than what people make it out to be, in my personal experience. Two weapon fighting does just fine with Hunter's Mark running (you're essentially doing greatsword level damage at that point, with an optional bonus attack), but I absolutely love your new spell ideas Windfury Weapon and Lightning Rod. Super awesome, and I might steal them, thanks!

As far as Hide in Plain Sight and Foe Slayer go, I just replaced them with Skirmisher's Stealth and Ambuscade, respectively. Those two features are from the second Ranger variant in UA. Didn't HATE the spirit companion, but didn't love it either. But no spells, Ambuscade (though at higher level I think), and Skirmisher's Stealth were all super awesome, flavorful, and interesting in my opinion.

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