UA to Become Weekly! Pendleton Ward Helped On New AP!

WotC is currently at Gamehole Con, a convention in the US Midwest. According to a GameholeCon attendee at one of WotC's D&D panels, featuring Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mearls, Unearthed Arcana (Mike Mearl's monthly rules column) is going to become a weekly column. Not only that, Sage Advice will be pausing for a while while Jeremy Crawford joins Mearls on the UA columns. There will be a new Unearthed Arcana every Monday, with the next being three new barbarian options.

WotC is currently at Gamehole Con, a convention in the US Midwest. According to a GameholeCon attendee at one of WotC's D&D panels, featuring Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mearls, Unearthed Arcana (Mike Mearl's monthly rules column) is going to become a weekly column. Not only that, Sage Advice will be pausing for a while while Jeremy Crawford joins Mearls on the UA columns. There will be a new Unearthed Arcana every Monday, with the next being three new barbarian options.

WotC's Chris Perkins also said that "The next D&D story is *not* based on Adventure Time. However, Pendleton Ward did help us create it." Ward is, of course, the creator of the US cartoon Adventure Time.



Photo courtesy of @BasementofDeath

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It will be interesting to see what UA gives us. I'm not a fan of the bloat that 3 barbarian options forebodes. I'm much rather see updates for prior edition favorites. It would be great to see things like more work on the mass combat, gestalt multiclassing, and race and subclass conversions from favorite settings (Dragonlance, Spelljammer, redo of Eberron, etc).

There is so much work to be done just getting 5e up to speed, that introducing subclass bloat at this point seems misguided to me.

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Forget all the positive feedback that the most recent UA ranger has been garnering, you didn't actually read what I wrote, did you?
I see more negative feedback than positive and the positive all seems to come from players who like being overpowered, or DM's who think balanced rules are an afterthought that doesn't matter.

I see no reason for the snark either.


I see more negative feedback than positive and the positive all seems to come from players who like being overpowered, or DM's who think balanced rules are an afterthought that doesn't matter.

Must not have read the same threads as me. While I was apprehensive on some aspects of the revised ranger, the vast majority seemed to be giving it the thumbs up.

Again, though, it is presented as playtest material and is meant to solicit feedback from those that actually play it so that it can be fine-tuned.
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I've never seen the appeal of Adventure Time, but [MENTION=6776548]Corpsetaker[/MENTION]'s disgust has got me thinking maybe I should give it another try.

I imagine the AP will have ample opportunities for humor. Very exciting!
It's really hard to do humor well in an AP. It's not like you're reading a book or watching a movie: the adventure relies on delivery by a DM, who may or may not know how to tell a joke.
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Must not have read the same threads as me. While I was apprehensive on some aspects of the revised ranger, the vast majority seemed to be giving it the thumbs up.

Again, though, it is presented as playtest material and is meant to solicit feedback from those that actually play it so that it can be fine-tuned.

I have seen mostly positive comments on the new Ranger as well. The only consistent negative is that the 1st level gets too many benefits and makes min/max multiclassing too easy. I am running it in my campaign and the player running the Beastmaster likes it and I have not noticed any issues yet.

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