Two Movies: Free Guy and The King's Man


I rather enjoyed both.

With Kingsman, I was able to enjoy the various pieces that worked, without worrying too much about the incoherent mess that was the whole. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to others, and probably won't watch it again, but I don't recommend it.

Free Guy was much the better film, and most reminded me of the Lego Movie. Again, I think I'm unlikely to watch it again, but at least that one I wouldn't feel bad about recommending. :)

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Free Guy was a pleasant surprise for me, to see Reynolds use the charm and comedy chops, but not have them steeped in cynicism.
I'm with you there. He played straight Good Guy, without the sarcasm he uses to great effect in other properties. He does Sarcastic Mouth very well, as he's shown in many other films, but he's also excellent as Bashfully Naive. I only hope that he makes all of the money he needs, before he Jim Carreys himself out of a job.

I thought "King's Man" was OK, but just that. The first movie was excellent but let down (IMO) by the rather crass ending scene, after setting the stage as a gentlemen's organization. The second one was OK. It had some really good scenes, with a particular character being given a good background motivation, and I was particularly tickled by "Captain Fantastic" being the movie playing at the private theatre. "King's Man" was quite uneven and didn't seem to quite fit with the lore, from the previous 2 films. I felt that they tried to carry it on their particular take on action, alone.


A suffusion of yellow
yeah Kingsman veered a bit too much into live action cartoon this time round (especially the Rasputin fight), but I did appreciate their attempt at social commentary, even if George got off a bit more favourably than Wilhelm. The Trench scene was good though and overall I did enjoy it.
NB did anyone else start going over the Boney M Rasputin lyrics during the fight?

Loved Free Guy, Ryan its playing the same character in all his movies, but it works as a pleasant fun ride
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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
yeah Kingsman veered a bit too much into live action cartoon this time round (especially the Rasputin fight), but I did appreciate their attempt at social commentary, even if George did off a bit more favourably than Wilhelm. The Trench scene was good though and overall I did enjoy it.
NB did anyone else start going other the Boney M Rasputin lyrics during the fight?
So, the word up cowboy fight stuff in golden circle wasnt cartoony? I sort of found the cartoon level of violence a staple of Kingsmen. The Rasputin fight was the one time KM felt like it belonged in the franchise. 🤷‍♂️

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I thought "King's Man" was OK, but just that. The first movie was excellent but let down (IMO) by the rather crass ending scene, after setting the stage as a gentlemen's organization. The second one was OK. It had some really good scenes, with a particular character being given a good background motivation, and I was particularly tickled by "Captain Fantastic" being the movie playing at the private theatre. "King's Man" was quite uneven and didn't seem to quite fit with the lore, from the previous 2 films. I felt that they tried to carry it on their particular take on action, alone.

So, since others have commented on it, I might need to go into more depth, which requires spoilers.

Anyway, this is why I had so much trouble with the movie. Again, loved the component parts, but taken as a whole ... it sucked ... because ...

When I say that the movie is like the actors don't know if they are in Austin Powers or All Quiet on the Western Front, I really mean it!

From the very beginning, the movie was incredibly confused in terms of tone. To start with, it opened on the Boer War. I get it- it's a trendy historical thing to say that the Boer War was a dress rehearsal for WW1, so there is a thematic reason for it. But let's be blunt- the Kingsman franchise, while having some serious parts, was mostly fun.

The Boer War is not fun. Watching a child's mom get murdered is not fun. The action wasn't cartoony or comedic, but relatively real. And there was no signaling for how the audience should feel. Wait- do the Brits are the bad guys, because they are the ones running the concentration camp? Or the Boer sniper, because he's trying to shoot the guy running the camp?

It's a mess of an opening, with no clarity. But a moral, right? Violence is bad. Do not do violence.

But then we get what should be the central emotional conflict of the story- father who promised to not allow his son to be involved in violence (and also will not kill again), and son who wants to go solider on in glory. Except ... it's WW1, see? So we have the son go off the fight in the trenches, and gets killed in terrible fashion after learning his dad was right (no violence!). But his dad, in order to make things right, learns that ... well, you gotta go out there and kill some people. In fact, his 'catharsis' comes at the end, when he kills the main baddy by letting him fall off the Angora sheep cliff (umm ... yeah).

Oh, and the baddie? That part of the story actually seems like it could have been a good Kingsmen story. See, it's a Scotsmen who wants to free his country from the British, so he gets this complicated plan that touches on most of WW1 and history. Something so stupid it almost makes sense. Except ... it doesn't. At any level. Because, again, you're mixing the comedy (ha ha the Great War and Rasputin and Mata Hari and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and even Lenin were all due to a desire for Scottish independence) with deadly-serious pathos (young boys getting mowed down in the WW1 trenches).

Nothing in the film works, tonally, because you can't combine zany "Rasputin loves to eat yummy cakes and have the sex and fight" scene and juxtapose it with scenes of people dying in trenches. It's too jarring, and the movie never settles on a coherent framework. Worse, the actos often appear to be in different movies, with some (like Fiennes) playing it mostly straight and other going full Austin Powers.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
So, since others have commented on it, I might need to go into more depth, which requires spoilers.

Anyway, this is why I had so much trouble with the movie. Again, loved the component parts, but taken as a whole ... it sucked ... because ...

When I say that the movie is like the actors don't know if they are in Austin Powers or All Quiet on the Western Front, I really mean it!

From the very beginning, the movie was incredibly confused in terms of tone. To start with, it opened on the Boer War. I get it- it's a trendy historical thing to say that the Boer War was a dress rehearsal for WW1, so there is a thematic reason for it. But let's be blunt- the Kingsman franchise, while having some serious parts, was mostly fun.

The Boer War is not fun. Watching a child's mom get murdered is not fun. The action wasn't cartoony or comedic, but relatively real. And there was no signaling for how the audience should feel. Wait- do the Brits are the bad guys, because they are the ones running the concentration camp? Or the Boer sniper, because he's trying to shoot the guy running the camp?

It's a mess of an opening, with no clarity. But a moral, right? Violence is bad. Do not do violence.

But then we get what should be the central emotional conflict of the story- father who promised to not allow his son to be involved in violence (and also will not kill again), and son who wants to go solider on in glory. Except ... it's WW1, see? So we have the son go off the fight in the trenches, and gets killed in terrible fashion after learning his dad was right (no violence!). But his dad, in order to make things right, learns that ... well, you gotta go out there and kill some people. In fact, his 'catharsis' comes at the end, when he kills the main baddy by letting him fall off the Angora sheep cliff (umm ... yeah).

Oh, and the baddie? That part of the story actually seems like it could have been a good Kingsmen story. See, it's a Scotsmen who wants to free his country from the British, so he gets this complicated plan that touches on most of WW1 and history. Something so stupid it almost makes sense. Except ... it doesn't. At any level. Because, again, you're mixing the comedy (ha ha the Great War and Rasputin and Mata Hari and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and even Lenin were all due to a desire for Scottish independence) with deadly-serious pathos (young boys getting mowed down in the WW1 trenches).

Nothing in the film works, tonally, because you can't combine zany "Rasputin loves to eat yummy cakes and have the sex and fight" scene and juxtapose it with scenes of people dying in trenches. It's too jarring, and the movie never settles on a coherent framework. Worse, the actos often appear to be in different movies, with some (like Fiennes) playing it mostly straight and other going full Austin Powers.
Nailed it.
The Trench warfare scene was incredible. Well until the guy decides to fire his pistol and do the thing nobody would do. So, I take it back even the trench scene was ruined.


So, the word up cowboy fight stuff in golden circle wasnt cartoony? I sort of found the cartoon level of violence a staple of Kingsmen. The Rasputin fight was the one time KM felt like it belonged in the franchise. 🤷‍♂️
Kingsman had one fight scene (the church) that managed to be both awesome and horrific simultaneously, but most of the rest veers towards the cartoony. The sequel has that taxi-cab fight early on that lost me immediately because it was so utterly cartoonish - a battle that could only take place in the middle of a host of CGI, poorly choreographed and shot, and utterly unengaging.


I enjoyed Free Guy quite a bit. I was able to watch it on the plane a few weeks ago. Did not see Kings Man though. I liked the Channing Tatum and Chris Evans cameos. I don't do online gaming but know enough about it to appreciate all the background stuff going on.


I was waiting for Free Guy in the USA, which I thought was not released yet?

Was going to watch King's Man last weekend, but watched the JLo movie Marry Me with my wife. It was fine if you like corny romance movies.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Kingsman had one fight scene (the church) that managed to be both awesome and horrific simultaneously, but most of the rest veers towards the cartoony. The sequel has that taxi-cab fight early on that lost me immediately because it was so utterly cartoonish - a battle that could only take place in the middle of a host of CGI, poorly choreographed and shot, and utterly unengaging.
Yeap, the cartoony feel overall was hard for me to handle too. I just go with it now since its on brand. These are straight to stream movies for me. Entertaining, but not top tier movies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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