Two New Doctor Who Sourcebooks for Show's 60th Anniversary

Cubicle 7 released two sourcebooks for Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition in PDF and opened pre-orders for the physical edition.


Celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of Doctor Who, the pair of books, Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 1 and Book 2, cover the entire history of the classic television show with the first volume spanning the original years of 1963-1996 and the second covering the revival from 2005-2023. From the product descriptions:

Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure celebrates the world’s longest-running science fiction television show, with a joyous time travelling extravaganza. Join us for the highlights of the world’s most beloved Time Lord’s amazing adventures. Encounter terrifying Daleks, Cybermen, and countless other unforgettable enemies. Experience the wonders of travelling in the TARDIS!

Hundreds of episodes and stories. Thousands of years of travels through time and space. From the dawn of time and the birth of our planet, to the end of the Universe as the last star fades.

Book One takes us back to the scrapyard where it all began, then onwards into all of time and space. Meet the Doctor, explore the TARDIS, and set off on limitless adventures.

Book Two takes us to the shattering end of the Time War. Meet the battle-weary War Doctor, then travel on to distant planets and discover hidden secrets of the Doctor’s past.
  • (Book One) Bring the classic Doctors, and their most iconic companions and adversaries to life in your games of Doctor Who The Roleplaying Game.
  • (Book Two) Bring the revival era Doctors, and their most iconic companions and adversaries to life in your games of Doctor Who The Roleplaying Game.
  • Sixty years of adventure at your finger tips – a treasure trove of adventures, aliens, creatures, gadgets, plots, conspiracies, and plenty of running!
  • An epic new series of adventures connecting every Doctor – A Lustre of Starlight
  • A must-have for fans, gamers, and Whovians of all ages!

Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 1 and Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 2 are available now in PDF from DriveThruRPG for $19.99 each, while the hardcovers of Book 1 and Book 2 are available for pre-order for $39.99 each with an expected Q4 2023 release.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott


The Cubicle7 preorder page says: "Physical copies sent Q4 2023. All orders of this product include a PDF redeemable via Drive Thru RPG."

If anyone here has preordered this (or any previous Cubicle 7 preorder), can you confirm that the bundled PDF is available immediately upon preordering the physical book?


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