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[Unbounded World:The Aeterian Expedition] (Now With New And Improved Amulets!)


The high priests listens to Teppic's tale with interest. And sits deep in thought before looking Teppic in the eye

"This is most unpleasant. What resources do you require ? For the sake of Aeter, we must act. "

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First Post
Skor and Duncan enjoy a pleasant walk through the waking city, stopping for a hot coffee on the way. In front of the temple, at sunup, skor halts, waiting for his companions. He starts a series of stretching excercises, warming up as for a prize-fight, showing off his muscles at the young women that pass, making rude comments in his native tongue, his tone of voice leaving nothing to the imagination. He appears to be enjoying himself immensely, and snorts with laughter when one of the men hastily pulls his sister or wife away.

"Aaah, Duncan, being considered a rude and uncultured barbarian is immensely funny. They think they got me all figured out. If I were to go up to the tower and piss on the people below, they'd accept it as standard behaviour. I never tire from testing just how far I can go. And just how easily insulted they get. Hilarious. Just by saying hello to someone they think I'm trying to sleep with their sheep or whatever. Tell you what, just try it in the next town. Put on some 'barbarian' clothing. You'd look great in a helm with horns on'em. Make some remarks about your 'horny helmet' and then laugh in a rude way. Our companions will think you're completely mad. It'll put 'em on the wrong foot entirely. The hard bit is not to laugh out loud." he jokingly suggests.

[OOC : How's the exams going, Kalanyr?]
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OOC - Exams are over. Mother is making it difficult for me to get online now, *sigh* I can't wind. Expect an update tonight, if anyone posts anything I can respond to.


[ooc - with the change in decision on the status of the sleep attack re: gassiness, has Teppic's information changed?]

"Anything to protect myself and my allies against the affects of the dragons' sleep breath would be a great assistance. Effects to allow us to see our foes, either by letting us see the invisible or by making them no longer invisible. Those seem like the two most critical areas in which we failed when we faced this enemy."


(Teppic would have been made aware of the efficiacy of a necklace of adaption)

"Hmmm, there are five of you. I believe we have two necklaces of adaption, and we can supply a wand of invisibility purge. I believe the Pharaoh has several magical amulets in his possession, though whether any are currently available I do not know. I could expediate an audience with the pharoah if you believe it would be useful."


Teppic nods at the priest's words.

"All of those would be most useful. Speaking with the Pharoah could be useful as well, but I would not wish to waste his time. Perhaps you could brief him on the situation and he could grant me an audience or not as he deems appropriate."


OOC- At home for holidays mum killeth my net time. Will try and prepare an update for tomorrow and I'll post it in one hit.


First Post
[Sorry for my long absence. My life is a bit complicated right now.]

Duncan laughs heartily at Skor's remarks.
"Well, Skor, where I come from they already spin so many yarns about me that I'm no sure it would be a great idea. Once I stopped to a newly founded village into a valley, and people were eager to tell me that the valley was created by the falling body of a giant that was slain by the Brown Warrior. Try not to laugh hard at that! Usually I try to keep a lower profile. Not all who look for me are needy or friends."

Voidrunner's Codex

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