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Undead Origins


Urban Arcana SRD

Urban Arcana SRD
d20 Modern
Ash Wraith: Any humanoid slain by an ash wraith’s burning touch is immolated and reduced to a pile of ash that rises as an ash wraith in 1d4 rounds.
Spirit: ?
Animating Spirit Poltergeist: ?
Frightful Spirit Apparition: ?
Groaning Spirit Banshee: ?
Possessing Spirit Haunt: ?
Weakening Spirit Fetch: ?
Skeletal Rat Swarm: ?
Zombie Liquefied: “Liquefied zombie” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature other than a construct, elemental, ooze, plant, or undead.
Human Liquefied Zombie: ?
Otyugh Liquefied Zombie: ?
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Menace Manual SRD

Menace Manual SRD
d20 Modern
Bodak: ?
Bodak Advanced: ?
Charred One: ?
Charred One Advanced: ?
Doom Hag: ?
Ghoul: “Ghoul” is an acquired template that can be added to any living corporeal creature that has flesh.
If a ghoul’s prey contracts advanced necrotizing faciitis from the wounds it has sustained and dies from the disease, it rises 1d3 days later as a ghoul. A remove disease spell cast on the corpse can prevent it from rising.
Ghoul Human Strong Ordinary 1/Tough Ordinary 1: ?
Revenant: “Revenant” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal living creature that has both an Intelligence score and a Charisma score greater than 6.
Revenant Police Officer Human Strong Ordinary 1/Dedicated Ordinary 1: ?
Skin Feaster: ?
Skin Feaster Advanced: ?
Whisperer in the Dark: ?
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Green's Guide to Ghosts

Green's Guide to Ghosts
d20 Modern
Ghosts: The word “ghost” is actually a catchall term for many different types of supernatural manifestations. Clouding the waters even further, many ghost hunters and theologians have differing opinions on the nature of ghosts. Some believe that they are the souls of those who are somehow trapped here on earth and have yet to “cross over.” Others believe that ghosts are demons that appear to the living to sow confusion and religious doubt. Yet others believe that ghosts are naturally occurring ripples of strong emotions echoing from dimensions that intersect our own.
One theory—the one I believe to be true—is that these locations or objects absorbed the psychic impressions of a person in the same way a room absorbs strong odors such as cigarette smoke. Those impressions linger long after the person has passed away, but are really nothing more than an echo of a strong emotional imprint.
The other type of ghost—lost souls—are spirits whose mortal remains have expired but whose immortal souls have not passed on to the “undiscovered country”, the “next life”, “heaven”, or whatever you prefer to call it. Usually, they stay behind because of unfinished business.
Commonly believed to be the disembodied spirit of a dead person or animal.
Some assert that they are the lost souls of those who are somehow trapped here on Earth and have yet to “cross over” because they have not realized they are dead or due to an untimely death. Some religious experts believe that ghosts are demons that appear to the living in an effort to confuse and create doubt in an individual’s faith. Yet others believe that ghosts are naturally occurring echoes of strong emotions “recorded” in another dimension that intersects with our own.
Ghost Lost Soul: Lost souls are the spirits of those who die but are unable or unwilling to leave our plane of existence—usually because of some unfinished business, but in rare instances because of outside intervention.
“Lost soul” is an inherited template that can be added to any recently deceased creature with Intelligence of 3 or greater. Lost souls manifest themselves in one of
four classifications depending on the amount of their spiritual energy (as determined by hit dice, below) at the time of death. Manifestation of the last category, dominating spirit, requires additional circumstances as noted in the description.
Manifestation (species) Initial HD
Lesser manifestation 1-2
Poltergeist 3-4
ABE 5-6
Phantom 7+
Dominating Spirit* 7+
Ghost Lost Soul Lesser Manifestation: ?
Ghost Lost Soul Poltergeist: ?
Ghost Lost Soul Atmospheric Balls of Energy: ?
Ghost Lost Soul Phantom: ?
Ghost Lost Soul Dominating Spirit: A dominating spirit is the lost soul of someone corrupted by great and infernal powers. In life, the person may have wielded forbidden arcane powers or committed vile, evil acts.
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Thrilling Tales Omnibus Edition

Thrilling Tales Omnibus Edition
d20 Modern
Vampire Smart Villain 7 Otto Von Ubel: Von Übel was a Prussian noble who was wounded during the Napoleonic Wars, as he lay dying on the battlefield, he fell victim to the predations of a vampire. The vampire, whose name Von Übel never learned, was a weak creature, more content with scavenging battlefields than in hunting his own prey -- Von Übel used his dying effort to kill the creature, but not before it had worked its terrible magic. Otto Von Übel rose again as a creature of the night.
Vampire Strong Ordinary 2: Von Übel is served by a group of lesser vampires that he has created.
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Imperial Age Victorian Monstrosities

Imperial Age Victorian Monstrosities
d20 Modern
The Beggarwoman: An elderly disabled woman begs for a night’s rest at a castle. Although the Marquise accommodates her, the Marquis comes home and makes her move behind a stove. The woman accidentally slips and fatally injures herself. Years later, the spirit of the Beggarwoman returns to haunt the castle.
One of the most disturbing elements of this story is the excessive nature of the vengeance for the harm caused. While the Marquis was a bit inhospitable, he did allow a stranger to stay in his house. His insistence on her moving caused her to fall, but it was an accident. He did not realise the extent of her injury and he certainly didn’t intend for her to die. In return, the Beggarwoman’s spirit returns several years later.
The Scorned Woman: Reginald Hempworth was a young gentleman that fell in love with a country girl while keeping an eye on his investments in the wool industry. Although of a different class and station, Reginald assured the young Clarissa that they would be together. He planned on moving to France or possibly America, where only their money, not their breeding would matter.
Unfortunately, Reginald was not very good at management and he incurred a large gambling debt. Fortunately, he was offered another woman’s hand in marriage, one with a dowry large enough to pay off Reginald’s debt and get his investments back on their feet. While he loved Clarissa dearly, he could not afford to pass up this opportunity. With a heavy heart, he told Clarissa of his engagement while they were in his carriage.
Clarissa did not take well to the news. Angry and hysterical, she flung open the carriage door and fled into the rain. Reginald tried to stop her, but to his horror she had flung herself over a cliff. Luckily for Reginald, a passerby saw Clarissa leap over the edge unaided which kept Reginald out of official trouble.
Reginald married and enjoyed two decades with his wife and their children before the Scorned Woman first appeared. She was the spitting image of Clarissa, although in ghostly form.
Brunhilda Vampiric Charismatic Ordinary 4: Brunhilda dies at an early age. Her husband, Lord Walter, never gets over her death, even though he remarried and had two children with his new wife. Walter spends a lot of time at her gravesite and one day encounters a sorcerer (more likely a necromancer) while grieving there. The sorcerer hears his wish for her to return, but although he warns Walter that Brunhilda would not be happy he consents to resurrect her.
The Black Widow Vampire Dedicated Ordinary 4: Unfortunately, Viola had another suitor, Arturo, a local man that had just returned from army service. Arturo demanded that Vittorio annul the marriage. When Vittorio refused, Arturo drew his revolver and demanded satisfaction. Viola tried to intervene and Arturo’s revolver fired, killing Viola on the spot. Arturo fled while Vittorio grieved for his dead bride.
Vittorio was inconsolable and refused to sculpt. His patron, upset that Vittorio was leaving much of his promised work unfinished, employed a sorcerer for assistance. The sorcerer confronted Vittorio and told him that he could raise Viola from the dead and that she would remain beautiful forever. She would also remain very much in love with Vittorio. In disbelief, Vittorio agreed to allow the sorcerer to summon her. To his delightful surprise, Vittorio was reunited with his beloved Viola.
Demon of the Night Lich Smart Hero 3/Mage 6: While considered a lich, the Demon of the Night was cursed into its current form rather than achieved it through study.
The story contains a strange character, Canon Alberic, who lived in the late seventeenth century. He seems to be an astrologist (or hermetic disciple) and he apparently tore up Church books in order to make a scrapbook. The Demon of the Night appeared at this time and Canon Alberic died in his bed under mysterious circumstances. The Demon is interested in keeping the scrapbook and haunts the current owner of the tome (one can surmise that the church guardian took the book from the church, which caused the Demon to come after him).
The statistics below presume that Canon Alberic has been transformed into the Demon of the Night. He is cursed to watch over his scrapbook and ensure that it never leaves the shadow of the old church for long.
The Tattered Storyteller Revenant Charismatic Ordinary 8: ?
Human Zombie: A night mail coach accident nine years previous that ended with the death of all passengers.
Carmilla Vampire Charismatic Hero 6: She died at a young age, herself the victim of an unidentified vampire.
Vampire: While most women she feeds on die within a week, Carmilla is also known to fall in love with some of her prey and keeps them around much longer. They will eventually succumb, however, and turn into a vampire like Carmilla (the novella insinuates that those killed quickly do not raise as vampires, but this is never explicitly stated).
Sir Nicolas Rathbane Vampire Smart Hero 3/Charismatic Hero 3: ?
Dracula Vampire Charismatic Hero 8/Strong Hero 4/Dedicated Hero 4: The Transylvanian Count was a sorcerer that used black magick to become a vampire.
Katerina The Baroness Vampire Charismatic Hero 10/Personality 10: The Baroness’ origins are shrouded in mystery.
Lord Ruthven Vampire Charismatic Hero 8: ?
Varney Vampire Fast Hero 3/Swashbuckler 5/Charismatic Hero 2: Sir Francis Varney began life as Mr. Mortimer, a Crown supporter that helped members of English royalty escape to Holland during the English Civil War. He was shot and killed by one of Cromwell’s soldiers just after he’d accidentally killed his own son in a fit of rage. As he was dying, he heard a voice that told him he would be cursed for killing his son. Two years later, Mr. Mortimer rose from his grave as a vampire.
Lich: A lich is an undead magickal practitioner (such as a Hermetic Disciple or Medium) that has used magick to unnaturally extend its life. The process of becoming a lich is unspeakably evil and can be undertaken only by a willing character.
“Lich” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid creature, provided it can create the required phylactery; see The Lich’s Phylactery, below.
The Lich's Phylactery
An integral part of becoming a lich is creating a magic phylactery in which the character stores its life force. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a lich for sure is to destroy its phylactery. Unless its phylactery is located and destroyed, a lich reappears 1d10 days after its apparent death.
Each lich must make its own phylactery, normally through a powerful, secret Incantation. The most common form of phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. The box is Tiny and has 40 hit points, hardness 20, and a break DC of 40. Other forms of phylacteries can exist, such as rings, amulets, or similar items.
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Imperial Age British India

Imperial Age British India
d20 Modern
Bhuta: Bhutas are evil ghosts, the restless soul of someone who died for his crimes or was killed in a way abhorrent to his religion (such as suicide).
Pishacha: ?
Pishacha Human Strong Ordinary 1/Tough Ordinary 1: ?
Vetala: Vetalas are vampiric wraiths created when the body of a Hindu is not given a proper burial (cremation).
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Imperial Age Grimoire

Imperial Age Grimoire
d20 Modern
Skeleton: Animate Dead spell.
A skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact corpse or skeleton; the corpse must have bones.
Zombie: Animate Dead spell.
A zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse; the creature must have a true anatomy.
Zombie Liquefied: Create Undead spell.
Mummy: Create Undead spell.
Vampire: Create Undead spell.
Ash Wraith: Create Undead spell.
Spirit: Create Undead spell.

Animate Dead
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Divine 3, Arcane 4; Components: V, S, M; Casting Time: Attack action; Range: Touch; Targets: One or more corpses touched; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No
This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster’s spoken commands. The skeletons or zombies can follow the caster, or can remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place. The undead remain animated until they are destroyed. (A destroyed skeleton or zombie can’t be animated again.)
Regardless of the type of undead, a caster can’t create more HD of undead than twice his or her caster level with a single casting of animate dead.
The undead created remain under caster’s control indefinitely. No matter how many times the caster uses this spell, however, he or she can control only 4 HD worth of undead creatures per caster level. If the caster exceeds this number, all the newly created creatures fall under his or her control, and any excess undead from previous castings become uncontrolled (the caster chooses which creatures are released). Any undead the character commands (if the character has the ability to command or rebuke undead) do not count toward the limit.
Skeletons: A skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact corpse or skeleton; the corpse must have bones. If a skeleton is made from a corpse, the flesh falls off the bones. The statistics for a skeleton depend on its size; they do not depend on what abilities the creature may have had while alive.
Zombies: A zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse; the creature must have a true anatomy. The statistics for a zombie depend on its size, not on what abilities the creature may have had while alive.
Material Component: Purchase DC 15 + 1 per 2 HD of the undead.

Create Undead
Necromancy [Evil]
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcane lore) DC 31, 7 successes; Failure: Two consecutive failed skill checks; Components: V, S, M, XP; Casting Time: 7 hours (minimum); Range: Touch; Target: One corpse or skeleton; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No
Much more potent than the animate dead spell, this evil incantation allows you to create a powerful undead creature from the creature’s dead remains. The incantation raises a corpse as a liquefied zombie, mummy, or vampire. It turns a skeleton into an ash wraith or spirit, and the bones turn to dust upon completion of the incantation.
You can create an undead creature up to 20 Hit Dice, and you may control up to 20 Hit Dice of undead at a time. If you create new undead in excess of this amount, older undead slip from your control.
This incantation must be cast at night.
Options: The type of undead you’re creating has a great influence on the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC. Apply the following modifiers: animating spirit –10, frightful spirit –8, groaning spirit –6, Small or smaller liquefied zombie –4, Medium liquefied zombie –2, weakening spirit +0, mummy +0, Large liquefied zombie +0, possessing spirit +2, Huge liquefied zombie +2, ash wraith +4, Gargantuan liquefied zombie +8, Colossal liquefied zombie +10. If you’re creating a vampire, increase the DC of the Knowledge (arcane lore) check by the vampire’s Hit Dice + 4.
Material Components: A clay pot filled with grave dirt and another filled with brackish water. The spell requires a creature’s corpse or complete skeletal remains. You must place a black onyx gem (purchase DC 20) into the mouth of the corpse or skeleton. The magick of the spell turns the gem into a worthless shell.
Experience Point Cost: 100 XP.
Failure: Betrayal and attack. The undead creature rises and attacks the caster immediately, fighting until slain.
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Dawning Star: Helios Rising

Dawning Star: Helios Rising
d20 Modern
Information Ghost: Information ghosts are created when individuals with some connection to Red Truth have their minds destroyed by uncontrolled exposure to Red Truth. This can only happen under unusual circumstances, such as extended visits to Green Reach facility or other places where Red Truth bleeds over into our reality. It is almost impossible for yaom or psionicists to become information ghosts through their normal interactions with Red Truth. In areas where Red Truth is accessed repeatedly the barrier between it and this dimension sometimes weakens, allowing Red Truth to spill into our world and cause damage to those whose minds are unprepared.
An information ghost is made up of the whole of the information stored within the brain of a psionicist who suffered terminal exposure to Red Truth. The victim's consciousness leaves their body as pure information which continues to exist in Red Truth, but cannot leave Red Truth or areas where it has invaded our reality without great difficulty.
Information ghost is an inherited template that can be gained by any character who is a yaom, a dosai, or a psionicist and whose Wisdom is reduced to 0 through uncontrolled exposure to Red Truth. This can happen in areas where Red Truth bleeds over into our dimension, such as Green Reach. Under extremely trying conditions yaom looking into Red Truth can become information ghosts. This normally only occurs to yaom if their Wisdom is reduced to 0, they have no power points left, and are disabled or suffering from a fear condition. In such a situation the yaom must make a Will save (DC 15) to avoid becoming an information ghost. Some powerful yaom can will their minds into the form of an information ghost using advanced psionic abilities, but this power is extremely rare and only the most powerful yaom masters can do so.
Dosai Information Ghost Charismatic Hero 3/Smart Hero 2/Telepath 2 Green Reach Researcher Turned Information Ghost: ?
Kurlis Inromation Ghost Esoan Smart 3/Field Scientist 10/Telepath 2: When the final malfunction of the brainshock cannon occurred Kurlis was in the process of trying to physically restrain the vaasi-infected scientist who sabotaged the brainshock cannon and was attempting to fire it. Kurlis failed, and thus Green Reach was doomed.
Sheargus Information Ghost Dosai Charismatic Hero 5/Telepath 10: A dosai researcher at Green Reach, Sheargus ignored the warnings of his fellow researchers and probed the far reaches of Red Truth. What he found there no one is sure, but in the days before the vaasi fleet enter the Helios system Sheargus had a psychotic break during which killed several other researchers. Sheargus was incarcerated and awaiting psychological evaluation when the brainshock cannon malfunctioned. A powerful psionicist, Sheargus survived the transformation into an information ghost.
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All Flesh Must be Eaten Revised

All Flesh Must be Eaten Revised
d20 Modern
Zombie: There were many early successes for our group. We determined the source of the infected cadaver outbreak was not the result of the wrath of a vengeful God, witchcraft, voodoo or something equally ludicrous. The source of the outbreak was radiation -- radiation carried on the back of a comet like rats carried plague-riddled vermin on their backs centuries ago.
A Zombie or Jumbie (the name given to them in the Virgin Islands) is described by the Island experts as “a soulless human corpse, still dead, but taken from the grave and endowed by sorcery with a mechanical semblance of life.” These creatures are brought to life by sorcerers called “Houngans” who bring the dead back to work as their eternal slaves.
Legend and folklore have long held that sometimes, when a person dies with unfinished business, he may rise from the dead to finish it, or to seek revenge for some evil doing.
Voodoo priests that turn the dead, and sometimes the living, into Zombies.
The creatures are created to work in the harsh conditions of outer space.
Angry prisoners inhale formaldehyde to get high, die and return.
Entomologists create a machine that only affects the underdeveloped nervous systems of insects. This machine causes the insects to attack and devour themselves leaving our farms and gardens insect free without harmful poisons. Perfect, except for one thing we didn’t count on. The nervous systems of the dead have decomposed to the level of insects. They are affected by the machine and begin eating human flesh.
The germ warfare scientists in the military develop a means to create an army of the dead. These soldiers cannot be killed except by a shot to the head. The problem is that they also spread the germ through biting and scratching. Once the living are infected, they too become zombies.
A dangerous germ warfare chemical.
I don't know what the zombies house for saliva but within thirty-six hours of being bit most people turn into zombies themselves.
The life forms controlling the corpses were arthropod-like in composition.
I still can’t believe it, AIDS would have been enough but when I think of what PHADE will do to me . . . my body rotting from the inside out, my skin peeling like old wallpaper, and when my heart finally gives in to the virus, the real fun starts. Somehow PHADE will jump start my nervous system and make me into something not quite alive and not quite dead.
The zombie has to actually kill its victims in order for them to come back as a member of the club. Anyone killed by a zombie rises again within a few hours.
The zombie need only bite a living being and the chain reaction begins. The process usually takes a day or so to finally set in, during which time it might be possible to reverse the effects if a skilled research doctor treats the victim. Otherwise, the bitten goes straight from living to undead without ever really passing out and dying.
Sometimes its not the zombie that reanimates the corpse but rather something in the very soil or air. In order to rise again, a body has to be buried under the ground or stored in some container, or coated with some chemical. Zombies created this way have a natural instinct to bury their victims, or otherwise prepare the body, and thus enlarge the undead community every step of the way. Rising from the shallow grave, or awakening after embalment usually takes between six and twelve hours, but sometimes occurs much more quickly.
Thirty years ago, the government decided these caves were the perfect place to store containers of spent uranium and other nuclear waste. They bought the land, buried tons of radioactive sludge deep in the cave system and, once they thought it full, sealed the whole thing off. They didn’t plan on the containers leaking and getting into the local soil and water table. And no one could have imagined the effect this radiation would have on the local population, particularly the local dead population.
Some said the radiation became a tool of the spirits or demonic forces, particularly those who remembered that the native Americans who once lived in the region held the caves as sacred. Others maintained that it was the radiation itself, somehow jump-starting the dead nervous system, creating brain-dead beasts who could only act on the most basic instinct: find food. Whatever the cause, it didn’t discriminate about who it raised from the dead. Every deceased creature, animal or human, within fifty miles of those caves became one of the walking dead.
The PHADE virus is more than just another sexually transmitted disease. It is in fact a recipe for zombification. Zombies have always been with us in one form or another. Many cultures, including modern voodoo practitioners, have theories about the process of animating the dead through magical potions, elixirs, and rituals. In the modern information age, the details of such practices are more accessible to the common man, or in this case, the common high school student.
Distraught and disbelieving, Philip sought to conquer death, and after months of cruising the internet and frequenting voodoo chat rooms, he learned all he needed to know to raise lovely Jenna from the grave. Quite mad by this time, Philip raised the decaying girl and consummated his love with her. When he woke up the next morning, the handsome young man came to his senses and decided that the Jenna corpse wasn’t nearly as desirable as the living thing. He disposed of the hapless zombie and got on with his life. By then, it was too late. He had contracted PHADE, a zombie STD that Jenna’s body created when her AIDS-infected corpse rose from the dead.
Those who died at the zombies' hands rose hours or days later to join the undead hordes.
Millions of years ago and hundreds of light years from our own world, an ancient civilization toyed with forces better left undisturbed. Their own dead rose up against them as the result of a series of diabolic necromantic experiments. The only way they could save themselves was to literally blow a chunk of their world off into space, ridding the planet of any trace of the zombie taint. Ever since then the zombie planetoid has traveled through space, unbeknownst to anyone, on a direct collision course with Earth.
American scientists detected the incoming chunk of rock, although they had no clue as to its true origins or deadly purpose. Fearing the end of life on Earth, the nuclear powers of the world combined their arsenals, modified their missiles, and sent millions of megatons flying into space. Already eroded by millions of other impacts in its long history, the zombie planet burst apart under the nuclear onslaught. The Earth thought itself safe.
Then the irradiated pieces of the planet came hurtling down to Earth, burning up and dissolving into the atmosphere. As a result of prevailing winds and the widespread dispersal pattern of the dust, hardly a corner of the planet escaped exposure. As the dust settled to the ground it began immediately to seep into the soil, water, and even the air. The result was all too horrible and predictable -- the ancient powers awoke the dead from their eternal rest.
Anyone who dies anywhere on the planet that has been exposed to the planetoid dust (meaning anywhere but sealed rooms) rises from the dead within ten minutes to an hour of their passing on. Those who actually die from a zombie attack turn into one of the undead almost immediately. Those who somehow survive an attack continue on as normal (although other diseases might infect them).
OrganoCore’s fertilizers and pesticides met with all my demands for an environmentally safe product. I used the stuff for two years and my crop yields increased by forty percent. I was happy as a clam. Then two weeks ago, I started using the new and improved formula and that’s when it happened.
I had a dog, a big ole’ German shepherd named Shep. When he got hit by a car three weeks ago, I buried him out by the lettuce fields. One night, I hear a scratching at the front door, just like Shep used to do when he wanted in. I open the door and there he is -- his rotting corpse stinking to high heaven. I thought it was some sick joke but then the corpse moved. It lunged at me, biting for my leg. I screamed and kicked him away but the damned thing kept coming. I finally made it to the kitchen and, well, I defended myself with a butcher’s knife. It wasn’t pretty, and worst of all, the damn dog bled everywhere. The blood wasn’t what bothered me, though. What bothered me was that he bled green.
Funded in part by various environmental groups, the company embarked on a groundbreaking research project which ultimately yielded them some amazing results. Combining a number of tribal and ancient folk remedies with newly found ingredients imported from the jungles of the Carribean and Indonesia, the researchers managed to create some astounding products. Their new fertilizers and pesticides worked just as well or better than the artificial varieties and they were entirely harmless to the environment.
Once the OrganoCore products hit the market, they were a smash success, and farms across the country and around the world began using them. When OrganoCore recently announced its new line of improved products, it was estimated that fully three quarters of America’s farm acreage planned on using them. That’s exactly what happened. OrganoCore became a Fortune 500 company, but the results were more disastrous than anyone could imagine.
The new products, again using formulas derived from ancient Caribbean and Indonesian rituals, were more effective than the original formula and seemed just as safe. Indeed, by themselves they were safe, but when combined with the older formula, they awakened a previously untapped potential within the soil. Some say they awakened the vengeful soul of mother Earth herself and now she has chosen to strike down the animals that have oppressed her for so long. Others say that the chemicals spurred some speedy and powerful mutation in plant life, effectively jumping it ahead millions of evolutionary years.
Whatever the true cause, the result was obvious: the dead were coming back to life all across the country, wherever corpses and OrganoCore products mixed. The alchemical mixture gave the world’s plants a new life and new purpose. Growing with incredible speed, the vegetation sent tendrils into the bodies of the dead humans and animals buried beneath the ground. These plant tendrils replaced the veins and nervous system of the dead bodies but kept the bones and muscles strong. Thus, vegetatively animated, the dead began to rise and do the deadly work of their plant overlords.
The zombies buried their dead victims in the foul soil that had spawned them, creating more plant-infested cadavers.
The drones in their natural state look like foot-long centipedes with four pairs of two-foot tentacles running down the sides of their bodies. By themselves, the creatures seem harmless enough -- certainly not capable of bringing death and destruction down upon countless different worlds. In fact, the Race cannot conquer anything without a little help; namely, the recently dead bodies of the Others. The drones can insert themselves into any dead body and fully reanimate it.
As the Allies prepared for D-Day, Hitler’s top-secret Occult Corps got ready to repulse the invasion. The researchers had, in a matter of speaking, conquered death. Although the secret to immortally still eluded them, they had achieved the next best thing: the living dead. Based on ancient formulae and magic rituals, the Nazis developed a serum that would raise their soldiers from the dead once they had fallen in battle.
What no one suspected was that Chinese scientists had managed to make their own variations on the nuclear payload. It was a highly radioactive, low destructive yield device that would kill millions but leave the buildings intact.
The specially designed Chinese radiation bombs had their desired effect, killing millions of Americans and European civilians but leaving the cities mostly intact for those few survivors who could take advantage of them. Now, thirty years later, the world is beginning to see that the bombs had another, rather interesting effect: they mutated the living and the unborn in strange and unpredictable ways. Some were born with missing or extra limbs and other malformations, but a few came into this world with radiation literally flowing through their veins. Some have theorized that this was an evolutionary solution to the new hostile world environment.
The result: a race of humans that can survive radiation just fine, live, grow old, and die in it. The problem is, once they die, they don’t stay dead. The dead rise again, stronger, meaner, and more deadly than they ever were in life.
An ancient Sanskrit manuscript had outlined for him a ritual that he had not previously dared to attempt. Now, in anger and desperation, he turned to it and made the necessary preparations.
Mordecai chose the city of Paris as the site of his ritual. On a moonless night, he gathered his coven in the city cemetery, along with thirteen sacrificial virgins The neighbors huddled in their beds in terror as lighting flashed, thunder roared, and the smell of brimstone filled the air. The blood of innocents spilled to the ground and awakened the bodies of those who lay at rest. At the command of the Italian magician, the dead clawed their way from their graves, hungering for the flesh of the living.
When these zombies kill a person, the victim’s soul is immediately judged and sent on to the appropriate afterlife. The body then rises up and joins the ranks of the undead.
We learned that when someone dies, you decapitate them and then burn the body or else you’re gonna have one flesh-eating corpse on your hands before too long.
So the gods went to war in earnest and left humanity in the lurch. This might not have been a problem except that the gods left in place their rather arcane system of judging and assigning new bodies to old souls. Now that process has broken down and no one is doing anything to fix it, at least for the moment. As a result, the unthinkable is happening: souls are being reborn into bodies that are already dead.
Vampire: if a vampire bites you and doesn’t rip you apart, you become a vampire.
Man created these Vam-pyres. They were mistakenly risen by science.
Base Zombie: ?
Sample Zombie: ?

Zombie: There were many early successes for our group. We determined the source of the infected cadaver outbreak was not the result of the wrath of a vengeful God, witchcraft, voodoo or something equally ludicrous. The source of the outbreak was radiation -- radiation carried on the back of a comet like rats carried plague-riddled vermin on their backs centuries ago.
A Zombie or Jumbie (the name given to them in the Virgin Islands) is described by the Island experts as “a soulless human corpse, still dead, but taken from the grave and endowed by sorcery with a mechanical semblance of life.” These creatures are brought to life by sorcerers called “Houngans” who bring the dead back to work as their eternal slaves.
Legend and folklore have long held that sometimes, when a person dies with unfinished business, he may rise from the dead to finish it, or to seek revenge for some evil doing.
Voodoo priests that turn the dead, and sometimes the living, into Zombies.
The creatures are created to work in the harsh conditions of outer space.
Angry prisoners inhale formaldehyde to get high, die and return.
Entomologists create a machine that only affects the underdeveloped nervous systems of insects. This machine causes the insects to attack and devour themselves leaving our farms and gardens insect free without harmful poisons. Perfect, except for one thing we didn’t count on. The nervous systems of the dead have decomposed to the level of insects. They are affected by the machine and begin eating human flesh.
The germ warfare scientists in the military develop a means to create an army of the dead. These soldiers cannot be killed except by a shot to the head. The problem is that they also spread the germ through biting and scratching. Once the living are infected, they too become zombies.
A dangerous germ warfare chemical.
I don't know what the zombies house for saliva but within thirty-six hours of being bit most people turn into zombies themselves.
The life forms controlling the corpses were arthropod-like in composition.
I still can’t believe it, AIDS would have been enough but when I think of what PHADE will do to me . . . my body rotting from the inside out, my skin peeling like old wallpaper, and when my heart finally gives in to the virus, the real fun starts. Somehow PHADE will jump start my nervous system and make me into something not quite alive and not quite dead.
The zombie has to actually kill its victims in order for them to come back as a member of the club. Anyone killed by a zombie rises again within a few hours.
The zombie need only bite a living being and the chain reaction begins. The process usually takes a day or so to finally set in, during which time it might be possible to reverse the effects if a skilled research doctor treats the victim. Otherwise, the bitten goes straight from living to undead without ever really passing out and dying.
Sometimes its not the zombie that reanimates the corpse but rather something in the very soil or air. In order to rise again, a body has to be buried under the ground or stored in some container, or coated with some chemical. Zombies created this way have a natural instinct to bury their victims, or otherwise prepare the body, and thus enlarge the undead community every step of the way. Rising from the shallow grave, or awakening after embalment usually takes between six and twelve hours, but sometimes occurs much more quickly.
Thirty years ago, the government decided these caves were the perfect place to store containers of spent uranium and other nuclear waste. They bought the land, buried tons of radioactive sludge deep in the cave system and, once they thought it full, sealed the whole thing off. They didn’t plan on the containers leaking and getting into the local soil and water table. And no one could have imagined the effect this radiation would have on the local population, particularly the local dead population.
Some said the radiation became a tool of the spirits or demonic forces, particularly those who remembered that the native Americans who once lived in the region held the caves as sacred. Others maintained that it was the radiation itself, somehow jump-starting the dead nervous system, creating brain-dead beasts who could only act on the most basic instinct: find food. Whatever the cause, it didn’t discriminate about who it raised from the dead. Every deceased creature, animal or human, within fifty miles of those caves became one of the walking dead.
The PHADE virus is more than just another sexually transmitted disease. It is in fact a recipe for zombification. Zombies have always been with us in one form or another. Many cultures, including modern voodoo practitioners, have theories about the process of animating the dead through magical potions, elixirs, and rituals. In the modern information age, the details of such practices are more accessible to the common man, or in this case, the common high school student.
Distraught and disbelieving, Philip sought to conquer death, and after months of cruising the internet and frequenting voodoo chat rooms, he learned all he needed to know to raise lovely Jenna from the grave. Quite mad by this time, Philip raised the decaying girl and consummated his love with her. When he woke up the next morning, the handsome young man came to his senses and decided that the Jenna corpse wasn’t nearly as desirable as the living thing. He disposed of the hapless zombie and got on with his life. By then, it was too late. He had contracted PHADE, a zombie STD that Jenna’s body created when her AIDS-infected corpse rose from the dead.
Those who died at the zombies' hands rose hours or days later to join the undead hordes.
Millions of years ago and hundreds of light years from our own world, an ancient civilization toyed with forces better left undisturbed. Their own dead rose up against them as the result of a series of diabolic necromantic experiments. The only way they could save themselves was to literally blow a chunk of their world off into space, ridding the planet of any trace of the zombie taint. Ever since then the zombie planetoid has traveled through space, unbeknownst to anyone, on a direct collision course with Earth.
American scientists detected the incoming chunk of rock, although they had no clue as to its true origins or deadly purpose. Fearing the end of life on Earth, the nuclear powers of the world combined their arsenals, modified their missiles, and sent millions of megatons flying into space. Already eroded by millions of other impacts in its long history, the zombie planet burst apart under the nuclear onslaught. The Earth thought itself safe.
Then the irradiated pieces of the planet came hurtling down to Earth, burning up and dissolving into the atmosphere. As a result of prevailing winds and the widespread dispersal pattern of the dust, hardly a corner of the planet escaped exposure. As the dust settled to the ground it began immediately to seep into the soil, water, and even the air. The result was all too horrible and predictable -- the ancient powers awoke the dead from their eternal rest.
Anyone who dies anywhere on the planet that has been exposed to the planetoid dust (meaning anywhere but sealed rooms) rises from the dead within ten minutes to an hour of their passing on. Those who actually die from a zombie attack turn into one of the undead almost immediately. Those who somehow survive an attack continue on as normal (although other diseases might infect them).
OrganoCore’s fertilizers and pesticides met with all my demands for an environmentally safe product. I used the stuff for two years and my crop yields increased by forty percent. I was happy as a clam. Then two weeks ago, I started using the new and improved formula and that’s when it happened.
I had a dog, a big ole’ German shepherd named Shep. When he got hit by a car three weeks ago, I buried him out by the lettuce fields. One night, I hear a scratching at the front door, just like Shep used to do when he wanted in. I open the door and there he is -- his rotting corpse stinking to high heaven. I thought it was some sick joke but then the corpse moved. It lunged at me, biting for my leg. I screamed and kicked him away but the damned thing kept coming. I finally made it to the kitchen and, well, I defended myself with a butcher’s knife. It wasn’t pretty, and worst of all, the damn dog bled everywhere. The blood wasn’t what bothered me, though. What bothered me was that he bled green.
Funded in part by various environmental groups, the company embarked on a groundbreaking research project which ultimately yielded them some amazing results. Combining a number of tribal and ancient folk remedies with newly found ingredients imported from the jungles of the Carribean and Indonesia, the researchers managed to create some astounding products. Their new fertilizers and pesticides worked just as well or better than the artificial varieties and they were entirely harmless to the environment.
Once the OrganoCore products hit the market, they were a smash success, and farms across the country and around the world began using them. When OrganoCore recently announced its new line of improved products, it was estimated that fully three quarters of America’s farm acreage planned on using them. That’s exactly what happened. OrganoCore became a Fortune 500 company, but the results were more disastrous than anyone could imagine.
The new products, again using formulas derived from ancient Caribbean and Indonesian rituals, were more effective than the original formula and seemed just as safe. Indeed, by themselves they were safe, but when combined with the older formula, they awakened a previously untapped potential within the soil. Some say they awakened the vengeful soul of mother Earth herself and now she has chosen to strike down the animals that have oppressed her for so long. Others say that the chemicals spurred some speedy and powerful mutation in plant life, effectively jumping it ahead millions of evolutionary years.
Whatever the true cause, the result was obvious: the dead were coming back to life all across the country, wherever corpses and OrganoCore products mixed. The alchemical mixture gave the world’s plants a new life and new purpose. Growing with incredible speed, the vegetation sent tendrils into the bodies of the dead humans and animals buried beneath the ground. These plant tendrils replaced the veins and nervous system of the dead bodies but kept the bones and muscles strong. Thus, vegetatively animated, the dead began to rise and do the deadly work of their plant overlords.
The zombies buried their dead victims in the foul soil that had spawned them, creating more plant-infested cadavers.
The drones in their natural state look like foot-long centipedes with four pairs of two-foot tentacles running down the sides of their bodies. By themselves, the creatures seem harmless enough -- certainly not capable of bringing death and destruction down upon countless different worlds. In fact, the Race cannot conquer anything without a little help; namely, the recently dead bodies of the Others. The drones can insert themselves into any dead body and fully reanimate it.
As the Allies prepared for D-Day, Hitler’s top-secret Occult Corps got ready to repulse the invasion. The researchers had, in a matter of speaking, conquered death. Although the secret to immortally still eluded them, they had achieved the next best thing: the living dead. Based on ancient formulae and magic rituals, the Nazis developed a serum that would raise their soldiers from the dead once they had fallen in battle.
What no one suspected was that Chinese scientists had managed to make their own variations on the nuclear payload. It was a highly radioactive, low destructive yield device that would kill millions but leave the buildings intact.
The specially designed Chinese radiation bombs had their desired effect, killing millions of Americans and European civilians but leaving the cities mostly intact for those few survivors who could take advantage of them. Now, thirty years later, the world is beginning to see that the bombs had another, rather interesting effect: they mutated the living and the unborn in strange and unpredictable ways. Some were born with missing or extra limbs and other malformations, but a few came into this world with radiation literally flowing through their veins. Some have theorized that this was an evolutionary solution to the new hostile world environment.
The result: a race of humans that can survive radiation just fine, live, grow old, and die in it. The problem is, once they die, they don’t stay dead. The dead rise again, stronger, meaner, and more deadly than they ever were in life.
An ancient Sanskrit manuscript had outlined for him a ritual that he had not previously dared to attempt. Now, in anger and desperation, he turned to it and made the necessary preparations.
Mordecai chose the city of Paris as the site of his ritual. On a moonless night, he gathered his coven in the city cemetery, along with thirteen sacrificial virgins The neighbors huddled in their beds in terror as lighting flashed, thunder roared, and the smell of brimstone filled the air. The blood of innocents spilled to the ground and awakened the bodies of those who lay at rest. At the command of the Italian magician, the dead clawed their way from their graves, hungering for the flesh of the living.
When these zombies kill a person, the victim’s soul is immediately judged and sent on to the appropriate afterlife. The body then rises up and joins the ranks of the undead.
We learned that when someone dies, you decapitate them and then burn the body or else you’re gonna have one flesh-eating corpse on your hands before too long.
So the gods went to war in earnest and left humanity in the lurch. This might not have been a problem except that the gods left in place their rather arcane system of judging and assigning new bodies to old souls. Now that process has broken down and no one is doing anything to fix it, at least for the moment. As a result, the unthinkable is happening: souls are being reborn into bodies that are already dead.
Vampire: if a vampire bites you and doesn’t rip you apart, you become a vampire.
Man created these Vam-pyres. They were mistakenly risen by science.
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Four Color to Fantasy Revised

Four Color to Fantasy Revised
d20 Modern
Dark Decade Vampire: ?
The Vampire Prime: He claims to be the very first vampire.
There is evidence to state that he has his origins in Asia, and was once a monk of some kind, already immortal through enlightenment before succumbing to the Dark Powers and becoming an undead monster.

Undead: If you are undead and kill a living creature with the energy drain power the slain creature rises instead as the same type of undead as you.
If you are undead and kill a living creature with the life drain power the slain creature rises instead as the same type of undead as you.
Ghoul: If you kill a living creature with the energy drain power, it rises as a ghoul in 1d4 days.
If you kill a living creature with the life drain power, it rises as a ghoul in 1d4 days.
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