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Undead Origins

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The Garllyn Stones
Undead: ?
Tryph Benry, Ghost, Older Dwarven Man: Viridun was a town of mortals and fey, who worked together harvesting and selling rare magical herbs - the fey took their profits in dairy and baked goods (which were rare to them).
The human leader of the town tried to cheat the fey population. In return, the larger fey sang themselves and all the town's children away to the Plane of Faerie.
He doesn't know what happened to the children after that.
The town had no means to support itself without the fey and most of the people moved away.
Those that died in the town after the fey left haunt it.
Deceased Townsfolk: Viridun was a town of mortals and fey, who worked together harvesting and selling rare magical herbs - the fey took their profits in dairy and baked goods (which were rare to them).
The human leader of the town tried to cheat the fey population. In return, the larger fey sang themselves and all the town's children away to the Plane of Faerie.
He doesn't know what happened to the children after that.
The town had no means to support itself without the fey and most of the people moved away.
Those that died in the town after the fey left haunt it.
Shadow, Orange-Laced Shadow: ?
Shadow: If a non-evil humanoid dies from [a shadow's strength drain] attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.
Skeleton: ?
Warhorse Skeleton: ?
Mage Skeleton: Deceased spellcasters who have not quite made it to lichdom may still be more than just animated bones.
Mage Skeleton, Glowing Red Skeleton: ?
Deceased Spellcaster: ?
Bonethrower Skeleton, Kipling Skeleton: ?
Wight: ?
The Greyman Wraith: ?
Gigantic Shadow Creature: ?
Will-o'-Wisp: ?
Zombie: A humanoid slain by [a wight's life drain] attack rises 24 hours later as a zombie under the wight's control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed.
Zombie Werewolf: It is unclear which condition appears first, lycanthropy or zombification, but their bites only transmit the conditions together, never one without the other. There is approximately 35% chance that once bit, a healthy humanoid will succumb to their curse
Savage Undead Predator: ?


The Ghosting of Lady Quay (5e)
Brine Zombie: ?
Draug: ?
Lacedon, Aquatic Ghoul: ?
Mummy of the Deep: This creature, all that remains of an evil man buried at sea, uses its ability to control water to create a whirlpool under the ship.
Poshkin the Tame, Draug, Resident Draug: The draug is actually the Night Heron’s former quartermaster, Poshkin the Tame, who led the mutiny that brought about the ship’s destruction. Upon his death, Poshkin transformed into a draug, and it is his powerful yet dreadful presence that keeps the vessel afloat.
Brine Zombie, Undead Horror: The truth is, several months ago, Winnifer Miro and her lover Thispin Venroth were hired to deliver a fell cargo of essence ingots to a sorcerer on Aegis Isle. They loaded the essence ingots into the hold of their beautiful ketch, the Night Heron, unaware that these dangerous black bricks contained the trapped souls of once-living creatures. The ubiquitous ship rats gnawed on the crates and eventually were infected after consuming portions of the tainted ingots. The rats transformed into malevolent creatures known as soul nibblers. When the soul nibblers began biting the crew, the fatalities quickly mounted, and the frightened sailors declared an all-out mutiny.
The ensuing fight was savage and bloody, and the Night Heron caught fire during the fray. To save their own lives, Captain Miro, Thispin, and boson Rekello slew a dozen of their own men. But Thispin was mortally wounded and died as the ship was sinking.
Fully expecting to drown clinging to the body of her beloved, Captain Miro was startled to find her ship rise from the clutches of the cold sea. Instinctively she felt a new presence aboard, a phantom atmosphere that chilled her blood. Only days later, when her crewmates rose up as undead horrors, did she finally realize what had happened. Teeming with the dark chemistry of essence ingots, soul nibblers, dead sailors, and acts of sedition, the Night Heron was a crucible of negative energy. It became a draug ship, its sailors now brine zombies and lacedons.
These undead were once members of the Night Heron but drowned when the ship burned and sank.
Lacedon, Undead Horror: The truth is, several months ago, Winnifer Miro and her lover Thispin Venroth were hired to deliver a fell cargo of essence ingots to a sorcerer on Aegis Isle. They loaded the essence ingots into the hold of their beautiful ketch, the Night Heron, unaware that these dangerous black bricks contained the trapped souls of once-living creatures. The ubiquitous ship rats gnawed on the crates and eventually were infected after consuming portions of the tainted ingots. The rats transformed into malevolent creatures known as soul nibblers. When the soul nibblers began biting the crew, the fatalities quickly mounted, and the frightened sailors declared an all-out mutiny.
The ensuing fight was savage and bloody, and the Night Heron caught fire during the fray. To save their own lives, Captain Miro, Thispin, and boson Rekello slew a dozen of their own men. But Thispin was mortally wounded and died as the ship was sinking.
Fully expecting to drown clinging to the body of her beloved, Captain Miro was startled to find her ship rise from the clutches of the cold sea. Instinctively she felt a new presence aboard, a phantom atmosphere that chilled her blood. Only days later, when her crewmates rose up as undead horrors, did she finally realize what had happened. Teeming with the dark chemistry of essence ingots, soul nibblers, dead sailors, and acts of sedition, the Night Heron was a crucible of negative energy. It became a draug ship, its sailors now brine zombies and lacedons.
Undead, Undead Being: ?
Undead Cohort: ?


The Gods Have Spoken (5E)
Bone Jackal: Bone jackals were created when Balamet slew Jaris the Shadow Jackal.
Remnants of the Shadow Jackal: before the moon was placed in the sky, Jaris the Shadow Jackal hunted the night, terrifying mortals for his own enjoyment. He drew particular enjoyment from chasing his prey until their hearts gave out, howling his joy to the sky as he feasted upon their still-warm flesh. Jaris’ hunt came to an end when one of his victims overcame her fear and entreated Balamet for aid; the Warrior Cat answered her call and slew Jaris.
While Jaris was defeated, his body was not done hunting. From his shattered bone fragments, bone jackals grew, each one a twisted mockery of the shadow jackal’s form. Possessing a thirst for mortal fear and Jaris’ mastery of shadow, the bone jackals began their own hunt.
Twisted Mockery: ?
Argir the Undead: The Withered Root worships Argir the Undead. They contend that since Argir died but did not die in the creation of the World Tree, he was the first undead being.
Undead, Undead Being: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Undead Servant: ?
Undead Beast: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghost Dragon: ?
Lich: ?
Skeleton: ?
Vampire Mage: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire Necromancer: ?
Famous Vampire: ?
Vampire Parent: ?
Vampire Spawn: ?
Zombie: Devil Lord Tenebras Noctem's Death-Spiral Gaze power.

Death-Spiral Gaze: the arch-devil’s gaze emits an invisible, magical 180-ft. cone of negative energy. The arch-devil decides which direction the cone is facing.
All creatures in that area cannot regain hit points. Any humanoid who dies there becomes a zombie under the control of Lord Tenebras Noctem. The zombie goes at the start of the arch-devil’s initiative.


The Grey Citadel (5e)
Undead, Undead Being, Undead Creature: ?
Skeleton: There are also a wight and two dangerous traps capable of producing dozens of undead.
The traps are armed when wound up, and from then on are triggered by the approach of any good-aligned humanoid within 50 feet. When triggered, they begin to play a pleasant tune as would a child’s music box, and the sound of laughing children can be heard. After five rounds, the music slows, and thick black fog seeps out of the box, expanding to cover a 50-foot radius. This area receives the effects of animate dead cast at 9th level. Then, 13 skeletons are raised from that area (if available).
When the party is at least partially distracted by the corpses, he casts animate dead on the pile, creating zombies and skeletons from the freshest corpses.
He chooses escape over death if possible, but if given no opportunity for escape, he spends his final round winding up his last box o’ darkness trap. This box animates 2 more skeletons in the area.
Box o' Darkness magic item.
Wight: ?
Roark the Righteous, Wight, Skeletal Remains, Skeletal Corpse: Roark was a paladin from the distant north who heeded the call of the imperiled valley and rode to aid the defense. A cadre of powerful necromancers and undead beings led the invaders, and a wight fatally wounded Roark even as he struck it down. He bade the citizens prepare a consecrated grave for him as he struggled with the curse. They laid him down before the injuries claimed him, and even as he passed, his spirit struggled against the spawn within. His soul remains trapped within the husk of his body, barely holding the wight impulse at bay, and as the evil influences on this level have increased his grip on undeath has been slipping.
Zombie: There are also a wight and two dangerous traps capable of producing dozens of undead.
When the party is at least partially distracted by the corpses, he casts animate dead on the pile, creating zombies and skeletons from the freshest corpses.
Box o' Darkness magic item.

Wondrous Item, rare
The box o’ darkness trap is used by Gethrax to protect his lair in dungeon Level 1. (Note: The box o’ darkness traps featured in this adventure are much more powerful; the one described here is the 5th level “standard” version.)
The traps are armed when wound up, and from then on are triggered by the approach of any good-aligned humanoid within 20 feet. When triggered, they begin to play a pleasant tune as would a child’s music box, and the sound of laughing children can be heard. After five rounds, the music slows, and thick black fog seeps out of the box, expanding to cover a 20-foot radius. This area receives the effects of animate dead cast at 5th level. Up to five zombies and skeletons arise in the area. The trap magically converts the surrounding 20-foot area into hallowed ground for up to 30 hours. Undead within this area receive +1 hit point and a +1 bonus to attack, damage, and saving throw rolls. Undead within this area also receive advantage on Wisdom saving throws against being turned.
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The Hidden Halls of Hazakor
Ghast: ?
Ghoul: ?
Skeleton, Undead Skeleton: ?
Specter, Undead Specter: Once the master of the halls that bore his name, Hazakor still dwells in this area. But his horrible experiments stole his life and power away, transforming him into an undead ghast when he died here. The same magic turned two of his disloyal servants into undead specters.
Zombie: ?
Undead, Undead Monster, Undead Creature: ?
Undead, Yucky Creature: ?
Horrid Undead: ?
Foul Undead: ?
Hazakor, Undead Ghast, Horrid Undead, Intelligent Ghast: Once the master of the halls that bore his name, Hazakor still dwells in this area. But his horrible experiments stole his life and power away, transforming him into an undead ghast when he died here.
Hazakor died when the earthquake damaged his halls. But the dark power he was researching brought him back as an undead ghast.
Ghoul, Shrieking Ghoul: This ruined lounge is the lair of undead creatures created from servants of Hazakor who died here.
Skeleton, Skeleton Guard: This ruined lounge is the lair of undead creatures created from servants of Hazakor who died here.
Skeleton, Undead Remains: The two skeletons are the undead remains of scribes who died during the earthquake.
Specter, Restless Specter: ?
Specter, Specter Servant, Circling Specter: Once the master of the halls that bore his name, Hazakor still dwells in this area. But his horrible experiments stole his life and power away, transforming him into an undead ghast when he died here. The same magic turned two of his disloyal servants into undead specters.
Zombie, Caged Zombie: ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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