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Undead Origins


2017 Gongfarmers Almanac 2

2017 Gongfarmers Almanac 2
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Sugar Zombie: Children make no save against the effects of the pixie’s sticks or tasting any of the sweetness of the Big Rock Candy Mountains. Adults make a DC 12 Will save after consuming them, or they become sugar thralls, refusing to do anything except find the Big Rock Candy Mountains and savor its sweetness. Each day a sugar thrall spends eating the minerals causes a loss of 1 Stamina, resulting from a diet of indigestible rocks and little sleep. When the last point of Stamina is lost, the character rises as a sugar zombie.
Fiend in the Pit: Near the back of this cell is a now-undead serial killer, whose transgressions in life eventually brought him here to wither and die for his heinous crimes.
Enthralled: A shadow land of grey twilight, the Forest of Nedra exists between states of reality, filled with objects both half-formed and those seemingly etched into the fabric of creation itself. The forest does not have a permanent location, but instead slowly resolves throughout time in ancient groves as a spreading blight that acts as a gateway from the mortal world to the demesne of the chaos lords. Evil rumors of shades and fey magic carry into those lands the forest comes to border, and creatures captured and enthralled by its spreading gloom move and act with a dull, lifeless animation.
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Gongfarmers Almanac 2017 3

Gongfarmers Almanac 2017 3
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Roaming Spirit: The Living Graveyard: Beneath the mushroom caps and the thick mist lies a ghostly sanctuary for spirits that have been trapped here for millennia. As a result of being in a realm of chaotic magic, anyone who perishes beneath the mist does not die immediately - they are transformed into spirits to roam the area in ghostly form.
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2017 Gongfarmers Almanac 7

2017 Gongfarmers Almanac 7
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Eddie: ?
Erasmus Cordwainer Blood: ?
Brides of Blood: ?
Skeleton: Searching the bones discovers a sheathed dagger near one and a silver ring with an onyx stone (15 gp value) on another. If this ring is removed, the skeleton animates and attacks.
Revenant: If a PC is slain while wearing the ring, and it is looted, his body will rise as a zombie-like revenant to recover the ring.
Any character who dies wearing the ring will rise as an un-dead being if the ring is subsequently taken.
Vampire: If Blood is defeated, he wears a silver chain worth 20 gp, a gold signet ring worth 25 gp, and an iron ring with a hematite gem that allows a living wearer to cast the following spells once per week: animal summoning (wolves and dire wolves only), ward portal, and phantasm. The spells are cast using 1d20+3 for the spell check regardless of caster class or level. In addition, the character gains 60’ infravision, and is ignored by un-dead (unless he interacts with them first). A character who dies with this ring on his finger rises as a vampire on the next full moon. The newly risen un-dead’s first goal is to recover the ring if it has been taken.
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Archdevils of Porphyra

Archdevils of Porphyra
Pathfinder 1e
Undead: Third Deific Boon of Duke Melektus.

Use leeches to drain a cup of blood into a vessel or into stagnant water. Write your secret failings in the dirt or on a mirror with blood, confess it, then erase it. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves vs. poison.
1. Patients’ Price (Sp): infernal healing 3/day, blinding ray 2/day or appearance of life 1/day.
2. Parasitic Penetration (Su): Once per day with a successful touch attack, you can infest a living creature with foul worms unless the target makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Constitution modifier). These parasites retain an unholy link to you, draining that creature’s energy and transferring it to you. This infestation persists for 10 rounds, during which you act as if hasted and the infested victim is staggered. These parasites count as a disease effect.
3. Eternal Servant(Ex): You gain the undead type and the ability to use Command Undead a number of times per day equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier. No unintelligent undead can attack or harm you in any way.
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Demon Lords of Porphyra

Demon Lords of Porphyra
Pathfinder 1e
Shadow: Second Deific Boon of Balakor.

Weep and howl at the outrage of losing your beloved city of demons, throwing gravel and sand over your head and wailing a chant to Balakor passed down from the first generation. Gain a +4 profane bonus to CMD vs. trip, and to saving throws to recover negative energy levels.
1. Dispossession’s Legacy (Sp): porphyrite passage 3/day, shatter 2/day, or summon tatterdemalion 1/day
2. Field of Ghosts (Su): You can, once per day, cause the spirits of those whose were killed in spiteful conflict to rise from the stained earth they tried to keep and take vengeance on those nearby. You can scream out, as a full-round action, and cause a number of incorporeal shadows equal to your HD/3 to rise from the ground and attack who you designate. This only works above ground, on terrestrial terrain, and the shadows remain until the next sunrise, unless destroyed.
3. Vengeance of Bhaal-aak (Sp): Once per day you can inflict damage on structures as the spell earthquake, but only as it pertains to buildings.
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Monster Advancement Enhanced Undead

Monster Advancement Enhanced Undead
Pathfinder 1e
Enhanced Undead Creature Template: “Enhanced Undead Creature” is an inherited or acquired template that can be added to any corporeal undead creature with a minimum CR of 2 (before applying this template) and an Intelligence score of 4 or more. At the GM’s discretion, the template might be added to incorporeal undead creatures as well.
Enhanced Dwarf Skeletal Champion Warrior 1: ?
Enhanced Cairn Wight Rogue 2: ?
Enhanced Elf Zombie Lord Wizard 8: ?
Enhanced Lamia Juju Zombie Inquisitor 6: ?
Enhanced Mummy Cleric 13: ?
Enhanced Skeletal Champion Fighter 16: ?
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Holiday Heroes & Horrors 2 Holiday Horrorers

Holiday Heroes & Horrors 2 Holiday Horrorers
Pathfinder 1e
Zombie Frost: Any humanoid slain by a frost zombie will rise as a frost zombie once their body freezes solid—2d4 hours in left out in arctic conditions.
The frost zombies were raised from the frozen corpses that once dotted the landscape of White Hell.
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Lions & Tigers & Owlbears: The 13th Age Bestiary 2 Preview

Lions & Tigers & Owlbears: The 13th Age Bestiary 2 Preview
13th Age
Summoned Ghoul: ?
Great Ghoul's Maw: ?
Greater Summoned Ghoul: ?
Great Ghoul's Shadow: If the Great Ghoul’s Maw is slain, the GM secretly rolls a normal save (11+) at the end of each session, including this one. If the save succeeds, the Great Ghoul regains a semblance of life: the Great Ghoul’s Shadow.
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Labyrinth Lord

Labyrinth Lord
Labyrinth Lord
Undead: These beings were alive at one time, but through foul magic or by dying at the hands of another undead type, these beings rise again as undead horrors.
Ghoul: All humans slain by ghouls rise again in 24 hours as ghouls, unless the spell bless is cast upon their bodies.
Mummy: Mummies are preserved undead corpses animated through the auspices of dark desert gods best forgotten.
Skeleton: Skeletons are the animated bones of the dead, mindless automatons that obey the orders of their evil masters.
Spectre: Should a character reach level 0 from a spectre's energy drain, he dies and will become a spectre in 24 hours.
Vampire: Vampires create others of their kind by draining humans or other humanoids of all life energy (they reach 0 level). The victim must be buried, and after 1 day he will arise as a vampire.
Wight: Wights are undead creatures who were formerly humans or demi-humans in life.
Any human or demi-human reduced to 0 level from a wight's energy drain dies, and becomes a wight in 1d4 days.
Wraith: Wraiths are incorporeal undead creatures born of evil and darkness.
Should a character reach level 0 from a wraith's energy drain, he dies and will become a wraith in 24 hours.
Zombie: Zombies are undead corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic.
Animate Dead spell.

Animate Dead
Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster's spoken commands. The undead can follow the caster, or they can remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. They remain animated until they are destroyed or until a dispel magic spell is cast upon them.
The caster may animate a number of hit die worth of zombies or skeletons equal to the caster's level. For example, a 7th level cleric can animate seven skeletons, but only three zombies. These creatures are unintelligent, and do not retain any abilities that they had in life. All skeletons have an AC of 7 and hit dice equal to the creature in life. Zombies have an AC of 8, and the number of hit dice of the living creature +1. It is important to note that if a character is animated in this fashion, he will not have hit dice related to his class level, but instead will have the standard skeleton or zombie hit dice. A lawful character that casts this spell may draw disfavor from his god.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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