Echelon Reference Series: Alchemist Extracts Compiled (3pp+PRD)
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Small Undead: ?
Medium Undead: ?
Tiny Undead: ?
Large Undead: ?
Diminutive Undead: ?
Huge Undead: ?
Sentient Undead: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
Skeleton: ?
Vampire: Culture Monster VI extract.
Zombie: Culture Monster I extract.
Culture Monster I
School transmutation
Level alchemist 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (remains worth 25 gp, see text)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level
This extract imparts one of several bonuses based on the component used to create it.
Dwarven beard +2 Con, stability
Elven ear +2 Dex, elven immunities
Gnomish nose +2 Cha, gnome magic
Halfling breath +2 Cha, halfling luck
Human heart Component human’s most iconic feat
Orc bone +2 Str, ferocity
Snake venom Bite (2d4 plus poison), poison (Ex) bite-injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your
Con modifier, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d2 Con, cure 1 save
Zombie ashes DR 5/slashing
CR 1/4 or higher creatures of the appropriate type that died no more than 24 hours ago (aside from halflings, whose breath must be captured as they die) provide suitable components for the effects listed above. A successful DC 6 Craft (alchemy) check allows you to harvest enough components from a creature’s remains for one extract. Failure ruins a creature’s components. The process of extraction takes 1 minute. It is imprecise and practically ruins the creature’s remains; only one component may be collected from a given creature, even if that creature’s remains consist of multiple components. The strength (CR) of a component must be noted prior to storage. A human’s most iconic feat must also be noted prior to the storage of their heart. The amount of matter required varies by component but is never more than would fit inside a handheld jar. If a storage requirement is violated, that component is ruined.
The components of culture monster I are extremely rare and it is nearly impossible to find them among the stores of even the most well-stocked alchemists or apothecaries. However, demand tends to be nonexistent, which makes it very difficult to sell the components under normal circumstances.
Min. CR Creature Component Effect Storage Requirements
¼ Dwarf Beard (woven) +2 enhancement bonus to Con, stability None
¼ Elf Ear +2 enhancement bonus to Dex, elven immunities 2 hours of direct sunlight every day
¼ Gnome Nose +2 enhancement bonus to Cha, gnome magic May not touch pollen
¼ Halfling Last breath +2 enhancement bonus to Cha, halfling luck Must be sealed in an air-tight container
¼ Human Heart Creature’s most iconic feat (determined by GM) 6 oz. of fresh human blood must be administered daily
¼ Orc (or half-orc) Bone (ground) +2 enhancement bonus to Str, ferocity Must remain dry
¼ Snake Venom Bite (1d6 plus poison), poison (Ex) bite-injury; save Fort DC 10 + ½ your HD + your Con modifier, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d2 Con, cure 1 save
May never be exposed to music
¼ Zombie Ashes DR 5/slashing Must remain dry
Culture Monster VI
School transmutation
Level alchemist 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (remains worth 5,400 gp, see text)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level
This extract functions exactly like culture monster V, except that the following components may also be used:
Dragon bile Immunities (as the dragon), leather wings, fly 40 ft. (poor), breath weapon (1d6 per 2 HD, DC equal to the DC of culture monster VI)
Vampire dust Vampire template (minus special attacks and abilities), become Evil for the purpose of spells and effects
CR 8 or higher creatures of the appropriate type that died no more than 24 hours ago provide suitable components for the effects listed above. A successful DC 41 Craft (alchemy) check allows you to harvest enough components from a creature’s remains for one extract. Failure ruins that creature’s components. The process of extraction takes 1 minute. It is imprecise and practically ruins the creature’s remains; only one component may be collected from a given creature, even if that creature’s remains consist of multiple components. The strength (CR) of a component must be noted prior to storage. The amount of matter required varies by component but is never more than would fit inside a handheld jar. If a storage requirement is violated, that component is ruined.
The components of culture monster VI are extremely rare and it is nearly impossible to find them among the stores of even the most well-stocked alchemists or apothecaries. However, demand tends to be nonexistent, which makes it very difficult to sell the components under normal circumstances.
An alchemists that knows culture monster V may attempt a DC 44 Craft (alchemy) check to learn this formula for free upon reaching alchemist level 16 and every three alchemist levels thereafter.
Min. CR Creature Component Effect Storage Requirements
8 Dragon Bile Immunities (as the dragon), leather wings, fly 40 ft. (poor), breath attack (as the dragon, except it deals 1d6 damage per 2 CR of the component dragon and the DC is equal to the DC of culture monster VI)
None; dragons can sense dragon bile (including the type, color and HD of the dragon slain) in a creature’s possession and react accordingly
8 Vampire Dust Gain the vampire template (minus its special attacks and special qualities), your alignment becomes Evil for the purpose of spells and effects that rely on alignment
May never be exposed to direct sunlight, 1 oz. of fresh blood must be administered daily